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*** 48,58 **** long before = wb.metaspaceCapacityUntilGC(); long after = wb.incMetaspaceCapacityUntilGC(MAX_UINT); Asserts.assertGTE(after, before, ! String.format("Increasing with MAX_UINT should not cause wrap around: %d < %d", after, before)); ! Asserts.assertEQ(after, MAX_UINT, ! String.format("Increasing with MAX_UINT should set Metaspace::_capacityUntilGC to max_uint, not: %d", after)); } } } --- 48,58 ---- long before = wb.metaspaceCapacityUntilGC(); long after = wb.incMetaspaceCapacityUntilGC(MAX_UINT); Asserts.assertGTE(after, before, ! "Increasing with MAX_UINT should not cause wrap around: " + after + " < " + before); ! Asserts.assertLTE(after, MAX_UINT, ! "Increasing with MAX_UINT should not cause value larger than MAX_UINT:" + after); } } }