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  84  *     Worker, meaning that it can be reset and restarted. Due to this, a Service
  85  *     can be constructed declaratively and restarted on demand.
  86  *     Once a Service is started, it will schedule its Task and listen for
  87  *     changes to the state of the Task. A Task does not hold a reference to the
  88  *     Service that started it, meaning that a running Task will not prevent
  89  *     the Service from being garbage collected.
  90  * </p>
  91  * <p>
  92  *     If an {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor} is specified on the Service,
  93  *     then it will be used to actually execute the service. Otherwise,
  94  *     a daemon thread will be created and executed. If you wish to create
  95  *     non-daemon threads, then specify a custom Executor (for example,
  96  *     you could use a {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} with a custom
  97  *     {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory}).
  98  * </p>
  99  * <p>
 100  *     Because a Service is intended to simplify declarative use cases, subclasses
 101  *     should expose as properties the input parameters to the work to be done.
 102  *     For example, suppose I wanted to write a Service which read the first line
 103  *     from any URL and returned it as a String. Such a Service might be defined,
 104  *     such that it had a single property, <code>url</code>. It might be implemented
 105  *     as:

 106  *     <pre><code>
 107  *     public static class FirstLineService extends Service&lt;String&gt; {
 108  *         private StringProperty url = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "url");
 109  *         public final void setUrl(String value) { url.set(value); }
 110  *         public final String getUrl() { return url.get(); }
 111  *         public final StringProperty urlProperty() { return url; }
 112  *
 113  *         protected Task createTask() {
 114  *             final String _url = getUrl();
 115  *             return new Task&ltString&gt;() {
 116  *                 protected String call() throws Exception {
 117  *                     URL u = new URL(_url);
 118  *                     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
 119  *                             new InputStreamReader(u.openStream()));
 120  *                     String result = in.readLine();
 121  *                     in.close();
 122  *                     return result;
 123  *                 }
 124  *             };
 125  *         }
 126  *     }
 127  *     </code></pre>
 128  * </p>
 129  * <p>
 130  *     The Service by default uses a thread pool Executor with some unspecified
 131  *     default or maximum thread pool size. This is done so that naive code
 132  *     will not completely swamp the system by creating thousands of Threads.
 133  * </p>
 134  * @param <V>
 135  * @since JavaFX 2.0
 136  */
 137 public abstract class Service<V> implements Worker<V>, EventTarget {
 138     /**
 139      * Logger used in the case of some uncaught exceptions
 140      */
 141     private static final PlatformLogger LOG = PlatformLogger.getLogger(Service.class.getName());
 143     /*
 144         The follow chunk of static state is for defining the default Executor used
 145         with the Service. This is based on pre-existing JavaFX Script code and
 146         experience with JavaFX Script. It was necessary to have a thread pool by default
 147         because we found naive code could totally overwhelm the system otherwise
 148         by spawning thousands of threads for fetching resources, for example.
 149         We also set the priority and daemon status of the thread in its thread
 150         factory.
 151      */
 152     private static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 32;
 153     private static final long THREAD_TIME_OUT = 1000;

  84  *     Worker, meaning that it can be reset and restarted. Due to this, a Service
  85  *     can be constructed declaratively and restarted on demand.
  86  *     Once a Service is started, it will schedule its Task and listen for
  87  *     changes to the state of the Task. A Task does not hold a reference to the
  88  *     Service that started it, meaning that a running Task will not prevent
  89  *     the Service from being garbage collected.
  90  * </p>
  91  * <p>
  92  *     If an {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor} is specified on the Service,
  93  *     then it will be used to actually execute the service. Otherwise,
  94  *     a daemon thread will be created and executed. If you wish to create
  95  *     non-daemon threads, then specify a custom Executor (for example,
  96  *     you could use a {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} with a custom
  97  *     {@link java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory}).
  98  * </p>
  99  * <p>
 100  *     Because a Service is intended to simplify declarative use cases, subclasses
 101  *     should expose as properties the input parameters to the work to be done.
 102  *     For example, suppose I wanted to write a Service which read the first line
 103  *     from any URL and returned it as a String. Such a Service might be defined,
 104  *     such that it had a single property, {@code url}. It might be implemented
 105  *     as:
 106  * </p>
 107  *     <pre><code>
 108  *     public static class FirstLineService extends Service&lt;String&gt; {
 109  *         private StringProperty url = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "url");
 110  *         public final void setUrl(String value) { url.set(value); }
 111  *         public final String getUrl() { return url.get(); }
 112  *         public final StringProperty urlProperty() { return url; }
 113  *
 114  *         protected Task createTask() {
 115  *             final String _url = getUrl();
 116  *             return new Task&lt;String&gt;() {
 117  *                 protected String call() throws Exception {
 118  *                     URL u = new URL(_url);
 119  *                     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
 120  *                             new InputStreamReader(u.openStream()));
 121  *                     String result = in.readLine();
 122  *                     in.close();
 123  *                     return result;
 124  *                 }
 125  *             };
 126  *         }
 127  *     }
 128  *     </code></pre>

 129  * <p>
 130  *     The Service by default uses a thread pool Executor with some unspecified
 131  *     default or maximum thread pool size. This is done so that naive code
 132  *     will not completely swamp the system by creating thousands of Threads.
 133  * </p>
 134  * @param <V> the type of object returned by the Service.
 135  * @since JavaFX 2.0
 136  */
 137 public abstract class Service<V> implements Worker<V>, EventTarget {
 138     /**
 139      * Logger used in the case of some uncaught exceptions
 140      */
 141     private static final PlatformLogger LOG = PlatformLogger.getLogger(Service.class.getName());
 143     /*
 144         The follow chunk of static state is for defining the default Executor used
 145         with the Service. This is based on pre-existing JavaFX Script code and
 146         experience with JavaFX Script. It was necessary to have a thread pool by default
 147         because we found naive code could totally overwhelm the system otherwise
 148         by spawning thousands of threads for fetching resources, for example.
 149         We also set the priority and daemon status of the thread in its thread
 150         factory.
 151      */
 152     private static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 32;
 153     private static final long THREAD_TIME_OUT = 1000;

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