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   InlineTree*           _ilt;                   // Ditto (temporary).
   address               _stub_function;         // VM entry for stub being compiled, or NULL
   const char*           _stub_name;             // Name of stub or adapter being compiled, or NULL
   address               _stub_entry_point;      // Compile code entry for generated stub, or NULL
+  // For GC
+  void*                 _barrier_set_state;
   // Control of this compilation.
   int                   _num_loop_opts;         // Number of iterations for doing loop optimiztions
   int                   _max_inline_size;       // Max inline size for this compilation
   int                   _freq_inline_size;      // Max hot method inline size for this compilation
   int                   _fixed_slots;           // count of frame slots not allocated by the register

@@ -528,10 +531,12 void log_late_inline_failure(CallGenerator* cg, const char* msg); public: + void* barrier_set_state() const { return _barrier_set_state; } + outputStream* print_inlining_stream() const { assert(print_inlining() || print_intrinsics(), "PrintInlining off?"); return _print_inlining_stream; }
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