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rev 12906 : [mq]: gc_interface

@@ -372,23 +372,23 @@
 Flag::Error ParGCCardsPerStrideChunkConstraintFunc(intx value, bool verbose) {
   if (UseConcMarkSweepGC) {
     // ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk should be compared with card table size.
     size_t heap_size = Universe::heap()->reserved_region().word_size();
-    CardTableModRefBS* bs = (CardTableModRefBS*)GenCollectedHeap::heap()->rem_set()->bs();
-    size_t card_table_size = bs->cards_required(heap_size) - 1; // Valid card table size
+    CardTableRS* ct = GenCollectedHeap::heap()->rem_set();
+    size_t card_table_size = ct->cards_required(heap_size) - 1; // Valid card table size
     if ((size_t)value > card_table_size) {
                               "ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk (" INTX_FORMAT ") is too large for the heap size and "
                               "must be less than or equal to card table size (" SIZE_FORMAT ")\n",
                               value, card_table_size);
       return Flag::VIOLATES_CONSTRAINT;
     // ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk is used with n_strides(ParallelGCThreads*ParGCStridesPerThread)
-    // from CardTableModRefBSForCTRS::process_stride(). Note that ParGCStridesPerThread is already checked
+    // from CardTableRS::process_stride(). Note that ParGCStridesPerThread is already checked
     // not to make an overflow with ParallelGCThreads from its constraint function.
     uintx n_strides = ParallelGCThreads * ParGCStridesPerThread;
     uintx ergo_max = max_uintx / n_strides;
     if ((uintx)value > ergo_max) {

@@ -466,13 +466,13 @@
   Flag::Error status = CMSReservedAreaConstraintFunc("CMSRescanMultiple", value, verbose);
   if (status == Flag::SUCCESS && UseConcMarkSweepGC) {
     // CMSParRemarkTask::do_dirty_card_rescan_tasks requires CompactibleFreeListSpace::rescan_task_size()
-    // to be aligned to CardTableModRefBS::card_size * BitsPerWord.
+    // to be aligned to CardTable::card_size * BitsPerWord.
     // Note that rescan_task_size() will be aligned if CMSRescanMultiple is a multiple of 'HeapWordSize'
-    // because rescan_task_size() is CardTableModRefBS::card_size / HeapWordSize * BitsPerWord.
+    // because rescan_task_size() is CardTable::card_size / HeapWordSize * BitsPerWord.
     if (value % HeapWordSize != 0) {
                               "CMSRescanMultiple (" SIZE_FORMAT ") must be "
                               "a multiple of " SIZE_FORMAT "\n",
                               value, HeapWordSize);
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