
Print this page

  91     include $(SPEC)
  93     ### Clean up from previous run
  94     # Remove any build.log from a previous run, if they exist
  95     ifneq (,$(BUILD_LOG))
  96       ifneq (,$(BUILD_LOG_PREVIOUS))
  97         # Rotate old log
  98         $(shell $(RM) $(BUILD_LOG_PREVIOUS) 2> /dev/null)
  99         $(shell $(MV) $(BUILD_LOG) $(BUILD_LOG_PREVIOUS) 2> /dev/null)
 100       else
 101         $(shell $(RM) $(BUILD_LOG) 2> /dev/null)
 102       endif
 103       $(shell $(RM) $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/build-trace-time.log 2> /dev/null)
 104     endif
 105     # Remove any javac server logs and port files. This
 106     # prevents a new make run to reuse the previous servers.
 107     ifneq (,$(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR))
 108       $(shell $(MKDIR) -p $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR) && $(RM) -rf $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR)/*)
 109     endif

 111     main-wrapper:
 112         @$(if $(findstring clean, $(MAIN_TARGETS)), , $(call AtMakeStart))

 113         (cd $(root_dir)/make && $(BUILD_LOG_WRAPPER) $(MAKE) -f Main.gmk SPEC=$(SPEC) -j $(JOBS) \
 115             $(if $(filter true, $(OUTPUT_SYNC_SUPPORTED)), -O$(OUTPUT_SYNC)))
 116         @$(if $(findstring clean, $(MAIN_TARGETS)), , $(call AtMakeEnd))

 118      .PHONY: main-wrapper
 120    endif
 121 endif
 123 # Here are "global" targets, i.e. targets that can be executed without specifying a single configuration.
 124 # If you add more global targets, please update the variable global_targets in MakeHelpers.
 126 help:
 127         $(info )
 128         $(info OpenJDK Makefile help)
 129         $(info =====================)
 130         $(info )
 131         $(info Common make targets)
 132         $(info .  make [default]         # Compile all modules in langtools, hotspot, jaxp, jaxws,)
 133         $(info .                         # corba and jdk and create a runnable "exploded" image)
 134         $(info .  make all               # Compile everything, all repos, docs and images)
 135         $(info .  make images            # Create complete j2sdk and j2re images)
 136         $(info .  make docs              # Create all docs)
 137         $(info .  make docs-javadoc      # Create just javadocs, depends on less than full docs)
 138         $(info .  make profiles          # Create complete j2re compact profile images)
 139         $(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly built JDK)
 140         $(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)

 141         $(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
 142         $(info .                         # generated by configure. Do not run clean and other)
 143         $(info .                         # targets together as that might behave in an)
 144         $(info .                         # unexpected way.)
 145         $(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)
 146         $(info .  make help              # Give some help on using make)
 147         $(info .  make test              # Run tests, default is all tests (see TEST below))
 148         $(info )
 149         $(info Targets for specific modules)
 150         $(info .  make <module>          # Build <module> and everything it depends on. )
 151         $(info .  make <module>-only     # Build <module> only, without dependencies. This)
 152         $(info .                         # is faster but can result in incorrect build results!)
 153         $(info .  make <module>-java     # Compile java classes for <module> and everything it)
 154         $(info .                         # depends on)
 155         $(info .  make <module>-libs     # Build native libraries for <module> and everything it)
 156         $(info .                         # depends on)
 157         $(info .  make <module>-launchers# Build native executables for <module> and everything it)
 158         $(info .                         # depends on)
 159         $(info .  make <module>-gensrc   # Execute the gensrc step for <module> and everything it)
 160         $(info .                         # depends on)
 161         $(info )
 162         $(info Useful make variables)
 163         $(info .  make CONF=             # Build all configurations (note, assignment is empty))
 164         $(info .  make CONF=<substring>  # Build the configuration(s) with a name matching)

  91     include $(SPEC)
  93     ### Clean up from previous run
  94     # Remove any build.log from a previous run, if they exist
  95     ifneq (,$(BUILD_LOG))
  96       ifneq (,$(BUILD_LOG_PREVIOUS))
  97         # Rotate old log
  98         $(shell $(RM) $(BUILD_LOG_PREVIOUS) 2> /dev/null)
  99         $(shell $(MV) $(BUILD_LOG) $(BUILD_LOG_PREVIOUS) 2> /dev/null)
 100       else
 101         $(shell $(RM) $(BUILD_LOG) 2> /dev/null)
 102       endif
 103       $(shell $(RM) $(OUTPUT_ROOT)/build-trace-time.log 2> /dev/null)
 104     endif
 105     # Remove any javac server logs and port files. This
 106     # prevents a new make run to reuse the previous servers.
 107     ifneq (,$(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR))
 108       $(shell $(MKDIR) -p $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR) && $(RM) -rf $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR)/*)
 109     endif
 111     # Split out the targets requiring sequential execution. Run these targets separately
 112     # from the rest so that the rest may still enjoy full parallel execution.
 113     SEQUENTIAL_TARGETS := $(filter dist-clean clean% reconfigure, $(MAIN_TARGETS))
 116     main-wrapper:
 117         ifneq ($(SEQUENTIAL_TARGETS), )
 118           (cd $(root_dir)/make && $(MAKE) -f Main.gmk SPEC=$(SPEC) -j 1 \
 120         endif
 121         ifneq ($(PARALLEL_TARGETS), )
 122           @$(call AtMakeStart)
 123           (cd $(root_dir)/make && $(BUILD_LOG_WRAPPER) $(MAKE) -f Main.gmk SPEC=$(SPEC) -j $(JOBS) \
 125               $(if $(filter true, $(OUTPUT_SYNC_SUPPORTED)), -O$(OUTPUT_SYNC)))
 126           @$(call AtMakeEnd)
 127         endif
 129      .PHONY: main-wrapper
 131    endif
 132 endif
 134 # Here are "global" targets, i.e. targets that can be executed without specifying a single configuration.
 135 # If you add more global targets, please update the variable global_targets in MakeHelpers.
 137 help:
 138         $(info )
 139         $(info OpenJDK Makefile help)
 140         $(info =====================)
 141         $(info )
 142         $(info Common make targets)
 143         $(info .  make [default]         # Compile all modules in langtools, hotspot, jaxp, jaxws,)
 144         $(info .                         # corba and jdk and create a runnable "exploded" image)
 145         $(info .  make all               # Compile everything, all repos, docs and images)
 146         $(info .  make images            # Create complete j2sdk and j2re images)
 147         $(info .  make docs              # Create all docs)
 148         $(info .  make docs-javadoc      # Create just javadocs, depends on less than full docs)
 149         $(info .  make profiles          # Create complete j2re compact profile images)
 150         $(info .  make bootcycle-images  # Build images twice, second time with newly built JDK)
 151         $(info .  make install           # Install the generated images locally)
 152         $(info .  make reconfigure       # Rerun configure with the same arguments as last time)
 153         $(info .  make clean             # Remove all files generated by make, but not those)
 154         $(info .                         # generated by configure)

 155         $(info .  make dist-clean        # Remove all files, including configuration)
 156         $(info .  make help              # Give some help on using make)
 157         $(info .  make test              # Run tests, default is all tests (see TEST below))
 158         $(info )
 159         $(info Targets for specific modules)
 160         $(info .  make <module>          # Build <module> and everything it depends on. )
 161         $(info .  make <module>-only     # Build <module> only, without dependencies. This)
 162         $(info .                         # is faster but can result in incorrect build results!)
 163         $(info .  make <module>-java     # Compile java classes for <module> and everything it)
 164         $(info .                         # depends on)
 165         $(info .  make <module>-libs     # Build native libraries for <module> and everything it)
 166         $(info .                         # depends on)
 167         $(info .  make <module>-launchers# Build native executables for <module> and everything it)
 168         $(info .                         # depends on)
 169         $(info .  make <module>-gensrc   # Execute the gensrc step for <module> and everything it)
 170         $(info .                         # depends on)
 171         $(info )
 172         $(info Useful make variables)
 173         $(info .  make CONF=             # Build all configurations (note, assignment is empty))
 174         $(info .  make CONF=<substring>  # Build the configuration(s) with a name matching)