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 101  *   enablegc <expr>           -- permit garbage collection of an object
 102  *
 103  *   !!                        -- repeat last command
 104  *   <n> <command>             -- repeat command n times
 105  *   help (or ?)               -- list commands
 106  *   version                   -- print version information
 107  *   exit (or quit)            -- exit debugger
 108  *
 109  *   <class id>: full class name with package qualifiers or a
 110  *   pattern with a leading or trailing wildcard ('*').
 111  *   <thread id>: thread number as reported in the 'threads' command
 112  *   <expr>: a Java(tm) Programming Language expression.
 113  *   Most common syntax is supported.
 114  *
 115  *   Startup commands can be placed in either "jdb.ini" or ".jdbrc"
 116  *   in user.home or user.dir
 117  */
 118 public class JdbCommand {
 119     final String cmd;
 120     boolean allowExit = false;

 122     public JdbCommand(String cmd) {
 123         this.cmd = cmd;
 124     }
 126     public JdbCommand allowExit() {
 127         allowExit = true;
 128         return this;
 129     }

 132     public static JdbCommand run(String ... params) {
 133         return new JdbCommand("run " + Arrays.stream(params).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")));
 134     }
 135     public static JdbCommand cont() {
 136         return new JdbCommand("cont");
 137     }
 138     public static JdbCommand dump(String what) {
 139         return new JdbCommand("dump " + what);
 140     }
 141     public static JdbCommand quit() {
 142         // the command suppose jdb terminates
 143         return new JdbCommand("quit").allowExit();
 144     }
 145     public static JdbCommand stopAt(String targetClass, int lineNum) {
 146         return new JdbCommand("stop at " + targetClass + ":" + lineNum);
 147     }

 148     public static JdbCommand stopIn(String targetClass, String methodName) {
 149         return new JdbCommand("stop in " + targetClass + "." + methodName);
 150     }

 152     // clear <class id>:<line>   -- clear a breakpoint at a line
 153     public static JdbCommand clear(String targetClass, int lineNum) {
 154         return new JdbCommand("clear " + targetClass + ":" + lineNum);
 155     }
 157     // exception type used by catch/ignore
 158     public enum ExType{
 159         uncaught,
 160         caught,
 161         all
 162     }
 163     public static JdbCommand catch_(String classId) {
 164         return new JdbCommand("catch " + classId);
 165     }
 166     public static JdbCommand catch_(ExType eType, String classId) {
 167         return catch_(eType.toString() + " " + classId);
 168     }
 169     public static JdbCommand ignore(String classId) {
 170         return new JdbCommand("ignore " + classId);
 171     }

 101  *   enablegc <expr>           -- permit garbage collection of an object
 102  *
 103  *   !!                        -- repeat last command
 104  *   <n> <command>             -- repeat command n times
 105  *   help (or ?)               -- list commands
 106  *   version                   -- print version information
 107  *   exit (or quit)            -- exit debugger
 108  *
 109  *   <class id>: full class name with package qualifiers or a
 110  *   pattern with a leading or trailing wildcard ('*').
 111  *   <thread id>: thread number as reported in the 'threads' command
 112  *   <expr>: a Java(tm) Programming Language expression.
 113  *   Most common syntax is supported.
 114  *
 115  *   Startup commands can be placed in either "jdb.ini" or ".jdbrc"
 116  *   in user.home or user.dir
 117  */
 118 public class JdbCommand {
 119     final String cmd;
 120     boolean allowExit = false;
 121     boolean replyIsSimplePrompt = false;
 123     public JdbCommand(String cmd) {
 124         this.cmd = cmd;
 125     }
 127     public JdbCommand allowExit() {
 128         allowExit = true;
 129         return this;
 130     }
 132     public JdbCommand replyIsSimplePrompt() {
 133         replyIsSimplePrompt = true;
 134         return this;
 135     }
 138     public static JdbCommand run(String ... params) {
 139         return new JdbCommand("run " + Arrays.stream(params).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")));
 140     }
 141     public static JdbCommand cont() {
 142         return new JdbCommand("cont");
 143     }
 144     public static JdbCommand dump(String what) {
 145         return new JdbCommand("dump " + what);
 146     }
 147     public static JdbCommand quit() {
 148         // the command suppose jdb terminates
 149         return new JdbCommand("quit").allowExit();
 150     }
 151     public static JdbCommand stopAt(String targetClass, int lineNum) {
 152         return new JdbCommand("stop at " + targetClass + ":" + lineNum);
 153     }
 154     public static JdbCommand stopThreadAt(String targetClass, int lineNum) {
 155         return new JdbCommand("stop thread at " + targetClass + ":" + lineNum);
 156     }
 157     public static JdbCommand stopGoAt(String targetClass, int lineNum) {
 158         return new JdbCommand("stop go at " + targetClass + ":" + lineNum);
 159     }
 160     public static JdbCommand stopIn(String targetClass, String methodName) {
 161         return new JdbCommand("stop in " + targetClass + "." + methodName);
 162     }
 163     public static JdbCommand thread(int threadNumber) {
 164         return new JdbCommand("thread " + threadNumber);
 165     }
 166     // clear <class id>:<line>   -- clear a breakpoint at a line
 167     public static JdbCommand clear(String targetClass, int lineNum) {
 168         return new JdbCommand("clear " + targetClass + ":" + lineNum);
 169     }
 171     // exception type used by catch/ignore
 172     public enum ExType{
 173         uncaught,
 174         caught,
 175         all
 176     }
 177     public static JdbCommand catch_(String classId) {
 178         return new JdbCommand("catch " + classId);
 179     }
 180     public static JdbCommand catch_(ExType eType, String classId) {
 181         return catch_(eType.toString() + " " + classId);
 182     }
 183     public static JdbCommand ignore(String classId) {
 184         return new JdbCommand("ignore " + classId);
 185     }

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