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@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
 // bit length |-8--|-8--|---16----|
 // --------------------------------
 // _indices   [ b2 | b1 |  index  ]  index = constant_pool_index
 // _f1        [  entry specific   ]  metadata ptr (method or klass)
 // _f2        [  entry specific   ]  vtable or res_ref index, or vfinal method ptr
-// _flags     [tos|0|F=1|0|0|i|f|v|0 |0000|field_index] (for field entries)
+// _flags     [tos|0|F=1|0|N|i|f|v|0 |0000|field_index] (for field entries)
 // bit length [ 4 |1| 1 |1|1|1|1|1|1 |1     |-3-|----16-----]
 // _flags     [tos|0|F=0|M|A|I|f|0|vf|indy_rf|000|00000|psize] (for method entries)
 // bit length [ 4 |1| 1 |1|1|1|1|1|1 |-4--|--8--|--8--]
 // --------------------------------

@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@
 // vf     = virtual but final (method entries only: is_vfinal())
 // indy_rf = call site specifier method resolution failed
 // The flags after TosState have the following interpretation:
 // bit 27: 0 for fields, 1 for methods
+// N  flag true if field is marked flattenable (must never be null)
 // i  flag true if field is inlined (flatten)
 // f  flag true if field is marked final
 // v  flag true if field is volatile (only for fields)
 // f2 flag true if f2 contains an oop (e.g., virtual final method)
 // fv flag true if invokeinterface used for method in class Object

@@ -92,12 +93,11 @@
 // itos: 4
 // ltos: 5
 // ftos: 6
 // dtos: 7
 // atos: 8
-// qtos: 9
-// vtos: 10
+// vtos: 9
 // Entry specific: field entries:
 // _indices = get (b1 section) and put (b2 section) bytecodes, original constant pool index
 // _f1      = field holder (as a java.lang.Class, not a Klass*)
 // _f2      = field offset in bytes

@@ -183,10 +183,11 @@
     tos_state_shift            = BitsPerInt - tos_state_bits,  // see verify_tos_state_shift below
     // misc. option bits; can be any bit position in [16..27]
     is_field_entry_shift       = 26,  // (F) is it a field or a method?
     has_method_type_shift      = 25,  // (M) does the call site have a MethodType?
     has_appendix_shift         = 24,  // (A) does the call site have an appendix argument?
+    is_flattenable_field       = 24,  // (N) is the field flattenable (must never be null)
     is_forced_virtual_shift    = 23,  // (I) is the interface reference forced to virtual mode?
     is_flatten_field           = 23,  // (i) is the value field flatten?
     is_final_shift             = 22,  // (f) is the field or method final?
     is_volatile_shift          = 21,  // (v) is the field volatile?
     is_vfinal_shift            = 20,  // (vf) did the call resolve to a final method?

@@ -225,10 +226,11 @@
     int             field_offset,                // the field offset in words in the field holder
     TosState        field_type,                  // the (machine) field type
     bool            is_final,                    // the field is final
     bool            is_volatile,                 // the field is volatile
     bool            is_flatten,                  // the field is flatten (value field)
+    bool            is_flattenable,              // the field is flattenable (must never be null)
     Klass*          root_klass                   // needed by the GC to dirty the klass
   void set_direct_or_vtable_call(

@@ -323,11 +325,11 @@
       case Bytecodes::_invokehandle    :    // fall through
       case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic   :    // fall through
       case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface : return 1;
       case Bytecodes::_putstatic       :    // fall through
       case Bytecodes::_putfield        :    // fall through
-      case Bytecodes::_vwithfield      :    // fall through
+      case Bytecodes::_withfield       :    // fall through
       case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual   : return 2;
       default                          : break;
     return -1;

@@ -373,11 +375,11 @@
   bool has_method_type() const                   { return (!is_f1_null()) && (_flags & (1 << has_method_type_shift))   != 0; }
   bool is_method_entry() const                   { return (_flags & (1 << is_field_entry_shift))    == 0; }
   bool is_field_entry() const                    { return (_flags & (1 << is_field_entry_shift))    != 0; }
   bool is_long() const                           { return flag_state() == ltos; }
   bool is_double() const                         { return flag_state() == dtos; }
-  bool is_valuetype() const                      { return flag_state() == qtos; }
+  bool is_flattenable() const                    { return (_flags & (1 << is_flattenable_field))       != 0; }
   TosState flag_state() const                    { assert((uint)number_of_states <= (uint)tos_state_mask+1, "");
                                                    return (TosState)((_flags >> tos_state_shift) & tos_state_mask); }
   void set_indy_resolution_failed();
   // Code generation support
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