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  34 # The shell code below will be executed on /usr/ccs/bin/make on Solaris, but not in GNU make.
  35 # /usr/ccs/bin/make lacks basically every other flow control mechanism.
  36 TEST_FOR_NON_GNUMAKE:sh=echo You are not using GNU make/gmake, this is a requirement. Check your path. 1>&2 && exit 1
  38 # Assume we have GNU make, but check version.
  39 ifeq (,$(findstring 3.81,$(MAKE_VERSION)))
  40     ifeq (,$(findstring 3.82,$(MAKE_VERSION)))
  41         $(error This version of GNU Make is too low ($(MAKE_VERSION)). Check your path, or upgrade to 3.81 or newer.)
  42     endif
  43 endif
  45 # Locate this Makefile
  46 ifeq ($(filter /%,$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))),)
  47     makefile_path:=$(CURDIR)/$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
  48 else
  49     makefile_path:=$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
  50 endif
  51 root_dir:=$(dir $(makefile_path))
  53 include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/Jprt.gmk
  55 # ... and then we can include our helper functions
  56 include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/MakeHelpers.gmk
  58 $(eval $(call ParseLogLevel))
  59 $(eval $(call ParseConfAndSpec))
  61 # Now determine if we have zero, one or several configurations to build.
  62 ifeq ($(SPEC),)
  63     # Since we got past ParseConfAndSpec, we must be building a global target. Do nothing.
  64 else
  65     ifeq ($(words $(SPEC)),1)
  66         # We are building a single configuration. This is the normal case. Execute the Main.gmk file.
  67         include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/Main.gmk
  68     else
  69         # We are building multiple configurations.
  70         # First, find out the valid targets
  71         # Run the makefile with an arbitraty SPEC using -p -q (quiet dry-run and dump rules) to find
  72         # available PHONY targets. Use this list as valid targets to pass on to the repeated calls.
  73         all_phony_targets=$(filter-out $(global_targets), $(strip $(shell \
  74             $(MAKE) -p -q -f common/makefiles SPEC=$(firstword $(SPEC)) | \
  75             grep ^.PHONY: | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 2-)))
  77 $(all_phony_targets):
  78         @$(foreach spec,$(SPEC),($(MAKE) -f NewMakefile.gmk SPEC=$(spec) $(VERBOSE) VERBOSE=$(VERBOSE) $@) &&) true
  80     endif
  81 endif

  83 # Here are "global" targets, i.e. targets that can be executed without specifying a single configuration.
  84 # If you addd more global targets, please update the variable global_targets in MakeHelpers.
  86 help:
  87         $(info )
  88         $(info OpenJDK Makefile help)
  89         $(info =====================)
  90         $(info )
  91         $(info Common make targets)
  92         $(info .  make [default]         # Compile all product in langtools, hotspot, jaxp, jaxws,)
  93         $(info .                         # corba and jdk)
  94         $(info .  make all               # Compile everything, all repos and images)
  95         $(info .  make images            # Create complete j2sdk and j2re images)
  96         $(info .  make overlay-images    # Create limited images for sparc 64 bit platforms)
  97         $(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly build JDK)
  98         $(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)
  99         $(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
 100         $(info .                         # generated by configure)
 101         $(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)

  34 # The shell code below will be executed on /usr/ccs/bin/make on Solaris, but not in GNU make.
  35 # /usr/ccs/bin/make lacks basically every other flow control mechanism.
  36 TEST_FOR_NON_GNUMAKE:sh=echo You are not using GNU make/gmake, this is a requirement. Check your path. 1>&2 && exit 1
  38 # Assume we have GNU make, but check version.
  39 ifeq (,$(findstring 3.81,$(MAKE_VERSION)))
  40     ifeq (,$(findstring 3.82,$(MAKE_VERSION)))
  41         $(error This version of GNU Make is too low ($(MAKE_VERSION)). Check your path, or upgrade to 3.81 or newer.)
  42     endif
  43 endif
  45 # Locate this Makefile
  46 ifeq ($(filter /%,$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))),)
  47     makefile_path:=$(CURDIR)/$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
  48 else
  49     makefile_path:=$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
  50 endif
  51 root_dir:=$(dir $(makefile_path))

  53 # ... and then we can include our helper functions
  54 include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/MakeHelpers.gmk
  56 $(eval $(call ParseLogLevel))
  57 $(eval $(call ParseConfAndSpec))
  59 # Now determine if we have zero, one or several configurations to build.
  60 ifeq ($(SPEC),)
  61     # Since we got past ParseConfAndSpec, we must be building a global target. Do nothing.
  62 else
  63     ifeq ($(words $(SPEC)),1)
  64         # We are building a single configuration. This is the normal case. Execute the Main.gmk file.
  65         include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/Main.gmk
  66     else
  67         # We are building multiple configurations.
  68         # First, find out the valid targets
  69         # Run the makefile with an arbitraty SPEC using -p -q (quiet dry-run and dump rules) to find
  70         # available PHONY targets. Use this list as valid targets to pass on to the repeated calls.
  71         all_phony_targets=$(filter-out $(global_targets), $(strip $(shell \
  72             $(MAKE) -p -q -f common/makefiles SPEC=$(firstword $(SPEC)) | \
  73             grep ^.PHONY: | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 2-)))
  75 $(all_phony_targets):
  76         @$(foreach spec,$(SPEC),($(MAKE) -f NewMakefile.gmk SPEC=$(spec) $(VERBOSE) VERBOSE=$(VERBOSE) $@) &&) true
  78     endif
  79 endif
  81 # Include this after a potential spec file has been included so that the bundles target
  82 # has access to the spec variables.
  83 include $(root_dir)/common/makefiles/Jprt.gmk
  85 # Here are "global" targets, i.e. targets that can be executed without specifying a single configuration.
  86 # If you addd more global targets, please update the variable global_targets in MakeHelpers.
  88 help:
  89         $(info )
  90         $(info OpenJDK Makefile help)
  91         $(info =====================)
  92         $(info )
  93         $(info Common make targets)
  94         $(info .  make [default]         # Compile all product in langtools, hotspot, jaxp, jaxws,)
  95         $(info .                         # corba and jdk)
  96         $(info .  make all               # Compile everything, all repos and images)
  97         $(info .  make images            # Create complete j2sdk and j2re images)
  98         $(info .  make overlay-images    # Create limited images for sparc 64 bit platforms)
  99         $(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly build JDK)
 100         $(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)
 101         $(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
 102         $(info .                         # generated by configure)
 103         $(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)