
Print this page

 552     private VPos getRowValignmentInternal() {
 553         VPos localPos =  getRowValignment();
 554         return localPos == null ? VPos.CENTER : localPos;
 555     }
 557     @Override public Orientation getContentBias() {
 558         return getOrientation();
 559     }
 561     @Override protected double computeMinWidth(double height) {
 562         if (getContentBias() == HORIZONTAL) {
 563             double maxPref = 0;
 564             final List<Node> children = getChildren();
 565             for (int i=0, size=children.size(); i<size; i++) {
 566                 Node child = children.get(i);
 567                 if (child.isManaged()) {
 568                     maxPref = Math.max(maxPref, child.prefWidth(-1));
 569                 }
 570             }
 571             final Insets insets = getInsets();
 572             return insets.getLeft() + snapSize(maxPref) + insets.getRight();
 573         }
 574         return computePrefWidth(height);
 575     }
 577     @Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width) {
 578         if (getContentBias() == VERTICAL) {
 579             double maxPref = 0;
 580             final List<Node> children = getChildren();
 581             for (int i=0, size=children.size(); i<size; i++) {
 582                 Node child = children.get(i);
 583                 if (child.isManaged()) {
 584                     maxPref = Math.max(maxPref, child.prefHeight(-1));
 585                 }
 586             }
 587             final Insets insets = getInsets();
 588             return insets.getTop() + snapSize(maxPref) + insets.getBottom();
 589         }
 590         return computePrefHeight(width);
 591     }
 593     @Override protected double computePrefWidth(double forHeight) {
 594         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 595         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 596             // horizontal
 597             double maxRunWidth = getPrefWrapLength();
 598             List<Run> hruns = getRuns(maxRunWidth);
 599             double w = computeContentWidth(hruns);
 600             w = getPrefWrapLength() > w ? getPrefWrapLength() : w;
 601             return insets.getLeft() + snapSize(w) + insets.getRight();
 602         } else {
 603             // vertical
 604             double maxRunHeight = forHeight != -1?
 605                 forHeight - insets.getTop() - insets.getBottom() : getPrefWrapLength();
 606             List<Run> vruns = getRuns(maxRunHeight);
 607             return insets.getLeft() + computeContentWidth(vruns) + insets.getRight();
 608         }
 609     }
 611     @Override protected double computePrefHeight(double forWidth) {
 612         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 613         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 614             // horizontal
 615             double maxRunWidth = forWidth != -1?
 616                 forWidth - insets.getLeft() - insets.getRight() : getPrefWrapLength();
 617             List<Run> hruns = getRuns(maxRunWidth);
 618             return insets.getTop() + computeContentHeight(hruns) + insets.getBottom();
 619         } else {
 620             // vertical
 621             double maxRunHeight = getPrefWrapLength();
 622             List<Run> vruns = getRuns(maxRunHeight);
 623             double h = computeContentHeight(vruns);
 624             h = getPrefWrapLength() > h ? getPrefWrapLength() : h;
 625             return insets.getTop() + snapSize(h) + insets.getBottom();
 626         }
 627     }
 629     @Override public void requestLayout() {
 630         if (!computingRuns) {
 631             runs = null;
 632         }
 633         super.requestLayout();
 634     }
 636     private List<Run> runs = null;
 637     private double lastMaxRunLength = -1;
 638     boolean computingRuns = false;
 640     private List<Run> getRuns(double maxRunLength) {
 641         if (runs == null || maxRunLength != lastMaxRunLength) {
 642             computingRuns = true;
 643             lastMaxRunLength = maxRunLength;
 644             runs = new ArrayList();
 645             double runLength = 0;
 646             double runOffset = 0;
 647             Run run = new Run();
 648             double vgap = snapSpace(this.getVgap());
 649             double hgap = snapSpace(this.getHgap());
 651             final List<Node> children = getChildren();
 652             for (int i=0, size=children.size(); i<size; i++) {
 653                 Node child = children.get(i);
 654                 if (child.isManaged()) {
 655                     LayoutRect nodeRect = new LayoutRect();
 656                     nodeRect.node = child;
 657                     Insets margin = getMargin(child);
 658                     nodeRect.width = computeChildPrefAreaWidth(child, margin);
 659                     nodeRect.height = computeChildPrefAreaHeight(child, margin);
 660                     double nodeLength = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL ? nodeRect.width : nodeRect.height;
 661                     if (runLength + nodeLength > maxRunLength && runLength > 0) {
 662                         // wrap to next run *unless* its the only node in the run
 663                         normalizeRun(run, runOffset);
 664                         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 665                             // horizontal
 666                             runOffset += run.height + vgap;
 667                         } else {
 668                             // vertical
 669                             runOffset += run.width + hgap;

 680                         // vertical
 681                         nodeRect.y = runLength;
 682                         runLength += nodeRect.height + vgap;
 683                     }
 684                     run.rects.add(nodeRect);
 685                 }
 687             }
 688             // insert last run
 689             normalizeRun(run, runOffset);
 690             runs.add(run);
 691             computingRuns = false;
 692         }
 693         return runs;
 694     }
 696     private void normalizeRun(final Run run, double runOffset) {
 697         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 698             // horizontal
 699             ArrayList<Node> rownodes = new ArrayList();
 700             run.width = (run.rects.size()-1)*snapSpace(getHgap());
 701             for (int i=0, max=run.rects.size(); i<max; i++) {
 702                 LayoutRect lrect = run.rects.get(i);
 703                 rownodes.add(lrect.node);
 704                 run.width += lrect.width;
 705                 lrect.y = runOffset;
 706             }
 707             run.height = computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(rownodes, marginAccessor, getRowValignment());
 708             run.baselineOffset = getRowValignment() == VPos.BASELINE?
 709                     getAreaBaselineOffset(rownodes, marginAccessor, i -> run.rects.get(i).width, run.height, true) : 0;
 711         } else {
 712             // vertical
 713             run.height = (run.rects.size()-1)*snapSpace(getVgap());
 714             double maxw = 0;
 715             for (int i=0, max=run.rects.size(); i<max; i++) {
 716                 LayoutRect lrect = run.rects.get(i);
 717                 run.height += lrect.height;
 718                 lrect.x = runOffset;
 719                 maxw = Math.max(maxw, lrect.width);
 720             }
 722             run.width = maxw;
 723             run.baselineOffset = run.height;
 724         }
 725     }
 727     private double computeContentWidth(List<Run> runs) {
 728         double cwidth = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL ? 0 : (runs.size()-1)*snapSpace(getHgap());
 729         for (int i=0, max=runs.size(); i<max; i++) {
 730             Run run = runs.get(i);
 731             if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 732                 cwidth = Math.max(cwidth, run.width);
 733             } else {
 734                 // vertical
 735                 cwidth += run.width;
 736             }
 737         }
 738         return cwidth;
 739     }
 741     private double computeContentHeight(List<Run> runs) {
 742         double cheight = getOrientation() == VERTICAL ? 0 : (runs.size()-1)*snapSpace(getVgap());
 743         for (int i=0, max=runs.size(); i<max; i++) {
 744             Run run = runs.get(i);
 745             if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL) {
 746                 cheight = Math.max(cheight, run.height);
 747             } else {
 748                 // horizontal
 749                 cheight += run.height;
 750             }
 751         }
 752         return cheight;
 753     }
 755     @Override protected void layoutChildren() {
 756         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 757         final double width = getWidth();
 758         final double height = getHeight();
 759         final double top = insets.getTop();
 760         final double left = insets.getLeft();
 761         final double bottom = insets.getBottom();
 762         final double right = insets.getRight();

 552     private VPos getRowValignmentInternal() {
 553         VPos localPos =  getRowValignment();
 554         return localPos == null ? VPos.CENTER : localPos;
 555     }
 557     @Override public Orientation getContentBias() {
 558         return getOrientation();
 559     }
 561     @Override protected double computeMinWidth(double height) {
 562         if (getContentBias() == HORIZONTAL) {
 563             double maxPref = 0;
 564             final List<Node> children = getChildren();
 565             for (int i=0, size=children.size(); i<size; i++) {
 566                 Node child = children.get(i);
 567                 if (child.isManaged()) {
 568                     maxPref = Math.max(maxPref, child.prefWidth(-1));
 569                 }
 570             }
 571             final Insets insets = getInsets();
 572             return insets.getLeft() + snapSizeX(maxPref) + insets.getRight();
 573         }
 574         return computePrefWidth(height);
 575     }
 577     @Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width) {
 578         if (getContentBias() == VERTICAL) {
 579             double maxPref = 0;
 580             final List<Node> children = getChildren();
 581             for (int i=0, size=children.size(); i<size; i++) {
 582                 Node child = children.get(i);
 583                 if (child.isManaged()) {
 584                     maxPref = Math.max(maxPref, child.prefHeight(-1));
 585                 }
 586             }
 587             final Insets insets = getInsets();
 588             return insets.getTop() + snapSizeY(maxPref) + insets.getBottom();
 589         }
 590         return computePrefHeight(width);
 591     }
 593     @Override protected double computePrefWidth(double forHeight) {
 594         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 595         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 596             // horizontal
 597             double maxRunWidth = getPrefWrapLength();
 598             List<Run> hruns = getRuns(maxRunWidth);
 599             double w = computeContentWidth(hruns);
 600             w = getPrefWrapLength() > w ? getPrefWrapLength() : w;
 601             return insets.getLeft() + snapSizeX(w) + insets.getRight();
 602         } else {
 603             // vertical
 604             double maxRunHeight = forHeight != -1?
 605                 forHeight - insets.getTop() - insets.getBottom() : getPrefWrapLength();
 606             List<Run> vruns = getRuns(maxRunHeight);
 607             return insets.getLeft() + computeContentWidth(vruns) + insets.getRight();
 608         }
 609     }
 611     @Override protected double computePrefHeight(double forWidth) {
 612         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 613         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 614             // horizontal
 615             double maxRunWidth = forWidth != -1?
 616                 forWidth - insets.getLeft() - insets.getRight() : getPrefWrapLength();
 617             List<Run> hruns = getRuns(maxRunWidth);
 618             return insets.getTop() + computeContentHeight(hruns) + insets.getBottom();
 619         } else {
 620             // vertical
 621             double maxRunHeight = getPrefWrapLength();
 622             List<Run> vruns = getRuns(maxRunHeight);
 623             double h = computeContentHeight(vruns);
 624             h = getPrefWrapLength() > h ? getPrefWrapLength() : h;
 625             return insets.getTop() + snapSizeY(h) + insets.getBottom();
 626         }
 627     }
 629     @Override public void requestLayout() {
 630         if (!computingRuns) {
 631             runs = null;
 632         }
 633         super.requestLayout();
 634     }
 636     private List<Run> runs = null;
 637     private double lastMaxRunLength = -1;
 638     boolean computingRuns = false;
 640     private List<Run> getRuns(double maxRunLength) {
 641         if (runs == null || maxRunLength != lastMaxRunLength) {
 642             computingRuns = true;
 643             lastMaxRunLength = maxRunLength;
 644             runs = new ArrayList();
 645             double runLength = 0;
 646             double runOffset = 0;
 647             Run run = new Run();
 648             double vgap = snapSpaceY(this.getVgap());
 649             double hgap = snapSpaceX(this.getHgap());
 651             final List<Node> children = getChildren();
 652             for (int i=0, size=children.size(); i<size; i++) {
 653                 Node child = children.get(i);
 654                 if (child.isManaged()) {
 655                     LayoutRect nodeRect = new LayoutRect();
 656                     nodeRect.node = child;
 657                     Insets margin = getMargin(child);
 658                     nodeRect.width = computeChildPrefAreaWidth(child, margin);
 659                     nodeRect.height = computeChildPrefAreaHeight(child, margin);
 660                     double nodeLength = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL ? nodeRect.width : nodeRect.height;
 661                     if (runLength + nodeLength > maxRunLength && runLength > 0) {
 662                         // wrap to next run *unless* its the only node in the run
 663                         normalizeRun(run, runOffset);
 664                         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 665                             // horizontal
 666                             runOffset += run.height + vgap;
 667                         } else {
 668                             // vertical
 669                             runOffset += run.width + hgap;

 680                         // vertical
 681                         nodeRect.y = runLength;
 682                         runLength += nodeRect.height + vgap;
 683                     }
 684                     run.rects.add(nodeRect);
 685                 }
 687             }
 688             // insert last run
 689             normalizeRun(run, runOffset);
 690             runs.add(run);
 691             computingRuns = false;
 692         }
 693         return runs;
 694     }
 696     private void normalizeRun(final Run run, double runOffset) {
 697         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 698             // horizontal
 699             ArrayList<Node> rownodes = new ArrayList();
 700             run.width = (run.rects.size()-1)*snapSpaceX(getHgap());
 701             for (int i=0, max=run.rects.size(); i<max; i++) {
 702                 LayoutRect lrect = run.rects.get(i);
 703                 rownodes.add(lrect.node);
 704                 run.width += lrect.width;
 705                 lrect.y = runOffset;
 706             }
 707             run.height = computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(rownodes, marginAccessor, getRowValignment());
 708             run.baselineOffset = getRowValignment() == VPos.BASELINE?
 709                     getAreaBaselineOffset(rownodes, marginAccessor, i -> run.rects.get(i).width, run.height, true) : 0;
 711         } else {
 712             // vertical
 713             run.height = (run.rects.size()-1)*snapSpaceY(getVgap());
 714             double maxw = 0;
 715             for (int i=0, max=run.rects.size(); i<max; i++) {
 716                 LayoutRect lrect = run.rects.get(i);
 717                 run.height += lrect.height;
 718                 lrect.x = runOffset;
 719                 maxw = Math.max(maxw, lrect.width);
 720             }
 722             run.width = maxw;
 723             run.baselineOffset = run.height;
 724         }
 725     }
 727     private double computeContentWidth(List<Run> runs) {
 728         double cwidth = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL ? 0 : (runs.size()-1)*snapSpaceX(getHgap());
 729         for (int i=0, max=runs.size(); i<max; i++) {
 730             Run run = runs.get(i);
 731             if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 732                 cwidth = Math.max(cwidth, run.width);
 733             } else {
 734                 // vertical
 735                 cwidth += run.width;
 736             }
 737         }
 738         return cwidth;
 739     }
 741     private double computeContentHeight(List<Run> runs) {
 742         double cheight = getOrientation() == VERTICAL ? 0 : (runs.size()-1)*snapSpaceY(getVgap());
 743         for (int i=0, max=runs.size(); i<max; i++) {
 744             Run run = runs.get(i);
 745             if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL) {
 746                 cheight = Math.max(cheight, run.height);
 747             } else {
 748                 // horizontal
 749                 cheight += run.height;
 750             }
 751         }
 752         return cheight;
 753     }
 755     @Override protected void layoutChildren() {
 756         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 757         final double width = getWidth();
 758         final double height = getHeight();
 759         final double top = insets.getTop();
 760         final double left = insets.getLeft();
 761         final double bottom = insets.getBottom();
 762         final double right = insets.getRight();