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  60 #       single file.
  61 #   SOURCE_BASE_DIR a common root to all SOURCE_DIRS.
  62 #       If specified, files will keep the path relative to the base in the
  63 #       OUTPUT_DIR. Otherwise, the hierarchy will be flattened into the OUTPUT_DIR.
  64 #   INCLUDE_FILES only include files matching these patterns (used only with
  65 #       SOURCE_DIRS)
  66 #   EXCLUDE_FILES exclude files matching these patterns (used only with
  67 #       SOURCE_DIRS)
  68 #   INCLUDES replace the occurances of a pattern with the contents of a file;
  69 #       one or more such include pattern, using the syntax:
  70 #       PLACEHOLDER => FILE_TO_INCLUDE ; ...
  71 #       Each PLACEHOLDER must be on a single, otherwise empty line (whitespace
  72 #       padding is allowed).
  73 #   REPLACEMENTS one or more text replacement patterns, using the syntax:
  74 #       PATTERN => REPLACEMENT_TEXT ; ...
  75 #
  76 #   If both INCLUDES or REPLACEMENTS are present, then the includes will be
  77 #   processed first, and replacements will be done on the included fragments as well.
  78 #   If neither is present, the files will just be copied without modifications.
  79 #
  80 define SetupTextFileProcessing
  81   $(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupTextFileProcessing, please update TextFileProcessing.gmk))
  82   $(call EvalDebugWrapper,$(strip $1),$(call SetupTextFileProcessingInner,$(strip $1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15)))
  83 endef
  85 define SetupTextFileProcessingInner
  86   $(foreach i,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, $(if $(strip $($i)),$1_$(strip $($i)))$(NEWLINE))
  87   $(call LogSetupMacroEntry,SetupTextFileProcessing($1),$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$(10),$(11),$(12),$(13),$(14),$(15))
  88   $(if $(16),$(error Internal makefile error: Too many arguments to SetupTextFileProcessing, please update TextFileProcessing.gmk))
  90   ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_FILES),)
  91     ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_DIRS),)
  92       $$(error Cannot use both SOURCE_FILES and SOURCE_DIRS (in $1))
  93     endif
  94     ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_BASE_DIR),)
  95       $$(error Cannot use SOURCE_BASE_DIR without SOURCE_DIRS (in $1))
  96     endif
  97     ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES)$$($1_INCLUDE_FILES),)
  98       $$(error Cannot INCLUDE/EXCLUDE_FILES with SOURCE_FILES (in $1))
  99     endif
 100   else
 101     ifeq ($$($1_SOURCE_DIRS),)
 102       $$(error Must specify either SOURCE_FILES or SOURCE_DIRS (in $1))
 103     endif
 104     # Find all files in the source trees. Sort to remove duplicates.
 105     $$(foreach src, $$($1_SOURCE_DIRS), $$(if $$(wildcard $$(src)), , \
 106         $$(error SOURCE_DIRS contains missing directory $$(src) (in $1))))
 107     ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_BASE_DIR),)
 108       $$(foreach src, $$($1_SOURCE_DIRS), \

  60 #       single file.
  61 #   SOURCE_BASE_DIR a common root to all SOURCE_DIRS.
  62 #       If specified, files will keep the path relative to the base in the
  63 #       OUTPUT_DIR. Otherwise, the hierarchy will be flattened into the OUTPUT_DIR.
  64 #   INCLUDE_FILES only include files matching these patterns (used only with
  65 #       SOURCE_DIRS)
  66 #   EXCLUDE_FILES exclude files matching these patterns (used only with
  67 #       SOURCE_DIRS)
  68 #   INCLUDES replace the occurances of a pattern with the contents of a file;
  69 #       one or more such include pattern, using the syntax:
  70 #       PLACEHOLDER => FILE_TO_INCLUDE ; ...
  71 #       Each PLACEHOLDER must be on a single, otherwise empty line (whitespace
  72 #       padding is allowed).
  73 #   REPLACEMENTS one or more text replacement patterns, using the syntax:
  74 #       PATTERN => REPLACEMENT_TEXT ; ...
  75 #
  76 #   If both INCLUDES or REPLACEMENTS are present, then the includes will be
  77 #   processed first, and replacements will be done on the included fragments as well.
  78 #   If neither is present, the files will just be copied without modifications.
  79 #
  80 SetupTextFileProcessing = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
  81 define SetupTextFileProcessingBody

  83   ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_FILES),)
  84     ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_DIRS),)
  85       $$(error Cannot use both SOURCE_FILES and SOURCE_DIRS (in $1))
  86     endif
  87     ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_BASE_DIR),)
  88       $$(error Cannot use SOURCE_BASE_DIR without SOURCE_DIRS (in $1))
  89     endif
  90     ifneq ($$($1_EXCLUDE_FILES)$$($1_INCLUDE_FILES),)
  91       $$(error Cannot INCLUDE/EXCLUDE_FILES with SOURCE_FILES (in $1))
  92     endif
  93   else
  94     ifeq ($$($1_SOURCE_DIRS),)
  95       $$(error Must specify either SOURCE_FILES or SOURCE_DIRS (in $1))
  96     endif
  97     # Find all files in the source trees. Sort to remove duplicates.
  98     $$(foreach src, $$($1_SOURCE_DIRS), $$(if $$(wildcard $$(src)), , \
  99         $$(error SOURCE_DIRS contains missing directory $$(src) (in $1))))
 100     ifneq ($$($1_SOURCE_BASE_DIR),)
 101       $$(foreach src, $$($1_SOURCE_DIRS), \

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