1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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   3     <head>
   4         <title>OpenJDK Build README</title>
   5     </head>
   6     <body style="background-color:aquamarine">
   8         <!-- ====================================================== -->
   9         <table width="100%">
  10             <tr>
  11                 <td align="center">
  12                     <img alt="OpenJDK" 
  13                          src="http://openjdk.java.net/images/openjdk.png" 
  14                          width=256>
  15                 </td>
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  17             <tr>
  18                 <td align=center>
  19                     <h1>OpenJDK Build README</h1>
  20                 </td>
  21             </tr>
  22         </table>
  24         <!-- ====================================================== -->
  25         <hr>
  26         <h2><a name="introduction">Introduction</a></h2>
  27         <blockquote>
  28             This README file contains build instructions for the
  29             <a href="http://openjdk.java.net"  target="_blank">OpenJDK</a>.
  30             Building the source code for the
  31             OpenJDK
  32             requires
  33             a certain degree of technical expertise.
  35             <!-- ====================================================== -->
  36             <h3>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A MAJOR RE-WRITE of this document. !!!!!!!!!!!!!</h3>
  37             <blockquote>
  38                 Some Headlines:
  39                 <ul>
  40                     <li>
  41                         The build is now a "<code>configure &amp;&amp; make</code>" style build
  42                     </li>
  43                     <li>
  44                         Any GNU make 3.81 or newer should work
  45                     </li>
  46                     <li>
  47                         The build should scale, i.e. more processors should
  48                         cause the build to be done in less wall-clock time
  49                     </li>
  50                     <li>
  51                         Nested or recursive make invocations have been significantly
  52                         reduced, as has the total fork/exec or spawning
  53                         of sub processes during the build
  54                     </li>
  55                     <li>
  56                         Windows MKS usage is no longer supported
  57                     </li>
  58                     <li>
  59                         Windows Visual Studio <code>vsvars*.bat</code> and 
  60                         <code>vcvars*.bat</code> files are run automatically
  61                     </li>
  62                     <li>
  63                         Ant is no longer used when building the OpenJDK
  64                     </li>
  65                     <li>
  66                         Use of ALT_* environment variables for configuring the
  67                         build is no longer supported
  68                     </li>
  69                 </ul>
  70             </blockquote>
  71         </blockquote>
  73         <!-- ====================================================== -->
  74         <hr>
  75         <h2><a name="contents">Contents</a></h2>
  76         <blockquote>
  77             <ul>
  78                 <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
  80                 <li><a href="#hg">Use of Mercurial</a>
  81                     <ul>
  82                         <li><a href="#get_source">Getting the Source</a></li>
  83                         <li><a href="#repositories">Repositories</a></li>
  84                     </ul>
  85                 </li>
  87                 <li><a href="#building">Building</a>
  88                     <ul>
  89                         <li><a href="#setup">System Setup</a>
  90                             <ul>
  91                                 <li><a href="#linux">Linux</a></li>
  92                                 <li><a href="#solaris">Solaris</a></li>
  93                                 <li><a href="#macosx">Mac OS X</a></li>
  94                                 <li><a href="#windows">Windows</a></li>
  95                             </ul>
  96                         </li>
  97                         <li><a href="#configure">Configure</a></li>
  98                         <li><a href="#make">Make</a></li>
  99                     </ul>
 100                 </li>
 101                 <li><a href="#testing">Testing</a></li>
 102             </ul>
 103             <hr>
 104             <ul>
 105                 <li><a href="#hints">Appendix A: Hints and Tips</a>
 106                     <ul>
 107                         <li><a href="#faq">FAQ</a></li>
 108                         <li><a href="#performance">Build Performance Tips</a></li>
 109                         <li><a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
 110                     </ul>
 111                 </li>
 112                 <li><a href="#gmake">Appendix B: GNU Make Information</a></li>
 113                 <li><a href="#buildenvironments">Appendix C: Build Environments</a></li>
 115                 <!-- Leave out
 116                 <li><a href="#mapping">Appendix D: Mapping Old Builds to the New Builds</a></li>    
 117                 -->
 119             </ul>
 120         </blockquote>
 122         <!-- ====================================================== -->
 123         <hr>
 124         <h2><a name="hg">Use of Mercurial</a></h2>
 125         <blockquote>
 126             The OpenJDK sources are maintained with the revision control system
 127             <a href="http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Mercurial">Mercurial</a>.
 128             If you are new to Mercurial, please see the
 129             <a href="http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/BeginnersGuides">
 130                 Beginner Guides</a>
 131             or refer to the <a href="http://hgbook.red-bean.com/">
 132                 Mercurial Book</a>.
 133             The first few chapters of the book provide an excellent overview of
 134             Mercurial, what it is and how it works.
 135             <br>
 136             For using Mercurial with the OpenJDK refer to the
 137             <a href="http://openjdk.java.net/guide/repositories.html#installConfig">
 138                 Developer Guide: Installing and Configuring Mercurial</a>
 139             section for more information.
 141             <h3><a name="get_source">Getting the Source</a></h3>
 142             <blockquote>
 143                 To get the entire set of OpenJDK Mercurial repositories
 144                 use the script <code>get_source.sh</code> located in the 
 145                 root repository:
 146                 <blockquote>
 147                     <code>
 148                         hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/jdk9
 149                         <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 150                         <br>
 151                         cd <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 152                         <br>
 153                         bash ./get_source.sh
 154                     </code>
 155                 </blockquote>
 156                 Once you have all the repositories, keep in mind that each
 157                 repository is its own independent repository.
 158                 You can also re-run <code>./get_source.sh</code> anytime to
 159                 pull over all the latest changesets in all the repositories.
 160                 This set of nested repositories has been given the term
 161                 "forest" and there are various ways to apply the same
 162                 <code>hg</code> command to each of the repositories.
 163                 For example, the script <code>make/scripts/hgforest.sh</code>
 164                 can be used to repeat the same <code>hg</code>
 165                 command on every repository, e.g.
 166                 <blockquote>
 167                     <code>
 168                         cd <i>YourOpenJDK</i>
 169                         <br>
 170                         bash ./make/scripts/hgforest.sh status
 171                     </code>
 172                 </blockquote>
 173             </blockquote>
 175             <h3><a name="repositories">Repositories</a></h3>
 176             <blockquote>
 177                 <p>The set of repositories and what they contain:</p>
 178                 <table border="1">
 179                     <thead>
 180                         <tr>
 181                             <th>Repository</th>
 182                             <th>Contains</th>
 183                         </tr>
 184                     </thead>                   
 185                     <tbody>
 186                         <tr>
 187                             <td>
 188                                 . (root)
 189                             </td>
 190                             <td>
 191                                 common configure and makefile logic
 192                             </td>
 193                         </tr>
 194                         <tr>
 195                             <td>
 196                                 hotspot
 197                             </td>
 198                             <td>
 199                                 source code and make files for building
 200                                 the OpenJDK Hotspot Virtual Machine                         
 201                             </td>
 202                         </tr>
 203                         <tr>
 204                             <td>
 205                                 langtools
 206                             </td>
 207                             <td>
 208                                 source code for the OpenJDK javac and language tools
 209                             </td>
 210                         </tr>
 211                         <tr>
 212                             <td>
 213                                 jdk
 214                             </td>
 215                             <td>
 216                                 source code and make files for building
 217                                 the OpenJDK runtime libraries and misc files
 218                             </td>
 219                         </tr>
 220                         <tr>
 221                             <td>
 222                                 jaxp
 223                             </td>
 224                             <td>
 225                                 source code for the OpenJDK JAXP functionality
 226                             </td>
 227                         </tr>
 228                         <tr>
 229                             <td>
 230                                 jaxws
 231                             </td>
 232                             <td>
 233                                 source code for the OpenJDK JAX-WS functionality
 234                             </td>
 235                         </tr>
 236                         <tr>
 237                             <td>
 238                                 corba
 239                             </td>
 240                             <td>
 241                                 source code for the OpenJDK Corba functionality
 242                             </td>
 243                         </tr>
 244                         <tr>
 245                             <td>
 246                                 nashorn
 247                             </td>
 248                             <td>
 249                                 source code for the OpenJDK JavaScript implementation
 250                             </td>
 251                         </tr>
 252                     </tbody>
 253                 </table>
 254             </blockquote>
 256             <h3><a name="guidelines">Repository Source Guidelines</a></h3>
 257             <blockquote>
 258                 There are some very basic guidelines:
 259                 <ul>
 260                     <li>
 261                         Use of whitespace in source files
 262                         (.java, .c, .h, .cpp, and .hpp files)
 263                         is restricted.
 264                         No TABs, no trailing whitespace on lines, and files
 265                         should not terminate in more than one blank line.
 266                     </li>
 267                     <li>
 268                         Files with execute permissions should not be added
 269                         to the source repositories.
 270                     </li>
 271                     <li>
 272                         All generated files need to be kept isolated from 
 273                         the files
 274                         maintained or managed by the source control system.
 275                         The standard area for generated files is the top level
 276                         <code>build/</code> directory.
 277                     </li>
 278                     <li>
 279                         The default build process should be to build the product
 280                         and nothing else, in one form, e.g. a product (optimized),
 281                         debug (non-optimized, -g plus assert logic), or
 282                         fastdebug (optimized, -g plus assert logic).
 283                     </li>
 284                     <li>
 285                         The <tt>.hgignore</tt> file in each repository
 286                         must exist and should
 287                         include <tt>^build/</tt>, <tt>^dist/</tt> and 
 288                         optionally any
 289                         <tt>nbproject/private</tt> directories.
 290                         <strong>It should NEVER</strong> include 
 291                         anything in the
 292                         <tt>src/</tt> or <tt>test/</tt>
 293                         or any managed directory area of a repository.
 294                     </li>
 295                     <li>
 296                         Directory names and file names should never contain
 297                         blanks or
 298                         non-printing characters.
 299                     </li>
 300                     <li>
 301                         Generated source or binary files should NEVER be added to
 302                         the repository (that includes <tt>javah</tt> output).
 303                         There are some exceptions to this rule, in particular
 304                         with some of the generated configure scripts.
 305                     </li>
 306                     <li>
 307                         Files not needed for typical building
 308                         or testing of the repository
 309                         should not be added to the repository.
 310                     </li>
 311                 </ul>
 312             </blockquote>
 314         </blockquote>
 316         <!-- ====================================================== -->
 317         <hr>
 318         <h2><a name="building">Building</a></h2>
 319         <blockquote>
 320             The very first step in building the OpenJDK is making sure the
 321             system itself has everything it needs to do OpenJDK builds.
 322             Once a system is setup, it generally doesn't need to be done again.
 323             <br>
 324             Building the OpenJDK is now done with running a 
 325             <a href="#configure"><code>configure</code></a>
 326             script which will try and find and verify you have everything
 327             you need, followed by running
 328             <a href="#gmake"><code>make</code></a>, e.g.
 329             <blockquote>
 330                 <b>
 331                     <code>
 332                         bash ./configure<br>
 333                         make all
 334                     </code>
 335                 </b>
 336             </blockquote>
 337             Where possible the <code>configure</code> script will attempt to located the
 338             various components in the default locations or via component
 339             specific variable settings.
 340             When the normal defaults fail or components cannot be found,
 341             additional <code>configure</code> options may be necessary to help <code>configure</code>
 342             find the necessary tools for the build, or you may need to
 343             re-visit the setup of your system due to missing software
 344             packages.
 345             <br>
 346             <strong>NOTE:</strong> The <code>configure</code> script
 347             file does not have
 348             execute permissions and will need to be explicitly run with
 349             <code>bash</code>,
 350             see the <a href="#guidelines">source guidelines</a>.
 352             <!-- ====================================================== -->
 353             <hr>
 354             <h3><a name="setup">System Setup</a></h3>
 355             <blockquote>
 356                 Before even attempting to use a system to build the OpenJDK
 357                 there are some very basic system setups needed.
 358                 For all systems:
 359                 <ul>
 360                     <li>
 361                         Be sure the GNU make utility is version 3.81 or newer,
 362                         e.g. run "<code>make -version</code>"
 363                     </li>
 364                     <li>
 365                         Install a
 366                         <a name="bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a>.
 367                         All OpenJDK builds require access to a previously released
 368                         JDK called the <i>bootstrap JDK</i> or <i>boot JDK.</i>
 369                         The general rule is that the bootstrap JDK
 370                         must be an instance of the previous major
 371                         release of the JDK. In addition, there may be
 372                         a requirement to use a release at or beyond a
 373                         particular update level.
 374                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
 376                         <b><i>Building JDK 9 requires JDK 8. JDK 9
 377                         developers should not use JDK 9 as the boot
 378                         JDK, to ensure that JDK 9 dependencies are
 379                         not introduced into the parts of the system
 380                         that are built with JDK 8.</i></b>
 382                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
 383                         The JDK 8 binaries can be downloaded from Oracle's 
 384                         <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html"
 385                            target="_blank">JDK 8 download site</a>.
 386                         For build performance reasons it
 387                         is very important that this bootstrap JDK be made available 
 388                         on the local disk of the machine doing the build.
 389                         You should add its <code>bin</code> directory
 390                         to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable.
 391                         If <code>configure</code> has any issues finding this JDK, you may
 392                         need to use the <code>configure</code> option
 393                         <code>--with-boot-jdk</code>.
 394                     </li>
 395                     <li>
 396                         Ensure that GNU make, the Bootstrap JDK,
 397                         and the compilers are all
 398                         in your PATH environment variable
 399                     </li>
 400                 </ul>
 401                 And for specific systems:
 402                 <table border="1">
 403                     <thead>
 404                         <tr>
 405                             <th>Linux</th>
 406                             <th>Solaris</th>
 407                             <th>Windows</th>
 408                             <th>Mac OS X</th>
 409                         </tr>
 410                     </thead>                   
 411                     <tbody>
 412                         <tr>
 413                             <td>
 414                                 Install all the software development
 415                                 packages needed including
 416                                 <a href="#alsa">alsa</a>,
 417                                 <a href="#freetype">freetype</a>,
 418                                 <a href="#cups">cups</a>, and
 419                                 <a href="#xrender">xrender</a>.
 420                                 <br>
 421                                 See
 422                                 <a href="#SDBE">specific system packages</a>.
 423                             </td>
 424                             <td>
 425                                 Install all the software development
 426                                 packages needed  including
 427                                 <a href="#studio">Studio Compilers</a>,
 428                                 <a href="#freetype">freetype</a>,
 429                                 <a href="#cups">cups</a>, and
 430                                 <a href="#xrender">xrender</a>.
 431                                 <br>
 432                                 See
 433                                 <a href="#SDBE">specific system packages</a>.
 434                             </td>
 435                             <td>
 436                                 <ul>
 437                                     <li>
 438                                         Install one of
 439                                         <a href="#cygwin">CYGWIN</a> or
 440                                         <a href="#msys">MinGW/MSYS</a>
 441                                     </li>
 442                                     <li>
 443                                         Install
 444                                         <a href="#vs2010">Visual Studio 2010</a>
 445                                     </li>
 446                                 </ul>
 447                             </td>
 448                             <td>
 449                                 Install 
 450                                 <a href="https://developer.apple.com/xcode/">XCode 4.5.2</a> 
 451                                 and also install the "Command line tools" found under the
 452                                 preferences pane "Downloads"
 453                             </td>
 454                         </tr>
 455                     </tbody>
 456                 </table>
 458                 <h4><a name="linux">Linux</a></h4>
 459                 <blockquote>
 460                     With Linux, try and favor the system packages over 
 461                     building your own
 462                     or getting packages from other areas.
 463                     Most Linux builds should be possible with the system's
 464                     available packages.
 465                     <br>
 466                     Note that some Linux systems have a habit of pre-populating
 467                     your environment variables for you, for example <code>JAVA_HOME</code>
 468                     might get pre-defined for you to refer to the JDK installed on
 469                     your Linux system.
 470                     You will need to unset <code>JAVA_HOME</code>.
 471                     It's a good idea to run <code>env</code> and verify the
 472                     environment variables you are getting from the default system
 473                     settings make sense for building the OpenJDK.
 475                 </blockquote>
 477                 <h4><a name="solaris">Solaris</a></h4>
 478                 <blockquote>
 479                     <h5><a name="studio">Studio Compilers</a></h5>
 480                     <blockquote>
 481                         At a minimum, the
 482                         <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solarisstudio/downloads/index.htm" target="_blank">
 483                             Studio 12 Update 1 Compilers</a>
 484                         (containing version 5.10 of the C and C++ compilers) is required,
 485                         including specific patches.
 486                         <p>
 487                             The Solaris SPARC patch list is:
 488                         <ul>
 489                             <li>
 490                                 118683-05: SunOS 5.10: Patch for profiling libraries and assembler
 491                             </li>
 492                             <li>
 493                                 119963-21: SunOS 5.10: Shared library patch for C++
 494                             </li>
 495                             <li>
 496                                 120753-08: SunOS 5.10: Microtasking libraries (libmtsk) patch
 497                             </li>
 498                             <li>
 499                                 128228-09: Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Patch for Sun C++ Compiler
 500                             </li>
 501                             <li>
 502                                 141860-03: Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Patch for Compiler Common patch for Sun C C++ F77 F95
 503                             </li>
 504                             <li>
 505                                 141861-05: Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Patch for Sun C Compiler
 506                             </li>
 507                             <li>
 508                                 142371-01: Sun Studio 12.1 Update 1: Patch for dbx
 509                             </li>
 510                             <li>
 511                                 143384-02: Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Patch for debuginfo handling
 512                             </li>
 513                             <li>
 514                                 143385-02: Sun Studio 12 Update 1: Patch for Compiler Common patch for Sun C C++ F77 F95
 515                             </li>
 516                             <li>
 517                                 142369-01: Sun Studio 12.1: Patch for Performance Analyzer Tools
 518                             </li>
 519                         </ul>
 520                         <p>
 521                             The Solaris X86 patch list is:
 522                         <ul>
 523                             <li>
 524                                 119961-07: SunOS 5.10_x86, x64, Patch for profiling libraries and assembler
 525                             </li>
 526                             <li>
 527                                 119964-21: SunOS 5.10_x86: Shared library patch for C++_x86
 528                             </li>
 529                             <li>
 530                                 120754-08: SunOS 5.10_x86: Microtasking libraries (libmtsk) patch
 531                             </li>
 532                             <li>
 533                                 141858-06: Sun Studio 12 Update 1_x86: Sun Compiler Common patch for x86 backend
 534                             </li>
 535                             <li>
 536                                 128229-09: Sun Studio 12 Update 1_x86: Patch for C++ Compiler
 537                             </li>
 538                             <li>
 539                                 142363-05: Sun Studio 12 Update 1_x86: Patch for C Compiler
 540                             </li>
 541                             <li>
 542                                 142368-01: Sun Studio 12.1_x86: Patch for Performance Analyzer Tools
 543                             </li>
 544                         </ul>
 545                         <p> 
 546                             Place the <code>bin</code> directory in <code>PATH</code>.
 547                         <p>
 548                             The Oracle Solaris Studio Express compilers at:
 549                             <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solarisstudio/downloads/index-jsp-142582.html" target="_blank">
 550                                 Oracle Solaris Studio Express Download site</a>
 551                             are also an option, although these compilers have not
 552                             been extensively used yet.
 553                     </blockquote>
 555                 </blockquote> <!-- Solaris -->
 557                 <h4><a name="windows">Windows</a></h4>
 558                 <blockquote>
 560                     <h5><a name="toolkit">Windows Unix Toolkit</a></h5>
 561                     <blockquote>
 562                         Building on Windows requires a Unix-like environment, notably a 
 563                         Unix-like shell.
 564                         There are several such environments available of which 
 565                         <a href="http://www.cygwin.com/">Cygwin</a> and 
 566                         <a href="http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MSYS">MinGW/MSYS</a> are 
 567                         currently supported for
 568                         the OpenJDK build. One of the differences of these 
 569                         systems from standard Windows tools is the way
 570                         they handle Windows path names, particularly path names which contain
 571                         spaces, backslashes as path separators and possibly drive letters. 
 572                         Depending
 573                         on the use case and the specifics of each environment these path 
 574                         problems can
 575                         be solved by a combination of quoting whole paths, translating 
 576                         backslashes to
 577                         forward slashes, escaping backslashes with additional backslashes and
 578                         translating the path names to their 
 579                         <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.3_filename">
 580                             "8.3" version</a>.
 582                         <h6><a name="cygwin">CYGWIN</a></h6>
 583                         <blockquote>
 584                             CYGWIN is an open source, Linux-like environment which tries to emulate
 585                             a complete POSIX layer on Windows. It tries to be smart about path names
 586                             and can usually handle all kinds of paths if they are correctly quoted
 587                             or escaped although internally it maps drive letters <code>&lt;drive&gt;:</code> 
 588                             to a virtual directory <code>/cygdrive/&lt;drive&gt;</code>.
 589                             <p>
 590                                 You can always use the <code>cygpath</code> utility to map pathnames with spaces
 591                                 or the backslash character into the <code>C:/</code> style of pathname
 592                                 (called 'mixed'), e.g. <code>cygpath -s -m "<i>path</i>"</code>.
 593                             </p>
 594                             <p>
 595                                 Note that the use of CYGWIN creates a unique problem with regards to
 596                                 setting <a href="#path"><code>PATH</code></a>. Normally on Windows
 597                                 the <code>PATH</code> variable contains directories
 598                                 separated with the ";" character (Solaris and Linux use ":").
 599                                 With CYGWIN, it uses ":", but that means that paths like "C:/path"
 600                                 cannot be placed in the CYGWIN version  of <code>PATH</code> and
 601                                 instead CYGWIN uses something like <code>/cygdrive/c/path</code>
 602                                 which CYGWIN understands, but only CYGWIN understands.
 603                             </p>
 604                             <p>
 605                                 The OpenJDK build requires CYGWIN version 1.7.16 or newer.
 606                                 Information about CYGWIN can
 607                                 be obtained from the CYGWIN website at
 608                                 <a href="http://www.cygwin.com" target="_blank">www.cygwin.com</a>.
 609                             </p>
 610                             <p>
 611                                 By default CYGWIN doesn't install all the tools required for building
 612                                 the OpenJDK.
 613                                 Along with the default installation, you need to install
 614                                 the following tools.
 615                             <blockquote>
 616                                 <table border="1">
 617                                     <thead>
 618                                         <tr>
 619                                             <td>Binary Name</td>
 620                                             <td>Category</td>
 621                                             <td>Package</td>
 622                                             <td>Description</td>
 623                                         </tr>
 624                                     </thead>
 625                                     <tbody>
 626                                         <tr>
 627                                             <td>ar.exe</td>
 628                                             <td>Devel</td>
 629                                             <td>binutils</td>
 630                                             <td>
 631                                                 The GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
 632                                             </td>
 633                                         </tr>
 634                                         <tr>
 635                                             <td>make.exe</td>
 636                                             <td>Devel</td>
 637                                             <td>make</td>
 638                                             <td>
 639                                                 The GNU version of the 'make' utility built for CYGWIN
 640                                             </td>
 641                                         </tr>
 642                                         <tr>
 643                                             <td>m4.exe</td>
 644                                             <td>Interpreters</td>
 645                                             <td>m4</td>
 646                                             <td>
 647                                                 GNU implementation of the traditional Unix macro
 648                                                 processor
 649                                             </td>
 650                                         </tr>
 651                                         <tr>
 652                                             <td>cpio.exe</td>
 653                                             <td>Utils</td>
 654                                             <td>cpio</td>
 655                                             <td>
 656                                                 A program to manage archives of files
 657                                             </td>
 658                                         </tr>
 659                                         <tr>
 660                                             <td>gawk.exe</td>
 661                                             <td>Utils</td>
 662                                             <td>awk</td>
 663                                             <td>
 664                                                 Pattern-directed scanning and processing language
 665                                             </td>
 666                                         </tr>
 667                                         <tr>
 668                                             <td>file.exe</td>
 669                                             <td>Utils</td>
 670                                             <td>file</td>
 671                                             <td>
 672                                                 Determines file type using 'magic' numbers
 673                                             </td>
 674                                         </tr>
 675                                         <tr>
 676                                             <td>zip.exe</td>
 677                                             <td>Archive</td>
 678                                             <td>zip</td>
 679                                             <td>
 680                                                 Package and compress (archive) files
 681                                             </td>
 682                                         </tr>
 683                                         <tr>
 684                                             <td>unzip.exe</td>
 685                                             <td>Archive</td>
 686                                             <td>unzip</td>
 687                                             <td>
 688                                                 Extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
 689                                             </td>
 690                                         </tr>
 691                                         <tr>
 692                                             <td>free.exe</td>
 693                                             <td>System</td>
 694                                             <td>procps</td>
 695                                             <td>
 696                                                 Display amount of free and used memory in the system
 697                                             </td>
 698                                         </tr>
 699                                     </tbody>
 700                                 </table>
 701                             </blockquote>
 702                             Note that the CYGWIN software can conflict with other non-CYGWIN
 703                             software on your Windows system.
 704                             CYGWIN provides a
 705                             <a href="http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.using.html" target="_blank">FAQ</a> for
 706                             known issues and problems, of particular interest is the
 707                             section on
 708                             <a href="http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.using.html#faq.using.bloda" target="_blank">
 709                                 BLODA (applications that interfere with CYGWIN)</a>.
 710                         </blockquote>
 712                         <h6><a name="msys">MinGW/MSYS</a></h6> 
 713                         <blockquote>
 714                             MinGW ("Minimalist GNU for Windows") is a collection of free Windows
 715                             specific header files and import libraries combined with GNU toolsets that
 716                             allow one to produce native Windows programs that do not rely on any
 717                             3rd-party C runtime DLLs. MSYS is a supplement to MinGW which allows building
 718                             applications and programs which rely on traditional UNIX tools to
 719                             be present. Among others this includes tools like <code>bash</code>
 720                             and <code>make</code>.
 721                             See <a href="http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MSYS" target="_blank">MinGW/MSYS</a>
 722                             for more information.
 723                             <p>
 724                                 Like Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS can handle different types of path formats. They
 725                                 are internally converted to paths with forward slashes and drive letters
 726                                 <code>&lt;drive&gt;:</code> replaced by a virtual
 727                                 directory <code>/&lt;drive&gt;</code>.  Additionally, MSYS automatically
 728                                 detects binaries compiled for the MSYS environment and feeds them with the
 729                                 internal, Unix-style path names. If native Windows applications are called
 730                                 from within MSYS programs their path arguments are automatically converted
 731                                 back to Windows style path names with drive letters and backslashes as
 732                                 path separators. This may cause problems for Windows applications which
 733                                 use forward slashes as parameter separator (e.g. <code>cl /nologo /I</code>)
 734                                 because MSYS may wrongly <a href="http://mingw.org/wiki/Posix_path_conversion">
 735                                     replace such parameters by drive letters</a>.
 736                             </p>
 737                             <p>
 738                                 In addition to the tools which will be installed
 739                                 by default, you have
 740                                 to manually install the
 741                                 <code>msys-zip</code> and
 742                                 <code>msys-unzip</code> packages.
 743                                 This can be easily done with the MinGW command line installer:
 744                             <blockquote> 
 745                                 <code>mingw-get.exe install msys-zip</code>
 746                                 <br>
 747                                 <code>mingw-get.exe install msys-unzip</code>
 748                             </blockquote> 
 749                         </blockquote>
 751                     </blockquote>
 753                     <h5><a name="vs2010">Visual Studio 2010 Compilers</a></h5>
 754                     <blockquote>
 755                         <p>
 756                             The 32-bit and 64-bit OpenJDK Windows build requires
 757                             Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 (VS2010) Professional
 758                             Edition or Express compiler.
 759                             The compiler and other tools are expected to reside
 760                             in the location defined by the variable
 761                             <code>VS100COMNTOOLS</code> which
 762                             is set by the Microsoft Visual Studio installer.
 763                         </p>
 764                         <p>
 765                             Only the C++ part of VS2010 is needed.
 766                             Try to let the installation go to the default 
 767                             install directory.
 768                             Always reboot your system after installing VS2010.
 769                             The system environment variable VS100COMNTOOLS 
 770                             should be
 771                             set in your environment.
 772                         </p>
 773                         <p>
 774                             Make sure that TMP and TEMP are also set 
 775                             in the environment
 776                             and refer to Windows paths that exist, 
 777                             like <code>C:\temp</code>,
 778                             not <code>/tmp</code>, not <code>/cygdrive/c/temp</code>, 
 779                             and not <code>C:/temp</code>.
 780                             <code>C:\temp</code> is just an example, 
 781                             it is assumed that this area is
 782                             private to the user, so by default 
 783                             after installs you should
 784                             see a unique user path in these variables.
 785                         </p>
 786                     </blockquote>
 789                 </blockquote> <!-- Windows -->
 791                 <h4><a name="macosx">Mac OS X</a></h4>
 792                 <blockquote>
 793                     Make sure you get the right XCode version.
 794                 </blockquote> <!-- Mac OS X -->
 796             </blockquote>
 798             <!-- ====================================================== -->
 799             <hr>
 800             <h3><a name="configure">Configure</a></h3>
 801             <blockquote>
 802                 The basic invocation of the <code>configure</code> script
 803                 looks like:
 804                 <blockquote>
 805                     <b><code>bash ./configure [<i>options</i>]</code></b>
 806                 </blockquote>
 807                 This will create an output directory containing the
 808                 "configuration" and setup an area for the build result.
 809                 This directory typically looks like:
 810                 <blockquote>
 811                     <b><code>build/linux-x64-normal-server-release</code></b>
 812                 </blockquote>
 813                 <code>configure</code> will try to figure out what system you are running on 
 814                 and where all necessary build components are.
 815                 If you have all prerequisites for building installed,
 816                 it should find everything.
 817                 If it fails to detect any component automatically,
 818                 it will exit and inform you about the problem.
 819                 When this happens, read more below in
 820                 <a href="#configureoptions">the <code>configure</code> options</a>.
 821                 <p>
 822                     Some examples:
 823                 </p>
 824                 <table border="1">
 825                     <thead>
 826                         <tr>
 827                             <th>Description</th>
 828                             <th>Configure Command Line</th>
 829                         </tr>
 830                     </thead>                   
 831                     <tbody>
 832                         <tr>
 833                             <td>Windows 32bit build with freetype specified</td>
 834                             <td>
 835                                 <code>bash ./configure --with-freetype=/cygdrive/c/freetype-i586 --with-target-bits=32</code>   
 836                             </td>
 837                         </tr>
 838                         <tr>
 839                             <td>Debug 64bit Build</td>
 840                             <td>
 841                                 <code>bash ./configure --enable-debug --with-target-bits=64</code>   
 842                             </td>
 843                         </tr>
 844                     </tbody>
 845                 </table>
 847                 <!-- ====================================================== -->
 848                 <h4><a name="configureoptions">Configure Options</a></h4>
 849                 <blockquote>
 850                     Complete details on all the OpenJDK <code>configure</code> options can
 851                     be seen with:
 852                     <blockquote>
 853                         <b><code>bash ./configure --help=short</code></b>
 854                     </blockquote>
 855                     Use <code>-help</code> to see all the <code>configure</code> options
 856                     available.
 858                     You can generate any number of different configurations,
 859                     e.g. debug, release, 32, 64, etc.
 861                     Some of the more commonly used <code>configure</code> options are:
 863                     <table border="1">
 864                         <thead>
 865                             <tr>
 866                                 <th width="300">OpenJDK Configure Option</th>
 867                                 <th>Description</th>
 868                             </tr>
 869                         </thead>                   
 870                         <tbody>
 871                             <tr>
 872                                 <td><b><code>--enable-debug</code></b></td>
 873                                 <td>
 874                                     set the debug level to fastdebug (this is a shorthand for
 875                                     <code>--with-debug-level=fastdebug</code>)
 876                                 </td>
 877                             </tr>
 878                             <tr>
 879                                 <td><b><code>--with-alsa=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 880                                 <td>
 881                                     select the location of the
 882                                     <a name="alsa">Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)</a>
 883                                     <br>                        
 884                                     Version 0.9.1 or newer of the ALSA files are
 885                                     required for building the OpenJDK on Linux.
 886                                     These Linux files are usually available from an "alsa"
 887                                     of "libasound"
 888                                     development package,
 889                                     and it's highly recommended that you try and use
 890                                     the package provided by the particular version of Linux that
 891                                     you are using.
 892                                 </td>
 893                             </tr>   
 894                             <tr>
 895                                 <td><b><code>--with-boot-jdk=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 896                                 <td>
 897                                     select the <a href="#bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a>
 898                                 </td>
 899                             </tr>                      
 900                             <tr>
 901                                 <td><b><code>--with-boot-jdk-jvmargs=</code></b>"<i>args</i>"</td>
 902                                 <td>
 903                                     provide the JVM options to be used to run the 
 904                                     <a href="#bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a>
 905                                 </td>
 906                             </tr>
 907                             <tr>
 908                                 <td><b><code>--with-cacerts=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 909                                 <td>
 910                                     select the path to the cacerts file.
 911                                     <br>
 912                                     See <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_Authority" target="_blank">
 913                                         http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_Authority</a>
 914                                     for a better understanding of the Certificate Authority (CA).
 915                                     A certificates file named "cacerts"
 916                                     represents a system-wide keystore with CA certificates. 
 917                                     In JDK and JRE
 918                                     binary bundles, the "cacerts" file contains root CA certificates from
 919                                     several public CAs (e.g., VeriSign, Thawte, and Baltimore).
 920                                     The source contain a cacerts file
 921                                     without CA root certificates. 
 922                                     Formal JDK builders will need to secure
 923                                     permission from each public CA and include the certificates into their
 924                                     own custom cacerts file. 
 925                                     Failure to provide a populated cacerts file
 926                                     will result in verification errors of a certificate chain during runtime.
 927                                     By default an empty cacerts file is provided and that should be
 928                                     fine for most JDK developers.
 929                                 </td>
 930                             </tr>    
 931                             <tr>
 932                                 <td><b><code>--with-cups=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 933                                 <td>
 934                                     select the CUPS install location
 935                                     <br>
 936                                     The
 937                                     <a name="cups">Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) Headers</a>
 938                                     are required for building the 
 939                                     OpenJDK on Solaris and Linux.
 940                                     The Solaris header files can be obtained by installing 
 941                                     the package <strong>SFWcups</strong> from the Solaris Software
 942                                     Companion CD/DVD, these often will be installed into the
 943                                     directory <code>/opt/sfw/cups</code>.
 944                                     <br>
 945                                     The CUPS header files can always be downloaded from
 946                                     <a href="http://www.cups.org" target="_blank">www.cups.org</a>.
 947                                 </td>
 948                             </tr>    
 949                             <tr>
 950                                 <td><b><code>--with-cups-include=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 951                                 <td>
 952                                     select the CUPS include directory location
 953                                 </td>
 954                             </tr>                           
 955                             <tr>
 956                                 <td><b><code>--with-debug-level=</code></b><i>level</i></td>
 957                                 <td>
 958                                     select the debug information level of release,
 959                                     fastdebug, or slowdebug
 960                                 </td>
 961                             </tr>                          
 962                             <tr>
 963                                 <td><b><code>--with-dev-kit=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 964                                 <td>
 965                                     select location of the compiler install or
 966                                     developer install location
 967                                 </td>
 968                             </tr>       
 969                             <tr>
 970                                 <td><b><code>--with-freetype=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
 971                                 <td>
 972                                     select the freetype files to use.
 973                                     <br>
 974                                     Expecting the
 975                                     <a name="freetype">freetype</a> libraries under
 976                                     <code>lib/</code> and the
 977                                     headers under <code>include/</code>.
 978                                     <br>
 979                                     Version 2.3 or newer of FreeType is required.
 980                                     On Unix systems required files can be available as part of your
 981                                     distribution (while you still may need to upgrade them).
 982                                     Note that you need development version of package that 
 983                                     includes both the FreeType library and header files.
 984                                     <br>
 985                                     You can always download latest FreeType version from the
 986                                     <a href="http://www.freetype.org" target="_blank">FreeType website</a>.
 987                                     <br>
 988                                     Building the freetype 2 libraries from scratch is also possible,
 989                                     however on Windows refer to the
 990                                     <a href="http://freetype.freedesktop.org/wiki/FreeType_DLL">
 991                                         Windows FreeType DLL build instructions</a>.
 992                                     <br>
 993                                     Note that by default FreeType is built with byte code hinting
 994                                     support disabled due to licensing restrictions.
 995                                     In this case, text appearance and metrics are expected to
 996                                     differ from Sun's official JDK build.
 997                                     See
 998                                     <a href="http://freetype.sourceforge.net/freetype2/index.html">
 999                                         the SourceForge FreeType2 Home Page
1000                                     </a>
1001                                     for more information.
1002                                 </td>
1003                             </tr>                          
1004                             <tr>
1005                                 <td><b><code>--with-import-hotspot=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
1006                                 <td>
1007                                     select the location to find hotspot
1008                                     binaries from a previous build to avoid building
1009                                     hotspot
1010                                 </td>
1011                             </tr>                          
1012                             <tr>
1013                                 <td><b><code>--with-target-bits=</code></b><i>arg</i></td>
1014                                 <td>
1015                                     select 32 or 64 bit build
1016                                 </td>
1017                             </tr>                           
1018                             <tr>
1019                                 <td><b><code>--with-jvm-variants=</code></b><i>variants</i></td>
1020                                 <td>
1021                                     select the JVM variants to build from, comma
1022                                     separated list that can include:
1023                                     server, client, kernel, zero and zeroshark
1024                                 </td>
1025                             </tr>                           
1026                             <tr>
1027                                 <td><b><code>--with-memory-size=</code></b><i>size</i></td>
1028                                 <td>
1029                                     select the RAM size that GNU make will think
1030                                     this system has
1031                                 </td>
1032                             </tr>                            
1033                             <tr>
1034                                 <td><a name="msvcrNN"><b><code>--with-msvcr-dll=</code></b><i>path</i></a></td>
1035                                 <td>
1036                                     select the <code>msvcr100.dll</code>
1037                                     file to include in the
1038                                     Windows builds (C/C++ runtime library for
1039                                     Visual Studio).
1040                                     <br>
1041                                     This is usually picked up automatically
1042                                     from the redist
1043                                     directories of Visual Studio 2010.
1044                                 </td>
1045                             </tr>                            
1046                             <tr>
1047                                 <td><b><code>--with-num-cores=</code></b><i>cores</i></td>
1048                                 <td>
1049                                     select the number of cores to use (processor
1050                                     count or CPU count)
1051                                 </td>
1052                             </tr>
1053                             <tr>
1054                                 <td><b><code>--with-x=</code></b><i>path</i></td>
1055                                 <td>
1056                                     select the location of the X11 and xrender files.
1057                                     <br>
1058                                     The
1059                                     <a name="xrender">XRender Extension Headers</a>
1060                                     are required for building the
1061                                     OpenJDK on Solaris and Linux.
1062                                     <br>
1063                                     The Linux header files are usually available from a "Xrender"
1064                                     development package, it's recommended that you try and use
1065                                     the package provided by the particular distribution of Linux that
1066                                     you are using.
1067                                     <br>
1068                                     The Solaris XRender header files is
1069                                     included with the other X11 header files
1070                                     in the package <strong>SFWxwinc</strong>
1071                                     on new enough versions of
1072                                     Solaris and will be installed in
1073                                     <code>/usr/X11/include/X11/extensions/Xrender.h</code> or
1074                                     <code>/usr/openwin/share/include/X11/extensions/Xrender.h</code>
1075                                 </td>
1076                             </tr>
1077                         </tbody>
1078                     </table>
1079                 </blockquote>
1081             </blockquote>
1083             <!-- ====================================================== -->
1084             <hr>
1085             <h3><a name="make">Make</a></h3>
1086             <blockquote>
1087                 The basic invocation of the <code>make</code> utility
1088                 looks like:
1089                 <blockquote>
1090                     <b><code>make all</code></b>
1091                 </blockquote>
1092                 This will start the build to the output directory containing the
1093                 "configuration" that was created by the <code>configure</code>
1094                 script. Run <code>make help</code> for more information on
1095                 the available targets.
1096                 <br>
1097                 There are some of the make targets that
1098                 are of general interest:
1099                 <table border="1">
1100                     <thead>
1101                         <tr>
1102                             <th>Make Target</th>
1103                             <th>Description</th>
1104                         </tr>
1105                     </thead>                   
1106                     <tbody>
1107                         <tr>
1108                             <td><i>empty</i></td>
1109                             <td>build everything but no images</td>
1110                         </tr>
1111                         <tr>
1112                             <td><b><code>all</code></b></td>
1113                             <td>build everything including images</td>
1114                         </tr>
1115                         <tr>
1116                             <td><b><code>all-conf</code></b></td>
1117                             <td>build all configurations</td>
1118                         </tr>
1119                         <tr>
1120                             <td><b><code>images</code></b></td>
1121                             <td>create complete j2sdk and j2re images</td>
1122                         </tr>
1123                         <tr>
1124                             <td><b><code>install</code></b></td>
1125                             <td>install the generated images locally, 
1126                                 typically in <code>/usr/local</code></td>
1127                         </tr>
1128                         <tr>
1129                             <td><b><code>clean</code></b></td>
1130                             <td>remove all files generated by make, 
1131                                 but not those generated by <code>configure</code></td>
1132                         </tr>
1133                         <tr>
1134                             <td><b><code>dist-clean</code></b></td>
1135                             <td>remove all files generated by both 
1136                                 and <code>configure</code> (basically killing the configuration)</td>
1137                         </tr>
1138                         <tr>
1139                             <td><b><code>help</code></b></td>
1140                             <td>give some help on using <code>make</code>, 
1141                                 including some interesting make targets</td>
1142                         </tr>
1143                     </tbody>
1144                 </table>
1145             </blockquote>
1146         </blockquote>
1148         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1149         <hr>
1150         <h2><a name="testing">Testing</a></h2>
1151         <blockquote>
1152             When the build is completed, you should see the generated
1153             binaries and associated files in the <code>j2sdk-image</code> 
1154             directory in the output directory. 
1155             In particular, the 
1156             <code>build/<i>*</i>/images/j2sdk-image/bin</code>
1157             directory should contain executables for the 
1158             OpenJDK tools and utilities for that configuration.
1159             The testing tool <code>jtreg</code> will be needed
1160             and can be found at:
1161             <a href="http://openjdk.java.net/jtreg/" target="_blank">
1162                 the jtreg site</a>.
1163             The provided regression tests in the repositories
1164             can be run with the command:
1165             <blockquote>
1166                 <code><b>cd test &amp;&amp; make PRODUCT_HOME=`pwd`/../build/*/images/j2sdk-image all</b></code>
1167             </blockquote>
1168         </blockquote>
1170         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1171         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1172         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1173         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1174         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1175         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1176         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1177         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1178         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1180         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1181         <hr>
1182         <h2><a name="hints">Appendix A: Hints and Tips</a></h2>
1183         <blockquote>
1185             <h3><a name="faq">FAQ</a></h3>
1186             <blockquote>
1188                 <p>
1189                     <b>Q:</b> The <code>generated-configure.sh</code> file looks horrible! 
1190                     How are you going to edit it?
1191                     <br>
1192                     <b>A:</b> The <code>generated-configure.sh</code> file is generated (think
1193                     "compiled") by the autoconf tools. The source code is
1194                     in <code>configure.ac</code> and various .m4 files in common/autoconf,
1195                     which are much more readable.
1196                 </p>
1198                 <p>
1199                     <b>Q:</b> 
1200                     Why is the <code>generated-configure.sh</code> file checked in, 
1201                     if it is generated?
1202                     <br>
1203                     <b>A:</b> 
1204                     If it was not generated, every user would need to have the autoconf 
1205                     tools installed, and re-generate the <code>configure</code> file
1206                     as the first step. 
1207                     Our goal is to minimize the work needed to be done by the user 
1208                     to start building OpenJDK, and to minimize
1209                     the number of external dependencies required.
1210                 </p>
1212                 <p>
1213                     <b>Q:</b>
1214                     Do you require a specific version of autoconf for regenerating
1215                     <code>generated-configure.sh</code>?
1216                     <br>
1217                     <b>A:</b>
1218                     Yes, version 2.69 is required and should be easy
1219                     enough to aquire on all supported operating
1220                     systems.  The reason for this is to avoid
1221                     large spurious changes in <code>generated-configure.sh</code>.
1222                 </p>
1224                 <p>
1225                     <b>Q:</b>
1226                     How do you regenerate <code>generated-configure.sh</code>
1227                     after making changes to the input files?
1228                     <br>
1229                     <b>A:</b>
1230                     Regnerating <code>generated-configure.sh</code>
1231                     should always be done using the
1232                     script <code>common/autoconf/autogen.sh</code> to
1233                     ensure that the correct files get updated. This
1234                     script should also be run after mercurial tries to
1235                     merge <code>generated-configure.sh</code> as a
1236                     merge of the generated file is not guaranteed to
1237                     be correct.
1238                 </p>
1240                 <p>
1241                     <b>Q:</b> 
1242                     What are the files in <code>common/makefiles/support/*</code> for? 
1243                     They look like gibberish.
1244                     <br>
1245                     <b>A:</b>
1246                     They are a somewhat ugly hack to compensate for command line length
1247                     limitations on certain platforms (Windows, Solaris).
1248                     Due to a combination of limitations in make and the shell, 
1249                     command lines containing too many files will not work properly. 
1250                     These
1251                     helper files are part of an elaborate hack that will compress the
1252                     command line in the makefile and then uncompress it safely. 
1253                     We're
1254                     not proud of it, but it does fix the problem. 
1255                     If you have any better suggestions, we're all ears! :-)
1256                 </p>
1258                 <p>
1259                     <b>Q:</b> 
1260                     I want to see the output of the commands that make runs, 
1261                     like in the old build. How do I do that?
1262                     <br>
1263                     <b>A:</b> 
1264                     You specify the <code>LOG</code> variable to make. There are
1265                     several log levels:
1266                 </p>
1267                 <blockquote>
1268                     <ul>
1269                         <li>
1270                             <b><code>warn</code></b> &mdash; Default and very quiet.
1271                         </li>
1272                         <li>
1273                             <b><code>info</code></b> &mdash; Shows more progress information
1274                             than warn.
1275                         </li>
1276                         <li>
1277                             <b><code>debug</code></b> &mdash; Echos all command lines and
1278                             prints all macro calls for compilation definitions.
1279                         </li>
1280                         <li>
1281                             <b><code>trace</code></b> &mdash; Echos all $(shell) command
1282                             lines as well.
1283                         </li>
1284                     </ul>
1285                 </blockquote>
1287                 <p>
1288                     <b>Q:</b> 
1289                     When do I have to re-run <code>configure</code>?
1290                     <br>
1291                     <b>A:</b> 
1292                     Normally you will run <code>configure</code> only once for creating a 
1293                     configuration. 
1294                     You need to re-run configuration only if you want to change any
1295                     configuration options, 
1296                     or if you pull down changes to the <code>configure</code> script.
1297                 </p>
1299                 <p>
1300                     <b>Q:</b> 
1301                     I have added a new source file. Do I need to modify the makefiles?
1302                     <br>
1303                     <b>A:</b> 
1304                     Normally, no. If you want to create e.g. a new native
1305                     library, 
1306                     you will need to modify the makefiles. But for normal file
1307                     additions or removals, no changes are needed. There are certan
1308                     exceptions for some native libraries where the source files are spread
1309                     over many directories which also contain sources for other
1310                     libraries. In these cases it was simply easier to create include lists
1311                     rather than excludes.
1312                 </p>
1314                 <p>
1315                     <b>Q:</b>
1316                     When I run <code>configure --help</code>, I see many strange options, 
1317                     like <code>--dvidir</code>. What is this?
1318                     <br>
1319                     <b>A:</b> 
1320                     Configure provides a slew of options by default, to all projects 
1321                     that use autoconf. Most of them are not used in OpenJDK,
1322                     so you can safely ignore them. To list only OpenJDK specific features, 
1323                     use <code>configure --help=short</code> instead.
1324                 </p>
1326                 <p>
1327                     <b>Q:</b> 
1328                     <code>configure</code> provides OpenJDK-specific features such as
1329                     <code>--with-builddeps-server</code> that are not
1330                     described in this document. What about those? 
1331                     <br>
1332                     <b>A:</b>
1333                     Try them out if you like! But be aware that most of these are 
1334                     experimental features. 
1335                     Many of them don't do anything at all at the moment; the option 
1336                     is just a placeholder. Others depend on
1337                     pieces of code or infrastructure that is currently 
1338                     not ready for prime time.
1339                 </p>
1341                 <p>
1342                     <b>Q:</b> 
1343                     How will you make sure you don't break anything?
1344                     <br>
1345                     <b>A:</b> 
1346                     We have a script that compares the result of the new build system
1347                     with the result of the old. For most part, we aim for (and achieve)
1348                     byte-by-byte identical output. There are however technical issues 
1349                     with e.g. native binaries, which might differ in a byte-by-byte 
1350                     comparison, even
1351                     when building twice with the old build system. 
1352                     For these, we compare relevant aspects 
1353                     (e.g. the symbol table and file size). 
1354                     Note that we still don't have 100%
1355                     equivalence, but we're close.
1356                 </p>
1358                 <p>
1359                     <b>Q:</b> 
1360                     I noticed this thing X in the build that looks very broken by design. 
1361                     Why don't you fix it?
1362                     <br>
1363                     <b>A:</b>
1364                     Our goal is to produce a build output that is as close as 
1365                     technically possible to the old build output. 
1366                     If things were weird in the old build,
1367                     they will be weird in the new build. 
1368                     Often, things were weird before due to obscurity, 
1369                     but in the new build system the weird stuff comes up to the surface.
1370                     The plan is to attack these things at a later stage, 
1371                     after the new build system is established.
1372                 </p>
1374                 <p>
1375                     <b>Q:</b> 
1376                     The code in the new build system is not that well-structured.
1377                     Will you fix this?
1378                     <br>
1379                     <b>A:</b>
1380                     Yes! The new build system has grown bit by bit as we converted 
1381                     the old system. When all of the old build system is converted,
1382                     we can take a step back and clean up the structure of the new build
1383                     system. Some of this we plan to do before replacing the old build
1384                     system and some will need to wait until after.
1385                 </p>
1387                 <p>
1388                     <b>Q:</b> 
1389                     Is anything able to use the results of the new build's default make target?
1390                     <br>
1391                     <b>A:</b> 
1392                     Yes, this is the minimal (or roughly minimal) 
1393                     set of compiled output needed for a developer to actually 
1394                     execute the newly built JDK. The idea is that in an incremental 
1395                     development fashion, when doing a normal make, 
1396                     you should only spend time recompiling what's changed 
1397                     (making it purely incremental) and only do the work that's 
1398                     needed to actually run and test your code.
1399                     The packaging stuff that is part of the <code>images</code>
1400                     target is not needed for a normal developer who wants to
1401                     test his new code. Even if it's quite fast, it's still unnecessary. 
1402                     We're targeting sub-second incremental rebuilds! ;-) 
1403                     (Or, well, at least single-digit seconds...)
1404                 </p>
1406                 <p>
1407                     <b>Q:</b>
1408                     I usually set a specific environment variable when building, 
1409                     but I can't find the equivalent in the new build. 
1410                     What should I do?
1411                     <br>
1412                     <b>A:</b>
1413                     It might very well be that we have neglected to add support for
1414                     an option that was actually used from outside the build system.
1415                     Email us and we will add support for it!
1416                 </p>
1418             </blockquote>
1420             <h3><a name="performance">Build Performance Tips</a></h3>
1421             <blockquote>
1423                 <p>Building OpenJDK requires a lot of horsepower. 
1424                     Some of the build tools can be adjusted to utilize more or less
1425                     of resources such as
1426                     parallel threads and memory. 
1427                     The <code>configure</code> script analyzes your system and selects reasonable 
1428                     values for such options based on your hardware.
1429                     If you encounter resource problems, such as out of memory conditions, 
1430                     you can modify the detected values with:</p>
1432                 <ul>
1433                     <li>
1434                         <b><code>--with-num-cores</code></b> 
1435                         &mdash; 
1436                         number of cores in the build system,
1437                         e.g. <code>--with-num-cores=8</code>
1438                     </li>
1439                     <li>
1440                         <b><code>--with-memory-size</code></b> 
1441                         &mdash; memory (in MB) available in the build system,
1442                         e.g. <code>--with-memory-size=1024</code>
1443                     </li>
1444                 </ul>
1446                 <p>It might also be necessary to specify the JVM arguments passed 
1447                     to the Bootstrap JDK, using e.g.
1448                     <code>--with-boot-jdk-jvmargs="-Xmx8G -enableassertions"</code>. 
1449                     Doing this will override the default JVM arguments 
1450                     passed to the Bootstrap JDK.</p>
1453                 <p>One of the top goals of the new build system is to improve the
1454                     build performance and decrease the time needed to build. This will
1455                     soon also apply to the java compilation when the Smart Javac wrapper
1456                     is fully supported.</p>
1458                 <p>At the end of a successful execution of <code>configure</code>, 
1459                     you will get a performance summary, 
1460                     indicating how well the build will perform. Here you will
1461                     also get performance hints. 
1462                     If you want to build fast, pay attention to those!</p>
1464                 <h4>Building with ccache</h4>
1466                 <p>The OpenJDK build supports building with ccache 
1467                     when using gcc or clang. Using ccache can
1468                     radically speed up compilation of native code if
1469                     you often rebuild the same sources. Your milage
1470                     may vary however so we recommend evaluating it for
1471                     yourself. To enable it, make sure it's on the path
1472                     and configure with <code>--enable-ccache</code>.</p> 
1474                 <h4>Building on local disk</h4>
1476                 <p>If you are using network shares, e.g. via NFS, for your source code, 
1477                     make sure the build directory is situated on local disk. 
1478                     The performance
1479                     penalty is extremely high for building on a network share, 
1480                     close to unusable.</p>
1482                 <h4>Building only one JVM</h4>
1484                 <p>The old build builds multiple JVMs on 32-bit systems (client and
1485                     server; and on Windows kernel as well). In the new build we have
1486                     changed this default to only build server when it's available. This
1487                     improves build times for those not interested in multiple JVMs. To
1488                     mimic the old behavior on platforms that support it, 
1489                     use <code>--with-jvm-variants=client,server</code>.</p>
1491                 <h4>Selecting the number of cores to build on</h4>
1493                 <p>By default, <code>configure</code> will analyze your machine and run the make
1494                     process in parallel with as many threads as you have cores. This
1495                     behavior can be overridden, either "permanently" (on a <code>configure</code>
1496                     basis) using <code>--with-num-cores=N</code> or for a single build
1497                     only (on a make basis), using <code>make JOBS=N</code>.</p>
1499                 <p>If you want to make a slower build just this time, to save some CPU
1500                     power for other processes, you can run
1501                     e.g. <code>make JOBS=2</code>. This will force the makefiles
1502                     to only run 2 parallel processes, or even <code>make JOBS=1</code>
1503                     which will disable parallelism.</p>
1505                 <p>If you want to have it the other way round, namely having slow 
1506                     builds default and override with fast if you're
1507                     impatient, you should call <code>configure</code> with 
1508                     <code>--with-num-cores=2</code>, making 2 the default. 
1509                     If you want to run with more
1510                     cores, run <code>make JOBS=8</code></p>
1512             </blockquote>
1514             <h3><a name="troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></h3>
1515             <blockquote>
1517                 <h4>Solving build problems</h4>
1519                 <blockquote>
1520                     If the build fails (and it's not due to a compilation error in 
1521                     a source file you've changed), the first thing you should do
1522                     is to re-run the build with more verbosity. 
1523                     Do this by adding <code>LOG=debug</code> to your make command line.
1524                     <br>
1525                     The build log (with both stdout and stderr intermingled,
1526                     basically the same as you see on your console) can be found as
1527                     <code>build.log</code> in your build directory.
1528                     <br>
1529                     You can ask for help on build problems with the new build system 
1530                     on either the
1531                     <a href="http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/build-dev">
1532                         build-dev</a>
1533                     or the
1534                     <a href="http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/build-infra-dev">
1535                         build-infra-dev</a>
1536                     mailing lists. Please include the relevant parts
1537                     of the build log.
1538                     <br>
1539                     A build can fail for any number of reasons. 
1540                     Most failures
1541                     are a result of trying to build in an environment in which all the
1542                     pre-build requirements have not been met. 
1543                     The first step in
1544                     troubleshooting a build failure is to recheck that you have satisfied
1545                     all the pre-build requirements for your platform.
1546                     Scanning the <code>configure</code> log is a good first step, making
1547                     sure that what it found makes sense for your system.
1548                     Look for strange error messages or any difficulties that
1549                     <code>configure</code> had in finding things.
1550                     <br>
1551                     Some of the more common problems with builds are briefly
1552                     described
1553                     below, with suggestions for remedies.
1554                     <ul>
1555                         <li>
1556                             <b>Corrupted Bundles on Windows:</b>
1557                             <blockquote>
1558                                 Some virus scanning software has been known to 
1559                                 corrupt the
1560                                 downloading of zip bundles.
1561                                 It may be necessary to disable the 'on access' or 
1562                                 'real time'
1563                                 virus scanning features to prevent this corruption.
1564                                 This type of "real time" virus scanning can also 
1565                                 slow down the
1566                                 build process significantly.
1567                                 Temporarily disabling the feature, or excluding the build
1568                                 output directory may be necessary to get correct and
1569                                 faster builds.
1570                             </blockquote>
1571                         </li>
1572                         <li>
1573                             <b>Slow Builds:</b>
1574                             <blockquote>
1575                                 If your build machine seems to be overloaded from too many
1576                                 simultaneous C++ compiles, try setting the 
1577                                 <code>JOBS=1</code> on the <code>make</code> command line.
1578                                 Then try increasing the count slowly to an acceptable
1579                                 level for your system. Also:
1580                                 <blockquote>
1581                                     Creating the javadocs can be very slow, 
1582                                     if you are running
1583                                     javadoc, consider skipping that step.
1584                                     <br>
1585                                     Faster CPUs, more RAM, and a faster DISK usually helps.
1586                                     The VM build tends to be CPU intensive 
1587                                     (many C++ compiles),
1588                                     and the rest of the JDK will often be disk intensive.
1589                                     <br>
1590                                     Faster compiles are possible using a tool called
1591                                     <a href="http://ccache.samba.org/" target="_blank">ccache</a>.
1592                                 </blockquote>
1593                             </blockquote>
1594                         </li>
1595                         <li>
1596                             <b>File time issues:</b>
1597                             <blockquote>
1598                                 If you see warnings that refer to file time stamps, e.g.
1599                                 <blockquote>
1600                                     <i>Warning message:</i><code> 
1601                                         File `xxx' has modification time in
1602                                         the future.</code>
1603                                     <br>
1604                                     <i>Warning message:</i> <code> Clock skew detected. 
1605                                         Your build may
1606                                         be incomplete.</code>
1607                                 </blockquote>
1608                                 These warnings can occur when the clock on the build 
1609                                 machine is out of
1610                                 sync with the timestamps on the source files. 
1611                                 Other errors, apparently
1612                                 unrelated but in fact caused by the clock skew, 
1613                                 can occur along with
1614                                 the clock skew warnings. 
1615                                 These secondary errors may tend to obscure the
1616                                 fact that the true root cause of the problem 
1617                                 is an out-of-sync clock.
1618                                 <p>
1619                                     If you see these warnings, reset the clock on the
1620                                     build
1621                                     machine, run "<code><i>gmake</i> clobber</code>" 
1622                                     or delete the directory
1623                                     containing the build output, and restart the 
1624                                     build from the beginning.
1625                             </blockquote>
1626                         </li>
1627                         <li>
1628                             <b>Error message: 
1629                                 <code>Trouble writing out table to disk</code></b>
1630                             <blockquote>
1631                                 Increase the amount of swap space on your build machine.
1632                                 This  could be caused by overloading the system and
1633                                 it may be necessary to use:
1634                                 <blockquote>
1635                                     <code>make JOBS=1</code>
1636                                 </blockquote>
1637                                 to reduce the load on the system.
1638                             </blockquote>
1639                         </li>
1640                         <li>
1641                             <b>Error Message: 
1642                                 <code>libstdc++ not found:</code></b>
1643                             <blockquote>
1644                                 This is caused by a missing libstdc++.a library.
1645                                 This is installed as part of a specific package
1646                                 (e.g. libstdc++.so.devel.386).
1647                                 By default some 64-bit Linux versions (e.g. Fedora)
1648                                 only install the 64-bit version of the libstdc++ package.
1649                                 Various parts of the JDK build require a static
1650                                 link of the C++ runtime libraries to allow for maximum
1651                                 portability of the built images.
1652                             </blockquote>
1653                         </li>
1654                         <li>
1655                             <b>Linux Error Message:
1656                                 <code>cannot restore segment prot after reloc</code></b>
1657                             <blockquote>
1658                                 This is probably an issue with SELinux (See
1659                                 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SELinux" target="_blank">
1660                                     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SELinux</a>).
1661                                 Parts of the VM is built without the <code>-fPIC</code> for
1662                                 performance reasons.
1663                                 <p>
1664                                     To completely disable SELinux:
1665                                 <ol>
1666                                     <li><code>$ su root</code></li>
1667                                     <li><code># system-config-securitylevel</code></li>
1668                                     <li><code>In the window that appears, select the SELinux tab</code></li>
1669                                     <li><code>Disable SELinux</code></li>
1670                                 </ol>
1671                                 <p>
1672                                     Alternatively, instead of completely disabling it you could
1673                                     disable just this one check.
1674                                 <ol>
1675                                     <li>Select System->Administration->SELinux Management</li>
1676                                     <li>In the SELinux Management Tool which appears,
1677                                         select "Boolean" from the menu on the left</li>
1678                                     <li>Expand the "Memory Protection" group</li>
1679                                     <li>Check the first item, labeled
1680                                         "Allow all unconfined executables to use 
1681                                         libraries requiring text relocation ..."</li>
1682                                 </ol>
1683                             </blockquote>
1684                         </li>
1685                         <li>
1686                             <b>Windows Error Messages:</b>
1687                             <br>
1688                             <code>*** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, ... </code>
1689                             <br>
1690                             <code>rm fails with "Directory not empty"</code>
1691                             <br>
1692                             <code>unzip fails with "cannot create ... Permission denied"</code>
1693                             <br>
1694                             <code>unzip fails with "cannot create ... Error 50"</code>
1695                             <br>
1696                             <blockquote>
1697                                 The CYGWIN software can conflict with other non-CYGWIN
1698                                 software. See the CYGWIN FAQ section on
1699                                 <a href="http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.using.html#faq.using.bloda" target="_blank">
1700                                     BLODA (applications that interfere with CYGWIN)</a>.
1701                             </blockquote>
1702                         </li>
1703                         <li>
1704                             <b>Windows Error Message: <code>spawn failed</code></b>
1705                             <blockquote>
1706                                 Try rebooting the system, or there could be some kind of
1707                                 issue with the disk or disk partition being used.
1708                                 Sometimes it comes with a "Permission Denied" message.
1709                             </blockquote>
1710                         </li>
1711                     </ul>
1712                 </blockquote>
1714             </blockquote> <!-- Troubleshooting -->
1716         </blockquote> <!-- Appendix A -->
1718         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1719         <hr>
1720         <h2><a name="gmake">Appendix B: GNU make</a></h2>
1721         <blockquote>
1723             The Makefiles in the OpenJDK are only valid when used with the 
1724             GNU version of the utility command <code>make</code>
1725             (usually called <code>gmake</code> on Solaris).
1726             A few notes about using GNU make:
1727             <ul>
1728                 <li>
1729                     You need GNU make version 3.81 or newer.
1730                     If the GNU make utility on your systems is not
1731                     3.81 or newer,
1732                     see <a href="#buildgmake">"Building GNU make"</a>.
1733                 </li>
1734                 <li>
1735                     Place the location of the GNU make binary in the
1736                     <code>PATH</code>. 
1737                 </li>
1738                 <li>
1739                     <strong>Solaris:</strong>
1740                     Do NOT use <code>/usr/bin/make</code> on Solaris.
1741                     If your Solaris system has the software
1742                     from the Solaris Developer Companion CD installed, 
1743                     you should try and use <code>gmake</code>
1744                     which will be located in either the
1745                     <code>/usr/bin</code>, <code>/opt/sfw/bin</code> or 
1746                     <code>/usr/sfw/bin</code> directory.
1747                 </li>
1748                 <li>
1749                     <strong>Windows:</strong>
1750                     Make sure you start your build inside a bash shell.
1751                 </li>
1752                 <li>
1753                     <strong>Mac OS X:</strong>
1754                     The XCode "command line tools" must be installed on your Mac.
1755                 </li>
1756             </ul>
1757             <p>
1758                 Information on GNU make, and access to ftp download sites, are
1759                 available on the
1760                 <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html" target="_blank">
1761                     GNU make web site
1762                 </a>.
1763                 The latest source to GNU make is available at
1764                 <a href="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/make/" target="_blank">
1765                     ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/make/</a>.
1766             </p>
1768             <h3><a name="buildgmake">Building GNU make</a></h3>
1769             <blockquote>
1770                 First step is to get the GNU make 3.81 or newer source from
1771                 <a href="http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/make/" target="_blank">
1772                     ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/make/</a>.
1773                 Building is a little different depending on the OS but is
1774                 basically done with:
1775                 <blockquote>
1776                     <code>bash ./configure</code>
1777                     <br>
1778                     <code>make</code>
1779                 </blockquote>
1780             </blockquote>
1782         </blockquote> <!-- Appendix B -->
1784         <!-- ====================================================== -->
1785         <hr>
1786         <h2><a name="buildenvironments">Appendix C: Build Environments</a></h2>
1787         <blockquote>
1789             <h3><a name="MBE">Minimum Build Environments</a></h3>
1790             <blockquote>
1791                 This file often describes specific requirements for what we 
1792                 call the
1793                 "minimum build environments" (MBE) for this 
1794                 specific release of the JDK.
1795                 What is listed below is what the Oracle Release
1796                 Engineering Team will use to build the Oracle JDK product.
1797                 Building with the MBE will hopefully generate the most compatible
1798                 bits that install on, and run correctly on, the most variations
1799                 of the same base OS and hardware architecture.
1800                 In some cases, these represent what is often called the
1801                 least common denominator, but each Operating System has different
1802                 aspects to it.
1803                 <p>
1804                     In all cases, the Bootstrap JDK version minimum is critical,
1805                     we cannot guarantee builds will work with older Bootstrap JDK's.
1806                     Also in all cases, more RAM and more processors is better,
1807                     the minimums listed below are simply recommendations.
1808                 <p>
1809                     With Solaris and Mac OS X, the version listed below is the
1810                     oldest release we can guarantee builds and works, and the
1811                     specific version of the compilers used could be critical.
1812                 <p>
1813                     With Windows the critical aspect is the Visual Studio compiler
1814                     used, which due to it's runtime, generally dictates what Windows
1815                     systems can do the builds and where the resulting bits can
1816                     be used.<br>
1817                     <b>NOTE: We expect a change here off these older Windows OS releases
1818                         and to a 'less older' one, probably Windows 2008R2 X64.</b>
1819                 <p>
1820                     With Linux, it was just a matter of picking a
1821                     stable distribution that is a good representative for Linux
1822                     in general.<br>
1823                     <b>NOTE: We expect a change here from Fedora 9 to something else,
1824                         but it has not been completely determined yet, possibly
1825                         Ubuntu 12.04 X64, unbiased community feedback would be welcome on
1826                         what a good choice would be here.</b>
1827                 <p>
1828                     It is understood that most developers will NOT be using these 
1829                     specific versions, and in fact creating these specific versions
1830                     may be difficult due to the age of some of this software.
1831                     It is expected that developers are more often using the more
1832                     recent releases and distributions of these operating systems.
1833                 <p>
1834                     Compilation problems with newer or different C/C++ compilers is a
1835                     common problem.
1836                     Similarly, compilation problems related to changes to the
1837                     <code>/usr/include</code> or system header files is also a
1838                     common problem with older, newer, or unreleased OS versions.
1839                     Please report these types of problems as bugs so that they
1840                     can be dealt with accordingly.
1841                 </p>
1842                 <table border="1">
1843                     <thead>
1844                         <tr>
1845                             <th>Base OS and Architecture</th>
1846                             <th>OS</th>
1847                             <th>C/C++ Compiler</th>
1848                             <th>Bootstrap JDK</th>
1849                             <th>Processors</th>
1850                             <th>RAM Minimum</th>
1851                             <th>DISK Needs</th>
1852                         </tr>
1853                     </thead>
1854                     <tbody>
1855                         <tr>
1856                             <td>Linux X86 (32-bit) and X64 (64-bit)</td>
1857                             <td>Fedora 9</td>
1858                             <td>gcc 4.3 </td>
1859                             <td>JDK 7u7</td>
1860                             <td>2 or more</td>
1861                             <td>1 GB</td>
1862                             <td>6 GB</td>
1863                         </tr>
1864                         <tr>
1865                             <td>Solaris SPARC (32-bit) and SPARCV9 (64-bit)</td>
1866                             <td>Solaris 10 Update 6</td>
1867                             <td>Studio 12 Update 1 + patches</td>
1868                             <td>JDK 7u7</td>
1869                             <td>4 or more</td>
1870                             <td>4 GB</td>
1871                             <td>8 GB</td>
1872                         </tr>
1873                         <tr>
1874                             <td>Solaris X86 (32-bit) and X64 (64-bit)</td>
1875                             <td>Solaris 10 Update 6</td>
1876                             <td>Studio 12 Update 1 + patches</td>
1877                             <td>JDK 7u7</td>
1878                             <td>4 or more</td>
1879                             <td>4 GB</td>
1880                             <td>8 GB</td>
1881                         </tr>
1882                         <tr>
1883                             <td>Windows X86 (32-bit)</td>
1884                             <td>Windows XP</td>
1885                             <td>Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 Professional Edition</td>
1886                             <td>JDK 7u7</td>
1887                             <td>2 or more</td>
1888                             <td>2 GB</td>
1889                             <td>6 GB</td>
1890                         </tr>
1891                         <tr>
1892                             <td>Windows X64 (64-bit)</td>
1893                             <td>Windows Server 2003 - Enterprise x64 Edition</td>
1894                             <td>Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010 Professional Edition</td>
1895                             <td>JDK 7u7</td>
1896                             <td>2 or more</td>
1897                             <td>2 GB</td>
1898                             <td>6 GB</td>
1899                         </tr>
1900                         <tr>
1901                             <td>Mac OS X X64 (64-bit)</td>
1902                             <td>Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion"</td>
1903                             <td>XCode 4.5.2 or newer</td>
1904                             <td>JDK 7u7</td>
1905                             <td>2 or more</td>
1906                             <td>4 GB</td>
1907                             <td>6 GB</td>
1908                         </tr>
1909                     </tbody>
1910                 </table>
1911             </blockquote>
1913             <!-- ====================================================== -->
1914             <hr>
1915             <h3><a name="SDBE">Specific Developer Build Environments</a></h3>
1916             <blockquote>
1917                 We won't be listing all the possible environments, but
1918                 we will try to provide what information we have available to us.
1919                 <p>
1920                     <strong>NOTE: The community can help out by updating
1921                         this part of the document.
1922                     </strong>
1924                 <h4><a name="fedora">Fedora</a></h4>
1925                 <blockquote>
1926                     After installing the latest
1927                     <a href="http://fedoraproject.org">Fedora</a>
1928                     you need to install several build dependencies.
1929                     The simplest way to do it is to execute the 
1930                     following commands as user <code>root</code>:
1931                     <blockquote>
1932                         <code>yum-builddep java-1.7.0-openjdk</code>
1933                         <br>
1934                         <code>yum install gcc gcc-c++</code>
1935                     </blockquote>
1936                     <p>
1937                         In addition, it's necessary to set a few environment 
1938                         variables for the build:
1939                     <blockquote>
1940                         <code>export LANG=C</code>
1941                         <br>
1942                         <code>export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk/bin:${PATH}"</code>
1943                     </blockquote>
1944                 </blockquote>
1947                 <h4><a name="centos">CentOS 5.5</a></h4>
1948                 <blockquote>
1949                     After installing
1950                     <a href="http://www.centos.org/">CentOS 5.5</a>
1951                     you need to make sure you have
1952                     the following Development bundles installed:
1953                     <blockquote>
1954                         <ul>
1955                             <li>Development Libraries</li>
1956                             <li>Development Tools</li>
1957                             <li>Java Development</li>
1958                             <li>X Software Development (Including XFree86-devel)</li>
1959                         </ul>
1960                     </blockquote>
1961                     <p>
1962                         Plus the following packages:
1963                     <blockquote>
1964                         <ul>
1965                             <li>cups devel: Cups Development Package</li>
1966                             <li>alsa devel: Alsa Development Package</li>
1967                             <li>Xi devel: libXi.so Development Package</li>
1968                         </ul>
1969                     </blockquote>
1970                     <p>
1971                         The freetype 2.3 packages don't seem to be available,
1972                         but the freetype 2.3 sources can be downloaded, built,
1973                         and installed easily enough from
1974                         <a href="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/freetype">
1975                             the freetype site</a>.
1976                         Build and install with something like:
1977                     <blockquote>
1978                         <code>bash ./configure</code>
1979                         <br>
1980                         <code>make</code>
1981                         <br>
1982                         <code>sudo -u root make install</code>
1983                     </blockquote>
1984                     <p>
1985                         Mercurial packages could not be found easily, but a Google
1986                         search should find ones, and they usually include Python if
1987                         it's needed.
1988                 </blockquote>
1990                 <h4><a name="debian">Debian 5.0 (Lenny)</a></h4>
1991                 <blockquote>
1992                     After installing <a href="http://debian.org">Debian</a> 5 
1993                     you need to install several build dependencies. 
1994                     The simplest way to install the build dependencies is to 
1995                     execute the following commands as user <code>root</code>:
1996                     <blockquote>
1997                         <code>aptitude build-dep openjdk-7</code>
1998                         <br>
1999                         <code>aptitude install openjdk-7-jdk libmotif-dev</code>
2000                     </blockquote>
2001                     <p>
2002                         In addition, it's necessary to set a few environment 
2003                         variables for the build:
2004                     <blockquote>
2005                         <code>export LANG=C</code>
2006                         <br>
2007                         <code>export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin:${PATH}"</code>
2008                     </blockquote>
2009                 </blockquote>
2011                 <h4><a name="ubuntu">Ubuntu 12.04</a></h4>
2012                 <blockquote>                       
2013                     After installing <a href="http://ubuntu.org">Ubuntu</a> 12.04 
2014                     you need to install several build dependencies. The simplest
2015                     way to do it is to execute the following commands:
2016                     <blockquote>
2017                         <code>sudo aptitude build-dep openjdk-7</code>
2018                         <br>
2019                         <code>sudo aptitude install openjdk-7-jdk</code>
2020                     </blockquote>
2021                     <p>
2022                         In addition, it's necessary to set a few environment 
2023                         variables for the build:
2024                     <blockquote>
2025                         <code>export LANG=C</code>
2026                         <br>
2027                         <code>export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin:${PATH}"</code>
2028                     </blockquote>
2029                 </blockquote>
2031                 <h4><a name="opensuse">OpenSUSE 11.1</a></h4>
2032                 <blockquote>
2033                     After installing <a href="http://opensuse.org">OpenSUSE</a> 11.1 
2034                     you need to install several build dependencies. 
2035                     The simplest way to install the build dependencies is to 
2036                     execute the following commands:
2037                     <blockquote>
2038                         <code>sudo zypper source-install -d java-1_7_0-openjdk</code>
2039                         <br>
2040                         <code>sudo zypper install make</code>
2041                     </blockquote>
2042                     <p>
2043                         In addition, it is necessary to set a few environment 
2044                         variables for the build:
2045                     <blockquote>
2046                         <code>export LANG=C</code>
2047                         <br>
2048                         <code>export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk/bin:$[PATH}"</code>
2049                     </blockquote>
2050                     <p>
2051                         Finally, you need to unset the <code>JAVA_HOME</code> 
2052                         environment variable:
2053                     <blockquote>
2054                         <code>export -n JAVA_HOME</code>
2055                     </blockquote>
2056                 </blockquote>
2058                 <h4><a name="mandriva">Mandriva Linux One 2009 Spring</a></h4>
2059                 <blockquote>
2060                     After installing <a href="http://mandriva.org">Mandriva</a>
2061                     Linux One 2009 Spring 
2062                     you need to install several build dependencies. 
2063                     The simplest way to install the build dependencies is to 
2064                     execute the following commands as user <code>root</code>:
2065                     <blockquote>
2066                         <code>urpmi java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel make gcc gcc-c++ 
2067                             freetype-devel zip unzip libcups2-devel libxrender1-devel
2068                             libalsa2-devel libstc++-static-devel libxtst6-devel 
2069                             libxi-devel</code>
2070                     </blockquote>
2071                     <p>
2072                         In addition, it is necessary to set a few environment 
2073                         variables for the build:
2074                     <blockquote>
2075                         <code>export LANG=C</code>
2076                         <br>
2077                         <code>export PATH="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk/bin:${PATH}"</code>
2078                     </blockquote>
2079                 </blockquote>
2081                 <h4><a name="opensolaris">OpenSolaris 2009.06</a></h4>
2082                 <blockquote>
2083                     After installing <a href="http://opensolaris.org">OpenSolaris</a> 2009.06 
2084                     you need to install several build dependencies. 
2085                     The simplest way to install the build dependencies is to 
2086                     execute the following commands:
2087                     <blockquote>
2088                         <code>pfexec pkg install SUNWgmake SUNWj7dev 
2089                             sunstudioexpress SUNWcups SUNWzip SUNWunzip SUNWxwhl 
2090                             SUNWxorg-headers SUNWaudh SUNWfreetype2</code>
2091                     </blockquote>
2092                     <p>
2093                         In addition, it is necessary to set a few environment 
2094                         variables for the build:
2095                     <blockquote>
2096                         <code>export LANG=C</code>
2097                         <br>
2098                         <code>export PATH="/opt/SunStudioExpress/bin:${PATH}"</code>
2099                     </blockquote>
2100                 </blockquote>
2102             </blockquote>
2104         </blockquote> <!-- Appendix C -->
2106         <!-- ====================================================== -->
2108         <!-- Leave out Appendix D --
2110 <hr>
2111 <h2><a name="mapping">Appendix D: Mapping Old to New</a></h2>
2112 <blockquote>
2113     <p>This table will help you convert some idioms of the old build
2114         system to the new build system.</p>
2115     <table summary="Cheat sheet for converting from old to new build system">
2116         <tr valign="top">
2117             <th>In the old build system, you used to...</th>
2118             <th>In the new build system, you should ...</th>
2119         </tr>
2120         <tr valign="top">
2121             <td>run <code>make sanity</code></td>
2122             <td>run <code>bash ./configure</code></td>
2123         </tr>
2124         <tr valign="top">
2125             <td>set <code>ALT_OUTPUTDIR=build/my-special-output</code></td>
2126             <td>before building the first time:
2127                 <br>
2128                 <code>cd build/my-special-output</code>
2129                 <br>
2130                 <code>bash ../../configure</code>
2131                 <br>
2132                 to build:
2133                 <br>
2134                 <code>cd build/my-special-output</code>
2135                 <br>
2136                 <code>make</code>
2137             </td>
2138         </tr>
2139         <tr valign="top">
2140             <td>set <code>ALT_BOOTDIR=/opt/java/jdk7</code></td>
2141             <td>run <code>configure --with-boot-jdk=/opt/java/jdk7</code></td>
2142         </tr>
2143         <tr valign="top">
2144             <td>run <code>make ARCH_DATA_MODEL=32</code></td>
2145             <td>run <code>configure --with-target-bits=32</code></td>
2146         </tr>
2147         <tr valign="top">
2148             <td>set <code>BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY=true</code></td>
2149             <td>run <code>configure --with-jvm-variants=client</code></td>
2150         </tr>
2151         <tr valign="top">
2152             <td>set <code>ALT_FREETYPE_LIB_PATH=/opt/freetype/lib</code> 
2153                 and <code>ALT_FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH=/opt/freetype/include</code></td>
2154             <td>run <code>configure --with-freetype=/opt/freetype</code></td>
2155         </tr>
2156         <tr valign="top">
2157             <td>set <code>ALT_CUPS_HEADERS_PATH=/opt/cups/include</code></td>
2158             <td>run <code>configure --with-cups=/opt/cups</code></td>
2159         </tr>
2160         <tr valign="top">
2161             <td>set <code>ALT_OPENWIN_HOME=/opt/X11R6</code></td>
2162             <td>run <code>configure --with-x=/opt/X11R6</code></td>
2163         </tr>
2164         <tr valign="top">
2165             <td>set <code>ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH=c:/vc_redist</code></td>
2166             <td>run <code>configure --with-msvcr100dll=/cygdrive/c/vc_redist</code></td>
2167         </tr>
2168         <tr valign="top">
2169             <td>set <code>ALT_COMPILER_PATH=/opt/my-gcc/bin/gcc</code></td>
2170             <td>run <code>CC=/opt/my-gcc/bin/gcc configure</code> 
2171                 or <code>CXX=/opt/my-gcc/bin/g++ configure</code>
2172             </td>
2173         </tr>
2174         <tr valign="top">
2175             <td>set <code>BUILD_HEADLESS_ONLY=true</code></td>
2176             <td>run <code>configure --disable-headful</code></td>
2177         </tr>
2178         <tr valign="top">
2179             <td>set <code>ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH=/opt/mytools</code></td>
2180             <td>just run <code>configure</code>, 
2181                 your tools should be detected automatically. 
2182                 If you have an unusual configuration, 
2183                 add the tools directory to your <code>PATH</code>.
2184             </td>
2185         </tr>
2186         <tr valign="top">
2187             <td>set <code>ALT_DROPS_DIR=/home/user/dropdir</code></td>
2188             <td>source drops are not used anymore</td>
2189         </tr>
2190         <tr valign="top">
2191             <td>set <code>USE_ONLY_BOOTDIR_TOOLS=true</code></td>
2192             <td>not needed, <code>configure</code> should always do the Right Thing automatically</td>
2193         </tr>
2194         <tr valign="top">
2195             <td>set <code>ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/java/import-jdk</code>
2196                 or <code>ALT_BUILD_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/java/import-jdk</code>
2197             </td>
2198             <td>Importing JDKs is no longer possible, 
2199                 but hotspot can be imported using 
2200                 <code>--with-import-hotspot</code>. 
2201                 Documentation on how to achieve a 
2202                 similar solution will come soon!
2203             </td>
2204         </tr>
2205         <tr valign="top">
2206             <td>set <code>EXTRA_CFLAGS=-Xfoo</code></td>
2207             <td>run <code>CFLAGS=-Xfoo configure</code></td>
2208         </tr>
2209         <tr valign="top">
2210             <td>set <code>CROSS_COMPILE_ARCH=i586</code></td>
2211             <td>see <a href="#sec7.3"> section 7.3, Cross-compilation</a></td>
2212         </tr>
2213         <tr valign="top">
2214             <td>set <code>SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false</code></td>
2215             <td>Run <code>make bootcycle-images</code>.</td>
2216         </tr>
2217     </table>
2219     <h3><a name="variables">Environment/Make Variables</a></h3>
2220     <p>
2221         Some of the
2222         environment or make variables (just called <b>variables</b> in this
2223         document) that can impact the build are:
2224     <blockquote>
2225         <dl>
2226             <dt><a name="path"><code>PATH</code></a> </dt>
2227             <dd>Typically you want to set the <code>PATH</code> to include:
2228                 <ul>
2229                     <li>The location of the GNU make binary</li>
2230                     <li>The location of the Bootstrap JDK <code>java</code> 
2231                         (see <a href="#bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a>)</li>
2232                     <li>The location of the C/C++ compilers 
2233                         (see <a href="#compilers"><code>compilers</code></a>)</li>
2234                     <li>The location or locations for the Unix command utilities
2235                         (e.g. <code>/usr/bin</code>)</li>
2236                 </ul>
2237             </dd>
2238             <dt><code>MILESTONE</code> </dt>
2239             <dd>
2240                 The milestone name for the build (<i>e.g.</i>"beta"). 
2241                 The default value is "internal".
2242             </dd>
2243             <dt><code>BUILD_NUMBER</code> </dt>
2244             <dd>
2245                 The build number for the build (<i>e.g.</i> "b27"). 
2246                 The default value is "b00".
2247             </dd>
2248             <dt><a name="arch_data_model"><code>ARCH_DATA_MODEL</code></a></dt>
2249             <dd>The <code>ARCH_DATA_MODEL</code> variable
2250                 is used to specify whether the build is to generate 32-bit or 64-bit
2251                 binaries. 
2252                 The Solaris build supports either 32-bit or 64-bit builds, but
2253                 Windows and Linux will support only one, depending on the specific
2254                 OS being used.
2255                 Normally, setting this variable is only necessary on Solaris.
2256                 Set <code>ARCH_DATA_MODEL</code> to <code>32</code> for generating 32-bit binaries, 
2257                 or to <code>64</code> for generating 64-bit binaries.
2258             </dd>
2259             <dt><a name="ALT_BOOTDIR"><code>ALT_BOOTDIR</code></a></dt>
2260             <dd>
2261                 The location of the bootstrap JDK installation. 
2262                 See <a href="#bootjdk">Bootstrap JDK</a> for more information.
2263                 You should always install your own local Bootstrap JDK and
2264                 always set <code>ALT_BOOTDIR</code> explicitly.
2265             </dd>
2266             <dt><a name="ALT_OUTPUTDIR"><code>ALT_OUTPUTDIR</code></a> </dt>
2267             <dd>
2268                 An override for specifying the (absolute) path of where the
2269                 build output is to go.
2270                 The default output directory will be build/<i>platform</i>.
2271             </dd>
2272             <dt><a name="ALT_COMPILER_PATH"><code>ALT_COMPILER_PATH</code></a> </dt>
2273             <dd>
2274                 The location of the C/C++ compiler.
2275                 The default varies depending on the platform. 
2276             </dd>
2277             <dt><code><a name="ALT_CACERTS_FILE">ALT_CACERTS_FILE</a></code></dt>
2278             <dd>
2279                 The location of the <a href="#cacerts">cacerts</a> file.
2280                 The default will refer to 
2281                 <code>jdk/src/share/lib/security/cacerts</code>.
2282             </dd>
2283             <dt><a name="ALT_CUPS_HEADERS_PATH"><code>ALT_CUPS_HEADERS_PATH</code></a> </dt>
2284             <dd>
2285                 The location of the CUPS header files.
2286                 See <a href="#cups">CUPS information</a> for more information.
2287                 If this path does not exist the fallback path is 
2288                 <code>/usr/include</code>.
2289             </dd>
2290             <dt><a name="ALT_FREETYPE_LIB_PATH"><code>ALT_FREETYPE_LIB_PATH</code></a></dt>
2291             <dd>
2292                 The location of the FreeType shared library. 
2293                 See <a href="#freetype">FreeType information</a> for details. 
2294             </dd>
2295             <dt><a name="ALT_FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH"><code>ALT_FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH</code></a></dt>
2296             <dd>
2297                 The location of the FreeType header files.
2298                 See <a href="#freetype">FreeType information</a> for details. 
2299             </dd>
2300             <dt><a name="ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_PATH"><code>ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_PATH</code></a></dt>
2301             <dd>
2302                 The default root location of the devtools.
2303                 The default value is 
2304                 <code>$(ALT_SLASH_JAVA)/devtools</code>.
2305             </dd>
2306             <dt><code><a name="ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH">ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH</a></code> </dt>
2307             <dd>
2308                 The location of tools like the 
2309                 <a href="#zip"><code>zip</code> and <code>unzip</code></a>
2310                 binaries, but might also contain the GNU make utility
2311                 (<code><i>gmake</i></code>).
2312                 So this area is a bit of a grab bag, especially on Windows.
2313                 The default value depends on the platform and
2314                 Unix Commands being used.
2315                 On Linux the default will be 
2316                 <code>$(ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_PATH)/linux/bin</code>, 
2317                 on Solaris
2318                 <code>$(ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_PATH)/<i>{sparc,i386}</i>/bin</code>, 
2319                 and on Windows with CYGWIN
2320                 <code>/usr/bin</code>.
2321             </dd>
2322             <dt><a name="ALT_UNIXCCS_PATH"><code>ALT_UNIXCCS_PATH</code></a></dt>
2323             <dd>
2324                 <strong>Solaris only:</strong>
2325                 An override for specifying where the Unix CCS
2326                 command set are located.
2327                 The default location is <code>/usr/ccs/bin</code> 
2328             </dd>
2329             <dt><a name="ALT_SLASH_JAVA"><code>ALT_SLASH_JAVA</code></a></dt>
2330             <dd>
2331                 The default root location for many of the ALT path locations
2332                 of the following ALT variables.
2333                 The default value is 
2334                 <code>"/java"</code> on Solaris and Linux, 
2335                 <code>"J:"</code> on Windows.
2336             </dd>
2338             <dt><a name="ALT_OPENWIN_HOME"><code>ALT_OPENWIN_HOME</code></a></dt>
2339             <dd>
2340                 The top-level directory of the libraries and include files 
2341                 for the platform's 
2342                 graphical programming environment. 
2343                 The default location is platform specific. 
2344                 For example, on Linux it defaults to <code>/usr/X11R6/</code>.
2345             </dd>
2346             <dt><strong>Windows specific:</strong></dt>
2347             <dd>
2348                 <dl>
2349                     <dt><a name="ALT_WINDOWSSDKDIR"><code>ALT_WINDOWSSDKDIR</code></a> </dt>
2350                     <dd>
2351                         The location of the 
2352                         Microsoft Windows SDK where some tools will be
2353                         located.
2354                         The default is whatever WINDOWSSDKDIR is set to
2355                         (or WindowsSdkDir) or the path
2356                         <br>
2357                         <code>c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0a</code>
2358                     </dd>
2359                     <dt><code><a name="ALT_DXSDK_PATH">ALT_DXSDK_PATH</a></code> </dt>
2360                     <dd>
2361                         The location of the 
2362                         <a href="#dxsdk">Microsoft DirectX 9 SDK</a>.
2363                         The default will be to try and use the DirectX environment
2364                         variable <code>DXSDK_DIR</code>,
2365                         failing that, look in <code>C:/DXSDK</code>.
2366                     </dd>
2367                     <dt><code><a name="ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH">ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH</a></code> </dt>
2368                     <dd>
2369                         The location of the 
2370                         <a href="#msvcrNN"><code>MSVCR100.DLL</code></a>. 
2371                     </dd>
2372                 </dl>
2373             </dd>
2374             <dt><strong>Cross-Compilation Support:</strong></dt>
2375             <dd>
2376                 <dl>
2377                     <dt><a name="CROSS_COMPILE_ARCH"><code>CROSS_COMPILE_ARCH</code></a> </dt>
2378                     <dd>
2379                         Set to the target architecture of a 
2380                         cross-compilation build. If set, this
2381                         variable is used to signify that we are 
2382                         cross-compiling. The expectation
2383                         is that
2384                         <a href="#ALT_COMPILER_PATH"><code>ALT_COMPILER_PATH</code></a> 
2385                         is set
2386                         to point to the cross-compiler and that any
2387                         cross-compilation specific flags
2388                         are passed using 
2389                         <a href="#EXTRA_CFLAGS"><code>EXTRA_CFLAGS</code></a>.
2390                         The <a href="#ALT_OPENWIN_HOME"><code>ALT_OPENWIN_HOME</code></a>
2391                         variable should 
2392                         also be set to point to the graphical header files
2393                         (e.g. X11) provided with 
2394                         the cross-compiler.
2395                         When cross-compiling we skip execution of any demos 
2396                         etc that may be built, and
2397                         also skip binary-file verification.
2398                     </dd>
2399                     <dt><code><a name="EXTRA_CFLAGS">EXTRA_CFLAGS</a></code> </dt>
2400                     <dd>
2401                         Used to pass cross-compilation options to the 
2402                         cross-compiler.
2403                         These are added to the <code>CFLAGS</code> 
2404                         and <code>CXXFLAGS</code> variables. 
2405                     </dd>
2406                     <dt><code><a name="USE_ONLY_BOOTDIR_TOOLS">USE_ONLY_BOOTDIR_TOOLS</a></code> </dt>
2407                     <dd>
2408                         Used primarily for cross-compilation builds
2409                         (and always set in that case)
2410                         this variable indicates that tools from the
2411                         boot JDK should be used during
2412                         the build process, not the tools
2413                         (<code>javac</code>, <code>javah</code>, <code>jar</code>)
2414                         just built (which can't execute on the build host).
2415                     </dd>
2416                     <dt><code><a name="HOST_CC">HOST_CC</a></code> </dt>
2417                     <dd>
2418                         The location of the C compiler to generate programs 
2419                         to run on the build host.
2420                         Some parts of the build generate programs that are
2421                         then compiled and executed
2422                         to produce other parts of the build. Normally the 
2423                         primary C compiler is used
2424                         to do this, but when cross-compiling that would be
2425                         the cross-compiler and the
2426                         resulting program could not be executed. 
2427                         On Linux this defaults to <code>/usr/bin/gcc</code>; 
2428                         on other platforms it must be
2429                         set explicitly.
2430                     </dd>
2431                 </dl>
2432             <dt><strong>Specialized Build Options:</strong></dt>
2433             <dd>
2434                 Some build variables exist to support specialized build 
2435                 environments and/or specialized
2436                 build products. Their use is only supported in those contexts:
2437                 <dl>
2438                     <dt><code><a name="BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY">BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY</a></code> </dt>
2439                     <dd>
2440                         Indicates this build will only contain the 
2441                         Hotspot client VM. In addition to
2442                         controlling the Hotspot build target, 
2443                         it ensures that we don't try to copy
2444                         any server VM files/directories, 
2445                         and defines a default <code>jvm.cfg</code> file
2446                         suitable for a client-only environment. 
2447                         Using this in a 64-bit build will
2448                         generate a sanity warning as 64-bit client 
2449                         builds are not directly supported.
2450                     </dd>
2451                     <dt><code><a name="BUILD_HEADLESS_ONLY"></a>BUILD_HEADLESS_ONLY</code> </dt>
2452                     <dd>
2453                         Used when the build environment has no graphical 
2454                         capabilities at all. This
2455                         excludes building anything that requires graphical 
2456                         libraries to be available.
2457                     </dd>
2458                     <dt><code><a name="JAVASE_EMBEDDED"></a>JAVASE_EMBEDDED</code> </dt>
2459                     <dd>
2460                         Used to indicate this is a build of the Oracle 
2461                         Java SE Embedded product. 
2462                         This will enable the directives included in the 
2463                         SE-Embedded specific build 
2464                         files.
2465                     </dd>
2466                     <dt><code><a name="LIBZIP_CAN_USE_MMAP">LIBZIP_CAN_USE_MMAP</a></code> </dt>
2467                     <dd>
2468                         If set to false, disables the use of mmap by the
2469                         zip utility. Otherwise,
2470                         mmap will be used.
2471                     </dd>
2472                     <dt><code><a name="COMPRESS_JARS"></a>COMPRESS_JARS</code> </dt>
2473                     <dd>
2474                         If set to true, causes certain jar files that 
2475                         would otherwise be built without
2476                         compression, to use compression.
2477                     </dd>
2478                 </dl>
2479             </dd>
2480         </dl>
2481     </blockquote>
2483 </blockquote> <!-- Appendix D -->
2485         <!-- ====================================================== -->
2486         <hr>
2487         <p>End of OpenJDK README-builds.html document.<br>Please come again!
2488         <hr>
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