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rev 5687 : 8000539: Introspect JMX data handling
Summary: Added extra packageAccess check call
Reviewed-by: ahgross, dfuchs
Contributed-by: jaroslav.bachorik@oracle.com

*** 54,63 **** --- 54,65 ---- import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException; import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData; + import sun.reflect.misc.MethodUtil; + import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil; /** * This class contains the methods for performing all the tests needed to verify * that a class represents a JMX compliant MBean. *
*** 526,537 **** } else { // Java Beans not available so use simple introspection // to locate method readMethod = SimpleIntrospector.getReadMethod(clazz, element); } ! if (readMethod != null) ! return readMethod.invoke(complex); throw new AttributeNotFoundException( "Could not find the getter method for the property " + element + " using the Java Beans introspector"); } --- 528,541 ---- } else { // Java Beans not available so use simple introspection // to locate method readMethod = SimpleIntrospector.getReadMethod(clazz, element); } ! if (readMethod != null) { ! ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess(readMethod.getDeclaringClass()); ! return MethodUtil.invoke(readMethod, complex, new Class[0]); ! } throw new AttributeNotFoundException( "Could not find the getter method for the property " + element + " using the Java Beans introspector"); }