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@@ -73,26 +73,26 @@
   # param 8 = the objc compiler
   # param 9 = the flags to the assembler
   ifneq (,$$(filter %.c,$2))
     # Compile as a C file
-    $1_$2_FLAGS=$4 $$($1_$(notdir $2)_CFLAGS) -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"' -c
+    $1_$2_FLAGS=$(CFLAGS_CCACHE) $4 $$($1_$(notdir $2)_CFLAGS) -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"' -c
   else ifneq (,$$(filter %.m,$2))
     # Compile as a objective-c file
-    $1_$2_FLAGS=-x objective-c $4 $$($1_$(notdir $2)_CFLAGS) -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"' -c
+    $1_$2_FLAGS=-x objective-c $(CFLAGS_CCACHE) $4 $$($1_$(notdir $2)_CFLAGS) -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"' -c
   else ifneq (,$$(filter %.s,$2))
     # Compile as assembler file
     $1_$2_FLAGS=$9 -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"'
   else ifneq (,$$(filter %.cpp,$2)$$(filter %.mm,$2))
     # Compile as a C++ file
-    $1_$2_FLAGS=$6 $$($1_$(notdir $2)_CXXFLAGS) -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"' -c
+    $1_$2_FLAGS=$(CFLAGS_CCACHE) $6 $$($1_$(notdir $2)_CXXFLAGS) -DTHIS_FILE='"$$(<F)"' -c
     $$(error Internal error in NativeCompilation.gmk: no compiler for file $2)
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