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  39      * of this AppletWindow or this method will have no effect.
  40      * The window will do what it can to make sure the given stage is on top of
  41      * the other primary applet stages. In the future we will allow specifying
  42      * Z order but that requires low level changes to Glass to do properly.
  43      */
  44     public void setStageOnTop(Stage topStage);
  46     public void setBackgroundColor(int color); // RGB triplet: 0xRRGGBB
  47     public void setForegroundColor(int color);
  49     public void setVisible(boolean state);
  51     public void setSize(int width, int height);
  52     public int getWidth();
  53     public int getHeight();
  55     public void setPosition(int x, int y);
  56     public int getPositionX();
  57     public int getPositionY();
  59     public float getUIScale();

  61     // returns CARemoteLayer id (only used on Mac)
  62     public int getRemoteLayerId();
  63     // dispatchEvent (only used on Mac)
  64     public void dispatchEvent(Map eventInfo);
  65 }

  39      * of this AppletWindow or this method will have no effect.
  40      * The window will do what it can to make sure the given stage is on top of
  41      * the other primary applet stages. In the future we will allow specifying
  42      * Z order but that requires low level changes to Glass to do properly.
  43      */
  44     public void setStageOnTop(Stage topStage);
  46     public void setBackgroundColor(int color); // RGB triplet: 0xRRGGBB
  47     public void setForegroundColor(int color);
  49     public void setVisible(boolean state);
  51     public void setSize(int width, int height);
  52     public int getWidth();
  53     public int getHeight();
  55     public void setPosition(int x, int y);
  56     public int getPositionX();
  57     public int getPositionY();
  59     public float getPlatformScaleX();
  60     public float getPlatformScaleY();
  62     // returns CARemoteLayer id (only used on Mac)
  63     public int getRemoteLayerId();
  64     // dispatchEvent (only used on Mac)
  65     public void dispatchEvent(Map eventInfo);
  66 }