

JVM options: [-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 82451 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 1959609 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-server, -XX:-TieredCompilation, -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX:+StressLCM, -XX:+StressGCM] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 163379 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 508931 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-server, -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX:+StressLCM, -XX:+StressGCM] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 383661 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 2088179 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-server] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 601267 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 488803 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-Xint] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 68345 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 5615 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-server, -XX:-TieredCompilation] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 217012 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 398388 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-client, -XX:-TieredCompilation] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 526917 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 875903 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.

JVM options: [-client] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
0.0 320339 ACCEPTABLE Default value for the field. Allowed to see this: data race.
1.39067116124321E-309 728001 ACCEPTABLE The value set by the actor thread. Observer sees the complete update.