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  28 #include "c1/c1_FpuStackSim.hpp"
  29 #include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
  30 #include "c1/c1_IR.hpp"
  31 #include "c1/c1_Instruction.hpp"
  32 #include "c1/c1_LIR.hpp"
  33 #include "c1/c1_LIRGenerator.hpp"
  35 class DebugInfoCache;
  36 class FpuStackAllocator;
  37 class IRScopeDebugInfo;
  38 class Interval;
  39 class IntervalWalker;
  40 class LIRGenerator;
  41 class LinearScan;
  42 class MoveResolver;
  43 class Range;
  45 define_array(IntervalArray, Interval*)
  46 define_stack(IntervalList, IntervalArray)
  48 define_array(IntervalsArray, IntervalList*)
  49 define_stack(IntervalsList, IntervalsArray)
  51 define_array(OopMapArray, OopMap*)
  52 define_stack(OopMapList, OopMapArray)
  54 define_array(ScopeValueArray, ScopeValue*)
  56 define_array(LIR_OpListArray, LIR_OpList*);
  57 define_stack(LIR_OpListStack, LIR_OpListArray);
  60 enum IntervalUseKind {
  61   // priority of use kinds must be ascending
  62   noUse = 0,
  63   loopEndMarker = 1,
  64   shouldHaveRegister = 2,
  65   mustHaveRegister = 3,
  67   firstValidKind = 1,
  68   lastValidKind = 3

 128     any_reg = -1,
 129     nof_cpu_regs = pd_nof_cpu_regs_linearscan,
 130     nof_fpu_regs = pd_nof_fpu_regs_linearscan,
 131     nof_xmm_regs = pd_nof_xmm_regs_linearscan,
 132     nof_regs = nof_cpu_regs + nof_fpu_regs + nof_xmm_regs
 133   };
 135  private:
 136   Compilation*              _compilation;
 137   IR*                       _ir;
 138   LIRGenerator*             _gen;
 139   FrameMap*                 _frame_map;
 141   BlockList                 _cached_blocks;     // cached list with all blocks in linear-scan order (only correct if original list keeps unchanged)
 142   int                       _num_virtual_regs;  // number of virtual registers (without new registers introduced because of splitting intervals)
 143   bool                      _has_fpu_registers; // true if this method uses any floating point registers (and so fpu stack allocation is necessary)
 144   int                       _num_calls;         // total number of calls in this method
 145   int                       _max_spills;        // number of stack slots used for intervals allocated to memory
 146   int                       _unused_spill_slot; // unused spill slot for a single-word value because of alignment of a double-word value
 148   IntervalList              _intervals;         // mapping from register number to interval
 149   IntervalList*             _new_intervals_from_allocation; // list with all intervals created during allocation when an existing interval is split
 150   IntervalArray*            _sorted_intervals;  // intervals sorted by Interval::from()
 151   bool                      _needs_full_resort; // set to true if an Interval::from() is changed and _sorted_intervals must be resorted
 153   LIR_OpArray               _lir_ops;           // mapping from LIR_Op id to LIR_Op node
 154   BlockBeginArray           _block_of_op;       // mapping from LIR_Op id to the BlockBegin containing this instruction
 155   BitMap                    _has_info;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that has a CodeEmitInfo
 156   BitMap                    _has_call;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that destroys all caller save registers
 157   BitMap2D                  _interval_in_loop;  // bit set for each virtual register that is contained in each loop
 159   // cached debug info to prevent multiple creation of same object
 160   // TODO: cached scope values for registers could be static
 161   ScopeValueArray           _scope_value_cache;
 163   static ConstantOopWriteValue* _oop_null_scope_value;
 164   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_m1_scope_value;
 165   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_0_scope_value;
 166   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_1_scope_value;
 167   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_2_scope_value;
 169   // accessors
 170   IR*           ir() const                       { return _ir; }

 183   int           num_virtual_regs() const         { return _num_virtual_regs; }
 184   // size of live_in and live_out sets of BasicBlocks (BitMap needs rounded size for iteration)
 185   int           live_set_size() const            { return round_to(_num_virtual_regs, BitsPerWord); }
 186   bool          has_fpu_registers() const        { return _has_fpu_registers; }
 187   int           num_loops() const                { return ir()->num_loops(); }
 188   bool          is_interval_in_loop(int interval, int loop) const { return _interval_in_loop.at(interval, loop); }
 190   // handling of fpu stack allocation (platform dependent, needed for debug information generation)
 191 #ifdef X86
 192   FpuStackAllocator* _fpu_stack_allocator;
 193   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return UseSSE < 2 && has_fpu_registers(); }
 194 #else
 195   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return false; }
 196 #endif
 199   // access to interval list
 200   int           interval_count() const           { return _intervals.length(); }
 201   Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _intervals.at(reg_num); }
 203   IntervalList* new_intervals_from_allocation() const { return _new_intervals_from_allocation; }
 205   // access to LIR_Ops and Blocks indexed by op_id
 206   int          max_lir_op_id() const                { assert(_lir_ops.length() > 0, "no operations"); return (_lir_ops.length() - 1) << 1; }
 207   LIR_Op*      lir_op_with_id(int op_id) const      { assert(op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() && op_id % 2 == 0, "op_id out of range or not even"); return _lir_ops.at(op_id >> 1); }
 208   BlockBegin*  block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { assert(_block_of_op.length() > 0 && op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() + 1, "op_id out of range"); return _block_of_op.at(op_id >> 1); }
 210   bool is_block_begin(int op_id)                    { return op_id == 0 || block_of_op_with_id(op_id) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id - 1); }
 211   bool covers_block_begin(int op_id_1, int op_id_2) { return block_of_op_with_id(op_id_1) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id_2); }
 213   bool has_call(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_call.at(op_id >> 1); }
 214   bool has_info(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_info.at(op_id >> 1); }
 217   // functions for converting LIR-Operands to register numbers
 218   static bool is_valid_reg_num(int reg_num)         { return reg_num >= 0; }
 219   static int  reg_num(LIR_Opr opr);
 220   static int  reg_numHi(LIR_Opr opr);
 222   // functions for classification of intervals
 223   static bool is_precolored_interval(const Interval* i);

 284   void add_use (int reg_num, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 285   void add_temp(int reg_num, int temp_pos,     IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 287   // Add platform dependent kills for particular LIR ops.  Can be used
 288   // to add platform dependent behaviour for some operations.
 289   void pd_add_temps(LIR_Op* op);
 291   IntervalUseKind use_kind_of_output_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr);
 292   IntervalUseKind use_kind_of_input_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr);
 293   void handle_method_arguments(LIR_Op* op);
 294   void handle_doubleword_moves(LIR_Op* op);
 295   void add_register_hints(LIR_Op* op);
 297   void build_intervals();
 300   // Phase 5: actual register allocation
 301   // (Uses LinearScanWalker)
 302   //
 303   // helper functions for building a sorted list of intervals
 304   NOT_PRODUCT(bool is_sorted(IntervalArray* intervals);)
 305   static int interval_cmp(Interval** a, Interval** b);
 306   void add_to_list(Interval** first, Interval** prev, Interval* interval);
 307   void create_unhandled_lists(Interval** list1, Interval** list2, bool (is_list1)(const Interval* i), bool (is_list2)(const Interval* i));
 309   void sort_intervals_before_allocation();
 310   void sort_intervals_after_allocation();
 311   void allocate_registers();
 314   // Phase 6: resolve data flow
 315   // (insert moves at edges between blocks if intervals have been split)
 316   //
 317   // helper functions for resolve_data_flow()
 318   Interval* split_child_at_op_id(Interval* interval, int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode);
 319   Interval* interval_at_block_begin(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num);
 320   Interval* interval_at_block_end(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num);
 321   Interval* interval_at_op_id(int reg_num, int op_id);
 322   void resolve_collect_mappings(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 323   void resolve_find_insert_pos(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 324   void resolve_data_flow();

 410   static void print_timers(double total);
 411 #endif
 412 };
 415 // Helper class for ordering moves that are inserted at the same position in the LIR
 416 // When moves between registers are inserted, it is important that the moves are
 417 // ordered such that no register is overwritten. So moves from register to stack
 418 // are processed prior to moves from stack to register. When moves have circular
 419 // dependencies, a temporary stack slot is used to break the circle.
 420 // The same logic is used in the LinearScanWalker and in LinearScan during resolve_data_flow
 421 // and therefore factored out in a separate class
 422 class MoveResolver: public StackObj {
 423  private:
 424   LinearScan*      _allocator;
 426   LIR_List*        _insert_list;
 427   int              _insert_idx;
 428   LIR_InsertionBuffer _insertion_buffer; // buffer where moves are inserted
 430   IntervalList     _mapping_from;
 431   LIR_OprList      _mapping_from_opr;
 432   IntervalList     _mapping_to;
 433   bool             _multiple_reads_allowed;
 434   int              _register_blocked[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 436   int  register_blocked(int reg)                    { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); return _register_blocked[reg]; }
 437   void set_register_blocked(int reg, int direction) { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1, "out of bounds"); _register_blocked[reg] += direction; }
 439   void block_registers(Interval* it);
 440   void unblock_registers(Interval* it);
 441   bool save_to_process_move(Interval* from, Interval* to);
 443   void create_insertion_buffer(LIR_List* list);
 444   void append_insertion_buffer();
 445   void insert_move(Interval* from_interval, Interval* to_interval);
 446   void insert_move(LIR_Opr from_opr, Interval* to_interval);
 448   DEBUG_ONLY(void verify_before_resolve();)
 449   void resolve_mappings();
 450  public:
 451   MoveResolver(LinearScan* allocator);

 516   static Interval* _end;          // sentinel (interval with only range Range::end())
 518   int              _reg_num;
 519   BasicType        _type;         // valid only for virtual registers
 520   Range*           _first;        // sorted list of Ranges
 521   intStack         _use_pos_and_kinds; // sorted list of use-positions and their according use-kinds
 523   Range*           _current;      // interval iteration: the current Range
 524   Interval*        _next;         // interval iteration: sorted list of Intervals (ends with sentinel)
 525   IntervalState    _state;        // interval iteration: to which set belongs this interval
 528   int              _assigned_reg;
 529   int              _assigned_regHi;
 531   int              _cached_to;    // cached value: to of last range (-1: not cached)
 532   LIR_Opr          _cached_opr;
 533   VMReg            _cached_vm_reg;
 535   Interval*        _split_parent;           // the original interval where this interval is derived from
 536   IntervalList     _split_children;         // list of all intervals that are split off from this interval (only available for split parents)
 537   Interval*        _current_split_child;    // the current split child that has been active or inactive last (always stored in split parents)
 539   int              _canonical_spill_slot;   // the stack slot where all split parts of this interval are spilled to (always stored in split parents)
 540   bool             _insert_move_when_activated; // true if move is inserted between _current_split_child and this interval when interval gets active the first time
 541   IntervalSpillState _spill_state;          // for spill move optimization
 542   int              _spill_definition_pos;   // position where the interval is defined (if defined only once)
 543   Interval*        _register_hint;          // this interval should be in the same register as the hint interval
 545   int              calc_to();
 546   Interval*        new_split_child();
 547  public:
 548   Interval(int reg_num);
 550   static void      initialize(Arena* arena);
 551   static Interval* end()                         { return _end; }
 553   // accessors
 554   int              reg_num() const               { return _reg_num; }
 555   void             set_reg_num(int r)            { assert(_reg_num == -1, "cannot change reg_num"); _reg_num = r; }
 556   BasicType        type() const                  { assert(_reg_num == -1 || _reg_num >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base, "cannot access type for fixed interval"); return _type; }

 705   void walk()                      { walk_to(max_jint); }
 707   int current_position()           { return _current_position; }
 708 };
 711 // The actual linear scan register allocator
 712 class LinearScanWalker : public IntervalWalker {
 713   enum {
 714     any_reg = LinearScan::any_reg
 715   };
 717  private:
 718   int              _first_reg;       // the reg. number of the first phys. register
 719   int              _last_reg;        // the reg. nmber of the last phys. register
 720   int              _num_phys_regs;   // required by current interval
 721   bool             _adjacent_regs;   // have lo/hi words of phys. regs be adjacent
 723   int              _use_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 724   int              _block_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 725   IntervalList*    _spill_intervals[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 727   MoveResolver     _move_resolver;   // for ordering spill moves
 729   // accessors mapped to same functions in class LinearScan
 730   int         block_count() const      { return allocator()->block_count(); }
 731   BlockBegin* block_at(int idx) const  { return allocator()->block_at(idx); }
 732   BlockBegin* block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { return allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(op_id); }
 734   void init_use_lists(bool only_process_use_pos);
 735   void exclude_from_use(int reg);
 736   void exclude_from_use(Interval* i);
 737   void set_use_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos);
 738   void set_use_pos(Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos);
 739   void set_block_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int block_pos);
 740   void set_block_pos(Interval* i, int block_pos);
 742   void free_exclude_active_fixed();
 743   void free_exclude_active_any();
 744   void free_collect_inactive_fixed(Interval* cur);
 745   void free_collect_inactive_any(Interval* cur);

  28 #include "c1/c1_FpuStackSim.hpp"
  29 #include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
  30 #include "c1/c1_IR.hpp"
  31 #include "c1/c1_Instruction.hpp"
  32 #include "c1/c1_LIR.hpp"
  33 #include "c1/c1_LIRGenerator.hpp"
  35 class DebugInfoCache;
  36 class FpuStackAllocator;
  37 class IRScopeDebugInfo;
  38 class Interval;
  39 class IntervalWalker;
  40 class LIRGenerator;
  41 class LinearScan;
  42 class MoveResolver;
  43 class Range;
  45 define_array(IntervalsArray, GrowableArray<Interval*>*)

  46 define_stack(IntervalsList, IntervalsArray)
  48 define_array(OopMapArray, OopMap*)
  49 define_stack(OopMapList, OopMapArray)
  51 define_array(ScopeValueArray, ScopeValue*)
  53 define_array(LIR_OpListArray, LIR_OpList*);
  54 define_stack(LIR_OpListStack, LIR_OpListArray);
  57 enum IntervalUseKind {
  58   // priority of use kinds must be ascending
  59   noUse = 0,
  60   loopEndMarker = 1,
  61   shouldHaveRegister = 2,
  62   mustHaveRegister = 3,
  64   firstValidKind = 1,
  65   lastValidKind = 3

 125     any_reg = -1,
 126     nof_cpu_regs = pd_nof_cpu_regs_linearscan,
 127     nof_fpu_regs = pd_nof_fpu_regs_linearscan,
 128     nof_xmm_regs = pd_nof_xmm_regs_linearscan,
 129     nof_regs = nof_cpu_regs + nof_fpu_regs + nof_xmm_regs
 130   };
 132  private:
 133   Compilation*              _compilation;
 134   IR*                       _ir;
 135   LIRGenerator*             _gen;
 136   FrameMap*                 _frame_map;
 138   BlockList                 _cached_blocks;     // cached list with all blocks in linear-scan order (only correct if original list keeps unchanged)
 139   int                       _num_virtual_regs;  // number of virtual registers (without new registers introduced because of splitting intervals)
 140   bool                      _has_fpu_registers; // true if this method uses any floating point registers (and so fpu stack allocation is necessary)
 141   int                       _num_calls;         // total number of calls in this method
 142   int                       _max_spills;        // number of stack slots used for intervals allocated to memory
 143   int                       _unused_spill_slot; // unused spill slot for a single-word value because of alignment of a double-word value
 145   GrowableArray<Interval*>  _intervals;         // mapping from register number to interval
 146   GrowableArray<Interval*>* _new_intervals_from_allocation; // list with all intervals created during allocation when an existing interval is split
 147   GrowableArray<Interval*>* _sorted_intervals;  // intervals sorted by Interval::from()
 148   bool                      _needs_full_resort; // set to true if an Interval::from() is changed and _sorted_intervals must be resorted
 150   LIR_OpArray               _lir_ops;           // mapping from LIR_Op id to LIR_Op node
 151   BlockBeginArray           _block_of_op;       // mapping from LIR_Op id to the BlockBegin containing this instruction
 152   BitMap                    _has_info;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that has a CodeEmitInfo
 153   BitMap                    _has_call;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that destroys all caller save registers
 154   BitMap2D                  _interval_in_loop;  // bit set for each virtual register that is contained in each loop
 156   // cached debug info to prevent multiple creation of same object
 157   // TODO: cached scope values for registers could be static
 158   ScopeValueArray           _scope_value_cache;
 160   static ConstantOopWriteValue* _oop_null_scope_value;
 161   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_m1_scope_value;
 162   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_0_scope_value;
 163   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_1_scope_value;
 164   static ConstantIntValue*    _int_2_scope_value;
 166   // accessors
 167   IR*           ir() const                       { return _ir; }

 180   int           num_virtual_regs() const         { return _num_virtual_regs; }
 181   // size of live_in and live_out sets of BasicBlocks (BitMap needs rounded size for iteration)
 182   int           live_set_size() const            { return round_to(_num_virtual_regs, BitsPerWord); }
 183   bool          has_fpu_registers() const        { return _has_fpu_registers; }
 184   int           num_loops() const                { return ir()->num_loops(); }
 185   bool          is_interval_in_loop(int interval, int loop) const { return _interval_in_loop.at(interval, loop); }
 187   // handling of fpu stack allocation (platform dependent, needed for debug information generation)
 188 #ifdef X86
 189   FpuStackAllocator* _fpu_stack_allocator;
 190   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return UseSSE < 2 && has_fpu_registers(); }
 191 #else
 192   bool use_fpu_stack_allocation() const          { return false; }
 193 #endif
 196   // access to interval list
 197   int           interval_count() const           { return _intervals.length(); }
 198   Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _intervals.at(reg_num); }
 200   GrowableArray<Interval*>* new_intervals_from_allocation() const { return _new_intervals_from_allocation; }
 202   // access to LIR_Ops and Blocks indexed by op_id
 203   int          max_lir_op_id() const                { assert(_lir_ops.length() > 0, "no operations"); return (_lir_ops.length() - 1) << 1; }
 204   LIR_Op*      lir_op_with_id(int op_id) const      { assert(op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() && op_id % 2 == 0, "op_id out of range or not even"); return _lir_ops.at(op_id >> 1); }
 205   BlockBegin*  block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { assert(_block_of_op.length() > 0 && op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() + 1, "op_id out of range"); return _block_of_op.at(op_id >> 1); }
 207   bool is_block_begin(int op_id)                    { return op_id == 0 || block_of_op_with_id(op_id) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id - 1); }
 208   bool covers_block_begin(int op_id_1, int op_id_2) { return block_of_op_with_id(op_id_1) != block_of_op_with_id(op_id_2); }
 210   bool has_call(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_call.at(op_id >> 1); }
 211   bool has_info(int op_id)                          { assert(op_id % 2 == 0, "must be even"); return _has_info.at(op_id >> 1); }
 214   // functions for converting LIR-Operands to register numbers
 215   static bool is_valid_reg_num(int reg_num)         { return reg_num >= 0; }
 216   static int  reg_num(LIR_Opr opr);
 217   static int  reg_numHi(LIR_Opr opr);
 219   // functions for classification of intervals
 220   static bool is_precolored_interval(const Interval* i);

 281   void add_use (int reg_num, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 282   void add_temp(int reg_num, int temp_pos,     IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type);
 284   // Add platform dependent kills for particular LIR ops.  Can be used
 285   // to add platform dependent behaviour for some operations.
 286   void pd_add_temps(LIR_Op* op);
 288   IntervalUseKind use_kind_of_output_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr);
 289   IntervalUseKind use_kind_of_input_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr);
 290   void handle_method_arguments(LIR_Op* op);
 291   void handle_doubleword_moves(LIR_Op* op);
 292   void add_register_hints(LIR_Op* op);
 294   void build_intervals();
 297   // Phase 5: actual register allocation
 298   // (Uses LinearScanWalker)
 299   //
 300   // helper functions for building a sorted list of intervals
 301   NOT_PRODUCT(bool is_sorted(GrowableArray<Interval*>* intervals);)
 302   static int interval_cmp(Interval** a, Interval** b);
 303   void add_to_list(Interval** first, Interval** prev, Interval* interval);
 304   void create_unhandled_lists(Interval** list1, Interval** list2, bool (is_list1)(const Interval* i), bool (is_list2)(const Interval* i));
 306   void sort_intervals_before_allocation();
 307   void sort_intervals_after_allocation();
 308   void allocate_registers();
 311   // Phase 6: resolve data flow
 312   // (insert moves at edges between blocks if intervals have been split)
 313   //
 314   // helper functions for resolve_data_flow()
 315   Interval* split_child_at_op_id(Interval* interval, int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode);
 316   Interval* interval_at_block_begin(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num);
 317   Interval* interval_at_block_end(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num);
 318   Interval* interval_at_op_id(int reg_num, int op_id);
 319   void resolve_collect_mappings(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 320   void resolve_find_insert_pos(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver);
 321   void resolve_data_flow();

 407   static void print_timers(double total);
 408 #endif
 409 };
 412 // Helper class for ordering moves that are inserted at the same position in the LIR
 413 // When moves between registers are inserted, it is important that the moves are
 414 // ordered such that no register is overwritten. So moves from register to stack
 415 // are processed prior to moves from stack to register. When moves have circular
 416 // dependencies, a temporary stack slot is used to break the circle.
 417 // The same logic is used in the LinearScanWalker and in LinearScan during resolve_data_flow
 418 // and therefore factored out in a separate class
 419 class MoveResolver: public StackObj {
 420  private:
 421   LinearScan*      _allocator;
 423   LIR_List*        _insert_list;
 424   int              _insert_idx;
 425   LIR_InsertionBuffer _insertion_buffer; // buffer where moves are inserted
 427   GrowableArray<Interval*> _mapping_from;
 428   LIR_OprList      _mapping_from_opr;
 429   GrowableArray<Interval*> _mapping_to;
 430   bool             _multiple_reads_allowed;
 431   int              _register_blocked[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 433   int  register_blocked(int reg)                    { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); return _register_blocked[reg]; }
 434   void set_register_blocked(int reg, int direction) { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1, "out of bounds"); _register_blocked[reg] += direction; }
 436   void block_registers(Interval* it);
 437   void unblock_registers(Interval* it);
 438   bool save_to_process_move(Interval* from, Interval* to);
 440   void create_insertion_buffer(LIR_List* list);
 441   void append_insertion_buffer();
 442   void insert_move(Interval* from_interval, Interval* to_interval);
 443   void insert_move(LIR_Opr from_opr, Interval* to_interval);
 445   DEBUG_ONLY(void verify_before_resolve();)
 446   void resolve_mappings();
 447  public:
 448   MoveResolver(LinearScan* allocator);

 513   static Interval* _end;          // sentinel (interval with only range Range::end())
 515   int              _reg_num;
 516   BasicType        _type;         // valid only for virtual registers
 517   Range*           _first;        // sorted list of Ranges
 518   intStack         _use_pos_and_kinds; // sorted list of use-positions and their according use-kinds
 520   Range*           _current;      // interval iteration: the current Range
 521   Interval*        _next;         // interval iteration: sorted list of Intervals (ends with sentinel)
 522   IntervalState    _state;        // interval iteration: to which set belongs this interval
 525   int              _assigned_reg;
 526   int              _assigned_regHi;
 528   int              _cached_to;    // cached value: to of last range (-1: not cached)
 529   LIR_Opr          _cached_opr;
 530   VMReg            _cached_vm_reg;
 532   Interval*        _split_parent;           // the original interval where this interval is derived from
 533   GrowableArray<Interval*> _split_children; // list of all intervals that are split off from this interval (only available for split parents)
 534   Interval*        _current_split_child;    // the current split child that has been active or inactive last (always stored in split parents)
 536   int              _canonical_spill_slot;   // the stack slot where all split parts of this interval are spilled to (always stored in split parents)
 537   bool             _insert_move_when_activated; // true if move is inserted between _current_split_child and this interval when interval gets active the first time
 538   IntervalSpillState _spill_state;          // for spill move optimization
 539   int              _spill_definition_pos;   // position where the interval is defined (if defined only once)
 540   Interval*        _register_hint;          // this interval should be in the same register as the hint interval
 542   int              calc_to();
 543   Interval*        new_split_child();
 544  public:
 545   Interval(int reg_num);
 547   static void      initialize(Arena* arena);
 548   static Interval* end()                         { return _end; }
 550   // accessors
 551   int              reg_num() const               { return _reg_num; }
 552   void             set_reg_num(int r)            { assert(_reg_num == -1, "cannot change reg_num"); _reg_num = r; }
 553   BasicType        type() const                  { assert(_reg_num == -1 || _reg_num >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base, "cannot access type for fixed interval"); return _type; }

 702   void walk()                      { walk_to(max_jint); }
 704   int current_position()           { return _current_position; }
 705 };
 708 // The actual linear scan register allocator
 709 class LinearScanWalker : public IntervalWalker {
 710   enum {
 711     any_reg = LinearScan::any_reg
 712   };
 714  private:
 715   int              _first_reg;       // the reg. number of the first phys. register
 716   int              _last_reg;        // the reg. nmber of the last phys. register
 717   int              _num_phys_regs;   // required by current interval
 718   bool             _adjacent_regs;   // have lo/hi words of phys. regs be adjacent
 720   int              _use_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 721   int              _block_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 722   GrowableArray<Interval*>* _spill_intervals[LinearScan::nof_regs];
 724   MoveResolver     _move_resolver;   // for ordering spill moves
 726   // accessors mapped to same functions in class LinearScan
 727   int         block_count() const      { return allocator()->block_count(); }
 728   BlockBegin* block_at(int idx) const  { return allocator()->block_at(idx); }
 729   BlockBegin* block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { return allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(op_id); }
 731   void init_use_lists(bool only_process_use_pos);
 732   void exclude_from_use(int reg);
 733   void exclude_from_use(Interval* i);
 734   void set_use_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos);
 735   void set_use_pos(Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos);
 736   void set_block_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int block_pos);
 737   void set_block_pos(Interval* i, int block_pos);
 739   void free_exclude_active_fixed();
 740   void free_exclude_active_any();
 741   void free_collect_inactive_fixed(Interval* cur);
 742   void free_collect_inactive_any(Interval* cur);

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