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 556     ctxInfo->glAttachShader(shaderProgram, vertID);
 557     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 558         ctxInfo->glAttachShader(shaderProgram, fragIDs[i]);
 559     }
 561     // bind any user-defined index values to their corresponding names
 562     indexsPtr = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, indexs, NULL);
 563     for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) {
 564         attrName = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, attrs, i);
 565         attrNameString = strJavaToC(env, attrName);
 566         ctxInfo->glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, indexsPtr[i], attrNameString);
 567         free(attrNameString);
 568     }
 570     // link the program
 571     ctxInfo->glLinkProgram(shaderProgram);
 572     ctxInfo->glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
 574     if (success == GL_FALSE) {
 575         GLint  length;
 576         ctxInfo->glGetShaderiv(shaderProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &length );

 577         if (length) {
 578             char* msg  =  (char *) malloc((length * sizeof(char)) + 1);
 579             ctxInfo->glGetShaderInfoLog ( shaderProgram , length , NULL , msg );
 580             printf("Shader validation log: %s\n",msg);
 581             free(msg);
 582         }
 583     }
 585     if (success == GL_FALSE) {
 586         valid = JNI_FALSE;
 587     } else {
 588         ctxInfo->glValidateProgram(shaderProgram);
 589         ctxInfo->glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &status);
 590         if (status == GL_FALSE) {
 591             valid = JNI_FALSE;
 592             fprintf(stderr, "Program validation failed");
 594             if (success == GL_FALSE) {
 595                 GLint  length;
 596                 ctxInfo->glGetShaderiv(shaderProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &length );

 597                 if (length) {
 598                     char* msg  =  (char *) malloc((length * sizeof(char)) + 1);
 599                     ctxInfo->glGetShaderInfoLog ( shaderProgram , length , NULL , msg );
 600                     fprintf(stderr, "Shader validation log: %s\n", msg);
 601                     fflush(stderr);
 602                     free(msg);
 603                 }
 604             }
 605         } else {
 606             valid = JNI_TRUE;
 607         }
 608     }
 609 #ifdef ANDROID_NDK
 610     valid = JNI_TRUE;
 611 #endif
 612     if (!valid) {
 613         ctxInfo->glDetachShader(shaderProgram, vertID);
 614         ctxInfo->glDeleteShader(vertID);
 615         for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 616             ctxInfo->glDetachShader(shaderProgram, fragIDs[i]);
 617             ctxInfo->glDeleteShader(fragIDs[i]);
 618         }
 619         ctxInfo->glDeleteProgram(shaderProgram);
 620         return 0;
 621     }
 623     (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, fragIDArr, fragIDs, JNI_ABORT);

 556     ctxInfo->glAttachShader(shaderProgram, vertID);
 557     for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 558         ctxInfo->glAttachShader(shaderProgram, fragIDs[i]);
 559     }
 561     // bind any user-defined index values to their corresponding names
 562     indexsPtr = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, indexs, NULL);
 563     for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) {
 564         attrName = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, attrs, i);
 565         attrNameString = strJavaToC(env, attrName);
 566         ctxInfo->glBindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, indexsPtr[i], attrNameString);
 567         free(attrNameString);
 568     }
 570     // link the program
 571     ctxInfo->glLinkProgram(shaderProgram);
 572     ctxInfo->glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &success);
 574     if (success == GL_FALSE) {
 575         GLint  length;
 577         valid = JNI_FALSE;
 578         ctxInfo->glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &length );
 579         if (length) {
 580             char* msg  =  (char *) malloc((length * sizeof(char)));
 581             ctxInfo->glGetProgramInfoLog ( shaderProgram , length , NULL , msg );
 582             printf("Program link log: %s\n",msg);
 583             free(msg);
 584         }

 585     } else {
 586         ctxInfo->glValidateProgram(shaderProgram);
 587         ctxInfo->glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &status);
 588         if (status == GL_FALSE) {

 589             GLint  length;
 590             valid = JNI_FALSE;
 591             fprintf(stderr, "Program validation failed\n");
 592             ctxInfo->glGetProgramiv(shaderProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &length );
 593             if (length) {
 594                 char* msg  =  (char *) malloc((length * sizeof(char)));
 595                 ctxInfo->glGetProgramInfoLog ( shaderProgram , length , NULL , msg );
 596                 fprintf(stderr, "Program validation log: %s\n", msg);
 597                 fflush(stderr);
 598                 free(msg);
 599             }

 600         } else {
 601             valid = JNI_TRUE;
 602         }
 603     }
 604 #ifdef ANDROID_NDK
 605     valid = JNI_TRUE;
 606 #endif
 607     if (!valid) {
 608         ctxInfo->glDetachShader(shaderProgram, vertID);
 609         ctxInfo->glDeleteShader(vertID);
 610         for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 611             ctxInfo->glDetachShader(shaderProgram, fragIDs[i]);
 612             ctxInfo->glDeleteShader(fragIDs[i]);
 613         }
 614         ctxInfo->glDeleteProgram(shaderProgram);
 615         return 0;
 616     }
 618     (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, fragIDArr, fragIDs, JNI_ABORT);