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 171     /***************************************************************************
 172      *                                                                         *
 173      * Public API                                                              *
 174      *                                                                         *
 175      **************************************************************************/
 177     /** {@inheritDoc} */
 178     @Override public void dispose() {
 179         super.dispose();
 181         if (behavior != null) {
 182             behavior.dispose();
 183         }
 184     }
 186     /** {@inheritDoc} */
 187     @Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y,
 188                                             final double w, final double h) {
 189         // calculate the available space
 190         // resize thumb to preferred size
 191         thumbWidth = snapSize(thumb.prefWidth(-1));
 192         thumbHeight = snapSize(thumb.prefHeight(-1));
 193         thumb.resize(thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
 194         // we are assuming the is common radius's for all corners on the track
 195         double trackRadius = track.getBackground() == null ? 0 : track.getBackground().getFills().size() > 0 ?
 196                 track.getBackground().getFills().get(0).getRadii().getTopLeftHorizontalRadius() : 0;
 198         if (getSkinnable().getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
 199             double tickLineHeight =  (showTickMarks) ? tickLine.prefHeight(-1) : 0;
 200             double trackHeight = snapSize(track.prefHeight(-1));
 201             double trackAreaHeight = Math.max(trackHeight,thumbHeight);
 202             double totalHeightNeeded = trackAreaHeight  + ((showTickMarks) ? trackToTickGap+tickLineHeight : 0);
 203             double startY = y + ((h - totalHeightNeeded)/2); // center slider in available height vertically
 204             trackLength = snapSize(w - thumbWidth);
 205             trackStart = snapPosition(x + (thumbWidth/2));
 206             double trackTop = (int)(startY + ((trackAreaHeight-trackHeight)/2));
 207             thumbTop = (int)(startY + ((trackAreaHeight-thumbHeight)/2));
 209             positionThumb(false);
 210             // layout track
 211             track.resizeRelocate((int)(trackStart - trackRadius),
 212                     trackTop ,
 213                     (int)(trackLength + trackRadius + trackRadius),
 214                     trackHeight);
 215             // layout tick line
 216             if (showTickMarks) {
 217                 tickLine.setLayoutX(trackStart);
 218                 tickLine.setLayoutY(trackTop+trackHeight+trackToTickGap);
 219                 tickLine.resize(trackLength, tickLineHeight);
 220                 tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 221             } else {
 222                 if (tickLine != null) {
 223                     tickLine.resize(0,0);
 224                     tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 225                 }
 226                 tickLine = null;
 227             }
 228         } else {
 229             double tickLineWidth = (showTickMarks) ? tickLine.prefWidth(-1) : 0;
 230             double trackWidth = snapSize(track.prefWidth(-1));
 231             double trackAreaWidth = Math.max(trackWidth,thumbWidth);
 232             double totalWidthNeeded = trackAreaWidth  + ((showTickMarks) ? trackToTickGap+tickLineWidth : 0) ;
 233             double startX = x + ((w - totalWidthNeeded)/2); // center slider in available width horizontally
 234             trackLength = snapSize(h - thumbHeight);
 235             trackStart = snapPosition(y + (thumbHeight/2));
 236             double trackLeft = (int)(startX + ((trackAreaWidth-trackWidth)/2));
 237             thumbLeft = (int)(startX + ((trackAreaWidth-thumbWidth)/2));
 239             positionThumb(false);
 240             // layout track
 241             track.resizeRelocate(trackLeft,
 242                     (int)(trackStart - trackRadius),
 243                     trackWidth,
 244                     (int)(trackLength + trackRadius + trackRadius));
 245             // layout tick line
 246             if (showTickMarks) {
 247                 tickLine.setLayoutX(trackLeft+trackWidth+trackToTickGap);
 248                 tickLine.setLayoutY(trackStart);
 249                 tickLine.resize(tickLineWidth, trackLength);
 250                 tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 251             } else {
 252                 if (tickLine != null) {
 253                     tickLine.resize(0,0);
 254                     tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 255                 }

 171     /***************************************************************************
 172      *                                                                         *
 173      * Public API                                                              *
 174      *                                                                         *
 175      **************************************************************************/
 177     /** {@inheritDoc} */
 178     @Override public void dispose() {
 179         super.dispose();
 181         if (behavior != null) {
 182             behavior.dispose();
 183         }
 184     }
 186     /** {@inheritDoc} */
 187     @Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y,
 188                                             final double w, final double h) {
 189         // calculate the available space
 190         // resize thumb to preferred size
 191         thumbWidth = snapSizeX(thumb.prefWidth(-1));
 192         thumbHeight = snapSizeY(thumb.prefHeight(-1));
 193         thumb.resize(thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
 194         // we are assuming the is common radius's for all corners on the track
 195         double trackRadius = track.getBackground() == null ? 0 : track.getBackground().getFills().size() > 0 ?
 196                 track.getBackground().getFills().get(0).getRadii().getTopLeftHorizontalRadius() : 0;
 198         if (getSkinnable().getOrientation() == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
 199             double tickLineHeight =  (showTickMarks) ? tickLine.prefHeight(-1) : 0;
 200             double trackHeight = snapSizeY(track.prefHeight(-1));
 201             double trackAreaHeight = Math.max(trackHeight,thumbHeight);
 202             double totalHeightNeeded = trackAreaHeight  + ((showTickMarks) ? trackToTickGap+tickLineHeight : 0);
 203             double startY = y + ((h - totalHeightNeeded)/2); // center slider in available height vertically
 204             trackLength = snapSizeX(w - thumbWidth);
 205             trackStart = snapPositionX(x + (thumbWidth/2));
 206             double trackTop = (int)(startY + ((trackAreaHeight-trackHeight)/2));
 207             thumbTop = (int)(startY + ((trackAreaHeight-thumbHeight)/2));
 209             positionThumb(false);
 210             // layout track
 211             track.resizeRelocate((int)(trackStart - trackRadius),
 212                     trackTop ,
 213                     (int)(trackLength + trackRadius + trackRadius),
 214                     trackHeight);
 215             // layout tick line
 216             if (showTickMarks) {
 217                 tickLine.setLayoutX(trackStart);
 218                 tickLine.setLayoutY(trackTop+trackHeight+trackToTickGap);
 219                 tickLine.resize(trackLength, tickLineHeight);
 220                 tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 221             } else {
 222                 if (tickLine != null) {
 223                     tickLine.resize(0,0);
 224                     tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 225                 }
 226                 tickLine = null;
 227             }
 228         } else {
 229             double tickLineWidth = (showTickMarks) ? tickLine.prefWidth(-1) : 0;
 230             double trackWidth = snapSizeX(track.prefWidth(-1));
 231             double trackAreaWidth = Math.max(trackWidth,thumbWidth);
 232             double totalWidthNeeded = trackAreaWidth  + ((showTickMarks) ? trackToTickGap+tickLineWidth : 0) ;
 233             double startX = x + ((w - totalWidthNeeded)/2); // center slider in available width horizontally
 234             trackLength = snapSizeY(h - thumbHeight);
 235             trackStart = snapPositionY(y + (thumbHeight/2));
 236             double trackLeft = (int)(startX + ((trackAreaWidth-trackWidth)/2));
 237             thumbLeft = (int)(startX + ((trackAreaWidth-thumbWidth)/2));
 239             positionThumb(false);
 240             // layout track
 241             track.resizeRelocate(trackLeft,
 242                     (int)(trackStart - trackRadius),
 243                     trackWidth,
 244                     (int)(trackLength + trackRadius + trackRadius));
 245             // layout tick line
 246             if (showTickMarks) {
 247                 tickLine.setLayoutX(trackLeft+trackWidth+trackToTickGap);
 248                 tickLine.setLayoutY(trackStart);
 249                 tickLine.resize(tickLineWidth, trackLength);
 250                 tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 251             } else {
 252                 if (tickLine != null) {
 253                     tickLine.resize(0,0);
 254                     tickLine.requestAxisLayout();
 255                 }