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564   inline void get_ctr_el0(Register reg)                                                                                              
565   {                                                                                                                                  
566     mrs(0b011, 0b0000, 0b0000, 0b001, reg);                                                                                          
567   }                                                                                                                                  
569   // idiv variant which deals with MINLONG as dividend and -1 as divisor                                                             
570   int corrected_idivl(Register result, Register ra, Register rb,                                                                     
571                       bool want_remainder, Register tmp = rscratch1);                                                                
572   int corrected_idivq(Register result, Register ra, Register rb,                                                                     
573                       bool want_remainder, Register tmp = rscratch1);                                                                
575   // Support for NULL-checks                                                                                                         
576   //                                                                                                                                 
577   // Generates code that causes a NULL OS exception if the content of reg is NULL.                                                   
578   // If the accessed location is M[reg + offset] and the offset is known, provide the                                                
579   // offset. No explicit code generation is needed if the offset is within a certain                                                 
580   // range (0 <= offset <= page_size).                                                                                               
582   virtual void null_check(Register reg, int offset = -1);                                                                            
583   static bool needs_explicit_null_check(intptr_t offset);                                                                            
585   static address target_addr_for_insn(address insn_addr, unsigned insn);                                                             
586   static address target_addr_for_insn(address insn_addr) {                                                                           
587     unsigned insn = *(unsigned*)insn_addr;                                                                                           
588     return target_addr_for_insn(insn_addr, insn);                                                                                    
589   }                                                                                                                                  
591   // Required platform-specific helpers for Label::patch_instructions.                                                               
592   // They _shadow_ the declarations in AbstractAssembler, which are undefined.                                                       
593   static int pd_patch_instruction_size(address branch, address target);                                                              
594   static void pd_patch_instruction(address branch, address target, const char* file = NULL, int line = 0) {                          
595     pd_patch_instruction_size(branch, target);                                                                                       
596   }                                                                                                                                  
597   static address pd_call_destination(address branch) {                                                                               
598     return target_addr_for_insn(branch);                                                                                             
599   }                                                                                                                                  
600 #ifndef PRODUCT                                                                                                                      
601   static void pd_print_patched_instruction(address branch);                                                                          
602 #endif                                                                                                                               

564   inline void get_ctr_el0(Register reg)
565   {
566     mrs(0b011, 0b0000, 0b0000, 0b001, reg);
567   }
569   // idiv variant which deals with MINLONG as dividend and -1 as divisor
570   int corrected_idivl(Register result, Register ra, Register rb,
571                       bool want_remainder, Register tmp = rscratch1);
572   int corrected_idivq(Register result, Register ra, Register rb,
573                       bool want_remainder, Register tmp = rscratch1);
575   // Support for NULL-checks
576   //
577   // Generates code that causes a NULL OS exception if the content of reg is NULL.
578   // If the accessed location is M[reg + offset] and the offset is known, provide the
579   // offset. No explicit code generation is needed if the offset is within a certain
580   // range (0 <= offset <= page_size).
582   virtual void null_check(Register reg, int offset = -1);
583   static bool needs_explicit_null_check(intptr_t offset);
584   static bool uses_implicit_null_check(void* address);
586   static address target_addr_for_insn(address insn_addr, unsigned insn);
587   static address target_addr_for_insn(address insn_addr) {
588     unsigned insn = *(unsigned*)insn_addr;
589     return target_addr_for_insn(insn_addr, insn);
590   }
592   // Required platform-specific helpers for Label::patch_instructions.
593   // They _shadow_ the declarations in AbstractAssembler, which are undefined.
594   static int pd_patch_instruction_size(address branch, address target);
595   static void pd_patch_instruction(address branch, address target, const char* file = NULL, int line = 0) {
596     pd_patch_instruction_size(branch, target);
597   }
598   static address pd_call_destination(address branch) {
599     return target_addr_for_insn(branch);
600   }
601 #ifndef PRODUCT
602   static void pd_print_patched_instruction(address branch);
603 #endif
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