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 200             Type outerThisType = types.erasure(owner.type.getEnclosingType());
 201             return new MethodType(t.getParameterTypes().prepend(outerThisType),
 202                                   t.getReturnType(),
 203                                   t.getThrownTypes(),
 204                                   t.tsym);
 205         } else {
 206             return t;
 207         }
 208     }
 210     public boolean isStatic() {
 211         return
 212             (flags() & STATIC) != 0 ||
 213             (owner.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0 && kind != MTH;
 214     }
 216     public boolean isInterface() {
 217         return (flags() & INTERFACE) != 0;
 218     }

 220     /** Is this symbol declared (directly or indirectly) local
 221      *  to a method or variable initializer?
 222      *  Also includes fields of inner classes which are in
 223      *  turn local to a method or variable initializer.
 224      */
 225     public boolean isLocal() {
 226         return
 227             (owner.kind & (VAR | MTH)) != 0 ||
 228             (owner.kind == TYP && owner.isLocal());
 229     }
 231     /** Has this symbol an empty name? This includes anonymous
 232      *  inner classses.
 233      */
 234     public boolean isAnonymous() {
 235         return name.isEmpty();
 236     }
 238     /** Is this symbol a constructor?
 239      */

 200             Type outerThisType = types.erasure(owner.type.getEnclosingType());
 201             return new MethodType(t.getParameterTypes().prepend(outerThisType),
 202                                   t.getReturnType(),
 203                                   t.getThrownTypes(),
 204                                   t.tsym);
 205         } else {
 206             return t;
 207         }
 208     }
 210     public boolean isStatic() {
 211         return
 212             (flags() & STATIC) != 0 ||
 213             (owner.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0 && kind != MTH;
 214     }
 216     public boolean isInterface() {
 217         return (flags() & INTERFACE) != 0;
 218     }
 220     public boolean isPrivate() {
 221         return (flags_field & Flags.AccessFlags) == PRIVATE;
 222     }
 224     public boolean isEnum() {
 225         return (flags() & ENUM) != 0;
 226     }
 228     /** Is this symbol declared (directly or indirectly) local
 229      *  to a method or variable initializer?
 230      *  Also includes fields of inner classes which are in
 231      *  turn local to a method or variable initializer.
 232      */
 233     public boolean isLocal() {
 234         return
 235             (owner.kind & (VAR | MTH)) != 0 ||
 236             (owner.kind == TYP && owner.isLocal());
 237     }
 239     /** Has this symbol an empty name? This includes anonymous
 240      *  inner classses.
 241      */
 242     public boolean isAnonymous() {
 243         return name.isEmpty();
 244     }
 246     /** Is this symbol a constructor?
 247      */