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  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "utilities/top.hpp"
  31 // Bytecodes specifies all bytecodes used in the VM and
  32 // provides utility functions to get bytecode attributes.
  34 // NOTE: replicated in SA in vm/agent/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecodes.java
  35 class Bytecodes: AllStatic {
  36  public:

  37   enum Code {
  38     _illegal              =  -1,
  40     // Java bytecodes
  41     _nop                  =   0, // 0x00
  42     _aconst_null          =   1, // 0x01
  43     _iconst_m1            =   2, // 0x02
  44     _iconst_0             =   3, // 0x03
  45     _iconst_1             =   4, // 0x04
  46     _iconst_2             =   5, // 0x05
  47     _iconst_3             =   6, // 0x06
  48     _iconst_4             =   7, // 0x07
  49     _iconst_5             =   8, // 0x08
  50     _lconst_0             =   9, // 0x09
  51     _lconst_1             =  10, // 0x0a
  52     _fconst_0             =  11, // 0x0b
  53     _fconst_1             =  12, // 0x0c
  54     _fconst_2             =  13, // 0x0d
  55     _dconst_0             =  14, // 0x0e
  56     _dconst_1             =  15, // 0x0f

 335     _fmt_has_o        = 1<<6,     // offset, such as ifeq
 336     _fmt_has_nbo      = 1<<7,     // contains native-order field(s)
 337     _fmt_has_u2       = 1<<8,     // contains double-byte field(s)
 338     _fmt_has_u4       = 1<<9,     // contains quad-byte field
 339     _fmt_not_variable = 1<<10,    // not of variable length (simple or wide)
 340     _fmt_not_simple   = 1<<11,    // either wide or variable length
 341     _all_fmt_bits     = (_fmt_not_simple*2 - _fmt_has_c),
 343     // Example derived format syndromes:
 344     _fmt_b      = _fmt_not_variable,
 345     _fmt_bc     = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_c,
 346     _fmt_bi     = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_i,
 347     _fmt_bkk    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_k | _fmt_has_u2,
 348     _fmt_bJJ    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_j | _fmt_has_u2 | _fmt_has_nbo,
 349     _fmt_bo2    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_o | _fmt_has_u2,
 350     _fmt_bo4    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_o | _fmt_has_u4
 351   };
 353  private:
 354   static bool        _is_initialized;
 355   static const char* _name          [number_of_codes];
 356   static BasicType   _result_type   [number_of_codes];
 357   static s_char      _depth         [number_of_codes];
 358   static u_char      _lengths       [number_of_codes];
 359   static Code        _java_code     [number_of_codes];
 360   static jchar       _flags         [(1<<BitsPerByte)*2]; // all second page for wide formats

 362   static void        def(Code code, const char* name, const char* format, const char* wide_format, BasicType result_type, int depth, bool can_trap);
 363   static void        def(Code code, const char* name, const char* format, const char* wide_format, BasicType result_type, int depth, bool can_trap, Code java_code);
 365   // Verify that bcp points into method
 366 #ifdef ASSERT
 367   static bool        check_method(const Method* method, address bcp);
 368 #endif
 369   static bool check_must_rewrite(Bytecodes::Code bc);
 371  public:

 372   // Conversion
 373   static void        check          (Code code)    { assert(is_defined(code),      "illegal code: %d", (int)code); }
 374   static void        wide_check     (Code code)    { assert(wide_is_defined(code), "illegal code: %d", (int)code); }
 375   static Code        cast           (int  code)    { return (Code)code; }


 378   // Fetch a bytecode, hiding breakpoints as necessary.  The method
 379   // argument is used for conversion of breakpoints into the original
 380   // bytecode.  The CI uses these methods but guarantees that
 381   // breakpoints are hidden so the method argument should be passed as
 382   // NULL since in that case the bcp and Method* are unrelated
 383   // memory.
 384   static Code       code_at(const Method* method, address bcp) {
 385     assert(method == NULL || check_method(method, bcp), "bcp must point into method");
 386     Code code = cast(*bcp);
 387     assert(code != _breakpoint || method != NULL, "need Method* to decode breakpoint");
 388     return (code != _breakpoint) ? code : non_breakpoint_code_at(method, bcp);
 389   }
 390   static Code       java_code_at(const Method* method, address bcp) {
 391     return java_code(code_at(method, bcp));
 392   }
 394   // Fetch a bytecode or a breakpoint:
 395   static Code       code_or_bp_at(address bcp)    { return (Code)cast(*bcp); }
 397   static Code       code_at(Method* method, int bci);
 398   static bool       is_active_breakpoint_at(address bcp) { return (Code)*bcp == _breakpoint; }
 400   // find a bytecode, behind a breakpoint if necessary:
 401   static Code       non_breakpoint_code_at(const Method* method, address bcp);
 403   // Bytecode attributes
 404   static bool        is_defined     (int  code)    { return 0 <= code && code < number_of_codes && flags(code, false) != 0; }
 405   static bool        wide_is_defined(int  code)    { return is_defined(code) && flags(code, true) != 0; }
 406   static const char* name           (Code code)    { check(code);      return _name          [code]; }
 407   static BasicType   result_type    (Code code)    { check(code);      return _result_type   [code]; }
 408   static int         depth          (Code code)    { check(code);      return _depth         [code]; }
 409   // Note: Length functions must return <=0 for invalid bytecodes.
 410   // Calling check(code) in length functions would throw an unwanted assert.
 411   static int         length_for     (Code code)    { /*no check*/      return _lengths       [code] & 0xF; }
 412   static int         wide_length_for(Code code)    { /*no check*/      return _lengths       [code] >> 4; }
 413   static bool        can_trap       (Code code)    { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _bc_can_trap, false); }
 414   static Code        java_code      (Code code)    { check(code);      return _java_code     [code]; }
 415   static bool        can_rewrite    (Code code)    { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _bc_can_rewrite, false); }
 416   static bool        must_rewrite(Bytecodes::Code code) { return can_rewrite(code) && check_must_rewrite(code); }
 417   static bool        native_byte_order(Code code)  { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _fmt_has_nbo, false); }
 418   static bool        uses_cp_cache  (Code code)    { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _fmt_has_j, false); }
 419   // if 'end' is provided, it indicates the end of the code buffer which
 420   // should not be read past when parsing.
 421   static int         special_length_at(Bytecodes::Code code, address bcp, address end = NULL);
 422   static int         special_length_at(Method* method, address bcp, address end = NULL) { return special_length_at(code_at(method, bcp), bcp, end); }
 423   static int         raw_special_length_at(address bcp, address end = NULL);
 424   static int         length_for_code_at(Bytecodes::Code code, address bcp)  { int l = length_for(code); return l > 0 ? l : special_length_at(code, bcp); }
 425   static int         length_at      (Method* method, address bcp)  { return length_for_code_at(code_at(method, bcp), bcp); }
 426   static int         java_length_at (Method* method, address bcp)  { return length_for_code_at(java_code_at(method, bcp), bcp); }
 427   static bool        is_java_code   (Code code)    { return 0 <= code && code < number_of_java_codes; }

 429   static bool        is_aload       (Code code)    { return (code == _aload  || code == _aload_0  || code == _aload_1
 430                                                                              || code == _aload_2  || code == _aload_3); }
 431   static bool        is_astore      (Code code)    { return (code == _astore || code == _astore_0 || code == _astore_1
 432                                                                              || code == _astore_2 || code == _astore_3); }
 434   static bool        is_store_into_local(Code code){ return (_istore <= code && code <= _astore_3); }
 435   static bool        is_const       (Code code)    { return (_aconst_null <= code && code <= _ldc2_w); }
 436   static bool        is_zero_const  (Code code)    { return (code == _aconst_null || code == _iconst_0
 437                                                            || code == _fconst_0 || code == _dconst_0); }
 438   static bool        is_return      (Code code)    { return (_ireturn <= code && code <= _return); }
 439   static bool        is_invoke      (Code code)    { return (_invokevirtual <= code && code <= _invokedynamic) || code == _invokedirect; }
 440   static bool        has_receiver   (Code code)    { assert(is_invoke(code), "");  return code == _invokevirtual ||
 441                                                                                           code == _invokedirect  ||
 442                                                                                           code == _invokespecial ||
 443                                                                                           code == _invokeinterface; }
 444   static bool        has_optional_appendix(Code code) { return code == _invokedynamic || code == _invokehandle; }
 446   static int         compute_flags  (const char* format, int more_flags = 0);  // compute the flags
 447   static int         flags          (int code, bool is_wide) {
 448     assert(code == (u_char)code, "must be a byte");
 449     return _flags[code + (is_wide ? (1<<BitsPerByte) : 0)];
 450   }
 451   static int         format_bits    (Code code, bool is_wide) { return flags(code, is_wide) & _all_fmt_bits; }
 452   static bool        has_all_flags  (Code code, int test_flags, bool is_wide) {
 453     return (flags(code, is_wide) & test_flags) == test_flags;
 454   }
 456   // Initialization
 457   static void        initialize     ();

 458 };


  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  29 #include "utilities/top.hpp"
  31 // Bytecodes specifies all bytecodes used in the VM and
  32 // provides utility functions to get bytecode attributes.
  34 // NOTE: replicated in SA in vm/agent/sun/jvm/hotspot/interpreter/Bytecodes.java
  35 class Bytecodes {
  36  public:
  38   // a BCSet is a Bytecode Type, all arguments used by a _typed bytecode
  39   // must be reducible to one of these BCSets.
  40   // Each BCSet can redefine 256 bytecodes.
  41   // The legacy Java bytecodes are assigned to BCSet _bcset_default
  42   enum BCSet {
  43     _bcset_illegal = -1,
  44     _bcset_default = 0,
  45     _bcset_byte,
  46     _bcset_short,
  47     _bcset_int,
  48     _bcset_long,
  49     _bcset_char,
  50     _bcset_float,
  51     _bcset_double,
  52     _bcset_reference,
  53     _bcset_array,
  55     number_of_bcset
  56   };
  58   // The Code enum was the way to designate any bytecode known by the JVM.
  59   // Even if coded with an int, only the less significant byte was used
  60   // (because obviously bytecodes were encoded with bytes)
  61   // To support typed bytecodes, the semantic of Code has been extended:
  62   // The _typed bytecode is used as a prefix to modify the semantic of
  63   // the next bytecode. The _typed bytecode arguments points to a constant
  64   // pool entry which must be reducible to a BCSet (see above).
  65   // With typed bytecodes, the total number of bytecodes now supported
  66   // by the JVM is higher than 256, but the instruction following a
  67   // _typed bytecode is still encoded with a byte, which makes it
  68   // a bytecode anyway.
  69   // The extended format for the Code enum uses the least significant
  70   // byte (bits 0-7) to encode the bytecode, and bits (15-8) to
  71   // encode the BCSet.
  72   // The BCSet of legacy Java bytecodes is _btype_default which has
  73   // value zero, which means the value of these bytecodes are the
  74   // same with the old and the extended encoding.
  75   // Legacy Java bytecodes are still defined in the Code enum.
  76   // New typed bytecodes are defined in their respective BCSet
  77   // definitions.
  78   enum Code {
  79     _illegal              =  -1,
  81     // Java bytecodes
  82     _nop                  =   0, // 0x00
  83     _aconst_null          =   1, // 0x01
  84     _iconst_m1            =   2, // 0x02
  85     _iconst_0             =   3, // 0x03
  86     _iconst_1             =   4, // 0x04
  87     _iconst_2             =   5, // 0x05
  88     _iconst_3             =   6, // 0x06
  89     _iconst_4             =   7, // 0x07
  90     _iconst_5             =   8, // 0x08
  91     _lconst_0             =   9, // 0x09
  92     _lconst_1             =  10, // 0x0a
  93     _fconst_0             =  11, // 0x0b
  94     _fconst_1             =  12, // 0x0c
  95     _fconst_2             =  13, // 0x0d
  96     _dconst_0             =  14, // 0x0e
  97     _dconst_1             =  15, // 0x0f

 376     _fmt_has_o        = 1<<6,     // offset, such as ifeq
 377     _fmt_has_nbo      = 1<<7,     // contains native-order field(s)
 378     _fmt_has_u2       = 1<<8,     // contains double-byte field(s)
 379     _fmt_has_u4       = 1<<9,     // contains quad-byte field
 380     _fmt_not_variable = 1<<10,    // not of variable length (simple or wide)
 381     _fmt_not_simple   = 1<<11,    // either wide or variable length
 382     _all_fmt_bits     = (_fmt_not_simple*2 - _fmt_has_c),
 384     // Example derived format syndromes:
 385     _fmt_b      = _fmt_not_variable,
 386     _fmt_bc     = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_c,
 387     _fmt_bi     = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_i,
 388     _fmt_bkk    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_k | _fmt_has_u2,
 389     _fmt_bJJ    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_j | _fmt_has_u2 | _fmt_has_nbo,
 390     _fmt_bo2    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_o | _fmt_has_u2,
 391     _fmt_bo4    = _fmt_b | _fmt_has_o | _fmt_has_u4
 392   };
 394  private:
 395   static bool        _is_initialized;
 397   static Bytecodes _codes [number_of_bcset][1<<BitsPerByte];
 398   static const char* _bcset2name_tab[Bytecodes::number_of_bcset];
 400   const char* _name;
 401   BasicType   _result_type;
 402   Code        _java_code;
 403   s_char      _depth;
 404   u_char      _lengths;
 405   jchar       _flags[2];
 407   static void        def(Code code, const char* name, const char* format, const char* wide_format, BasicType result_type, int depth, bool can_trap);
 408   static void        def(Code code, const char* name, const char* format, const char* wide_format, BasicType result_type, int depth, bool can_trap, Code java_code);
 410   // Verify that bcp points into method
 411 #ifdef ASSERT
 412   static bool        check_method(const Method* method, address bcp);
 413 #endif
 414   static bool check_must_rewrite(Bytecodes::Code bc);
 416  public:
 418   Bytecodes() {
 419     _name = NULL;
 420     _result_type = T_ILLEGAL;
 421     _java_code = _illegal;
 422     _depth = 0;
 423     _lengths = 0;
 424     _flags[0] = 0;
 425     _flags[1] = 0;
 426   }
 428   // Conversion
 429   static void        check          (Code code)    { assert(is_defined(code),      "illegal code: %d", (int)code); }
 430   static void        wide_check     (Code code)    { assert(wide_is_defined(code), "illegal code: %d", (int)code); }
 431   static Code        cast           (int  code)    { return (Code)code; }
 432   static BCSet       bcset          (Code code)    { return (BCSet)((code >> BitsPerByte) & ((1 << BitsPerByte) - 1)); }
 433   static Code        bytecode       (Code code)    { return (Code)(code & ((1 << BitsPerByte) - 1)); }
 434   static Code        extended_Code  (BCSet bt, Code bc) {
 435     assert(bt >= 0 && bt < number_of_bcset, "Invalid BCSet");
 436     assert(bc >=0 && bc < 256, "Out of range");
 437     assert(bt > 0 || bc < number_of_codes, "Invalid bytecode");
 438     return (Code)((bt << BitsPerByte) | bc);
 439   }
 440   static const char* bcset2name(BCSet bcs) {
 441     assert(bcs >= 0 && bcs < number_of_bcset, "Invalid BCSet");
 442     return _bcset2name_tab[bcs];
 443   }
 445 #define BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code) [bcset((Code)code)][bytecode((Code)code)]
 447   // Fetch a bytecode, hiding breakpoints as necessary.  The method
 448   // argument is used for conversion of breakpoints into the original
 449   // bytecode.  The CI uses these methods but guarantees that
 450   // breakpoints are hidden so the method argument should be passed as
 451   // NULL since in that case the bcp and Method* are unrelated
 452   // memory.
 453   static Code       code_at(const Method* method, address bcp) {
 454     assert(method == NULL || check_method(method, bcp), "bcp must point into method");
 455     Code code = cast(*bcp);
 456     assert(code != _breakpoint || method != NULL, "need Method* to decode breakpoint");
 457     return (code != _breakpoint) ? code : non_breakpoint_code_at(method, bcp);
 458   }
 459   static Code       java_code_at(const Method* method, address bcp) {
 460     return java_code(code_at(method, bcp));
 461   }
 463   // Fetch a bytecode or a breakpoint:
 464   static Code       code_or_bp_at(address bcp)    { return (Code)cast(*bcp); }
 466   static Code       code_at(Method* method, int bci);
 467   static bool       is_active_breakpoint_at(address bcp) { return (Code)*bcp == _breakpoint; }
 469   // find a bytecode, behind a breakpoint if necessary:
 470   static Code       non_breakpoint_code_at(const Method* method, address bcp);
 472   // Bytecode attributes
 473   static bool        is_defined     (int  code)    { return _codes[bcset((Code)code)][bytecode((Code)code)]._java_code != _illegal; }
 474   static bool        wide_is_defined(int  code)    { return is_defined(code) && flags(code, true) != 0; }
 475   static const char* name           (Code code)    { check(code);      return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._name; }
 476   static BasicType   result_type    (Code code)    { check(code);      return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._result_type; }
 477   static int         depth          (Code code)    { check(code);      return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._depth; }
 478   // Note: Length functions must return <=0 for invalid bytecodes.
 479   // Calling check(code) in length functions would throw an unwanted assert.
 480   static int         length_for     (Code code)    { /*no check*/      return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._lengths & 0xF; }
 481   static int         wide_length_for(Code code)    { /*no check*/      return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._lengths >> 4; }
 482   static bool        can_trap       (Code code)    { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _bc_can_trap, false); }
 483   static Code        java_code      (Code code)    { check(code);      return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._java_code; }
 484   static bool        can_rewrite    (Code code)    { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _bc_can_rewrite, false); }
 485   static bool        must_rewrite(Bytecodes::Code code) { return can_rewrite(code) && check_must_rewrite(code); }
 486   static bool        native_byte_order(Code code)  { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _fmt_has_nbo, false); }
 487   static bool        uses_cp_cache  (Code code)    { check(code);      return has_all_flags(code, _fmt_has_j, false); }
 488   // if 'end' is provided, it indicates the end of the code buffer which
 489   // should not be read past when parsing.
 490   static int         special_length_at(Bytecodes::Code code, address bcp, address end = NULL);
 491   static int         special_length_at(Method* method, address bcp, address end = NULL) { return special_length_at(code_at(method, bcp), bcp, end); }
 492   static int         raw_special_length_at(address bcp, address end = NULL);
 493   static int         length_for_code_at(Bytecodes::Code code, address bcp)  { int l = length_for(code); return l > 0 ? l : special_length_at(code, bcp); }
 494   static int         length_at      (Method* method, address bcp)  { return length_for_code_at(code_at(method, bcp), bcp); }
 495   static int         java_length_at (Method* method, address bcp)  { return length_for_code_at(java_code_at(method, bcp), bcp); }
 496   static bool        is_java_code   (Code code)    { return bcset(code) == _bcset_default &&
 497                                                             0 <= code && code < number_of_java_codes; }
 499   static bool        is_aload       (Code code)    { return (code == _aload  || code == _aload_0  || code == _aload_1
 500                                                                              || code == _aload_2  || code == _aload_3); }
 501   static bool        is_astore      (Code code)    { return (code == _astore || code == _astore_0 || code == _astore_1
 502                                                                              || code == _astore_2 || code == _astore_3); }
 504   static bool        is_store_into_local(Code code){ return (_istore <= code && code <= _astore_3); }
 505   static bool        is_const       (Code code)    { return (_aconst_null <= code && code <= _ldc2_w); }
 506   static bool        is_zero_const  (Code code)    { return (code == _aconst_null || code == _iconst_0
 507                                                            || code == _fconst_0 || code == _dconst_0); }
 508   static bool        is_return      (Code code)    { return (_ireturn <= code && code <= _return); }
 509   static bool        is_invoke      (Code code)    { return (_invokevirtual <= code && code <= _invokedynamic) || code == _invokedirect; }
 510   static bool        has_receiver   (Code code)    { assert(is_invoke(code), "");  return code == _invokevirtual ||
 511                                                                                           code == _invokedirect  ||
 512                                                                                           code == _invokespecial ||
 513                                                                                           code == _invokeinterface; }
 514   static bool        has_optional_appendix(Code code) { return code == _invokedynamic || code == _invokehandle; }
 516   static int         compute_flags  (const char* format, int more_flags = 0);  // compute the flags
 517   static int         flags          (int code, bool is_wide) {
 518     // assert(code == (u_char)code, "must be a byte");
 519     return _codes BCSET_BYTECODE_INDEXES(code)._flags [is_wide ? 1 : 0];
 520   }
 521   static int         format_bits    (Code code, bool is_wide) { return flags(code, is_wide) & _all_fmt_bits; }
 522   static bool        has_all_flags  (Code code, int test_flags, bool is_wide) {
 523     return (flags(code, is_wide) & test_flags) == test_flags;
 524   }
 526   // Initialization
 527   static void        initialize     ();
 528   static void        define_typed_bytecodes_sets();
 529   static void        define_typed_I_bytecodes();
 530   static void        define_typed_F_bytecodes();
 532   // Typed bytecodes
 534 #define EXTENDED_CODE(bt,c) ((bt << BitsPerByte) | c)
 536   enum Typed_I_bytecodes {
 537     _typed_I_aload        = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aload),
 538     _typed_I_aload_0      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aload_0),
 539     _typed_I_aload_1      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aload_1),
 540     _typed_I_aload_2      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aload_2),
 541     _typed_I_aload_3      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aload_3),
 542     _typed_I_astore       = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _astore),
 543     _typed_I_astore_0     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _astore_0),
 544     _typed_I_astore_1     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _astore_1),
 545     _typed_I_astore_2     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _astore_2),
 546     _typed_I_astore_3     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _astore_3),
 547     _typed_I_aaload       = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aaload),
 548     _typed_I_aastore      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aastore),
 549     _typed_I_areturn      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _areturn),
 550     _typed_I_anewarray    = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _anewarray),
 551     _typed_I_aconst_null  = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_int, _aconst_null)
 552 };
 554   enum Typed_F_bytecodes {
 555       _typed_F_aload        = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aload),
 556       _typed_F_aload_0      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aload_0),
 557       _typed_F_aload_1      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aload_1),
 558       _typed_F_aload_2      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aload_2),
 559       _typed_F_aload_3      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aload_3),
 560       _typed_F_astore       = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _astore),
 561       _typed_F_astore_0     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _astore_0),
 562       _typed_F_astore_1     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _astore_1),
 563       _typed_F_astore_2     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _astore_2),
 564       _typed_F_astore_3     = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _astore_3),
 565       _typed_F_aaload       = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aaload),
 566       _typed_F_aastore      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aastore),
 567       _typed_F_areturn      = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _areturn),
 568       _typed_F_anewarray    = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _anewarray),
 569       _typed_F_aconst_null  = EXTENDED_CODE(_bcset_float, _aconst_null)
 570     };
 571 };
 573 #undef EXTENDED_CODE
< prev index next >