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 128             If you are new to Mercurial, please see the
 129             <a href="http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/BeginnersGuides">
 130                 Beginner Guides</a>
 131             or refer to the <a href="http://hgbook.red-bean.com/">
 132                 Mercurial Book</a>.
 133             The first few chapters of the book provide an excellent overview of
 134             Mercurial, what it is and how it works.
 135             <br>
 136             For using Mercurial with the OpenJDK refer to the
 137             <a href="http://openjdk.java.net/guide/repositories.html#installConfig">
 138                 Developer Guide: Installing and Configuring Mercurial</a>
 139             section for more information.
 141             <h3><a name="get_source">Getting the Source</a></h3>
 142             <blockquote>
 143                 To get the entire set of OpenJDK Mercurial repositories
 144                 use the script <code>get_source.sh</code> located in the 
 145                 root repository:
 146                 <blockquote>
 147                     <code>
 148                         hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8 
 149                         <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 150                         <br>
 151                         cd <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 152                         <br>
 153                         bash ./get_source.sh
 154                     </code>
 155                 </blockquote>
 156                 Once you have all the repositories, keep in mind that each
 157                 repository is its own independent repository.
 158                 You can also re-run <code>./get_source.sh</code> anytime to
 159                 pull over all the latest changesets in all the repositories.
 160                 This set of nested repositories has been given the term
 161                 "forest" and there are various ways to apply the same
 162                 <code>hg</code> command to each of the repositories.
 163                 For example, the script <code>make/scripts/hgforest.sh</code>
 164                 can be used to repeat the same <code>hg</code>
 165                 command on every repository, e.g.
 166                 <blockquote>
 167                     <code>
 168                         cd <i>YourOpenJDK</i>

 356                 Before even attempting to use a system to build the OpenJDK
 357                 there are some very basic system setups needed.
 358                 For all systems:
 359                 <ul>
 360                     <li>
 361                         Be sure the GNU make utility is version 3.81 or newer,
 362                         e.g. run "<code>make -version</code>"
 363                     </li>
 364                     <li>
 365                         Install a
 366                         <a name="bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a>.
 367                         All OpenJDK builds require access to a previously released
 368                         JDK called the <i>bootstrap JDK</i> or <i>boot JDK.</i>
 369                         The general rule is that the bootstrap JDK
 370                         must be an instance of the previous major
 371                         release of the JDK. In addition, there may be
 372                         a requirement to use a release at or beyond a
 373                         particular update level.
 374                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
 376                         <b><i>Building JDK 8 requires use of a version
 377                         of JDK 7 that is at Update 7 or newer. JDK 8
 378                         developers should not use JDK 8 as the boot
 379                         JDK, to ensure that JDK 8 dependencies are
 380                         not introduced into the parts of the system
 381                         that are built with JDK 7.</i></b>
 383                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
 384                         The JDK 7 binaries can be downloaded from Oracle's 
 385                         <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html"
 386                            target="_blank">JDK 7 download site</a>.
 387                         For build performance reasons
 388                         is very important that this bootstrap JDK be made available 
 389                         on the local disk of the machine doing the build.
 390                         You should add its <code>bin</code> directory
 391                         to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable.
 392                         If <code>configure</code> has any issues finding this JDK, you may
 393                         need to use the <code>configure</code> option
 394                         <code>--with-boot-jdk</code>.
 395                     </li>
 396                     <li>
 397                         Ensure that GNU make, the Bootstrap JDK,
 398                         and the compilers are all
 399                         in your PATH environment variable
 400                     </li>
 401                 </ul>
 402                 And for specific systems:
 403                 <table border="1">
 404                     <thead>
 405                         <tr>
 406                             <th>Linux</th>
 407                             <th>Solaris</th>

1437                         number of cores in the build system,
1438                         e.g. <code>--with-num-cores=8</code>
1439                     </li>
1440                     <li>
1441                         <b><code>--with-memory-size</code></b> 
1442                         &mdash; memory (in MB) available in the build system,
1443                         e.g. <code>--with-memory-size=1024</code>
1444                     </li>
1445                 </ul>
1447                 <p>It might also be necessary to specify the JVM arguments passed 
1448                     to the Bootstrap JDK, using e.g.
1449                     <code>--with-boot-jdk-jvmargs="-Xmx8G -enableassertions"</code>. 
1450                     Doing this will override the default JVM arguments 
1451                     passed to the Bootstrap JDK.</p>
1454                 <p>One of the top goals of the new build system is to improve the
1455                     build performance and decrease the time needed to build. This will
1456                     soon also apply to the java compilation when the Smart Javac wrapper
1457                     is making its way into jdk8. It can be tried in the build-infra
1458                     repository already. You are likely to find that the new build system
1459                     is faster than the old one even without this feature.</p>
1461                 <p>At the end of a successful execution of <code>configure</code>, 
1462                     you will get a performance summary, 
1463                     indicating how well the build will perform. Here you will
1464                     also get performance hints. 
1465                     If you want to build fast, pay attention to those!</p>
1467                 <h4>Building with ccache</h4>
1469                 <p>A simple way to radically speed up compilation of native code
1470                     (typically hotspot and native libraries in JDK) is to install
1471                     ccache. This will cache and reuse prior compilation results, if the
1472                     source code is unchanged. However, ccache versions prior to 3.1.4
1473                     does not work correctly with the precompiled headers used in
1474                     OpenJDK. So if your platform supports ccache at 3.1.4 or later, we
1475                     highly recommend installing it. This is currently only supported on
1476                     linux.</p> 
1478                 <h4>Building on local disk</h4>

 128             If you are new to Mercurial, please see the
 129             <a href="http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/BeginnersGuides">
 130                 Beginner Guides</a>
 131             or refer to the <a href="http://hgbook.red-bean.com/">
 132                 Mercurial Book</a>.
 133             The first few chapters of the book provide an excellent overview of
 134             Mercurial, what it is and how it works.
 135             <br>
 136             For using Mercurial with the OpenJDK refer to the
 137             <a href="http://openjdk.java.net/guide/repositories.html#installConfig">
 138                 Developer Guide: Installing and Configuring Mercurial</a>
 139             section for more information.
 141             <h3><a name="get_source">Getting the Source</a></h3>
 142             <blockquote>
 143                 To get the entire set of OpenJDK Mercurial repositories
 144                 use the script <code>get_source.sh</code> located in the 
 145                 root repository:
 146                 <blockquote>
 147                     <code>
 148                         hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9
 149                         <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 150                         <br>
 151                         cd <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 152                         <br>
 153                         bash ./get_source.sh
 154                     </code>
 155                 </blockquote>
 156                 Once you have all the repositories, keep in mind that each
 157                 repository is its own independent repository.
 158                 You can also re-run <code>./get_source.sh</code> anytime to
 159                 pull over all the latest changesets in all the repositories.
 160                 This set of nested repositories has been given the term
 161                 "forest" and there are various ways to apply the same
 162                 <code>hg</code> command to each of the repositories.
 163                 For example, the script <code>make/scripts/hgforest.sh</code>
 164                 can be used to repeat the same <code>hg</code>
 165                 command on every repository, e.g.
 166                 <blockquote>
 167                     <code>
 168                         cd <i>YourOpenJDK</i>

 356                 Before even attempting to use a system to build the OpenJDK
 357                 there are some very basic system setups needed.
 358                 For all systems:
 359                 <ul>
 360                     <li>
 361                         Be sure the GNU make utility is version 3.81 or newer,
 362                         e.g. run "<code>make -version</code>"
 363                     </li>
 364                     <li>
 365                         Install a
 366                         <a name="bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a>.
 367                         All OpenJDK builds require access to a previously released
 368                         JDK called the <i>bootstrap JDK</i> or <i>boot JDK.</i>
 369                         The general rule is that the bootstrap JDK
 370                         must be an instance of the previous major
 371                         release of the JDK. In addition, there may be
 372                         a requirement to use a release at or beyond a
 373                         particular update level.
 374                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
 376                         <b><i>Building JDK 9 requires JDK 8. JDK 9
 377                         developers should not use JDK 9 as the boot
 378                         JDK, to ensure that JDK 9 dependencies are

 379                         not introduced into the parts of the system
 380                         that are built with JDK 8.</i></b>
 382                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
 383                         The JDK 8 binaries can be downloaded from Oracle's 
 384                         <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html"
 385                            target="_blank">JDK 8 download site</a>.
 386                         For build performance reasons it
 387                         is very important that this bootstrap JDK be made available 
 388                         on the local disk of the machine doing the build.
 389                         You should add its <code>bin</code> directory
 390                         to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable.
 391                         If <code>configure</code> has any issues finding this JDK, you may
 392                         need to use the <code>configure</code> option
 393                         <code>--with-boot-jdk</code>.
 394                     </li>
 395                     <li>
 396                         Ensure that GNU make, the Bootstrap JDK,
 397                         and the compilers are all
 398                         in your PATH environment variable
 399                     </li>
 400                 </ul>
 401                 And for specific systems:
 402                 <table border="1">
 403                     <thead>
 404                         <tr>
 405                             <th>Linux</th>
 406                             <th>Solaris</th>

1436                         number of cores in the build system,
1437                         e.g. <code>--with-num-cores=8</code>
1438                     </li>
1439                     <li>
1440                         <b><code>--with-memory-size</code></b> 
1441                         &mdash; memory (in MB) available in the build system,
1442                         e.g. <code>--with-memory-size=1024</code>
1443                     </li>
1444                 </ul>
1446                 <p>It might also be necessary to specify the JVM arguments passed 
1447                     to the Bootstrap JDK, using e.g.
1448                     <code>--with-boot-jdk-jvmargs="-Xmx8G -enableassertions"</code>. 
1449                     Doing this will override the default JVM arguments 
1450                     passed to the Bootstrap JDK.</p>
1453                 <p>One of the top goals of the new build system is to improve the
1454                     build performance and decrease the time needed to build. This will
1455                     soon also apply to the java compilation when the Smart Javac wrapper
1456                     is fully supported.</p>

1458                 <p>At the end of a successful execution of <code>configure</code>, 
1459                     you will get a performance summary, 
1460                     indicating how well the build will perform. Here you will
1461                     also get performance hints. 
1462                     If you want to build fast, pay attention to those!</p>
1464                 <h4>Building with ccache</h4>
1466                 <p>A simple way to radically speed up compilation of native code
1467                     (typically hotspot and native libraries in JDK) is to install
1468                     ccache. This will cache and reuse prior compilation results, if the
1469                     source code is unchanged. However, ccache versions prior to 3.1.4
1470                     does not work correctly with the precompiled headers used in
1471                     OpenJDK. So if your platform supports ccache at 3.1.4 or later, we
1472                     highly recommend installing it. This is currently only supported on
1473                     linux.</p> 
1475                 <h4>Building on local disk</h4>