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@@ -1402,12 +1402,13 @@
   // the handler for stack overflow.  'instanceof' in the stack overflow
   // handler or a println uses at least 8k stack of VM and native code
   // respectively.
   const int framesize_in_bytes =
     Interpreter::size_top_interpreter_activation(method()) * wordSize;
-  int reserved_area = ((StackShadowPages + StackRedPages + StackYellowPages)
-                      * vm_page_size()) + framesize_in_bytes;
+  int reserved_area = ((StackShadowPages + StackRedPages + StackYellowPages
+                      + StackReservedPages) * vm_page_size())
+                      + framesize_in_bytes;
   // The very lower end of the stack
   address stack_limit = thread->stack_base() - thread->stack_size();
   return (sp > (stack_limit + reserved_area));