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@@ -1389,14 +1389,13 @@
     case Bytecodes::_aconst_null:
     case Bytecodes::_new:               ppush1(CellTypeState::make_line_ref(itr->bci()));
-    case Bytecodes::_vnew:
-    case Bytecodes::_vdefault:
-    case Bytecodes::_vwithfield:        ppush1(CellTypeState::make_line_valuetype(itr->bci()));
-                                        break;
+    case Bytecodes::_vdefault:          ppush1(CellTypeState::make_line_valuetype(itr->bci())); break;
+    case Bytecodes::_vnew:              do_vnew(itr->get_index_u2(), itr->bci()); break;
+    case Bytecodes::_vwithfield:        do_vwithfield(itr->get_index_u2_cpcache(), itr->bci()); break;
     case Bytecodes::_iconst_m1:
     case Bytecodes::_iconst_0:
     case Bytecodes::_iconst_1:
     case Bytecodes::_iconst_2:

@@ -2036,10 +2035,61 @@
   // Push return address
+void GenerateOopMap::do_vnew(int idx, int bci) {
+  // Dig up signature for field in constant pool
+  ConstantPool* cp  = _method->constants();
+  int method_index = cp->uncached_name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx);
+  Symbol* signature = cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(idx);
+  CellTypeState in[MAXARGSIZE+1];   // Includes result
+  ComputeCallStack cse(signature);
+  // Compute arguments
+  int arg_length = cse.compute_for_parameters(true, false, in);
+  assert(arg_length<=MAXARGSIZE, "too many locals");
+  // Pop arguments
+  for (int i = arg_length - 1; i >= 0; i--) ppop1(in[i]);// Do args in reverse order.
+  CellTypeState out[2];
+  out[0] = CellTypeState::valuetype;
+  out[1] = CellTypeState::bottom;
+  ppush(out);
+void GenerateOopMap::do_vwithfield(int idx, int bci) {
+  // Dig up signature for field in constant pool
+  ConstantPool* cp = method()->constants();
+  int nameAndTypeIdx = cp->name_and_type_ref_index_at(idx);
+  int signatureIdx = cp->signature_ref_index_at(nameAndTypeIdx);
+  Symbol* signature = cp->symbol_at(signatureIdx);
+  // Parse signature (especially simple for fields)
+  assert(signature->utf8_length() > 0,
+      "field signatures cannot have zero length");
+  // The signature is UFT8 encoded, but the first char is always ASCII for signatures.
+  char sigch = (char) *(signature->base());
+  CellTypeState temp[4];
+  CellTypeState *eff = sigchar_to_effect(sigch, bci, temp);
+  CellTypeState in[4];
+  int i = copy_cts(in, eff);
+  in[i++] = CellTypeState::valuetype;
+  in[i] = CellTypeState::bottom;
+  assert(i <= 3, "sanity check");
+  CellTypeState out[2];
+  out[0] = CellTypeState::valuetype;
+  out[1] = CellTypeState::bottom;
+  pp(in, out);
 // This is used to parse the signature for fields, since they are very simple...
 CellTypeState *GenerateOopMap::sigchar_to_effect(char sigch, int bci, CellTypeState *out) {
   // Object and array
   if (sigch=='L' || sigch=='[') {
     out[0] = CellTypeState::make_line_ref(bci);
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