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*** 40,49 **** --- 40,51 ---- include $(SRC_ROOT)/make/MainSupport.gmk # Load the vital tools for all the makefiles. include $(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/MakeBase.gmk + # Explicitly generate module deps makefile data + include $(SRC_ROOT)/make/GenerateModuleDeps.gmk include $(SRC_ROOT)/make/common/Modules.gmk # Declare ALL_TARGETS as an immediate variable. This variable is a list of all # valid top level targets. It's used to declare them all as PHONY and to # generate the -only targets.
*** 76,86 **** interim-cldrconverter: +($(CD) $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f CopyInterimCLDRConverter.gmk) buildtools-jdk: ! +($(CD) $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f Tools.gmk java-tools) ALL_TARGETS += buildtools-langtools interim-langtools \ interim-rmic interim-cldrconverter buildtools-jdk ################################################################################ --- 78,88 ---- interim-cldrconverter: +($(CD) $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f CopyInterimCLDRConverter.gmk) buildtools-jdk: ! +($(CD) $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f CompileTools.gmk) ALL_TARGETS += buildtools-langtools interim-langtools \ interim-rmic interim-cldrconverter buildtools-jdk ################################################################################
*** 216,226 **** # Stores the tips for each repository. This file is be used when constructing the jdk image and can be # used to track the exact sources used to build that image. source-tips: $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/source_tips $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/source_tips: FRC ! @$(MKDIR) -p $(@D) @$(RM) $@ @$(call GetSourceTips) BOOTCYCLE_TARGET := product-images bootcycle-images: --- 218,228 ---- # Stores the tips for each repository. This file is be used when constructing the jdk image and can be # used to track the exact sources used to build that image. source-tips: $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/source_tips $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/source_tips: FRC ! $(call MakeDir, $(@D)) @$(RM) $@ @$(call GetSourceTips) BOOTCYCLE_TARGET := product-images bootcycle-images:
*** 654,664 **** print-modules: @$(ECHO) $(sort $(ALL_MODULES)) create-main-targets-include: ! @$(ECHO) $(LOG_INFO) Generating main target list @$(ECHO) ALL_MAIN_TARGETS := $(sort $(ALL_TARGETS)) > \ $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/main-targets.gmk ################################################################################ --- 656,666 ---- print-modules: @$(ECHO) $(sort $(ALL_MODULES)) create-main-targets-include: ! $(call LogInfo, Generating main target list) @$(ECHO) ALL_MAIN_TARGETS := $(sort $(ALL_TARGETS)) > \ $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/main-targets.gmk ################################################################################
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