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*** 64,73 **** --- 64,76 ---- define SetupCompileProperties # Lookup the properties that need to be compiled into resource bundles. PROPSOURCES := $2 \ $$(shell $(FIND) $(TOPDIR)/src/$(MODULE)/share/classes -name "*.properties") + # Filter out any excluded translations + PROPSOURCES := $$(call FilterExcludedTranslations, $$(PROPSOURCES), .properties) + # Convert .../src/<module>/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/javac_zh_CN.properties # to .../langtools/gensrc/<module>/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/javac_zh_CN.java # Strip away prefix and suffix, leaving for example only: # "<module>/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/resources/javac_zh_CN" PROPJAVAS := $$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/src/%, \
*** 103,112 **** --- 106,116 ---- # Param 1 - Variable to add targets to # Param 2 - Extra properties files to process define SetupParseProperties # property files to process PARSEPROPSOURCES := $$(addprefix $(TOPDIR)/src/$(MODULE)/share/classes/, $2) + PARSEPROPSOURCES := $$(call FilterExcludedTranslations, $$(PARSEPROPSOURCES), .properties) PARSEPROPALLDIRS := $$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/src/$(MODULE)/share/classes/%, \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/$(MODULE)/%, \ $$(dir $$(PARSEPROPSOURCES)))
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