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1175      */
1176     public long tlabIntArrayMarkWord() {
1177         long tmp = arrayPrototypeMarkWord() & (~markOopDescHashMaskInPlace);
1178         tmp |= ((0x2 & markOopDescHashMask) << markOopDescHashShift);
1179         return tmp;
1180     }
1182     /**
1183      * Mark word right shift to get identity hash code.
1184      */
1185     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::hash_shift") @Stable public int identityHashCodeShift;
1187     /**
1188      * Identity hash code value when uninitialized.
1189      */
1190     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::no_hash") @Stable public int uninitializedIdentityHashCodeValue;
1192     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_access_flags", type = "AccessFlags", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodAccessFlagsOffset;
1193     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_constMethod", type = "ConstMethod*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodConstMethodOffset;
1194     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_intrinsic_id", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodIntrinsicIdOffset;
1195     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_flags", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodFlagsOffset;
1196     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_vtable_index", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodVtableIndexOffset;
1198     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_jfr_towrite") @Stable public int methodFlagsJfrTowrite;
1199     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_caller_sensitive") @Stable public int methodFlagsCallerSensitive;
1200     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_force_inline") @Stable public int methodFlagsForceInline;
1201     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_dont_inline") @Stable public int methodFlagsDontInline;
1202     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_hidden") @Stable public int methodFlagsHidden;
1203     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::nonvirtual_vtable_index") @Stable public int nonvirtualVtableIndex;
1204     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::invalid_vtable_index") @Stable public int invalidVtableIndex;
1206     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "InvocationEntryBci") @Stable public int invocationEntryBci;
1208     @HotSpotVMField(name = "JVMCIEnv::_task", type = "CompileTask*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int jvmciEnvTaskOffset;
1209     @HotSpotVMField(name = "JVMCIEnv::_jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint", type = "bool", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int jvmciEnvJvmtiCanHotswapOrPostBreakpointOffset;
1210     @HotSpotVMField(name = "CompileTask::_num_inlined_bytecodes", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int compileTaskNumInlinedBytecodesOffset;
1212     /**
1213      * See {@code Method::extra_stack_entries()}.
1214      */
1215     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292") @Stable public int extraStackEntries;

1175      */
1176     public long tlabIntArrayMarkWord() {
1177         long tmp = arrayPrototypeMarkWord() & (~markOopDescHashMaskInPlace);
1178         tmp |= ((0x2 & markOopDescHashMask) << markOopDescHashShift);
1179         return tmp;
1180     }
1182     /**
1183      * Mark word right shift to get identity hash code.
1184      */
1185     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::hash_shift") @Stable public int identityHashCodeShift;
1187     /**
1188      * Identity hash code value when uninitialized.
1189      */
1190     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::no_hash") @Stable public int uninitializedIdentityHashCodeValue;
1192     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_access_flags", type = "AccessFlags", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodAccessFlagsOffset;
1193     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_constMethod", type = "ConstMethod*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodConstMethodOffset;
1194     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_intrinsic_id", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodIntrinsicIdOffset;
1195     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_flags", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodFlagsOffset;
1196     @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_vtable_index", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodVtableIndexOffset;
1198     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_jfr_towrite") @Stable public int methodFlagsJfrTowrite;
1199     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_caller_sensitive") @Stable public int methodFlagsCallerSensitive;
1200     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_force_inline") @Stable public int methodFlagsForceInline;
1201     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_dont_inline") @Stable public int methodFlagsDontInline;
1202     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_hidden") @Stable public int methodFlagsHidden;
1203     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::nonvirtual_vtable_index") @Stable public int nonvirtualVtableIndex;
1204     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::invalid_vtable_index") @Stable public int invalidVtableIndex;
1206     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "InvocationEntryBci") @Stable public int invocationEntryBci;
1208     @HotSpotVMField(name = "JVMCIEnv::_task", type = "CompileTask*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int jvmciEnvTaskOffset;
1209     @HotSpotVMField(name = "JVMCIEnv::_jvmti_can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint", type = "bool", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int jvmciEnvJvmtiCanHotswapOrPostBreakpointOffset;
1210     @HotSpotVMField(name = "CompileTask::_num_inlined_bytecodes", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int compileTaskNumInlinedBytecodesOffset;
1212     /**
1213      * See {@code Method::extra_stack_entries()}.
1214      */
1215     @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292") @Stable public int extraStackEntries;