1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 import com.sun.jdi.*;
  25 import com.sun.jdi.request.*;
  26 import com.sun.jdi.event.*;
  27 import java.util.*;
  28 import java.io.*;
  30 /**
  31  * Framework used by all JDI regression tests
  32  */
  33 abstract public class TestScaffold extends TargetAdapter {
  34     private boolean shouldTrace = false;
  35     private VMConnection connection;
  36     private VirtualMachine vm;
  37     private EventRequestManager requestManager;
  38     private List listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList());
  39     private boolean redefineAtStart = false;
  40     private boolean redefineAtEvents = false;
  41     private boolean redefineAsynchronously = false;
  42     private ReferenceType mainStartClass = null;
  44     ThreadReference mainThread;
  45     /**
  46      * We create a VMDeathRequest, SUSPEND_ALL, to sync the BE and FE.
  47      */
  48     private VMDeathRequest ourVMDeathRequest = null;
  50     /**
  51      * We create an ExceptionRequest, SUSPEND_NONE so that we can
  52      * catch it and output a msg if an exception occurs in the
  53      * debuggee.
  54      */
  55     private ExceptionRequest ourExceptionRequest = null;
  57     /**
  58      * If we do catch an uncaught exception, we set this true
  59      * so the testcase can find out if it wants to.
  60      */
  61     private boolean exceptionCaught = false;
  62     ThreadReference vmStartThread = null;
  63     boolean vmDied = false;
  64     boolean vmDisconnected = false;
  65     final String[] args;
  66     protected boolean testFailed = false;
  67     protected long startTime;
  69     static private class ArgInfo {
  70         String targetVMArgs = "";
  71         String targetAppCommandLine = "";
  72         String connectorSpec = "com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch:";
  73         int traceFlags = 0;
  74     }
  76     /**
  77      * An easy way to sleep for awhile
  78      */
  79     public void mySleep(int millis) {
  80         try {
  81             Thread.sleep(millis);
  82         } catch (InterruptedException ee) {
  83         }
  84     }
  86     boolean getExceptionCaught() {
  87         return exceptionCaught;
  88     }
  90     void setExceptionCaught(boolean value) {
  91         exceptionCaught = value;
  92     }
  94     /**
  95      * Return true if eventSet contains the VMDeathEvent for the request in
  96      * the ourVMDeathRequest ivar.
  97      */
  98     private boolean containsOurVMDeathRequest(EventSet eventSet) {
  99         if (ourVMDeathRequest != null) {
 100             Iterator myIter = eventSet.iterator();
 101             while (myIter.hasNext()) {
 102                 Event myEvent = (Event)myIter.next();
 103                 if (!(myEvent instanceof VMDeathEvent)) {
 104                     // We assume that an EventSet contains only VMDeathEvents
 105                     // or no VMDeathEvents.
 106                     break;
 107                 }
 108                 if (ourVMDeathRequest.equals(myEvent.request())) {
 109                     return true;
 110                 }
 111             }
 112         }
 113         return false;
 114     }
 116     /************************************************************************
 117      * The following methods override those in our base class, TargetAdapter.
 118      *************************************************************************/
 120     /**
 121      * Events handled directly by scaffold always resume (well, almost always)
 122      */
 123     public void eventSetComplete(EventSet set) {
 124         // The listener in connect(..) resumes after receiving our
 125         // special VMDeathEvent.  We can't also do the resume
 126         // here or we will probably get a VMDisconnectedException
 127         if (!containsOurVMDeathRequest(set)) {
 128             traceln("TS: set.resume() called");
 129             set.resume();
 130         }
 131     }
 133     /**
 134      * This method sets up default requests.
 135      * Testcases can override this to change default behavior.
 136      */
 137     protected void createDefaultEventRequests() {
 138         createDefaultVMDeathRequest();
 139         createDefaultExceptionRequest();
 140     }
 142     /**
 143      * We want the BE to stop when it issues a VMDeathEvent in order to
 144      * give the FE time to complete handling events that occured before
 145      * the VMDeath.  When we get the VMDeathEvent for this request in
 146      * the listener in connect(), we will do a resume.
 147      * If a testcase wants to do something special with VMDeathEvent's,
 148      * then it should override this method with an empty method or
 149      * whatever in order to suppress the automatic resume.  The testcase
 150      * will then be responsible for the handling of VMDeathEvents.  It
 151      * has to be sure that it does a resume if it gets a VMDeathEvent
 152      * with SUSPEND_ALL, and it has to be sure that it doesn't do a
 153      * resume after getting a VMDeath with SUSPEND_NONE (the automatically
 154      * generated VMDeathEvent.)
 155      */
 156     protected void createDefaultVMDeathRequest() {
 157         ourVMDeathRequest = requestManager.createVMDeathRequest();
 158         ourVMDeathRequest.setSuspendPolicy(EventRequest.SUSPEND_ALL);
 159         ourVMDeathRequest.enable();
 160     }
 162     /**
 163      * This will allow us to print a warning if a debuggee gets an
 164      * unexpected exception.  The unexpected exception will be handled in
 165      * the exceptionThrown method in the listener created in the connect()
 166      * method.
 167      * If a testcase does not want an uncaught exception to cause a
 168      * msg, it must override this method.
 169      */
 170     protected void createDefaultExceptionRequest() {
 171         ourExceptionRequest = requestManager.createExceptionRequest(null,
 172                                                                 false, true);
 174         // We can't afford to make this be other than SUSPEND_NONE.  Otherwise,
 175         // it would have to be resumed.  If our connect() listener resumes it,
 176         // what about the case where the EventSet contains other events with
 177         // SUSPEND_ALL and there are other listeners who expect the BE to still
 178         // be suspended when their handlers get called?
 179         ourExceptionRequest.setSuspendPolicy(EventRequest.SUSPEND_NONE);
 180         ourExceptionRequest.enable();
 181     }
 183     private class EventHandler implements Runnable {
 184         EventHandler() {
 185             Thread thread = new Thread(this);
 186             thread.setDaemon(true);
 187             thread.start();
 188         }
 190         private void notifyEvent(TargetListener listener, Event event) {
 191             if (event instanceof BreakpointEvent) {
 192                 listener.breakpointReached((BreakpointEvent)event);
 193             } else if (event instanceof ExceptionEvent) {
 194                 listener.exceptionThrown((ExceptionEvent)event);
 195             } else if (event instanceof StepEvent) {
 196                 listener.stepCompleted((StepEvent)event);
 197             } else if (event instanceof ClassPrepareEvent) {
 198                 listener.classPrepared((ClassPrepareEvent)event);
 199             } else if (event instanceof ClassUnloadEvent) {
 200                 listener.classUnloaded((ClassUnloadEvent)event);
 201             } else if (event instanceof MethodEntryEvent) {
 202                 listener.methodEntered((MethodEntryEvent)event);
 203             } else if (event instanceof MethodExitEvent) {
 204                 listener.methodExited((MethodExitEvent)event);
 205             } else if (event instanceof MonitorContendedEnterEvent) {
 206                 listener.monitorContendedEnter((MonitorContendedEnterEvent)event);
 207             } else if (event instanceof MonitorContendedEnteredEvent) {
 208                 listener.monitorContendedEntered((MonitorContendedEnteredEvent)event);
 209             } else if (event instanceof MonitorWaitEvent) {
 210                 listener.monitorWait((MonitorWaitEvent)event);
 211             } else if (event instanceof MonitorWaitedEvent) {
 212                 listener.monitorWaited((MonitorWaitedEvent)event);
 213             } else if (event instanceof AccessWatchpointEvent) {
 214                 listener.fieldAccessed((AccessWatchpointEvent)event);
 215             } else if (event instanceof ModificationWatchpointEvent) {
 216                 listener.fieldModified((ModificationWatchpointEvent)event);
 217             } else if (event instanceof ThreadStartEvent) {
 218                 listener.threadStarted((ThreadStartEvent)event);
 219             } else if (event instanceof ThreadDeathEvent) {
 220                 listener.threadDied((ThreadDeathEvent)event);
 221             } else if (event instanceof VMStartEvent) {
 222                 listener.vmStarted((VMStartEvent)event);
 223             } else if (event instanceof VMDeathEvent) {
 224                 listener.vmDied((VMDeathEvent)event);
 225             } else if (event instanceof VMDisconnectEvent) {
 226                 listener.vmDisconnected((VMDisconnectEvent)event);
 227             } else {
 228                 throw new InternalError("Unknown event type: " + event.getClass());
 229             }
 230         }
 232         private void traceSuspendPolicy(int policy) {
 233             if (shouldTrace) {
 234                 switch (policy) {
 235                 case EventRequest.SUSPEND_NONE:
 236                     traceln("TS: eventHandler: suspend = SUSPEND_NONE");
 237                     break;
 238                 case EventRequest.SUSPEND_ALL:
 239                     traceln("TS: eventHandler: suspend = SUSPEND_ALL");
 240                     break;
 241                 case EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD:
 242                     traceln("TS: eventHandler: suspend = SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD");
 243                     break;
 244                 }
 245             }
 246         }
 248         public void run() {
 249             boolean connected = true;
 250             do {
 251                 try {
 252                     EventSet set = vm.eventQueue().remove();
 253                     traceSuspendPolicy(set.suspendPolicy());
 254                     synchronized (listeners) {
 255                         ListIterator iter = listeners.listIterator();
 256                         while (iter.hasNext()) {
 257                             TargetListener listener = (TargetListener)iter.next();
 258                             traceln("TS: eventHandler: listener = " + listener);
 259                             listener.eventSetReceived(set);
 260                             if (listener.shouldRemoveListener()) {
 261                                 iter.remove();
 262                             } else {
 263                                 Iterator jter = set.iterator();
 264                                 while (jter.hasNext()) {
 265                                     Event event = (Event)jter.next();
 266                                     traceln("TS: eventHandler:    event = " + event.getClass());
 268                                     if (event instanceof VMDisconnectEvent) {
 269                                         connected = false;
 270                                     }
 271                                     listener.eventReceived(event);
 272                                     if (listener.shouldRemoveListener()) {
 273                                         iter.remove();
 274                                         break;
 275                                     }
 276                                     notifyEvent(listener, event);
 277                                     if (listener.shouldRemoveListener()) {
 278                                         iter.remove();
 279                                         break;
 280                                     }
 281                                 }
 282                                 traceln("TS: eventHandler:   end of events loop");
 283                                 if (!listener.shouldRemoveListener()) {
 284                                     traceln("TS: eventHandler:   calling ESC");
 285                                     listener.eventSetComplete(set);
 286                                     if (listener.shouldRemoveListener()) {
 287                                         iter.remove();
 288                                     }
 289                                 }
 290                             }
 291                             traceln("TS: eventHandler: end of listeners loop");
 292                         }
 293                     }
 294                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 295                     traceln("TS: eventHandler: InterruptedException");
 296                 } catch (Exception e) {
 297                     failure("FAILED: Exception occured in eventHandler: " + e);
 298                     e.printStackTrace();
 299                     connected = false;
 300                     synchronized(TestScaffold.this) {
 301                         // This will make the waiters such as waitForVMDisconnect
 302                         // exit their wait loops.
 303                         vmDisconnected = true;
 304                         TestScaffold.this.notifyAll();
 305                     }
 306                 }
 307                 traceln("TS: eventHandler: End of outerloop");
 308             } while (connected);
 309             traceln("TS: eventHandler: finished");
 310         }
 311     }
 313     /**
 314      * Constructor
 315      */
 316     public TestScaffold(String[] args) {
 317         this.args = args;
 318     }
 320     public void enableScaffoldTrace() {
 321         this.shouldTrace = true;
 322     }
 324     public void disableScaffoldTrace() {
 325         this.shouldTrace = false;
 326     }
 328     /**
 329      * Helper for the redefine method.  Build the map
 330      * needed for a redefine.
 331      */
 332     protected Map makeRedefineMap(ReferenceType rt) throws Exception {
 333         String className = rt.name();
 334         File path = new File(System.getProperty("test.classes", "."));
 335         className = className.replace('.', File.separatorChar);
 336         File phyl = new File(path, className + ".class");
 337         byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)phyl.length()];
 338         InputStream in = new FileInputStream(phyl);
 339         in.read(bytes);
 340         in.close();
 342         Map map = new HashMap();
 343         map.put(rt, bytes);
 345         return map;
 346     }
 348     /**
 349      * Redefine a class - HotSwap it
 350      */
 351     protected void redefine(ReferenceType rt) {
 352         try {
 353             println("Redefining " + rt);
 354             vm().redefineClasses(makeRedefineMap(rt));
 355         } catch (Exception exc) {
 356             failure("FAIL: redefine - unexpected exception: " + exc);
 357         }
 358     }
 360     protected void startUp(String targetName) {
 361         List argList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(args));
 362         argList.add(targetName);
 363         println("run args: " + argList);
 364         connect((String[]) argList.toArray(args));
 365         waitForVMStart();
 366     }
 368     protected BreakpointEvent startToMain(String targetName) {
 369         return startTo(targetName, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
 370     }
 372     protected BreakpointEvent startTo(String targetName,
 373                                       String methodName, String signature) {
 374         startUp(targetName);
 375         traceln("TS: back from startUp");
 377         BreakpointEvent bpr = resumeTo(targetName, methodName,
 378                                        signature);
 379         Location loc = bpr.location();
 380         mainStartClass = loc.declaringType();
 381         if (redefineAtStart) {
 382             redefine(mainStartClass);
 383         }
 384         if (redefineAsynchronously) {
 385             Thread asyncDaemon = new Thread("Async Redefine") {
 386                 public void run() {
 387                     try {
 388                         Map redefMap = makeRedefineMap(mainStartClass);
 390                         while (true) {
 391                             println("Redefining " + mainStartClass);
 392                             vm().redefineClasses(redefMap);
 393                             Thread.sleep(100);
 394                         }
 395                     } catch (VMDisconnectedException vmde) {
 396                         println("async redefine - VM disconnected");
 397                     } catch (Exception exc) {
 398                         failure("FAIL: async redefine - unexpected exception: " + exc);
 399                     }
 400                 }
 401             };
 402             asyncDaemon.setDaemon(true);
 403             asyncDaemon.start();
 404         }
 406         if (System.getProperty("jpda.wait") != null) {
 407             waitForInput();
 408         }
 409         return bpr;
 410     }
 412     protected void waitForInput() {
 413         try {
 414             System.err.println("Press <enter> to continue");
 415             System.in.read();
 416             System.err.println("running...");
 418         } catch(Exception e) {
 419         }
 420     }
 422     /*
 423      * Test cases should implement tests in runTests and should
 424      * initiate testing by calling run().
 425      */
 426     abstract protected void runTests() throws Exception;
 428     final public void startTests() throws Exception {
 429         startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 430         try {
 431             runTests();
 432         } finally {
 433             shutdown();
 434         }
 435     }
 437     protected void println(String str) {
 438         long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
 439         System.err.println("[" + elapsed + "ms] " + str);
 440     }
 442     protected void print(String str) {
 443         System.err.print(str);
 444     }
 446     protected void traceln(String str) {
 447         if (shouldTrace) {
 448             println(str);
 449         }
 450     }
 452     protected void failure(String str) {
 453         println(str);
 454         testFailed = true;
 455     }
 457     private ArgInfo parseArgs(String args[]) {
 458         ArgInfo argInfo = new ArgInfo();
 459         for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
 460             if (args[i].equals("-connect")) {
 461                 i++;
 462                 argInfo.connectorSpec = args[i];
 463             } else if (args[i].equals("-trace")) {
 464                 i++;
 465                 argInfo.traceFlags = Integer.decode(args[i]).intValue();
 466             } else if (args[i].equals("-redefstart")) {
 467                 redefineAtStart = true;
 468             } else if (args[i].equals("-redefevent")) {
 469                 redefineAtEvents = true;
 470             } else if (args[i].equals("-redefasync")) {
 471                 redefineAsynchronously = true;
 472             } else if (args[i].startsWith("-J")) {
 473                 argInfo.targetVMArgs += (args[i].substring(2) + ' ');
 475                 /*
 476                  * classpath can span two arguments so we need to handle
 477                  * it specially.
 478                  */
 479                 if (args[i].equals("-J-classpath")) {
 480                     i++;
 481                     argInfo.targetVMArgs += (args[i] + ' ');
 482                 }
 483             } else {
 484                 argInfo.targetAppCommandLine += (args[i] + ' ');
 485             }
 486         }
 487         return argInfo;
 488     }
 490     /**
 491      * This is called to connect to a debuggee VM.  It starts the VM and
 492      * installs a listener to catch VMStartEvent, our default events, and
 493      * VMDisconnectedEvent.  When these events appear, that is remembered
 494      * and waiters are notified.
 495      * This is normally called in the main thread of the test case.
 496      * It starts up an EventHandler thread that gets events coming in
 497      * from the debuggee and distributes them to listeners.  That thread
 498      * keeps running until a VMDisconnectedEvent occurs or some exception
 499      * occurs during its processing.
 500      *
 501      * The 'listenUntilVMDisconnect' method adds 'this' as a listener.
 502      * This means that 'this's vmDied method will get called.  This has a
 503      * default impl in TargetAdapter.java which can be overridden in the
 504      * testcase.
 505      *
 506      * waitForRequestedEvent also adds an adaptor listener that listens
 507      * for the particular event it is supposed to wait for (and it also
 508      * catches VMDisconnectEvents.)  This listener is removed once
 509      * its eventReceived method is called.
 510      * waitForRequestedEvent is called by most of the methods to do bkpts,
 511      * etc.
 512      */
 513     public void connect(String args[]) {
 514         ArgInfo argInfo = parseArgs(args);
 516         argInfo.targetVMArgs += VMConnection.getDebuggeeVMOptions();
 517         connection = new VMConnection(argInfo.connectorSpec,
 518                                       argInfo.traceFlags);
 520         addListener(new TargetAdapter() {
 521                 public void eventSetComplete(EventSet set) {
 522                     if (TestScaffold.this.containsOurVMDeathRequest(set)) {
 523                         traceln("TS: connect: set.resume() called");
 524                         set.resume();
 526                         // Note that we want to do the above resume before
 527                         // waking up any sleepers.
 528                         synchronized(TestScaffold.this) {
 529                             TestScaffold.this.notifyAll();
 530                         }
 531                     }
 532                 }
 533                 public void eventReceived(Event event) {
 534                     if (redefineAtEvents && event instanceof Locatable) {
 535                         Location loc = ((Locatable)event).location();
 536                         ReferenceType rt = loc.declaringType();
 537                         String name = rt.name();
 538                         if (name.startsWith("java.") &&
 539                                        !name.startsWith("sun.") &&
 540                                        !name.startsWith("com.")) {
 541                             if (mainStartClass != null) {
 542                                 redefine(mainStartClass);
 543                             }
 544                         } else {
 545                             if (!name.startsWith("jdk.")) {
 546                                 redefine(rt);
 547                             }
 548                         }
 549                     }
 550                 }
 552                 public void vmStarted(VMStartEvent event) {
 553                     synchronized(TestScaffold.this) {
 554                         vmStartThread = event.thread();
 555                         TestScaffold.this.notifyAll();
 556                     }
 557                 }
 558                 /**
 559                  * By default, we catch uncaught exceptions and print a msg.
 560                  * The testcase must override the createDefaultExceptionRequest
 561                  * method if it doesn't want this behavior.
 562                  */
 563                 public void exceptionThrown(ExceptionEvent event) {
 564                     if (TestScaffold.this.ourExceptionRequest != null &&
 565                         TestScaffold.this.ourExceptionRequest.equals(
 566                                                         event.request())) {
 567                         /*
 568                          * See
 569                          *    5038723: com/sun/jdi/sde/TemperatureTableTest.java:
 570                          *             intermittent ObjectCollectedException
 571                          * Since this request was SUSPEND_NONE, the debuggee
 572                          * could keep running and the calls below back into
 573                          * the debuggee might not work.  That is why we
 574                          * have this try/catch.
 575                          */
 576                         try {
 577                             println("Note: Unexpected Debuggee Exception: " +
 578                                     event.exception().referenceType().name() +
 579                                     " at line " + event.location().lineNumber());
 580                             TestScaffold.this.exceptionCaught = true;
 582                             ObjectReference obj = event.exception();
 583                             ReferenceType rtt = obj.referenceType();
 584                             Field detail = rtt.fieldByName("detailMessage");
 585                             Value val = obj.getValue(detail);
 586                             println("detailMessage = " + val);
 588                             /*
 589                              * This code is commented out because it needs a thread
 590                              * in which to do the invokeMethod and we don't have
 591                              * one.  To enable this code change the request
 592                              * to be SUSPEND_ALL in createDefaultExceptionRequest,
 593                              * and then put this line
 594                              *    mainThread = bpe.thread();
 595                              * in the testcase after the line
 596                              *    BreakpointEvent bpe = startToMain("....");
 597                              */
 598                             if (false) {
 599                                 List lll = rtt.methodsByName("printStackTrace");
 600                                 Method mm = (Method)lll.get(0);
 601                                 obj.invokeMethod(mainThread, mm, new ArrayList(0), 0);
 602                             }
 603                         } catch (Exception ee) {
 604                             println("TestScaffold Exception while handling debuggee Exception: "
 605                                     + ee);
 606                         }
 607                     }
 608                 }
 610                 public void vmDied(VMDeathEvent event) {
 611                     vmDied = true;
 612                     traceln("TS: vmDied called");
 613                 }
 615                 public void vmDisconnected(VMDisconnectEvent event) {
 616                     synchronized(TestScaffold.this) {
 617                         vmDisconnected = true;
 618                         TestScaffold.this.notifyAll();
 619                     }
 620                 }
 621             });
 622         if (connection.connector().name().equals("com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch")) {
 623             if (argInfo.targetVMArgs.length() > 0) {
 624                 if (connection.connectorArg("options").length() > 0) {
 625                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("VM options in two places");
 626                 }
 627                 connection.setConnectorArg("options", argInfo.targetVMArgs);
 628             }
 629             if (argInfo.targetAppCommandLine.length() > 0) {
 630                 if (connection.connectorArg("main").length() > 0) {
 631                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command line in two places");
 632                 }
 633                 connection.setConnectorArg("main", argInfo.targetAppCommandLine);
 634             }
 635         }
 637         vm = connection.open();
 638         requestManager = vm.eventRequestManager();
 639         createDefaultEventRequests();
 640         new EventHandler();
 641     }
 644     public VirtualMachine vm() {
 645         return vm;
 646     }
 648     public EventRequestManager eventRequestManager() {
 649         return requestManager;
 650     }
 652     public void addListener(TargetListener listener) {
 653         traceln("TS: Adding listener " + listener);
 654         listeners.add(listener);
 655     }
 657     public void removeListener(TargetListener listener) {
 658         traceln("TS: Removing listener " + listener);
 659         listeners.remove(listener);
 660     }
 663     protected void listenUntilVMDisconnect() {
 664         try {
 665             addListener (this);
 666         } catch (Exception ex){
 667             ex.printStackTrace();
 668             testFailed = true;
 669         } finally {
 670             // Allow application to complete and shut down
 671             resumeToVMDisconnect();
 672         }
 673     }
 675     public synchronized ThreadReference waitForVMStart() {
 676         while ((vmStartThread == null) && !vmDisconnected) {
 677             try {
 678                 wait();
 679             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 680             }
 681         }
 683         if (vmStartThread == null) {
 684             throw new VMDisconnectedException();
 685         }
 687         return vmStartThread;
 688     }
 690     public synchronized void waitForVMDisconnect() {
 691         traceln("TS: waitForVMDisconnect");
 692         while (!vmDisconnected) {
 693             try {
 694                 wait();
 695             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 696             }
 697         }
 698         traceln("TS: waitForVMDisconnect: done");
 699     }
 701     public Event waitForRequestedEvent(final EventRequest request) {
 702         class EventNotification {
 703             Event event;
 704             boolean disconnected = false;
 705         }
 706         final EventNotification en = new EventNotification();
 708         TargetAdapter adapter = new TargetAdapter() {
 709             public void eventReceived(Event event) {
 710                 if (request.equals(event.request())) {
 711                     traceln("TS:Listener2: got requested event");
 712                     synchronized (en) {
 713                         en.event = event;
 714                         en.notifyAll();
 715                     }
 716                     removeThisListener();
 717                 } else if (event instanceof VMDisconnectEvent) {
 718                     traceln("TS:Listener2: got VMDisconnectEvent");
 719                     synchronized (en) {
 720                         en.disconnected = true;
 721                         en.notifyAll();
 722                     }
 723                     removeThisListener();
 724                 }
 725             }
 726         };
 728         addListener(adapter);
 730         try {
 731             synchronized (en) {
 732                 traceln("TS: waitForRequestedEvent: vm.resume called");
 733                 vm.resume();
 735                 while (!en.disconnected && (en.event == null)) {
 736                     en.wait();
 737                 }
 738             }
 739         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 740             return null;
 741         }
 743         if (en.disconnected) {
 744             throw new RuntimeException("VM Disconnected before requested event occurred");
 745         }
 746         return en.event;
 747     }
 749     private StepEvent doStep(ThreadReference thread, int gran, int depth) {
 750         final StepRequest sr =
 751                   requestManager.createStepRequest(thread, gran, depth);
 753         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("java.*");
 754         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("javax.*");
 755         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("sun.*");
 756         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("com.sun.*");
 757         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("com.oracle.*");
 758         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("oracle.*");
 759         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("jdk.internal.*");
 760         sr.addClassExclusionFilter("jdk.jfr.*");
 761         sr.addCountFilter(1);
 762         sr.enable();
 763         StepEvent retEvent = (StepEvent)waitForRequestedEvent(sr);
 764         requestManager.deleteEventRequest(sr);
 765         return retEvent;
 766     }
 768     public StepEvent stepIntoInstruction(ThreadReference thread) {
 769         return doStep(thread, StepRequest.STEP_MIN, StepRequest.STEP_INTO);
 770     }
 772     public StepEvent stepIntoLine(ThreadReference thread) {
 773         return doStep(thread, StepRequest.STEP_LINE, StepRequest.STEP_INTO);
 774     }
 776     public StepEvent stepOverInstruction(ThreadReference thread) {
 777         return doStep(thread, StepRequest.STEP_MIN, StepRequest.STEP_OVER);
 778     }
 780     public StepEvent stepOverLine(ThreadReference thread) {
 781         return doStep(thread, StepRequest.STEP_LINE, StepRequest.STEP_OVER);
 782     }
 784     public StepEvent stepOut(ThreadReference thread) {
 785         return doStep(thread, StepRequest.STEP_LINE, StepRequest.STEP_OUT);
 786     }
 788     public BreakpointEvent resumeTo(Location loc) {
 789         return resumeTo(loc, false);
 790     }
 792     public BreakpointEvent resumeTo(Location loc, boolean suspendThread) {
 793         final BreakpointRequest request =
 794                 requestManager.createBreakpointRequest(loc);
 795         request.addCountFilter(1);
 796         if (suspendThread) {
 797             request.setSuspendPolicy(EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD);
 798         }
 799         request.enable();
 800         return (BreakpointEvent)waitForRequestedEvent(request);
 801     }
 803     public ReferenceType findReferenceType(String name) {
 804         List rts = vm.classesByName(name);
 805         Iterator iter = rts.iterator();
 806         while (iter.hasNext()) {
 807             ReferenceType rt = (ReferenceType)iter.next();
 808             if (rt.name().equals(name)) {
 809                 return rt;
 810             }
 811         }
 812         return null;
 813     }
 815     public Method findMethod(ReferenceType rt, String name, String signature) {
 816         List methods = rt.methods();
 817         Iterator iter = methods.iterator();
 818         while (iter.hasNext()) {
 819             Method method = (Method)iter.next();
 820             if (method.name().equals(name) &&
 821                 method.signature().equals(signature)) {
 822                 return method;
 823             }
 824         }
 825         return null;
 826     }
 828     public Location findLocation(ReferenceType rt, int lineNumber)
 829                          throws AbsentInformationException {
 830         List locs = rt.locationsOfLine(lineNumber);
 831         if (locs.size() == 0) {
 832             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad line number");
 833         } else if (locs.size() > 1) {
 834             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line number has multiple locations");
 835         }
 837         return (Location)locs.get(0);
 838     }
 840     public BreakpointEvent resumeTo(String clsName, String methodName,
 841                                          String methodSignature) {
 842         ReferenceType rt = findReferenceType(clsName);
 843         if (rt == null) {
 844             rt = resumeToPrepareOf(clsName).referenceType();
 845         }
 847         Method method = findMethod(rt, methodName, methodSignature);
 848         if (method == null) {
 849             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method name/signature: "
 850                     + clsName + "." + methodName + ":" + methodSignature);
 851         }
 853         return resumeTo(method.location());
 854     }
 856     public BreakpointEvent resumeTo(String clsName, int lineNumber) throws AbsentInformationException {
 857         return resumeTo(clsName, lineNumber, false);
 858     }
 860     public BreakpointEvent resumeTo(String clsName, int lineNumber, boolean suspendThread) throws AbsentInformationException {
 861         ReferenceType rt = findReferenceType(clsName);
 862         if (rt == null) {
 863             rt = resumeToPrepareOf(clsName).referenceType();
 864         }
 866         return resumeTo(findLocation(rt, lineNumber), suspendThread);
 867     }
 869     public ClassPrepareEvent resumeToPrepareOf(String className) {
 870         final ClassPrepareRequest request =
 871             requestManager.createClassPrepareRequest();
 872         request.addClassFilter(className);
 873         request.addCountFilter(1);
 874         request.enable();
 875         return (ClassPrepareEvent)waitForRequestedEvent(request);
 876     }
 878     public void resumeForMsecs(long msecs) {
 879         try {
 880             addListener (this);
 881         } catch (Exception ex){
 882             ex.printStackTrace();
 883             testFailed = true;
 884             return;
 885         }
 887         try {
 888             vm().resume();
 889         } catch (VMDisconnectedException e) {
 890         }
 892         if (!vmDisconnected) {
 893             try {
 894                 System.out.println("Sleeping for " + msecs + " milleseconds");
 895                 Thread.sleep(msecs);
 896                 vm().suspend();
 897             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 898             }
 899         }
 900     }
 902     public void resumeToVMDisconnect() {
 903         try {
 904             traceln("TS: resumeToVMDisconnect: vm.resume called");
 905             vm.resume();
 906         } catch (VMDisconnectedException e) {
 907             // clean up below
 908         }
 909         waitForVMDisconnect();
 910     }
 912     public void shutdown() {
 913         shutdown(null);
 914     }
 916     public void shutdown(String message) {
 917         traceln("TS: shutdown: vmDied= " + vmDied +
 918                  ", vmDisconnected= " + vmDisconnected +
 919                  ", connection = " + connection);
 921         if ((connection != null)) {
 922             try {
 923                 connection.disposeVM();
 924              } catch (VMDisconnectedException e) {
 925                 // Shutting down after the VM has gone away. This is
 926                 // not an error, and we just ignore it.
 927             }
 928         } else {
 929             traceln("TS: shutdown: disposeVM not called");
 930         }
 931         if (message != null) {
 932             println(message);
 933         }
 935         vmDied = true;
 936         vmDisconnected = true;
 937     }
 938 }