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@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@
     public interface Visitor<R,P> {
         R visitSimpleType(SimpleType type, P p);
         R visitArrayType(ArrayType type, P p);
         R visitMethodType(MethodType type, P p);
+        R visitFunctionType(FunctionType type, P p);
         R visitClassSigType(ClassSigType type, P p);
         R visitClassType(ClassType type, P p);
         R visitTypeParamType(TypeParamType type, P p);
         R visitWildcardType(WildcardType type, P p);

@@ -177,10 +178,41 @@
         public final Type returnType;
         public final List<? extends Type> throwsTypes;
+     * Represents a method type signature.
+     *
+     * See;
+     * JVMS ???
+     *      FunctionTypeSignature:
+     *          {@code #} ReturnType {@code (} TypeSignature* {@code)}
+     */
+    public static class FunctionType extends Type {
+        public FunctionType(Type returnType,
+                List<? extends Type> parameterTypes) {
+            this.returnType = returnType;
+            this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
+        }
+        public <R, D> R accept(Visitor<R, D> visitor, D data) {
+            return visitor.visitFunctionType(this, data);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public String toString() {
+            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+            sb.append('#').append(returnType);
+            append(sb, "(", parameterTypes, ")");
+            return sb.toString();
+        }
+        public final List<? extends Type> parameterTypes;
+        public final Type returnType;
+    }
+    /**
      * Represents a class signature. These describe the signature of
      * a class that has type arguments.
      * See:
      * JVMS 4.3.4