1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @summary Tests to verify jimage 'extract' action
  27  * @library /test/lib
  28  * @modules jdk.jlink/jdk.tools.jimage
  29  * @build jdk.test.lib.Asserts
  30  * @run main/othervm/timeout=300 JImageExtractTest
  31  */
  33 import java.io.IOException;
  34 import java.nio.file.Files;
  35 import java.nio.file.Path;
  36 import java.nio.file.Paths;
  37 import java.nio.file.attribute.*;
  38 import java.util.Arrays;
  39 import java.util.HashSet;
  40 import java.util.List;
  41 import java.util.Set;
  42 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
  44 import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertEquals;
  45 import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertTrue;
  47 public class JImageExtractTest extends JImageCliTest {
  48     public void testExtract() throws IOException {
  49         Set<Path> notJImageModules = Files.walk(Paths.get("."),1).collect(Collectors.toSet());
  50         jimage("extract", getImagePath())
  51                 .assertSuccess()
  52                 .resultChecker(r -> {
  53                     assertTrue(r.output.isEmpty(), "Output is not expected");
  54                 });
  55         verifyExplodedImage(Paths.get("."), notJImageModules);
  56     }
  58     public void testExtractHelp() {
  59         for (String opt : Arrays.asList("-h", "--help")) {
  60             jimage("extract", "--help")
  61                     .assertSuccess()
  62                     .resultChecker(r -> {
  63                         // extract  -  descriptive text
  64                         assertMatches("\\s+extract\\s+-\\s+.*", r.output);
  65                     });
  66         }
  67     }
  69     public void testExtractToDir() throws IOException {
  70         Path tmp = Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName());
  71         Set<Path> notJImageModules = Files.walk(tmp,1).collect(Collectors.toSet());
  72         jimage("extract", "--dir", tmp.toString(), getImagePath())
  73                 .assertSuccess()
  74                 .resultChecker(r -> {
  75                     assertTrue(r.output.isEmpty(), "Output is not expected");
  76                 });
  77         verifyExplodedImage(tmp, notJImageModules);
  78     }
  80     public void testExtractNoImageSpecified() {
  81         jimage("extract", "")
  82                 .assertFailure()
  83                 .assertShowsError();
  84     }
  86     public void testExtractNotAnImage() throws IOException {
  87         Path tmp = Files.createTempFile(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName(), "not_an_image");
  88         jimage("extract", tmp.toString())
  89                 .assertFailure()
  90                 .assertShowsError();
  91     }
  93     public void testExtractNotExistingImage() throws IOException {
  94         Path tmp = Paths.get(".", "not_existing_image");
  95         Files.deleteIfExists(tmp);
  96         jimage("extract", tmp.toString())
  97                 .assertFailure()
  98                 .assertShowsError();
  99     }
 101     public void testExtractToUnspecifiedDir() {
 102         jimage("extract", "--dir", "--", getImagePath())
 103                 .assertFailure()
 104                 .assertShowsError();
 105     }
 107     public void testExtractToNotExistingDir() throws IOException {
 108         Path tmp = Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName());
 109         Set<Path> notJImageModules = Files.walk(tmp,1).collect(Collectors.toSet());
 110         Files.delete(tmp);
 111         jimage("extract", "--dir", tmp.toString(), getImagePath())
 112                 .assertSuccess()
 113                 .resultChecker(r -> {
 114                     assertTrue(r.output.isEmpty(), "Output is not expected");
 115                 });
 116         verifyExplodedImage(tmp, notJImageModules);
 117     }
 119     public void testExtractFromDir() {
 120         Path imagePath = Paths.get(getImagePath());
 121         Path imageDirPath = imagePath.subpath(0, imagePath.getNameCount() - 1);
 122         jimage("extract", imageDirPath.toString())
 123                 .assertFailure()
 124                 .assertShowsError();
 125     }
 127     public void testExtractToDirBySymlink() throws IOException {
 128         Path tmp = Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName());
 129         Path symlink;
 130         try {
 131             symlink = Files.createSymbolicLink(Paths.get(".", "symlink"), tmp);
 132         } catch (IOException|UnsupportedOperationException e) {
 133             // symlinks are not supported
 134             // nothing to test
 135             return;
 136         }
 137         Set<Path> notJImageModules = Files.walk(tmp,1).collect(Collectors.toSet());
 138         jimage("extract", "--dir", symlink.toString(), getImagePath())
 139                 .assertSuccess()
 140                 .resultChecker(r -> {
 141                     assertTrue(r.output.isEmpty(), "Output is not expected");
 142                 });
 143         verifyExplodedImage(tmp, notJImageModules);
 144     }
 146     public void testExtractToReadOnlyDir() throws IOException {
 147         Path filePath = Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName());
 148         Set<String> supportedAttr = filePath.getFileSystem().supportedFileAttributeViews();
 149         if (supportedAttr.contains("posix")) {
 150             Files.setPosixFilePermissions(filePath, PosixFilePermissions.fromString("r-xr--r--"));
 151         } else if (supportedAttr.contains("acl")) {
 152             System.out.println("Entered into acl block");
 153             UserPrincipal fileOwner = Files.getOwner(filePath);
 154             AclFileAttributeView view = Files.getFileAttributeView(filePath, AclFileAttributeView.class);
 155             AclEntry entry = AclEntry.newBuilder()
 156                                      .setType(AclEntryType.DENY)
 157                                      .setPrincipal(fileOwner)
 158                                      .setPermissions(AclEntryPermission.WRITE_DATA)
 159                                      .setFlags(AclEntryFlag.FILE_INHERIT, AclEntryFlag.DIRECTORY_INHERIT)
 160                                      .build();
 161             List<AclEntry> acl = view.getAcl();
 162             acl.add(0, entry);
 163             view.setAcl(acl);
 164         }
 165         jimage("extract", "--dir", filePath.toString(), getImagePath())
 166                 .assertFailure()
 167                 .assertShowsError();
 168     }
 170     public void testExtractToNotEmptyDir() throws IOException {
 171         Path tmp = Files.createTempDirectory(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName());
 172         Files.createFile(Paths.get(tmp.toString(), ".not_empty"));
 173         jimage("extract", "--dir", tmp.toString(), getImagePath())
 174                 .assertSuccess()
 175                 .resultChecker(r -> {
 176                     assertTrue(r.output.isEmpty(), "Output is not expected");
 177                 });
 178     }
 180     public void testExtractToFile() throws IOException {
 181         Path tmp = Files.createTempFile(Paths.get("."), getClass().getName(), "not_a_dir");
 182         jimage("extract", "--dir", tmp.toString(), getImagePath())
 183                 .assertFailure()
 184                 .assertShowsError();
 185     }
 187     private void verifyExplodedImage(Path imagePath, Set<Path> notJImageModules) throws IOException {
 188         Set<Path> allModules = Files.walk(imagePath, 1).collect(Collectors.toSet());
 189         assertTrue(allModules.stream().anyMatch(p -> "java.base".equals(p.getFileName().toString())),
 190                 "Exploded image contains java.base module.");
 191         Set<Path> badModules = allModules.stream()
 192                 .filter(p -> !Files.exists(p.resolve("module-info.class")))
 193                 .collect(Collectors.toSet());
 194         // filter bad modules which are not part of jimage
 195         badModules.removeAll(notJImageModules);
 196         assertEquals(badModules, new HashSet<Path>() {{}},
 197                 "There are no exploded modules with missing 'module-info.class'");
 198     }
 200     public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
 201         new JImageExtractTest().runTests();
 202     }
 203 }