Returns the JDWP version implemented by the target VM. The version string format is implementation dependent.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | description | Text information on the VM version
int | jdwpMajor | Major JDWP Version number
int | jdwpMinor | Minor JDWP Version number
string | vmVersion | Target VM JRE version, as in the java.version property
string | vmName | Target VM name, as in the property
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns reference types for all the classes loaded by the target VM which match the given signature. Multple reference types will be returned if two or more class loaders have loaded a class of the same name. The search is confined to loaded classes only; no attempt is made to load a class of the given signature.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
string | signature | JNI signature of the class to find (for example, "Ljava/lang/String;").
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | classes | Number of reference types that follow.
Repeated classes times:
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | Matching loaded reference type
int | status | The current class status.
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns reference types for all classes currently loaded by the target VM.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | classes | Number of reference types that follow.
Repeated classes times:
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | Loaded reference type
string | signature | The JNI signature of the loaded reference type
int | status | The current class status.
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns all threads currently running in the target VM . The returned list contains threads created through java.lang.Thread, all native threads attached to the target VM through JNI, and system threads created by the target VM. Threads that have not yet been started and threads that have completed their execution are not included in the returned list.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | threads | Number of threads that follow.
Repeated threads times:
threadID | thread | A running thread
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns all thread groups that do not have a parent. This command may be used as the first step in building a tree (or trees) of the existing thread groups.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | groups | Number of thread groups that follow.
Repeated groups times:
threadGroupID | group | A top level thread group
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Invalidates this virtual machine mirror. The communication channel to the target VM is closed, and the target VM prepares to accept another subsequent connection from this debugger or another debugger, including the following tasks: - All event requests are cancelled.
- All threads suspended by the thread-level resume command or the VM-level resume command are resumed as many times as necessary for them to run.
- Garbage collection is re-enabled in all cases where it was disabled
Any current method invocations executing in the target VM are continued after the disconnection. Upon completion of any such method invocation, the invoking thread continues from the location where it was originally stopped. Resources originating in this VirtualMachine (ObjectReferences, ReferenceTypes, etc.) will become invalid.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
- (None)
Returns the sizes of variably-sized data types in the target VM.The returned values indicate the number of bytes used by the identifiers in command and reply packets.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | fieldIDSize | fieldID size in bytes
int | methodIDSize | methodID size in bytes
int | objectIDSize | objectID size in bytes
int | referenceTypeIDSize | referenceTypeID size in bytes
int | frameIDSize | frameID size in bytes
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Suspends the execution of the application running in the target VM. All Java threads currently running will be suspended. Unlike java.lang.Thread.suspend, suspends of both the virtual machine and individual threads are counted. Before a thread will run again, it must be resumed through the VM-level resume command or the thread-level resume command the same number of times it has been suspended.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Resumes execution of the application after the suspend command or an event has stopped it. Suspensions of the Virtual Machine and individual threads are counted. If a particular thread is suspended n times, it must resumed n times before it will continue.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
- (None)
Terminates the target VM with the given exit code. On some platforms, the exit code might be truncated, for example, to the low order 8 bits. All ids previously returned from the target VM become invalid. Threads running in the VM are abruptly terminated. A thread death exception is not thrown and finally blocks are not run.
- Out Data
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
- (None)
Creates a new string object in the target VM and returns its id.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
string | utf | UTF-8 characters to use in the created string.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
stringID | stringObject | Created string (instance of java.lang.String)
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Retrieve this VM's capabilities. The capabilities are returned as booleans, each indicating the presence or absence of a capability. The commands associated with each capability will return the NOT_IMPLEMENTED error if the cabability is not available.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
boolean | canWatchFieldModification | Can the VM watch field modification, and therefore can it send the Modification Watchpoint Event?
boolean | canWatchFieldAccess | Can the VM watch field access, and therefore can it send the Access Watchpoint Event?
boolean | canGetBytecodes | Can the VM get the bytecodes of a given method?
boolean | canGetSyntheticAttribute | Can the VM determine whether a field or method is synthetic? (that is, can the VM determine if the method or the field was invented by the compiler?)
boolean | canGetOwnedMonitorInfo | Can the VM get the owned monitors infornation for a thread?
boolean | canGetCurrentContendedMonitor | Can the VM get the current contended monitor of a thread?
boolean | canGetMonitorInfo | Can the VM get the monitor information for a given object?
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Retrieve the classpath and bootclasspath of the target VM. If the classpath is not defined, returns an empty list. If the bootclasspath is not defined returns an empty list.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | baseDir | Base directory used to resolve relative paths in either of the following lists.
int | classpaths | Number of paths in classpath.
Repeated classpaths times:
string | path | One component of classpath
int | bootclasspaths | Number of paths in bootclasspath.
Repeated bootclasspaths times:
string | path | One component of bootclasspath
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Releases a list of object IDs. For each object in the list, the following applies. The count of references held by the back-end (the reference count) will be decremented by refCnt. If thereafter the reference count is less than or equal to zero, the ID is freed. Any back-end resources associated with the freed ID may be freed, and if garbage collection was disabled for the object, it will be re-enabled. The sender of this command promises that no further commands will be sent referencing a freed ID.Use of this command is not required. If it is not sent, resources associated with each ID will be freed by the back-end at some time after the corresponding object is garbage collected. It is most useful to use this command to reduce the load on the back-end if a very large number of objects has been retrieved from the back-end (a large array, for example) but may not be garbage collected any time soon.
IDs may be re-used by the back-end after they have been freed with this command.This description assumes reference counting, a back-end may use any implementation which operates equivalently.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
int | requests | Number of object dispose requests that follow
Repeated requests times:
objectID | object | The object ID
int | refCnt | The number of times this object ID has been part of a packet received from the back-end. An accurate count prevents the object ID from being freed on the back-end if it is part of an incoming packet, not yet handled by the front-end.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
- (None)
Tells the target VM to stop sending events. Events are not discarded; they are held until a subsequent ReleaseEvents command is sent. This command is useful to control the number of events sent to the debugger VM in situations where very large numbers of events are generated. While events are held by the debugger back-end, application execution may be frozen by the debugger back-end to prevent buffer overflows on the back end.Responses to commands are never held and are not affected by thiscommand. If events are already being held, this command is ignored.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
- (None)
Tells the target VM to continue sending events. This command is used to restore normal activity after a HoldEvents command. If there is no current HoldEvents command in effect, this command is ignored.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
- (None)
Retrieve all of this VM's capabilities. The capabilities are returned as booleans, each indicating the presence or absence of a capability. The commands associated with each capability will return the NOT_IMPLEMENTED error if the cabability is not available.Since JDWP version 1.4.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
boolean | canWatchFieldModification | Can the VM watch field modification, and therefore can it send the Modification Watchpoint Event?
boolean | canWatchFieldAccess | Can the VM watch field access, and therefore can it send the Access Watchpoint Event?
boolean | canGetBytecodes | Can the VM get the bytecodes of a given method?
boolean | canGetSyntheticAttribute | Can the VM determine whether a field or method is synthetic? (that is, can the VM determine if the method or the field was invented by the compiler?)
boolean | canGetOwnedMonitorInfo | Can the VM get the owned monitors infornation for a thread?
boolean | canGetCurrentContendedMonitor | Can the VM get the current contended monitor of a thread?
boolean | canGetMonitorInfo | Can the VM get the monitor information for a given object?
boolean | canRedefineClasses | Can the VM redefine classes?
boolean | canAddMethod | Can the VM add methods when redefining classes?
boolean | canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses | Can the VM redefine classesin arbitrary ways?
boolean | canPopFrames | Can the VM pop stack frames?
boolean | canUseInstanceFilters | Can the VM filter events by specific object?
boolean | canGetSourceDebugExtension | Can the VM get the source debug extension?
boolean | canRequestVMDeathEvent | Can the VM request VM death events?
boolean | canSetDefaultStratum | Can the VM set a default stratum?
boolean | canGetInstanceInfo | Can the VM return instances, counts of instances of classes and referring objects?
boolean | canRequestMonitorEvents | Can the VM request monitor events?
boolean | canGetMonitorFrameInfo | Can the VM get monitors with frame depth info?
boolean | canUseSourceNameFilters | Can the VM filter class prepare events by source name?
boolean | canGetConstantPool | Can the VM return the constant pool information?
boolean | canForceEarlyReturn | Can the VM force early return from a method?
boolean | reserved22 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved23 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved24 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved25 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved26 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved27 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved28 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved29 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved30 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved31 | Reserved for future capability
boolean | reserved32 | Reserved for future capability
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Installs new class definitions. If there are active stack frames in methods of the redefined classes in the target VM then those active frames continue to run the bytecodes of the original method. These methods are considered obsolete - see IsObsolete. The methods in the redefined classes will be used for new invokes in the target VM. The original method ID refers to the redefined method. All breakpoints in the redefined classes are cleared.If resetting of stack frames is desired, the PopFrames command can be used to pop frames with obsolete methods.Requires canRedefineClasses capability - see CapabilitiesNew. In addition to the canRedefineClasses capability, the target VM must have the canAddMethod capability to add methods when redefining classes, or the canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses to redefine classes in arbitrary ways.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
int | classes | Number of reference types that follow.
Repeated classes times:
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type.
int | classfile | Number of bytes defining class (below)
Repeated classfile times:
byte | classbyte | byte in JVM class file format.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Set the default stratum. Requires canSetDefaultStratum capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
string | stratumID | default stratum, or empty string to use reference type default.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The functionality is not implemented in this virtual machine. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns reference types for all classes currently loaded by the target VM. Both the JNI signature and the generic signature are returned for each class. Generic signatures are described in the signature attribute section in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Since JDWP version 1.5.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | classes | Number of reference types that follow.
Repeated classes times:
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | Loaded reference type
string | signature | The JNI signature of the loaded reference type.
string | genericSignature | The generic signature of the loaded reference type or an empty string if there is none.
int | status | The current class status.
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns the number of instances of each reference type in the input list. Only instances that are reachable for the purposes of garbage collection are counted. If a reference type is invalid, eg. it has been unloaded, zero is returned for its instance count.Since JDWP version 1.6. Requires canGetInstanceInfo capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
int | refTypesCount | Number of reference types that follow. Must be non-negative.
Repeated refTypesCount times:
referenceTypeID | refType | A reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | counts | The number of counts that follow.
Repeated counts times:
long | instanceCount | The number of instances for the corresponding reference type in 'Out Data'.
- Error Data
Returns all modules in the target VM.Since JDWP version 9.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | modules | The number of the modules that follow.
Repeated modules times:
moduleID | module | One of the modules.
- Error Data
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The functionality is not implemented in this virtual machine. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns the JNI signature of a reference type. JNI signature formats are described in the Java Native Inteface SpecificationFor primitive classes the returned signature is the signature of the corresponding primitive type; for example, "I" is returned as the signature of the class represented by java.lang.Integer.TYPE.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | signature | The JNI signature for the reference type.
- Error Data
Returns the instance of java.lang.ClassLoader which loaded a given reference type. If the reference type was loaded by the system class loader, the returned object ID is null.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
classLoaderID | classLoader | The class loader for the reference type.
- Error Data
Returns the modifiers (also known as access flags) for a reference type. The returned bit mask contains information on the declaration of the reference type. If the reference type is an array or a primitive class (for example, java.lang.Integer.TYPE), the value of the returned bit mask is undefined.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | modBits | Modifier bits as defined in Chapter 4 of The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification
- Error Data
Returns information for each field in a reference type. Inherited fields are not included. The field list will include any synthetic fields created by the compiler. Fields are returned in the order they occur in the class file.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | declared | Number of declared fields.
Repeated declared times:
fieldID | fieldID | Field ID.
string | name | Name of field.
string | signature | JNI Signature of field.
int | modBits | The modifier bit flags (also known as access flags) which provide additional information on the field declaration. Individual flag values are defined in Chapter 4 of The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. In addition, The 0xf0000000 bit identifies the field as synthetic, if the synthetic attribute capability is available.
- Error Data
Returns information for each method in a reference type. Inherited methods are not included. The list of methods will include constructors (identified with the name "<init>"), the initialization method (identified with the name "<clinit>") if present, and any synthetic methods created by the compiler. Methods are returned in the order they occur in the class file.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | declared | Number of declared methods.
Repeated declared times:
methodID | methodID | Method ID.
string | name | Name of method.
string | signature | JNI signature of method.
int | modBits | The modifier bit flags (also known as access flags) which provide additional information on the method declaration. Individual flag values are defined in Chapter 4 of The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. In addition, The 0xf0000000 bit identifies the method as synthetic, if the synthetic attribute capability is available.
- Error Data
Returns the value of one or more static fields of the reference type. Each field must be member of the reference type or one of its superclasses, superinterfaces, or implemented interfaces. Access control is not enforced; for example, the values of private fields can be obtained.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
int | fields | The number of values to get
Repeated fields times:
fieldID | fieldID | A field to get
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | values | The number of values returned, always equal to fields, the number of values to get.
Repeated values times:
value | value | The field value
- Error Data
Returns the name of source file in which a reference type was declared.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | sourceFile | The source file name. No path information for the file is included
- Error Data
Returns the classes and interfaces directly nested within this type.Types further nested within those types are not included.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | classes | The number of nested classes and interfaces
Repeated classes times:
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | The nested class or interface ID.
- Error Data
Returns the current status of the reference type. The status indicates the extent to which the reference type has been initialized, as described in section 2.1.6 of The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. If the class is linked the PREPARED and VERIFIED bits in the returned status bits will be set. If the class is initialized the INITIALIZED bit in the returned status bits will be set. If an error occured during initialization then the ERROR bit in the returned status bits will be set. The returned status bits are undefined for array types and for primitive classes (such as java.lang.Integer.TYPE).
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
- Error Data
Returns the interfaces declared as implemented by this class. Interfaces indirectly implemented (extended by the implemented interface or implemented by a superclass) are not included.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | interfaces | The number of implemented interfaces
Repeated interfaces times:
interfaceID | interfaceType | implemented interface.
- Error Data
Returns the class object corresponding to this type.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
classObjectID | classObject | class object.
- Error Data
Returns the value of the SourceDebugExtension attribute. Since JDWP version 1.4. Requires canGetSourceDebugExtension capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | extension | extension attribute
- Error Data
Returns the JNI signature of a reference type along with the generic signature if there is one. Generic signatures are described in the signature attribute section in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Since JDWP version 1.5.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | signature | The JNI signature for the reference type.
string | genericSignature | The generic signature for the reference type or an empty string if there is none.
- Error Data
Returns information, including the generic signature if any, for each field in a reference type. Inherited fields are not included. The field list will include any synthetic fields created by the compiler. Fields are returned in the order they occur in the class file. Generic signatures are described in the signature attribute section in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Since JDWP version 1.5.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | declared | Number of declared fields.
Repeated declared times:
fieldID | fieldID | Field ID.
string | name | The name of the field.
string | signature | The JNI signature of the field.
string | genericSignature | The generic signature of the field, or an empty string if there is none.
int | modBits | The modifier bit flags (also known as access flags) which provide additional information on the field declaration. Individual flag values are defined in Chapter 4 of The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. In addition, The 0xf0000000 bit identifies the field as synthetic, if the synthetic attribute capability is available.
- Error Data
Returns information, including the generic signature if any, for each method in a reference type. Inherited methodss are not included. The list of methods will include constructors (identified with the name "<init>"), the initialization method (identified with the name "<clinit>") if present, and any synthetic methods created by the compiler. Methods are returned in the order they occur in the class file. Generic signatures are described in the signature attribute section in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Since JDWP version 1.5.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | declared | Number of declared methods.
Repeated declared times:
methodID | methodID | Method ID.
string | name | The name of the method.
string | signature | The JNI signature of the method.
string | genericSignature | The generic signature of the method, or an empty string if there is none.
int | modBits | The modifier bit flags (also known as access flags) which provide additional information on the method declaration. Individual flag values are defined in Chapter 4 of The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. In addition, The 0xf0000000 bit identifies the method as synthetic, if the synthetic attribute capability is available.
- Error Data
Returns instances of this reference type. Only instances that are reachable for the purposes of garbage collection are returned. Since JDWP version 1.6. Requires canGetInstanceInfo capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type ID.
int | maxInstances | Maximum number of instances to return. Must be non-negative. If zero, all instances are returned.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | instances | The number of instances that follow.
Repeated instances times:
tagged-objectID | instance | An instance of this reference type.
- Error Data
Returns the class file major and minor version numbers, as defined in the class file format of the Java Virtual Machine specification. Since JDWP version 1.6.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | majorVersion | Major version number
int | minorVersion | Minor version number
- Error Data
Return the raw bytes of the constant pool in the format of the constant_pool item of the Class File Format in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Since JDWP version 1.6. Requires canGetConstantPool capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | count | Total number of constant pool entries plus one. This corresponds to the constant_pool_count item of the Class File Format in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification.
int | bytes |
Repeated bytes times:
byte | cpbytes | Raw bytes of constant pool
- Error Data
Returns the module that this reference type belongs to.Since JDWP version 9.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The reference type.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
moduleID | module | The module this reference type belongs to.
- Error Data
Returns the immediate superclass of a class.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
classID | clazz | The class type ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
classID | superclass | The superclass (null if the class ID for java.lang.Object is specified).
- Error Data
Sets the value of one or more static fields. Each field must be member of the class type or one of its superclasses, superinterfaces, or implemented interfaces. Access control is not enforced; for example, the values of private fields can be set. Final fields cannot be set.For primitive values, the value's type must match the field's type exactly. For object values, there must exist a widening reference conversion from the value's type to thefield's type and the field's type must be loaded.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
classID | clazz | The class type ID.
int | values | The number of fields to set.
Repeated values times:
fieldID | fieldID | Field to set.
untagged-value | value | Value to put in the field.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Invokes a static method. The method must be member of the class type or one of its superclasses. Access control is not enforced; for example, private methods can be invoked.The method invocation will occur in the specified thread. Method invocation can occur only if the specified thread has been suspended by an event. Method invocation is not supported when the target VM has been suspended by the front-end.
The specified method is invoked with the arguments in the specified argument list. The method invocation is synchronous; the reply packet is not sent until the invoked method returns in the target VM. The return value (possibly the void value) is included in the reply packet. If the invoked method throws an exception, the exception object ID is set in the reply packet; otherwise, the exception object ID is null.
For primitive arguments, the argument value's type must match the argument's type exactly. For object arguments, there must exist a widening reference conversion from the argument value's type to the argument's type and the argument's type must be loaded.
By default, all threads in the target VM are resumed while the method is being invoked if they were previously suspended by an event or by command. This is done to prevent the deadlocks that will occur if any of the threads own monitors that will be needed by the invoked method. It is possible that breakpoints or other events might occur during the invocation. Note, however, that this implicit resume acts exactly like the ThreadReference resume command, so if the thread's suspend count is greater than 1, it will remain in a suspended state during the invocation. By default, when the invocation completes, all threads in the target VM are suspended, regardless their state before the invocation.
The resumption of other threads during the invoke can be prevented by specifying the INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED bit flag in the options
field; however, there is no protection against or recovery from the deadlocks described above, so this option should be used with great caution. Only the specified thread will be resumed (as described for all threads above). Upon completion of a single threaded invoke, the invoking thread will be suspended once again. Note that any threads started during the single threaded invocation will not be suspended when the invocation completes.
If the target VM is disconnected during the invoke (for example, through the VirtualMachine dispose command) the method invocation continues.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
classID | clazz | The class type ID.
threadID | thread | The thread in which to invoke.
methodID | methodID | The method to invoke.
int | arguments |
Repeated arguments times:
value | arg | The argument value.
int | options | Invocation options
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
value | returnValue | The returned value.
tagged-objectID | exception | The thrown exception.
- Error Data
Creates a new object of this type, invoking the specified constructor. The constructor method ID must be a member of the class type.Instance creation will occur in the specified thread. Instance creation can occur only if the specified thread has been suspended by an event. Method invocation is not supported when the target VM has been suspended by the front-end.
The specified constructor is invoked with the arguments in the specified argument list. The constructor invocation is synchronous; the reply packet is not sent until the invoked method returns in the target VM. The return value (possibly the void value) is included in the reply packet. If the constructor throws an exception, the exception object ID is set in the reply packet; otherwise, the exception object ID is null.
For primitive arguments, the argument value's type must match the argument's type exactly. For object arguments, there must exist a widening reference conversion from the argument value's type to the argument's type and the argument's type must be loaded.
By default, all threads in the target VM are resumed while the method is being invoked if they were previously suspended by an event or by command. This is done to prevent the deadlocks that will occur if any of the threads own monitors that will be needed by the invoked method. It is possible that breakpoints or other events might occur during the invocation. Note, however, that this implicit resume acts exactly like the ThreadReference resume command, so if the thread's suspend count is greater than 1, it will remain in a suspended state during the invocation. By default, when the invocation completes, all threads in the target VM are suspended, regardless their state before the invocation.
The resumption of other threads during the invoke can be prevented by specifying the INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED bit flag in the options
field; however, there is no protection against or recovery from the deadlocks described above, so this option should be used with great caution. Only the specified thread will be resumed (as described for all threads above). Upon completion of a single threaded invoke, the invoking thread will be suspended once again. Note that any threads started during the single threaded invocation will not be suspended when the invocation completes.
If the target VM is disconnected during the invoke (for example, through the VirtualMachine dispose command) the method invocation continues.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
classID | clazz | The class type ID.
threadID | thread | The thread in which to invoke the constructor.
methodID | methodID | The constructor to invoke.
int | arguments |
Repeated arguments times:
value | arg | The argument value.
int | options | Constructor invocation options
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
tagged-objectID | newObject | The newly created object, or null if the constructor threw an exception.
tagged-objectID | exception | The thrown exception, if any; otherwise, null.
- Error Data
Creates a new array object of this type with a given length.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
arrayTypeID | arrType | The array type of the new instance.
int | length | The length of the array.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
tagged-objectID | newArray | The newly created array object.
- Error Data
Invokes a static method. The method must not be a static initializer. The method must be a member of the interface type. Since JDWP version 1.8
The method invocation will occur in the specified thread. Method invocation can occur only if the specified thread has been suspended by an event. Method invocation is not supported when the target VM has been suspended by the front-end.
The specified method is invoked with the arguments in the specified argument list. The method invocation is synchronous; the reply packet is not sent until the invoked method returns in the target VM. The return value (possibly the void value) is included in the reply packet. If the invoked method throws an exception, the exception object ID is set in the reply packet; otherwise, the exception object ID is null.
For primitive arguments, the argument value's type must match the argument's type exactly. For object arguments, there must exist a widening reference conversion from the argument value's type to the argument's type and the argument's type must be loaded.
By default, all threads in the target VM are resumed while the method is being invoked if they were previously suspended by an event or by a command. This is done to prevent the deadlocks that will occur if any of the threads own monitors that will be needed by the invoked method. It is possible that breakpoints or other events might occur during the invocation. Note, however, that this implicit resume acts exactly like the ThreadReference resume command, so if the thread's suspend count is greater than 1, it will remain in a suspended state during the invocation. By default, when the invocation completes, all threads in the target VM are suspended, regardless their state before the invocation.
The resumption of other threads during the invoke can be prevented by specifying the INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED bit flag in the options
field; however, there is no protection against or recovery from the deadlocks described above, so this option should be used with great caution. Only the specified thread will be resumed (as described for all threads above). Upon completion of a single threaded invoke, the invoking thread will be suspended once again. Note that any threads started during the single threaded invocation will not be suspended when the invocation completes.
If the target VM is disconnected during the invoke (for example, through the VirtualMachine dispose command) the method invocation continues.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
interfaceID | clazz | The interface type ID.
threadID | thread | The thread in which to invoke.
methodID | methodID | The method to invoke.
int | arguments |
Repeated arguments times:
value | arg | The argument value.
int | options | Invocation options
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
value | returnValue | The returned value.
tagged-objectID | exception | The thrown exception.
- Error Data
Returns line number information for the method, if present. The line table maps source line numbers to the initial code index of the line. The line table is ordered by code index (from lowest to highest). The line number information is constant unless a new class definition is installed using RedefineClasses.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
methodID | methodID | The method.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
long | start | Lowest valid code index for the method, >=0, or -1 if the method is native
long | end | Highest valid code index for the method, >=0, or -1 if the method is native
int | lines | The number of entries in the line table for this method.
Repeated lines times:
long | lineCodeIndex | Initial code index of the line, start <= lineCodeIndex < end
int | lineNumber | Line number.
- Error Data
Returns variable information for the method. The variable table includes arguments and locals declared within the method. For instance methods, the "this" reference is included in the table. Also, synthetic variables may be present.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
methodID | methodID | The method.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | argCnt | The number of words in the frame used by arguments. Eight-byte arguments use two words; all others use one.
int | slots | The number of variables.
Repeated slots times:
long | codeIndex | First code index at which the variable is visible (unsigned). Used in conjunction with length . The variable can be get or set only when the current codeIndex <= current frame code index < codeIndex + length
string | name | The variable's name.
string | signature | The variable type's JNI signature.
int | length | Unsigned value used in conjunction with codeIndex . The variable can be get or set only when the current codeIndex <= current frame code index < code index + length
int | slot | The local variable's index in its frame
- Error Data
Retrieve the method's bytecodes as defined in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Requires canGetBytecodes capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
methodID | methodID | The method.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | bytes |
Repeated bytes times:
byte | bytecode | A Java bytecode.
- Error Data
Determine if this method is obsolete. A method is obsolete if it has been replaced by a non-equivalent method using the RedefineClasses command. The original and redefined methods are considered equivalent if their bytecodes are the same except for indices into the constant pool and the referenced constants are equal.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
methodID | methodID | The method.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
boolean | isObsolete | true if this method has been replacedby a non-equivalent method usingthe RedefineClasses command.
- Error Data
Returns variable information for the method, including generic signatures for the variables. The variable table includes arguments and locals declared within the method. For instance methods, the "this" reference is included in the table. Also, synthetic variables may be present. Generic signatures are described in the signature attribute section in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification. Since JDWP version 1.5.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
referenceTypeID | refType | The class.
methodID | methodID | The method.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | argCnt | The number of words in the frame used by arguments. Eight-byte arguments use two words; all others use one.
int | slots | The number of variables.
Repeated slots times:
long | codeIndex | First code index at which the variable is visible (unsigned). Used in conjunction with length . The variable can be get or set only when the current codeIndex <= current frame code index < codeIndex + length
string | name | The variable's name.
string | signature | The variable type's JNI signature.
string | genericSignature | The variable type's generic signature or an empty string if there is none.
int | length | Unsigned value used in conjunction with codeIndex . The variable can be get or set only when the current codeIndex <= current frame code index < code index + length
int | slot | The local variable's index in its frame
- Error Data
Returns the runtime type of the object. The runtime type will be a class or an array.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | The runtime reference type.
- Error Data
INVALID_OBJECT | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns the value of one or more instance fields. Each field must be member of the object's type or one of its superclasses, superinterfaces, or implemented interfaces. Access control is not enforced; for example, the values of private fields can be obtained.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
int | fields | The number of values to get
Repeated fields times:
fieldID | fieldID | Field to get.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | values | The number of values returned, always equal to 'fields', the number of values to get. Field values are ordered in the reply in the same order as corresponding fieldIDs in the command.
Repeated values times:
value | value | The field value
- Error Data
Sets the value of one or more instance fields. Each field must be member of the object's type or one of its superclasses, superinterfaces, or implemented interfaces. Access control is not enforced; for example, the values of private fields can be set. For primitive values, the value's type must match the field's type exactly. For object values, there must be a widening reference conversion from the value's type to thefield's type and the field's type must be loaded.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
int | values | The number of fields to set.
Repeated values times:
fieldID | fieldID | Field to set.
untagged-value | value | Value to put in the field.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Returns monitor information for an object. All threads int the VM must be suspended.Requires canGetMonitorInfo capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
threadID | owner | The monitor owner, or null if it is not currently owned.
int | entryCount | The number of times the monitor has been entered.
int | waiters | The number of threads that are waiting for the monitor 0 if there is no current owner
Repeated waiters times:
threadID | thread | A thread waiting for this monitor.
- Error Data
INVALID_OBJECT | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected. |
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The functionality is not implemented in this virtual machine. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Invokes a instance method. The method must be member of the object's type or one of its superclasses, superinterfaces, or implemented interfaces. Access control is not enforced; for example, private methods can be invoked.The method invocation will occur in the specified thread. Method invocation can occur only if the specified thread has been suspended by an event. Method invocation is not supported when the target VM has been suspended by the front-end.
The specified method is invoked with the arguments in the specified argument list. The method invocation is synchronous; the reply packet is not sent until the invoked method returns in the target VM. The return value (possibly the void value) is included in the reply packet. If the invoked method throws an exception, the exception object ID is set in the reply packet; otherwise, the exception object ID is null.
For primitive arguments, the argument value's type must match the argument's type exactly. For object arguments, there must be a widening reference conversion from the argument value's type to the argument's type and the argument's type must be loaded.
By default, all threads in the target VM are resumed while the method is being invoked if they were previously suspended by an event or by a command. This is done to prevent the deadlocks that will occur if any of the threads own monitors that will be needed by the invoked method. It is possible that breakpoints or other events might occur during the invocation. Note, however, that this implicit resume acts exactly like the ThreadReference resume command, so if the thread's suspend count is greater than 1, it will remain in a suspended state during the invocation. By default, when the invocation completes, all threads in the target VM are suspended, regardless their state before the invocation.
The resumption of other threads during the invoke can be prevented by specifying the INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED bit flag in the options
field; however, there is no protection against or recovery from the deadlocks described above, so this option should be used with great caution. Only the specified thread will be resumed (as described for all threads above). Upon completion of a single threaded invoke, the invoking thread will be suspended once again. Note that any threads started during the single threaded invocation will not be suspended when the invocation completes.
If the target VM is disconnected during the invoke (for example, through the VirtualMachine dispose command) the method invocation continues.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
threadID | thread | The thread in which to invoke.
classID | clazz | The class type.
methodID | methodID | The method to invoke.
int | arguments | The number of arguments.
Repeated arguments times:
value | arg | The argument value.
int | options | Invocation options
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
value | returnValue | The returned value, or null if an exception is thrown.
tagged-objectID | exception | The thrown exception, if any.
- Error Data
INVALID_OBJECT | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected. |
INVALID_CLASS | clazz is not the ID of a reference type. |
INVALID_METHODID | methodID is not the ID of an instance method in this object's type or one of its superclasses, superinterfaces, or implemented interfaces. |
INVALID_THREAD | Passed thread is null, is not a valid thread or has exited. |
THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED | If the specified thread has not been suspended by an event. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Prevents garbage collection for the given object. By default all objects in back-end replies may be collected at any time the target VM is running. A call to this command guarantees that the object will not be collected. The EnableCollection command can be used to allow collection once again. Note that while the target VM is suspended, no garbage collection will occur because all threads are suspended. The typical examination of variables, fields, and arrays during the suspension is safe without explicitly disabling garbage collection.
This method should be used sparingly, as it alters the pattern of garbage collection in the target VM and, consequently, may result in application behavior under the debugger that differs from its non-debugged behavior.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
INVALID_OBJECT | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Permits garbage collection for this object. By default all objects returned by JDWP may become unreachable in the target VM, and hence may be garbage collected. A call to this command is necessary only if garbage collection was previously disabled with the DisableCollection command.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Determines whether an object has been garbage collected in the target VM.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
boolean | isCollected | true if the object has been collected; false otherwise
- Error Data
INVALID_OBJECT | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns objects that directly reference this object. Only objects that are reachable for the purposes of garbage collection are returned. Note that an object can also be referenced in other ways, such as from a local variable in a stack frame, or from a JNI global reference. Such non-object referrers are not returned by this command. Since JDWP version 1.6. Requires canGetInstanceInfo capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | object | The object ID
int | maxReferrers | Maximum number of referring objects to return. Must be non-negative. If zero, all referring objects are returned.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | referringObjects | The number of objects that follow.
Repeated referringObjects times:
tagged-objectID | instance | An object that references this object.
- Error Data
Returns the characters contained in the string.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
objectID | stringObject | The String object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | stringValue | UTF-8 representation of the string value.
- Error Data
Returns the thread name.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | threadName | The thread name.
- Error Data
Suspends the thread. Unlike java.lang.Thread.suspend(), suspends of both the virtual machine and individual threads are counted. Before a thread will run again, it must be resumed the same number of times it has been suspended.
Suspending single threads with command has the same dangers java.lang.Thread.suspend(). If the suspended thread holds a monitor needed by another running thread, deadlock is possible in the target VM (at least until the suspended thread is resumed again).
The suspended thread is guaranteed to remain suspended until resumed through one of the JDI resume methods mentioned above; the application in the target VM cannot resume the suspended thread through {@link java.lang.Thread#resume}.
Note that this doesn't change the status of the thread (see the ThreadStatus command.) For example, if it was Running, it will still appear running to other threads.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Resumes the execution of a given thread. If this thread was not previously suspended by the front-end, calling this command has no effect. Otherwise, the count of pending suspends on this thread is decremented. If it is decremented to 0, the thread will continue to execute.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Returns the current status of a thread. The thread status reply indicates the thread status the last time it was running. the suspend status provides information on the thread's suspension, if any.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
- Error Data
Returns the thread group that contains a given thread.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
threadGroupID | group | The thread group of this thread.
- Error Data
Returns the current call stack of a suspended thread. The sequence of frames starts with the currently executing frame, followed by its caller, and so on. The thread must be suspended, and the returned frameID is valid only while the thread is suspended.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
int | startFrame | The index of the first frame to retrieve.
int | length | The count of frames to retrieve (-1 means all remaining).
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | frames | The number of frames retreived
Repeated frames times:
frameID | frameID | The ID of this frame.
location | location | The current location of this frame
- Error Data
Returns the count of frames on this thread's stack. The thread must be suspended, and the returned count is valid only while the thread is suspended. Returns JDWP.Error.errorThreadNotSuspended if not suspended.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | frameCount | The count of frames on this thread's stack.
- Error Data
Returns the objects whose monitors have been entered by this thread. The thread must be suspended, and the returned information is relevant only while the thread is suspended. Requires canGetOwnedMonitorInfo capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | owned | The number of owned monitors
Repeated owned times:
tagged-objectID | monitor | An owned monitor
- Error Data
Returns the object, if any, for which this thread is waiting. The thread may be waiting to enter a monitor, or it may be waiting, via the java.lang.Object.wait method, for another thread to invoke the notify method. The thread must be suspended, and the returned information is relevant only while the thread is suspended. Requires canGetCurrentContendedMonitor capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
tagged-objectID | monitor | The contended monitor, or null if there is no current contended monitor.
- Error Data
Stops the thread with an asynchronous exception, as if done by java.lang.Thread.stop
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
objectID | throwable | Asynchronous exception. This object must be an instance of java.lang.Throwable or a subclass
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
INVALID_THREAD | Passed thread is null, is not a valid thread or has exited. |
INVALID_OBJECT | If thread is not a known ID or the asynchronous exception has been garbage collected. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Interrupt the thread, as if done by java.lang.Thread.interrupt
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Get the suspend count for this thread. The suspend count is the number of times the thread has been suspended through the thread-level or VM-level suspend commands without a corresponding resume
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | suspendCount | The number of outstanding suspends of this thread.
- Error Data
Returns monitor objects owned by the thread, along with stack depth at which the monitor was acquired. Returns stack depth of -1 if the implementation cannot determine the stack depth (e.g., for monitors acquired by JNI MonitorEnter).The thread must be suspended, and the returned information is relevant only while the thread is suspended. Requires canGetMonitorFrameInfo capability - see CapabilitiesNew. Since JDWP version 1.6.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | owned | The number of owned monitors
Repeated owned times:
tagged-objectID | monitor | An owned monitor
int | stack_depth | Stack depth location where monitor was acquired
- Error Data
Force a method to return before it reaches a return statement. The method which will return early is referred to as the called method. The called method is the current method (as defined by the Frames section in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification) for the specified thread at the time this command is received.
The specified thread must be suspended. The return occurs when execution of Java programming language code is resumed on this thread. Between sending this command and resumption of thread execution, the state of the stack is undefined.
No further instructions are executed in the called method. Specifically, finally blocks are not executed. Note: this can cause inconsistent states in the application.
A lock acquired by calling the called method (if it is a synchronized method) and locks acquired by entering synchronized blocks within the called method are released. Note: this does not apply to JNI locks or java.util.concurrent.locks locks.
Events, such as MethodExit, are generated as they would be in a normal return.
The called method must be a non-native Java programming language method. Forcing return on a thread with only one frame on the stack causes the thread to exit when resumed.
For void methods, the value must be a void value. For methods that return primitive values, the value's type must match the return type exactly. For object values, there must be a widening reference conversion from the value's type to the return type type and the return type must be loaded.
Since JDWP version 1.6. Requires canForceEarlyReturn capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
value | value | The value to return.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
INVALID_THREAD | Passed thread is null, is not a valid thread or has exited. |
INVALID_OBJECT | Thread or value is not a known ID. |
THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED | If the specified thread has not been suspended by an event. |
THREAD_NOT_ALIVE | Thread has not been started or is now dead. |
OPAQUE_FRAME | Attempted to return early from a frame corresponding to a native method. Or the implementation is unable to provide this functionality on this frame. |
NO_MORE_FRAMES | There are no more Java or JNI frames on the call stack. |
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | The functionality is not implemented in this virtual machine. |
TYPE_MISMATCH | Value is not an appropriate type for the return value of the method. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns the thread group name.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadGroupID | group | The thread group object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | groupName | The thread group's name.
- Error Data
Returns the thread group, if any, which contains a given thread group.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadGroupID | group | The thread group object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
threadGroupID | parentGroup | The parent thread group object, or null if the given thread group is a top-level thread group
- Error Data
Returns the live threads and active thread groups directly contained in this thread group. Threads and thread groups in child thread groups are not included. A thread is alive if it has been started and has not yet been stopped. See java.lang.ThreadGroup for information about active ThreadGroups.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadGroupID | group | The thread group object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | childThreads | The number of live child threads.
Repeated childThreads times:
threadID | childThread | A direct child thread ID.
int | childGroups | The number of active child thread groups.
Repeated childGroups times:
threadGroupID | childGroup | A direct child thread group ID.
- Error Data
Returns the number of components in a given array.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
arrayID | arrayObject | The array object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | arrayLength | The length of the array.
- Error Data
Returns a range of array components. The specified range must be within the bounds of the array.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
arrayID | arrayObject | The array object ID.
int | firstIndex | The first index to retrieve.
int | length | The number of components to retrieve.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
arrayregion | values | The retrieved values. If the values are objects, they are tagged-values; otherwise, they are untagged-values
- Error Data
Sets a range of array components. The specified range must be within the bounds of the array. For primitive values, each value's type must match the array component type exactly. For object values, there must be a widening reference conversion from the value's type to thearray component type and the array component type must be loaded.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
arrayID | arrayObject | The array object ID.
int | firstIndex | The first index to set.
int | values | The number of values to set.
Repeated values times:
untagged-value | value | A value to set.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Returns a list of all classes which this class loader has been requested to load. This class loader is considered to be an initiating class loader for each class in the returned list. The list contains each reference type defined by this loader and any types for which loading was delegated by this class loader to another class loader. The visible class list has useful properties with respect to the type namespace. A particular type name will occur at most once in the list. Each field or variable declared with that type name in a class defined by this class loader must be resolved to that single type.
No ordering of the returned list is guaranteed.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
classLoaderID | classLoaderObject | The class loader object ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | classes | The number of visible classes.
Repeated classes times:
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | A class visible to this class loader.
- Error Data
Set an event request. When the event described by this request occurs, an event is sent from the target VM. If an event occurs that has not been requested then it is not sent from the target VM. The two exceptions to this are the VM Start Event and the VM Death Event which are automatically generated events - see Composite Command for further details.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
byte | eventKind | Event kind to request. See JDWP.EventKind for a complete list of events that can be requested; some events may require a capability in order to be requested.
byte | suspendPolicy | What threads are suspended when this event occurs? Note that the order of events and command replies accurately reflects the order in which threads are suspended and resumed. For example, if a VM-wide resume is processed before an event occurs which suspends the VM, the reply to the resume command will be written to the transport before the suspending event.
int | modifiers | Constraints used to control the number of generated events.Modifiers specify additional tests that an event must satisfy before it is placed in the event queue. Events are filtered by applying each modifier to an event in the order they are specified in this collection Only events that satisfy all modifiers are reported. A value of 0 means there are no modifiers in the request. Filtering can improve debugger performance dramatically byreducing the amount of event traffic sent from the target VM to the debugger VM.
Repeated modifiers times:
byte | modKind | Modifier kind
Case Count - if modKind is 1:
| Limit the requested event to be reported at most once after a given number of occurrences. The event is not reported the first count - 1 times this filter is reached. To request a one-off event, call this method with a count of 1. Once the count reaches 0, any subsequent filters in this request are applied. If none of those filters cause the event to be suppressed, the event is reported. Otherwise, the event is not reported. In either case subsequent events are never reported for this request. This modifier can be used with any event kind.
int | count | Count before event. One for one-off.
Case Conditional - if modKind is 2:
| Conditional on expression
int | exprID | For the future
Case ThreadOnly - if modKind is 3:
| Restricts reported events to those in the given thread. This modifier can be used with any event kind except for class unload.
threadID | thread | Required thread
Case ClassOnly - if modKind is 4:
| For class prepare events, restricts the events generated by this request to be the preparation of the given reference type and any subtypes. For monitor wait and waited events, restricts the events generated by this request to those whose monitor object is of the given reference type or any of its subtypes. For other events, restricts the events generated by this request to those whose location is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes. An event will be generated for any location in a reference type that can be safely cast to the given reference type. This modifier can be used with any event kind except class unload, thread start, and thread end.
referenceTypeID | clazz | Required class
Case ClassMatch - if modKind is 5:
| Restricts reported events to those for classes whose name matches the given restricted regular expression. For class prepare events, the prepared class name is matched. For class unload events, the unloaded class name is matched. For monitor wait and waited events, the name of the class of the monitor object is matched. For other events, the class name of the event's location is matched. This modifier can be used with any event kind except thread start and thread end.
string | classPattern | Required class pattern. Matches are limited to exact matches of the given class pattern and matches of patterns that begin or end with '*'; for example, "*.Foo" or "java.*".
Case ClassExclude - if modKind is 6:
| Restricts reported events to those for classes whose name does not match the given restricted regular expression. For class prepare events, the prepared class name is matched. For class unload events, the unloaded class name is matched. For monitor wait and waited events, the name of the class of the monitor object is matched. For other events, the class name of the event's location is matched. This modifier can be used with any event kind except thread start and thread end.
string | classPattern | Disallowed class pattern. Matches are limited to exact matches of the given class pattern and matches of patterns that begin or end with '*'; for example, "*.Foo" or "java.*".
Case LocationOnly - if modKind is 7:
| Restricts reported events to those that occur at the given location. This modifier can be used with breakpoint, field access, field modification, step, and exception event kinds.
location | loc | Required location
Case ExceptionOnly - if modKind is 8:
| Restricts reported exceptions by their class and whether they are caught or uncaught. This modifier can be used with exception event kinds only.
referenceTypeID | exceptionOrNull | Exception to report. Null (0) means report exceptions of all types. A non-null type restricts the reported exception events to exceptions of the given type or any of its subtypes.
boolean | caught | Report caught exceptions
boolean | uncaught | Report uncaught exceptions. Note that it is not always possible to determine whether an exception is caught or uncaught at the time it is thrown. See the exception event catch location under composite events for more information.
Case FieldOnly - if modKind is 9:
| Restricts reported events to those that occur for a given field. This modifier can be used with field access and field modification event kinds only.
referenceTypeID | declaring | Type in which field is declared.
fieldID | fieldID | Required field
Case Step - if modKind is 10:
| Restricts reported step events to those which satisfy depth and size constraints. This modifier can be used with step event kinds only.
threadID | thread | Thread in which to step
int | size | size of each step. See JDWP.StepSize
int | depth | relative call stack limit. See JDWP.StepDepth
Case InstanceOnly - if modKind is 11:
| Restricts reported events to those whose active 'this' object is the given object. Match value is the null object for static methods. This modifier can be used with any event kind except class prepare, class unload, thread start, and thread end. Introduced in JDWP version 1.4.
objectID | instance | Required 'this' object
Case SourceNameMatch - if modKind is 12:
| Restricts reported class prepare events to those for reference types which have a source name which matches the given restricted regular expression. The source names are determined by the reference type's SourceDebugExtension. This modifier can only be used with class prepare events. Since JDWP version 1.6. Requires the canUseSourceNameFilters capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
string | sourceNamePattern | Required source name pattern. Matches are limited to exact matches of the given pattern and matches of patterns that begin or end with '*'; for example, "*.Foo" or "java.*".
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | requestID | ID of created request
- Error Data
Clear an event request. See JDWP.EventKind for a complete list of events that can be cleared. Only the event request matching the specified event kind and requestID is cleared. If there isn't a matching event request the command is a no-op and does not result in an error. Automatically generated events do not have a corresponding event request and may not be cleared using this command.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
byte | eventKind | Event kind to clear
int | requestID | ID of request to clear
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Removes all set breakpoints, a no-op if there are no breakpoints set.
- Out Data
- (None)
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns the value of one or more local variables in a given frame. Each variable must be visible at the frame's code index. Even if local variable information is not available, values can be retrieved if the front-end is able to determine the correct local variable index. (Typically, this index can be determined for method arguments from the method signature without access to the local variable table information.)
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The frame's thread.
frameID | frame | The frame ID.
int | slots | The number of values to get.
Repeated slots times:
int | slot | The local variable's index in the frame.
byte | sigbyte | A tag identifying the type of the variable
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
int | values | The number of values retrieved, always equal to slots, the number of values to get.
Repeated values times:
value | slotValue | The value of the local variable.
- Error Data
Sets the value of one or more local variables. Each variable must be visible at the current frame code index. For primitive values, the value's type must match the variable's type exactly. For object values, there must be a widening reference conversion from the value's type to thevariable's type and the variable's type must be loaded. Even if local variable information is not available, values can be set, if the front-end is able to determine the correct local variable index. (Typically, thisindex can be determined for method arguments from the method signature without access to the local variable table information.)
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The frame's thread.
frameID | frame | The frame ID.
int | slotValues | The number of values to set.
Repeated slotValues times:
int | slot | The slot ID.
value | slotValue | The value to set.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Returns the value of the 'this' reference for this frame. If the frame's method is static or native, the reply will contain the null object reference.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The frame's thread.
frameID | frame | The frame ID.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
tagged-objectID | objectThis | The 'this' object for this frame.
- Error Data
Pop the top-most stack frames of the thread stack, up to, and including 'frame'. The thread must be suspended to perform this command. The top-most stack frames are discarded and the stack frame previous to 'frame' becomes the current frame. The operand stack is restored -- the argument values are added back and if the invoke was not invokestatic
, objectref
is added back as well. The Java virtual machine program counter is restored to the opcode of the invoke instruction.Since JDWP version 1.4. Requires canPopFrames capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
threadID | thread | The thread object ID.
frameID | frame | The frame ID.
- Reply Data
- (None)
- Error Data
Returns the reference type reflected by this class object.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
classObjectID | classObject | The class object.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of following reference type.
referenceTypeID | typeID | reflected reference type
- Error Data
INVALID_OBJECT | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected. |
VM_DEAD | The virtual machine is not running. |
Returns the name of this module.Since JDWP version 9.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
moduleID | module | This module.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
string | name | The module's name.
- Error Data
Returns the class loader of this module.Since JDWP version 9.
- Out Data
| | | | | |
moduleID | module | This module.
- Reply Data
| | | | | |
classLoaderID | classLoader | The module's class loader.
- Error Data
Several events may occur at a given time in the target VM. For example, there may be more than one breakpoint request for a given location or you might single step to the same location as a breakpoint request. These events are delivered together as a composite event. For uniformity, a composite event is always used to deliver events, even if there is only one event to report. The events that are grouped in a composite event are restricted in the following ways:
- Only with other thread start events for the same thread:
- Only with other thread death events for the same thread:
- Only with other class prepare events for the same class:
- Only with other class unload events for the same class:
- Only with other access watchpoint events for the same field access:
- Only with other modification watchpoint events for the same field modification:
- Modification Watchpoint Event
- Only with other Monitor contended enter events for the same monitor object:
- Monitor Contended Enter Event
- Only with other Monitor contended entered events for the same monitor object:
- Monitor Contended Entered Event
- Only with other Monitor wait events for the same monitor object:
- Only with other Monitor waited events for the same monitor object:
- Only with other ExceptionEvents for the same exception occurrance:
- Only with other members of this group, at the same location and in the same thread:
- Breakpoint Event
- Step Event
- Method Entry Event
- Method Exit Event
The VM Start Event and VM Death Event are automatically generated events. This means they do not need to be requested using the EventRequest.Set command. The VM Start event signals the completion of VM initialization. The VM Death event signals the termination of the VM.If there is a debugger connected at the time when an automatically generated event occurs it is sent from the target VM. Automatically generated events may also be requested using the EventRequest.Set command and thus multiple events of the same event kind will be sent from the target VM when an event occurs.Automatically generated events are sent with the requestID field in the Event Data set to 0. The value of the suspendPolicy field in the Event Data depends on the event. For the automatically generated VM Start Event the value of suspendPolicy is not defined and is therefore implementation or configuration specific. In the Sun implementation, for example, the suspendPolicy is specified as an option to the JDWP agent at launch-time.The automatically generated VM Death Event will have the suspendPolicy set to NONE.
- Event Data
| | | | | |
byte | suspendPolicy | Which threads where suspended by this composite event?
int | events | Events in set.
Repeated events times:
byte | eventKind | Event kind selector
Case VMStart - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.VM_START:
| Notification of initialization of a target VM. This event is received before the main thread is started and before any application code has been executed. Before this event occurs a significant amount of system code has executed and a number of system classes have been loaded. This event is always generated by the target VM, even if not explicitly requested.
int | requestID | Request that generated event (or 0 if this event is automatically generated.
threadID | thread | Initial thread
Case SingleStep - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.SINGLE_STEP:
| Notification of step completion in the target VM. The step event is generated before the code at its location is executed.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Stepped thread
location | location | Location stepped to
Case Breakpoint - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.BREAKPOINT:
| Notification of a breakpoint in the target VM. The breakpoint event is generated before the code at its location is executed.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which hit breakpoint
location | location | Location hit
Case MethodEntry - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.METHOD_ENTRY:
| Notification of a method invocation in the target VM. This event is generated before any code in the invoked method has executed. Method entry events are generated for both native and non-native methods. In some VMs method entry events can occur for a particular thread before its thread start event occurs if methods are called as part of the thread's initialization.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which entered method
location | location | The initial executable location in the method.
Case MethodExit - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.METHOD_EXIT:
| Notification of a method return in the target VM. This event is generated after all code in the method has executed, but the location of this event is the last executed location in the method. Method exit events are generated for both native and non-native methods. Method exit events are not generated if the method terminates with a thrown exception.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which exited method
location | location | Location of exit
Case MethodExitWithReturnValue - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.METHOD_EXIT_WITH_RETURN_VALUE:
| Notification of a method return in the target VM. This event is generated after all code in the method has executed, but the location of this event is the last executed location in the method. Method exit events are generated for both native and non-native methods. Method exit events are not generated if the method terminates with a thrown exception. Since JDWP version 1.6.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which exited method
location | location | Location of exit
value | value | Value that will be returned by the method
Case MonitorContendedEnter - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.MONITOR_CONTENDED_ENTER:
| Notification that a thread in the target VM is attempting to enter a monitor that is already acquired by another thread. Requires canRequestMonitorEvents capability - see CapabilitiesNew. Since JDWP version 1.6.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which is trying to enter the monitor
tagged-objectID | object | Monitor object reference
location | location | Location of contended monitor enter
Case MonitorContendedEntered - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.MONITOR_CONTENDED_ENTERED:
| Notification of a thread in the target VM is entering a monitor after waiting for it to be released by another thread. Requires canRequestMonitorEvents capability - see CapabilitiesNew. Since JDWP version 1.6.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which entered monitor
tagged-objectID | object | Monitor object reference
location | location | Location of contended monitor enter
Case MonitorWait - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.MONITOR_WAIT:
| Notification of a thread about to wait on a monitor object. Requires canRequestMonitorEvents capability - see CapabilitiesNew. Since JDWP version 1.6.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which is about to wait
tagged-objectID | object | Monitor object reference
location | location | Location at which the wait will occur
long | timeout | Thread wait time in milliseconds
Case MonitorWaited - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.MONITOR_WAITED:
| Notification that a thread in the target VM has finished waiting on Requires canRequestMonitorEvents capability - see CapabilitiesNew. a monitor object. Since JDWP version 1.6.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread which waited
tagged-objectID | object | Monitor object reference
location | location | Location at which the wait occured
boolean | timed_out | True if timed out
Case Exception - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.EXCEPTION:
| Notification of an exception in the target VM. If the exception is thrown from a non-native method, the exception event is generated at the location where the exception is thrown. If the exception is thrown from a native method, the exception event is generated at the first non-native location reached after the exception is thrown.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Thread with exception
location | location | Location of exception throw (or first non-native location after throw if thrown from a native method)
tagged-objectID | exception | Thrown exception
location | catchLocation | Location of catch, or 0 if not caught. An exception is considered to be caught if, at the point of the throw, the current location is dynamically enclosed in a try statement that handles the exception. (See the JVM specification for details). If there is such a try statement, the catch location is the first location in the appropriate catch clause. If there are native methods in the call stack at the time of the exception, there are important restrictions to note about the returned catch location. In such cases, it is not possible to predict whether an exception will be handled by some native method on the call stack. Thus, it is possible that exceptions considered uncaught here will, in fact, be handled by a native method and not cause termination of the target VM. Furthermore, it cannot be assumed that the catch location returned here will ever be reached by the throwing thread. If there is a native frame between the current location and the catch location, the exception might be handled and cleared in that native method instead. Note that compilers can generate try-catch blocks in some cases where they are not explicit in the source code; for example, the code generated for synchronized and finally blocks can contain implicit try-catch blocks. If such an implicitly generated try-catch is present on the call stack at the time of the throw, the exception will be considered caught even though it appears to be uncaught from examination of the source code.
Case ThreadStart - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.THREAD_START:
| Notification of a new running thread in the target VM. The new thread can be the result of a call to java.lang.Thread.start or the result of attaching a new thread to the VM though JNI. The notification is generated by the new thread some time before its execution starts. Because of this timing, it is possible to receive other events for the thread before this event is received. (Notably, Method Entry Events and Method Exit Events might occur during thread initialization. It is also possible for the VirtualMachine AllThreads command to return a thread before its thread start event is received. Note that this event gives no information about the creation of the thread object which may have happened much earlier, depending on the VM being debugged.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Started thread
Case ThreadDeath - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.THREAD_DEATH:
| Notification of a completed thread in the target VM. The notification is generated by the dying thread before it terminates. Because of this timing, it is possible for {@link VirtualMachine#allThreads} to return this thread after this event is received. Note that this event gives no information about the lifetime of the thread object. It may or may not be collected soon depending on what references exist in the target VM.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Ending thread
Case ClassPrepare - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.CLASS_PREPARE:
| Notification of a class prepare in the target VM. See the JVM specification for a definition of class preparation. Class prepare events are not generated for primtiive classes (for example, java.lang.Integer.TYPE).
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Preparing thread. In rare cases, this event may occur in a debugger system thread within the target VM. Debugger threads take precautions to prevent these events, but they cannot be avoided under some conditions, especially for some subclasses of java.lang.Error. If the event was generated by a debugger system thread, the value returned by this method is null, and if the requested suspend policy for the event was EVENT_THREAD all threads will be suspended instead, and the composite event's suspend policy will reflect this change. Note that the discussion above does not apply to system threads created by the target VM during its normal (non-debug) operation.
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of reference type. See JDWP.TypeTag
referenceTypeID | typeID | Type being prepared
string | signature | Type signature
int | status | Status of type. See JDWP.ClassStatus
Case ClassUnload - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.CLASS_UNLOAD:
| Notification of a class unload in the target VM. There are severe constraints on the debugger back-end during garbage collection, so unload information is greatly limited.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
string | signature | Type signature
Case FieldAccess - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.FIELD_ACCESS:
| Notification of a field access in the target VM. Field modifications are not considered field accesses. Requires canWatchFieldAccess capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Accessing thread
location | location | Location of access
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of reference type. See JDWP.TypeTag
referenceTypeID | typeID | Type of field
fieldID | fieldID | Field being accessed
tagged-objectID | object | Object being accessed (null=0 for statics
Case FieldModification - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.FIELD_MODIFICATION:
| Notification of a field modification in the target VM. Requires canWatchFieldModification capability - see CapabilitiesNew.
int | requestID | Request that generated event
threadID | thread | Modifying thread
location | location | Location of modify
byte | refTypeTag | Kind of reference type. See JDWP.TypeTag
referenceTypeID | typeID | Type of field
fieldID | fieldID | Field being modified
tagged-objectID | object | Object being modified (null=0 for statics
value | valueToBe | Value to be assigned
Case VMDeath - if eventKind is JDWP.EventKind.VM_DEATH:
int | requestID | Request that generated event
| |
NONE | 0 | No error has occurred.
INVALID_THREAD | 10 | Passed thread is null, is not a valid thread or has exited.
INVALID_THREAD_GROUP | 11 | Thread group invalid.
INVALID_PRIORITY | 12 | Invalid priority.
THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED | 13 | If the specified thread has not been suspended by an event.
THREAD_SUSPENDED | 14 | Thread already suspended.
THREAD_NOT_ALIVE | 15 | Thread has not been started or is now dead.
INVALID_OBJECT | 20 | If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected.
INVALID_CLASS | 21 | Invalid class.
CLASS_NOT_PREPARED | 22 | Class has been loaded but not yet prepared.
INVALID_METHODID | 23 | Invalid method.
INVALID_LOCATION | 24 | Invalid location.
INVALID_FIELDID | 25 | Invalid field.
INVALID_FRAMEID | 30 | Invalid jframeID.
NO_MORE_FRAMES | 31 | There are no more Java or JNI frames on the call stack.
OPAQUE_FRAME | 32 | Information about the frame is not available.
NOT_CURRENT_FRAME | 33 | Operation can only be performed on current frame.
TYPE_MISMATCH | 34 | The variable is not an appropriate type for the function used.
INVALID_SLOT | 35 | Invalid slot.
DUPLICATE | 40 | Item already set.
NOT_FOUND | 41 | Desired element not found.
INVALID_MODULE | 42 | Invalid module.
INVALID_MONITOR | 50 | Invalid monitor.
NOT_MONITOR_OWNER | 51 | This thread doesn't own the monitor.
INTERRUPT | 52 | The call has been interrupted before completion.
INVALID_CLASS_FORMAT | 60 | The virtual machine attempted to read a class file and determined that the file is malformed or otherwise cannot be interpreted as a class file.
CIRCULAR_CLASS_DEFINITION | 61 | A circularity has been detected while initializing a class.
FAILS_VERIFICATION | 62 | The verifier detected that a class file, though well formed, contained some sort of internal inconsistency or security problem.
ADD_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 63 | Adding methods has not been implemented.
SCHEMA_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 64 | Schema change has not been implemented.
INVALID_TYPESTATE | 65 | The state of the thread has been modified, and is now inconsistent.
HIERARCHY_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 66 | A direct superclass is different for the new class version, or the set of directly implemented interfaces is different and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.
DELETE_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 67 | The new class version does not declare a method declared in the old class version and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.
UNSUPPORTED_VERSION | 68 | A class file has a version number not supported by this VM.
NAMES_DONT_MATCH | 69 | The class name defined in the new class file is different from the name in the old class object.
CLASS_MODIFIERS_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 70 | The new class version has different modifiers and and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.
METHOD_MODIFIERS_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 71 | A method in the new class version has different modifiers than its counterpart in the old class version and and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 99 | The functionality is not implemented in this virtual machine.
NULL_POINTER | 100 | Invalid pointer.
ABSENT_INFORMATION | 101 | Desired information is not available.
INVALID_EVENT_TYPE | 102 | The specified event type id is not recognized.
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | 103 | Illegal argument.
OUT_OF_MEMORY | 110 | The function needed to allocate memory and no more memory was available for allocation.
ACCESS_DENIED | 111 | Debugging has not been enabled in this virtual machine. JVMTI cannot be used.
VM_DEAD | 112 | The virtual machine is not running.
INTERNAL | 113 | An unexpected internal error has occurred.
UNATTACHED_THREAD | 115 | The thread being used to call this function is not attached to the virtual machine. Calls must be made from attached threads.
INVALID_TAG | 500 | object type id or class tag.
ALREADY_INVOKING | 502 | Previous invoke not complete.
INVALID_INDEX | 503 | Index is invalid.
INVALID_LENGTH | 504 | The length is invalid.
INVALID_STRING | 506 | The string is invalid.
INVALID_CLASS_LOADER | 507 | The class loader is invalid.
INVALID_ARRAY | 508 | The array is invalid.
TRANSPORT_LOAD | 509 | Unable to load the transport.
TRANSPORT_INIT | 510 | Unable to initialize the transport.
INVALID_COUNT | 512 | The count is invalid.
| |
THREAD_END | 7 | obsolete - was used in jvmdi
VM_START | 90 |
VM_INIT | 90 | obsolete - was used in jvmdi
VM_DEATH | 99 |
VM_DISCONNECTED | 100 | Never sent across JDWP
| |
ZOMBIE | 0 |
WAIT | 4 |
| |
| |
ERROR | 8 |
| |
CLASS | 1 | ReferenceType is a class.
INTERFACE | 2 | ReferenceType is an interface.
ARRAY | 3 | ReferenceType is an array.
| |
ARRAY | 91 | '[' - an array object (objectID size).
BYTE | 66 | 'B' - a byte value (1 byte).
CHAR | 67 | 'C' - a character value (2 bytes).
OBJECT | 76 | 'L' - an object (objectID size).
FLOAT | 70 | 'F' - a float value (4 bytes).
DOUBLE | 68 | 'D' - a double value (8 bytes).
INT | 73 | 'I' - an int value (4 bytes).
LONG | 74 | 'J' - a long value (8 bytes).
SHORT | 83 | 'S' - a short value (2 bytes).
VOID | 86 | 'V' - a void value (no bytes).
BOOLEAN | 90 | 'Z' - a boolean value (1 byte).
STRING | 115 | 's' - a String object (objectID size).
THREAD | 116 | 't' - a Thread object (objectID size).
THREAD_GROUP | 103 | 'g' - a ThreadGroup object (objectID size).
CLASS_LOADER | 108 | 'l' - a ClassLoader object (objectID size).
CLASS_OBJECT | 99 | 'c' - a class object object (objectID size).
| |
INTO | 0 | Step into any method calls that occur before the end of the step.
OVER | 1 | Step over any method calls that occur before the end of the step.
OUT | 2 | Step out of the current method.
| |
MIN | 0 | Step by the minimum possible amount (often a bytecode instruction).
LINE | 1 | Step to the next source line unless there is no line number information in which case a MIN step is done instead.
| |
NONE | 0 | Suspend no threads when this event is encountered.
EVENT_THREAD | 1 | Suspend the event thread when this event is encountered.
ALL | 2 | Suspend all threads when this event is encountered.
The invoke options are a combination of zero or more of the following bit flags:
| |
INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED | 0x01 | otherwise, all threads started.
INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL | 0x02 | otherwise, normal virtual invoke (instance methods only)