
Tests VarHandle methods which take effect of store store fence.

JVM options: [-server, -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX:+StressLCM, -XX:+StressGCM] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 2898964 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 12975 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 28691 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-server] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 2231658 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 825 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 14967 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-client] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 2400003 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 744 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 3223 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-Xint] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 55560 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 3585 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 4675 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-client, -XX:-TieredCompilation] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 333178 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 27006 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 55186 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-server, -XX:-TieredCompilation] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 975436 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 37190 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 67894 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 2013372 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 13875 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 34013 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update

JVM options: [-server, -XX:-TieredCompilation, -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX:+StressLCM, -XX:+StressGCM] Iterations: 5 Time: 200

Observed state Occurrence Expectation Interpretation
-1, -1 2775383 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after actor1 update completely
-1, 0 0 FORBIDDEN y won't be observed to be updated before var is updated
0, -1 35020 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables after var is already updated but y hasn't yet
0, 0 135757 ACCEPTABLE actor2 observe the variables before actor1 update