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 782         if (getContentBias() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
 783             return getInsets().getLeft() + getTileWidth() + getInsets().getRight();
 784         }
 785         return computePrefWidth(height);
 786     }
 788     @Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width) {
 789         if (getContentBias() == Orientation.VERTICAL) {
 790             return getInsets().getTop() + getTileHeight() + getInsets().getBottom();
 791         }
 792         return computePrefHeight(width);
 793     }
 795     @Override protected double computePrefWidth(double forHeight) {
 796         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 797         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 798         int prefCols = 0;
 799         if (forHeight != -1) {
 800             // first compute number of rows that will fit in given height and
 801             // compute pref columns from that
 802             int prefRows = computeRows(forHeight - snapSpace(insets.getTop()) - snapSpace(insets.getBottom()), getTileHeight());
 803             prefCols = computeOther(managed.size(), prefRows);
 804         } else {
 805             prefCols = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL? getPrefColumns() : computeOther(managed.size(), getPrefRows());
 806         }
 807         return snapSpace(insets.getLeft()) +
 808                computeContentWidth(prefCols, getTileWidth()) +
 809                snapSpace(insets.getRight());
 810     }
 812     @Override protected double computePrefHeight(double forWidth) {
 813         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 814         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 815         int prefRows = 0;
 816         if (forWidth != -1) {
 817             // first compute number of columns that will fit in given width and
 818             // compute pref rows from that
 819             int prefCols = computeColumns(forWidth - snapSpace(insets.getLeft()) - snapSpace(insets.getRight()), getTileWidth());
 820             prefRows = computeOther(managed.size(), prefCols);
 821         } else {
 822             prefRows = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL? computeOther(managed.size(), getPrefColumns()) : getPrefRows();
 823         }
 824         return snapSpace(insets.getTop()) +
 825                computeContentHeight(prefRows, getTileHeight()) +
 826                snapSpace(insets.getBottom());
 827     }
 829     private double computeTileWidth() {
 830         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 831         double preftilewidth = getPrefTileWidth();
 832         if (preftilewidth == USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) {
 833             double h = -1;
 834             boolean vertBias = false;
 835             for (int i = 0, size = managed.size(); i < size; i++) {
 836                 Node child = managed.get(i);
 837                 if (child.getContentBias() == VERTICAL) {
 838                     vertBias = true;
 839                     break;
 840                 }
 841             }
 842             if (vertBias) {
 843                 // widest may depend on height of tile
 844                 h = computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(managed, marginAccessor, -1, getTileAlignmentInternal().getVpos());
 845             }
 846             return snapSize(computeMaxPrefAreaWidth(managed, marginAccessor, h, true));
 847         }
 848         return snapSize(preftilewidth);
 849     }
 851     private double computeTileHeight() {
 852         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 853         double preftileheight = getPrefTileHeight();
 854         if (preftileheight == USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) {
 855             double w = -1;
 856             boolean horizBias = false;
 857             for (int i = 0, size = managed.size(); i < size; i++) {
 858                 Node child = managed.get(i);
 859                 if (child.getContentBias() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
 860                     horizBias = true;
 861                     break;
 862                 }
 863             }
 864             if (horizBias) {
 865                 // tallest may depend on width of tile
 866                 w = computeMaxPrefAreaWidth(managed, marginAccessor);
 867             }
 868             return snapSize(computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(managed, marginAccessor, w, getTileAlignmentInternal().getVpos()));
 869         }
 870         return snapSize(preftileheight);
 871     }
 873     private int computeOther(int numNodes, int numCells) {
 874         double other = (double)numNodes/(double)Math.max(1, numCells);
 875         return (int)Math.ceil(other);
 876     }
 878     private int computeColumns(double width, double tilewidth) {
 879         return Math.max(1,(int)((width + snapSpace(getHgap())) / (tilewidth + snapSpace(getHgap()))));

 880     }
 882     private int computeRows(double height, double tileheight) {
 883         return Math.max(1, (int)((height + snapSpace(getVgap())) / (tileheight + snapSpace(getVgap()))));

 884     }
 886     private double computeContentWidth(int columns, double tilewidth) {
 887         if (columns == 0) return 0;
 888         return columns * tilewidth + (columns - 1) * snapSpace(getHgap());
 889     }
 891     private double computeContentHeight(int rows, double tileheight) {
 892         if (rows == 0) return 0;
 893         return rows * tileheight + (rows - 1) * snapSpace(getVgap());
 894     }
 896     @Override protected void layoutChildren() {
 897         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 898         HPos hpos = getAlignmentInternal().getHpos();
 899         VPos vpos = getAlignmentInternal().getVpos();
 900         double width = getWidth();
 901         double height = getHeight();
 902         double top = snapSpace(getInsets().getTop());
 903         double left = snapSpace(getInsets().getLeft());
 904         double bottom = snapSpace(getInsets().getBottom());
 905         double right = snapSpace(getInsets().getRight());
 906         double vgap = snapSpace(getVgap());
 907         double hgap = snapSpace(getHgap());
 908         double insideWidth = width - left - right;
 909         double insideHeight = height - top - bottom;
 911         double tileWidth = getTileWidth() > insideWidth ? insideWidth : getTileWidth();
 912         double tileHeight = getTileHeight() > insideHeight ? insideHeight : getTileHeight();
 914         int lastRowRemainder = 0;
 915         int lastColumnRemainder = 0;
 916         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 917             actualColumns = computeColumns(insideWidth, tileWidth);
 918             actualRows = computeOther(managed.size(), actualColumns);
 919             // remainder will be 0 if last row is filled
 920             lastRowRemainder = hpos != HPos.LEFT?
 921                  actualColumns - (actualColumns*actualRows - managed.size()) : 0;
 922         } else {
 923             // vertical
 924             actualRows = computeRows(insideHeight, tileHeight);
 925             actualColumns = computeOther(managed.size(), actualRows);
 926             // remainder will be 0 if last column is filled
 927             lastColumnRemainder = vpos != VPos.TOP?

 782         if (getContentBias() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
 783             return getInsets().getLeft() + getTileWidth() + getInsets().getRight();
 784         }
 785         return computePrefWidth(height);
 786     }
 788     @Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width) {
 789         if (getContentBias() == Orientation.VERTICAL) {
 790             return getInsets().getTop() + getTileHeight() + getInsets().getBottom();
 791         }
 792         return computePrefHeight(width);
 793     }
 795     @Override protected double computePrefWidth(double forHeight) {
 796         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 797         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 798         int prefCols = 0;
 799         if (forHeight != -1) {
 800             // first compute number of rows that will fit in given height and
 801             // compute pref columns from that
 802             int prefRows = computeRows(forHeight - snapSpaceY(insets.getTop()) - snapSpaceY(insets.getBottom()), getTileHeight());
 803             prefCols = computeOther(managed.size(), prefRows);
 804         } else {
 805             prefCols = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL? getPrefColumns() : computeOther(managed.size(), getPrefRows());
 806         }
 807         return snapSpaceX(insets.getLeft()) +
 808                computeContentWidth(prefCols, getTileWidth()) +
 809                snapSpaceX(insets.getRight());
 810     }
 812     @Override protected double computePrefHeight(double forWidth) {
 813         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 814         final Insets insets = getInsets();
 815         int prefRows = 0;
 816         if (forWidth != -1) {
 817             // first compute number of columns that will fit in given width and
 818             // compute pref rows from that
 819             int prefCols = computeColumns(forWidth - snapSpaceX(insets.getLeft()) - snapSpaceX(insets.getRight()), getTileWidth());
 820             prefRows = computeOther(managed.size(), prefCols);
 821         } else {
 822             prefRows = getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL? computeOther(managed.size(), getPrefColumns()) : getPrefRows();
 823         }
 824         return snapSpaceY(insets.getTop()) +
 825                computeContentHeight(prefRows, getTileHeight()) +
 826                snapSpaceY(insets.getBottom());
 827     }
 829     private double computeTileWidth() {
 830         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 831         double preftilewidth = getPrefTileWidth();
 832         if (preftilewidth == USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) {
 833             double h = -1;
 834             boolean vertBias = false;
 835             for (int i = 0, size = managed.size(); i < size; i++) {
 836                 Node child = managed.get(i);
 837                 if (child.getContentBias() == VERTICAL) {
 838                     vertBias = true;
 839                     break;
 840                 }
 841             }
 842             if (vertBias) {
 843                 // widest may depend on height of tile
 844                 h = computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(managed, marginAccessor, -1, getTileAlignmentInternal().getVpos());
 845             }
 846             return snapSizeX(computeMaxPrefAreaWidth(managed, marginAccessor, h, true));
 847         }
 848         return snapSizeX(preftilewidth);
 849     }
 851     private double computeTileHeight() {
 852         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 853         double preftileheight = getPrefTileHeight();
 854         if (preftileheight == USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) {
 855             double w = -1;
 856             boolean horizBias = false;
 857             for (int i = 0, size = managed.size(); i < size; i++) {
 858                 Node child = managed.get(i);
 859                 if (child.getContentBias() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
 860                     horizBias = true;
 861                     break;
 862                 }
 863             }
 864             if (horizBias) {
 865                 // tallest may depend on width of tile
 866                 w = computeMaxPrefAreaWidth(managed, marginAccessor);
 867             }
 868             return snapSizeY(computeMaxPrefAreaHeight(managed, marginAccessor, w, getTileAlignmentInternal().getVpos()));
 869         }
 870         return snapSizeY(preftileheight);
 871     }
 873     private int computeOther(int numNodes, int numCells) {
 874         double other = (double)numNodes/(double)Math.max(1, numCells);
 875         return (int)Math.ceil(other);
 876     }
 878     private int computeColumns(double width, double tilewidth) {
 879         double snappedHgap = snapSpaceX(getHgap());
 880         return Math.max(1,(int)((width + snappedHgap) / (tilewidth + snappedHgap)));
 881     }
 883     private int computeRows(double height, double tileheight) {
 884         double snappedVgap = snapSpaceY(getVgap());
 885         return Math.max(1, (int)((height + snappedVgap) / (tileheight + snappedVgap)));
 886     }
 888     private double computeContentWidth(int columns, double tilewidth) {
 889         if (columns == 0) return 0;
 890         return columns * tilewidth + (columns - 1) * snapSpaceX(getHgap());
 891     }
 893     private double computeContentHeight(int rows, double tileheight) {
 894         if (rows == 0) return 0;
 895         return rows * tileheight + (rows - 1) * snapSpaceY(getVgap());
 896     }
 898     @Override protected void layoutChildren() {
 899         List<Node> managed = getManagedChildren();
 900         HPos hpos = getAlignmentInternal().getHpos();
 901         VPos vpos = getAlignmentInternal().getVpos();
 902         double width = getWidth();
 903         double height = getHeight();
 904         double top = snapSpaceY(getInsets().getTop());
 905         double left = snapSpaceX(getInsets().getLeft());
 906         double bottom = snapSpaceY(getInsets().getBottom());
 907         double right = snapSpaceX(getInsets().getRight());
 908         double vgap = snapSpaceY(getVgap());
 909         double hgap = snapSpaceX(getHgap());
 910         double insideWidth = width - left - right;
 911         double insideHeight = height - top - bottom;
 913         double tileWidth = getTileWidth() > insideWidth ? insideWidth : getTileWidth();
 914         double tileHeight = getTileHeight() > insideHeight ? insideHeight : getTileHeight();
 916         int lastRowRemainder = 0;
 917         int lastColumnRemainder = 0;
 918         if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
 919             actualColumns = computeColumns(insideWidth, tileWidth);
 920             actualRows = computeOther(managed.size(), actualColumns);
 921             // remainder will be 0 if last row is filled
 922             lastRowRemainder = hpos != HPos.LEFT?
 923                  actualColumns - (actualColumns*actualRows - managed.size()) : 0;
 924         } else {
 925             // vertical
 926             actualRows = computeRows(insideHeight, tileHeight);
 927             actualColumns = computeOther(managed.size(), actualRows);
 928             // remainder will be 0 if last column is filled
 929             lastColumnRemainder = vpos != VPos.TOP?