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@@ -40,14 +40,11 @@
 class LIRGenerator;
 class LinearScan;
 class MoveResolver;
 class Range;
-define_array(IntervalArray, Interval*)
-define_stack(IntervalList, IntervalArray)
-define_array(IntervalsArray, IntervalList*)
+define_array(IntervalsArray, GrowableArray<Interval*>*)
 define_stack(IntervalsList, IntervalsArray)
 define_array(OopMapArray, OopMap*)
 define_stack(OopMapList, OopMapArray)

@@ -143,13 +140,13 @@
   bool                      _has_fpu_registers; // true if this method uses any floating point registers (and so fpu stack allocation is necessary)
   int                       _num_calls;         // total number of calls in this method
   int                       _max_spills;        // number of stack slots used for intervals allocated to memory
   int                       _unused_spill_slot; // unused spill slot for a single-word value because of alignment of a double-word value
-  IntervalList              _intervals;         // mapping from register number to interval
-  IntervalList*             _new_intervals_from_allocation; // list with all intervals created during allocation when an existing interval is split
-  IntervalArray*            _sorted_intervals;  // intervals sorted by Interval::from()
+  GrowableArray<Interval*>  _intervals;         // mapping from register number to interval
+  GrowableArray<Interval*>* _new_intervals_from_allocation; // list with all intervals created during allocation when an existing interval is split
+  GrowableArray<Interval*>* _sorted_intervals;  // intervals sorted by Interval::from()
   bool                      _needs_full_resort; // set to true if an Interval::from() is changed and _sorted_intervals must be resorted
   LIR_OpArray               _lir_ops;           // mapping from LIR_Op id to LIR_Op node
   BlockBeginArray           _block_of_op;       // mapping from LIR_Op id to the BlockBegin containing this instruction
   BitMap                    _has_info;          // bit set for each LIR_Op id that has a CodeEmitInfo

@@ -198,11 +195,11 @@
   // access to interval list
   int           interval_count() const           { return _intervals.length(); }
   Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _intervals.at(reg_num); }
-  IntervalList* new_intervals_from_allocation() const { return _new_intervals_from_allocation; }
+  GrowableArray<Interval*>* new_intervals_from_allocation() const { return _new_intervals_from_allocation; }
   // access to LIR_Ops and Blocks indexed by op_id
   int          max_lir_op_id() const                { assert(_lir_ops.length() > 0, "no operations"); return (_lir_ops.length() - 1) << 1; }
   LIR_Op*      lir_op_with_id(int op_id) const      { assert(op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() && op_id % 2 == 0, "op_id out of range or not even"); return _lir_ops.at(op_id >> 1); }
   BlockBegin*  block_of_op_with_id(int op_id) const { assert(_block_of_op.length() > 0 && op_id >= 0 && op_id <= max_lir_op_id() + 1, "op_id out of range"); return _block_of_op.at(op_id >> 1); }

@@ -299,11 +296,11 @@
   // Phase 5: actual register allocation
   // (Uses LinearScanWalker)
   // helper functions for building a sorted list of intervals
-  NOT_PRODUCT(bool is_sorted(IntervalArray* intervals);)
+  NOT_PRODUCT(bool is_sorted(GrowableArray<Interval*>* intervals);)
   static int interval_cmp(Interval** a, Interval** b);
   void add_to_list(Interval** first, Interval** prev, Interval* interval);
   void create_unhandled_lists(Interval** list1, Interval** list2, bool (is_list1)(const Interval* i), bool (is_list2)(const Interval* i));
   void sort_intervals_before_allocation();

@@ -425,13 +422,13 @@
   LIR_List*        _insert_list;
   int              _insert_idx;
   LIR_InsertionBuffer _insertion_buffer; // buffer where moves are inserted
-  IntervalList     _mapping_from;
+  GrowableArray<Interval*> _mapping_from;
   LIR_OprList      _mapping_from_opr;
-  IntervalList     _mapping_to;
+  GrowableArray<Interval*> _mapping_to;
   bool             _multiple_reads_allowed;
   int              _register_blocked[LinearScan::nof_regs];
   int  register_blocked(int reg)                    { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); return _register_blocked[reg]; }
   void set_register_blocked(int reg, int direction) { assert(reg >= 0 && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds"); assert(direction == 1 || direction == -1, "out of bounds"); _register_blocked[reg] += direction; }

@@ -531,11 +528,11 @@
   int              _cached_to;    // cached value: to of last range (-1: not cached)
   LIR_Opr          _cached_opr;
   VMReg            _cached_vm_reg;
   Interval*        _split_parent;           // the original interval where this interval is derived from
-  IntervalList     _split_children;         // list of all intervals that are split off from this interval (only available for split parents)
+  GrowableArray<Interval*> _split_children; // list of all intervals that are split off from this interval (only available for split parents)
   Interval*        _current_split_child;    // the current split child that has been active or inactive last (always stored in split parents)
   int              _canonical_spill_slot;   // the stack slot where all split parts of this interval are spilled to (always stored in split parents)
   bool             _insert_move_when_activated; // true if move is inserted between _current_split_child and this interval when interval gets active the first time
   IntervalSpillState _spill_state;          // for spill move optimization

@@ -720,11 +717,11 @@
   int              _num_phys_regs;   // required by current interval
   bool             _adjacent_regs;   // have lo/hi words of phys. regs be adjacent
   int              _use_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
   int              _block_pos[LinearScan::nof_regs];
-  IntervalList*    _spill_intervals[LinearScan::nof_regs];
+  GrowableArray<Interval*>* _spill_intervals[LinearScan::nof_regs];
   MoveResolver     _move_resolver;   // for ordering spill moves
   // accessors mapped to same functions in class LinearScan
   int         block_count() const      { return allocator()->block_count(); }
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