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 212     /** Flag for annotation type symbols to indicate it has been
 213      *  checked and found acyclic.
 214      */
 215     public static final long ACYCLIC_ANN      = 1L<<35;
 217     /** Flag that marks a generated default constructor.
 218      */
 219     public static final long GENERATEDCONSTR   = 1L<<36;
 221     /** Flag that marks a hypothetical method that need not really be
 222      *  generated in the binary, but is present in the symbol table to
 223      *  simplify checking for erasure clashes.
 224      */
 225     public static final long HYPOTHETICAL   = 1L<<37;
 227     /**
 228      * Flag that marks a Sun proprietary class.
 229      */
 230     public static final long PROPRIETARY = 1L<<38;

 232     /** Modifier masks.
 233      */
 234     public static final int
 235         AccessFlags           = PUBLIC | PROTECTED | PRIVATE,
 236         LocalClassFlags       = FINAL | ABSTRACT | STRICTFP | ENUM | SYNTHETIC,
 237         MemberClassFlags      = LocalClassFlags | INTERFACE | AccessFlags,
 238         ClassFlags            = LocalClassFlags | INTERFACE | PUBLIC | ANNOTATION,
 239         InterfaceVarFlags     = FINAL | STATIC | PUBLIC,
 240         VarFlags              = AccessFlags | FINAL | STATIC |
 241                                 VOLATILE | TRANSIENT | ENUM,
 242         ConstructorFlags      = AccessFlags,
 243         InterfaceMethodFlags  = ABSTRACT | PUBLIC,
 244         MethodFlags           = AccessFlags | ABSTRACT | STATIC | NATIVE |
 245                                 SYNCHRONIZED | FINAL | STRICTFP;
 246     public static final long
 247         LocalVarFlags         = FINAL | PARAMETER;
 249     public static Set<Modifier> asModifierSet(long flags) {
 250         Set<Modifier> modifiers = modifierSets.get(flags);
 251         if (modifiers == null) {

 212     /** Flag for annotation type symbols to indicate it has been
 213      *  checked and found acyclic.
 214      */
 215     public static final long ACYCLIC_ANN      = 1L<<35;
 217     /** Flag that marks a generated default constructor.
 218      */
 219     public static final long GENERATEDCONSTR   = 1L<<36;
 221     /** Flag that marks a hypothetical method that need not really be
 222      *  generated in the binary, but is present in the symbol table to
 223      *  simplify checking for erasure clashes.
 224      */
 225     public static final long HYPOTHETICAL   = 1L<<37;
 227     /**
 228      * Flag that marks a Sun proprietary class.
 229      */
 230     public static final long PROPRIETARY = 1L<<38;
 232     /**
 233      * Flag that marks a lambda method.
 234      */
 235     public static final long LAMBDA = 1L<<39;
 237     /** Modifier masks.
 238      */
 239     public static final int
 240         AccessFlags           = PUBLIC | PROTECTED | PRIVATE,
 241         LocalClassFlags       = FINAL | ABSTRACT | STRICTFP | ENUM | SYNTHETIC,
 242         MemberClassFlags      = LocalClassFlags | INTERFACE | AccessFlags,
 243         ClassFlags            = LocalClassFlags | INTERFACE | PUBLIC | ANNOTATION,
 244         InterfaceVarFlags     = FINAL | STATIC | PUBLIC,
 245         VarFlags              = AccessFlags | FINAL | STATIC |
 246                                 VOLATILE | TRANSIENT | ENUM,
 247         ConstructorFlags      = AccessFlags,
 248         InterfaceMethodFlags  = ABSTRACT | PUBLIC,
 249         MethodFlags           = AccessFlags | ABSTRACT | STATIC | NATIVE |
 250                                 SYNCHRONIZED | FINAL | STRICTFP;
 251     public static final long
 252         LocalVarFlags         = FINAL | PARAMETER;
 254     public static Set<Modifier> asModifierSet(long flags) {
 255         Set<Modifier> modifiers = modifierSets.get(flags);
 256         if (modifiers == null) {