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  72   <events>
  73     <event id="ThreadStart" path="java/thread_start" label="Java Thread Start"
  74            has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
  75       <value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
  76     </event>
  78     <event id="ThreadEnd" path="java/thread_end" label="Java Thread End"
  79            has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
  80       <value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
  81     </event>
  83     <event id="ThreadSleep" path="java/thread_sleep" label="Java Thread Sleep"
  84             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
  85       <value type="MILLIS" field="time" label="Sleep Time"/>
  86     </event>
  88     <event id="ThreadPark" path="java/thread_park" label="Java Thread Park"
  89             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
  90       <value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Class Parked On"/>
  91       <value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Park Timeout"/>
  92       <value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Address of Object Parked"/>
  93     </event>
  95     <event id="JavaMonitorEnter" path="java/monitor_enter" label="Java Monitor Blocked"
  96             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
  97       <value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class"/>
  98       <value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="previousOwner" label="Previous Monitor Owner"/>
  99       <value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address"/>
 100     </event>
 102     <event id="JavaMonitorWait" path="java/monitor_wait" label="Java Monitor Wait" description="Waiting on a Java monitor"
 103             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
 104       <value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class" description="Class of object waited on"/>
 105       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="notifier" label="Notifier Thread" description="Notifying Thread"/>
 106       <value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Timeout" description="Maximum wait time"/>
 107       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="timedOut" label="Timed Out" description="Wait has been timed out"/>
 108       <value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address" description="Address of object waited on"/>
 109     </event>
 111     <struct id="VirtualSpace">
 112       <value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the virtual space" />
 113       <value type="ADDRESS" field="committedEnd" label="Committed End Address" description="End address of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
 114       <value type="BYTES64" field="committedSize" label="Committed Size" description="Size of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
 115       <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedEnd" label="Reserved End Address" description="End address of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
 116       <value type="BYTES64" field="reservedSize" label="Reserved Size" description="Size of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
 117     </struct>
 119     <struct id="ObjectSpace">
 120       <value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the space" />
 121       <value type="ADDRESS" field="end" label="End Address" description="End address of the space" />
 122       <value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" description="Bytes allocated by objects in the space" />
 123       <value type="BYTES64" field="size" label="Size" description="Size of the space" />
 124     </struct>
 126     <event id="GCHeapSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/summary" label="Heap Summary" is_instant="true">
 127       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 128       <value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />

 173     <event id="GCOldGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/old_garbage_collection" label="Old Garbage Collection"
 174            description="Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections">
 175       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 176     </event>
 178     <event id="GCG1GarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/g1_garbage_collection" label="G1 Garbage Collection"
 179            description="Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections">
 180       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 181       <value type="G1YCTYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
 182     </event>
 184     <event id="GCReferenceStatistics" path="vm/gc/reference/statistics"
 185            label="GC Reference Processing" is_instant="true"
 186            description="Total count of processed references during GC">
 187       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 188       <value type="REFERENCETYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
 189       <value type="ULONG" field="count" label="Total Count" />
 190     </event>
 192     <struct id="CopyFailed">
 193       <value type="BYTES64" field="objectCount" label="Object Count"/>
 194       <value type="BYTES64" field="firstSize" label="First Failed Object Size"/>
 195       <value type="BYTES64" field="smallestSize" label="Smallest Failed Object Size"/>
 196       <value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Object Size"/>
 197       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="thread" label="Running thread"/>
 198     </struct>
 200     <event id="PromotionFailed" path="vm/gc/detailed/promotion_failed" label="Promotion Failed" is_instant="true"
 201            description="Promotion of an object failed">
 202       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 203       <structvalue type="CopyFailed" field="data" label="data"/>
 204     </event>
 206     <event id="GCPhasePause" path="vm/gc/phases/pause" label="GC Phase Pause">
 207       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 208       <value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
 209     </event>
 211     <event id="GCPhasePauseLevel1" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_1" label="GC Phase Pause Level 1">
 212       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 213       <value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />

 271     <!-- Code cache events -->
 273     <event id="CodeCacheFull" path="vm/code_cache/full" label="Code Cache Full"
 274          has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
 275       <value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
 276       <value type="ADDRESS" field="commitedTopAddress" label="Commited Top"/>
 277       <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
 278       <value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
 279       <value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
 280       <value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
 281       <value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
 282       <value type="BYTES64" field="largestFreeBlock" label="Largest Free Block"/>
 283       <value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
 284     </event>
 286     <event id="ExecuteVMOperation" path="vm/runtime/execute_vm_operation" label="VM Operation"
 287         description="Execution of a VM Operation" has_thread="true">
 288       <value type="VMOPERATIONTYPE" field="operation" label="Operation" />
 289       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="safepoint" label="At Safepoint" description="If the operation occured at a safepoint."/>
 290       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="blocking" label="Caller Blocked" description="If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete."/>
 291       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="caller" label="Caller" transition="TO" description="Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown."/>
 292     </event>
 294   </events>
 296   <xi:include href="../../../closed/share/vm/trace/traceeventtypes.xml" xmlns:xi="">
 297     <xi:fallback/>
 298   </xi:include>
 300   <xi:include href="../../../closed/share/vm/trace/traceevents.xml" xmlns:xi="">
 301     <xi:fallback/>
 302   </xi:include>
 303 </trace>

  72   <events>
  73     <event id="ThreadStart" path="java/thread_start" label="Java Thread Start"
  74            has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
  75       <value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
  76     </event>
  78     <event id="ThreadEnd" path="java/thread_end" label="Java Thread End"
  79            has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
  80       <value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
  81     </event>
  83     <event id="ThreadSleep" path="java/thread_sleep" label="Java Thread Sleep"
  84             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
  85       <value type="MILLIS" field="time" label="Sleep Time"/>
  86     </event>
  88     <event id="ThreadPark" path="java/thread_park" label="Java Thread Park"
  89             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
  90       <value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Class Parked On"/>
  91       <value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Park Timeout"/>
  92       <value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Address of Object Parked" relation="java/monitor/address"/>
  93     </event>
  95     <event id="JavaMonitorEnter" path="java/monitor_enter" label="Java Monitor Blocked"
  96             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
  97       <value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class"/>
  98       <value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="previousOwner" label="Previous Monitor Owner"/>
  99       <value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address" relation="java/monitor/address"/>
 100     </event>
 102     <event id="JavaMonitorWait" path="java/monitor_wait" label="Java Monitor Wait" description="Waiting on a Java monitor"
 103             has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
 104       <value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class" description="Class of object waited on"/>
 105       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="notifier" label="Notifier Thread" description="Notifying Thread"/>
 106       <value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Timeout" description="Maximum wait time"/>
 107       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="timedOut" label="Timed Out" description="Wait has been timed out"/>
 108       <value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address" description="Address of object waited on" relation="java/monitor/address"/>
 109     </event>
 111     <struct id="VirtualSpace">
 112       <value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the virtual space" />
 113       <value type="ADDRESS" field="committedEnd" label="Committed End Address" description="End address of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
 114       <value type="BYTES64" field="committedSize" label="Committed Size" description="Size of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
 115       <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedEnd" label="Reserved End Address" description="End address of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
 116       <value type="BYTES64" field="reservedSize" label="Reserved Size" description="Size of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
 117     </struct>
 119     <struct id="ObjectSpace">
 120       <value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the space" />
 121       <value type="ADDRESS" field="end" label="End Address" description="End address of the space" />
 122       <value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" description="Bytes allocated by objects in the space" />
 123       <value type="BYTES64" field="size" label="Size" description="Size of the space" />
 124     </struct>
 126     <event id="GCHeapSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/summary" label="Heap Summary" is_instant="true">
 127       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 128       <value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />

 173     <event id="GCOldGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/old_garbage_collection" label="Old Garbage Collection"
 174            description="Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections">
 175       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 176     </event>
 178     <event id="GCG1GarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/g1_garbage_collection" label="G1 Garbage Collection"
 179            description="Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections">
 180       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 181       <value type="G1YCTYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
 182     </event>
 184     <event id="GCReferenceStatistics" path="vm/gc/reference/statistics"
 185            label="GC Reference Processing" is_instant="true"
 186            description="Total count of processed references during GC">
 187       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 188       <value type="REFERENCETYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
 189       <value type="ULONG" field="count" label="Total Count" />
 190     </event>
 192     <struct id="CopyFailed">
 193       <value type="ULONG" field="objectCount" label="Object Count"/>
 194       <value type="BYTES64" field="firstSize" label="First Failed Object Size"/>
 195       <value type="BYTES64" field="smallestSize" label="Smallest Failed Object Size"/>
 196       <value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Object Size"/>
 197       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="thread" label="Running thread"/>
 198     </struct>
 200     <event id="PromotionFailed" path="vm/gc/detailed/promotion_failed" label="Promotion Failed" is_instant="true"
 201            description="Promotion of an object failed">
 202       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 203       <structvalue type="CopyFailed" field="data" label="data"/>
 204     </event>
 206     <event id="GCPhasePause" path="vm/gc/phases/pause" label="GC Phase Pause">
 207       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 208       <value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
 209     </event>
 211     <event id="GCPhasePauseLevel1" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_1" label="GC Phase Pause Level 1">
 212       <value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
 213       <value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />

 271     <!-- Code cache events -->
 273     <event id="CodeCacheFull" path="vm/code_cache/full" label="Code Cache Full"
 274          has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
 275       <value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
 276       <value type="ADDRESS" field="commitedTopAddress" label="Commited Top"/>
 277       <value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
 278       <value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
 279       <value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
 280       <value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
 281       <value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
 282       <value type="BYTES64" field="largestFreeBlock" label="Largest Free Block"/>
 283       <value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
 284     </event>
 286     <event id="ExecuteVMOperation" path="vm/runtime/execute_vm_operation" label="VM Operation"
 287         description="Execution of a VM Operation" has_thread="true">
 288       <value type="VMOPERATIONTYPE" field="operation" label="Operation" />
 289       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="safepoint" label="At Safepoint" description="If the operation occured at a safepoint."/>
 290       <value type="BOOLEAN" field="blocking" label="Caller Blocked" description="If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete."/>
 291       <value type="OSTHREAD" field="caller" label="Caller" transition="FROM" description="Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown."/>
 292     </event>
 294   </events>
 296   <xi:include href="../../../closed/share/vm/trace/traceeventtypes.xml" xmlns:xi="">
 297     <xi:fallback/>
 298   </xi:include>
 300   <xi:include href="../../../closed/share/vm/trace/traceevents.xml" xmlns:xi="">
 301     <xi:fallback/>
 302   </xi:include>
 303 </trace>