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 106     Action_make_not_entrant,      // invalidate the nmethod, recompile (probably)
 107     Action_make_not_compilable,   // invalidate the nmethod and do not compile
 108     Action_LIMIT
 109     // Note:  Keep this enum in sync. with _trap_action_name.
 110   };
 112   enum {
 113     _action_bits = 3,
 114     _reason_bits = 5,
 115     _debug_id_bits = 23,
 116     _action_shift = 0,
 117     _reason_shift = _action_shift+_action_bits,
 118     _debug_id_shift = _reason_shift+_reason_bits,
 119     BC_CASE_LIMIT = PRODUCT_ONLY(1) NOT_PRODUCT(4) // for _deoptimization_hist
 120   };
 122   enum UnpackType {
 123     Unpack_deopt                = 0, // normal deoptimization, use pc computed in unpack_vframe_on_stack
 124     Unpack_exception            = 1, // exception is pending
 125     Unpack_uncommon_trap        = 2, // redo last byte code (C2 only)
 126     Unpack_reexecute            = 3  // reexecute bytecode (C1 only)

 127   };
 129   // Checks all compiled methods. Invalid methods are deleted and
 130   // corresponding activations are deoptimized.
 131   static int deoptimize_dependents();
 133   // Deoptimizes a frame lazily. nmethod gets patched deopt happens on return to the frame
 134   static void deoptimize(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map);
 135   static void deoptimize(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, DeoptReason reason);
 137   private:
 138   // Does the actual work for deoptimizing a single frame
 139   static void deoptimize_single_frame(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, DeoptReason reason);
 141   // Helper function to revoke biases of all monitors in frame if UseBiasedLocking
 142   // is enabled
 143   static void revoke_biases_of_monitors(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap* map);
 144   // Helper function to revoke biases of all monitors in frames
 145   // executing in a particular CodeBlob if UseBiasedLocking is enabled
 146   static void revoke_biases_of_monitors(CodeBlob* cb);

 162   static vframeArray* create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk, bool realloc_failures);
 164   // Interface used for unpacking deoptimized frames
 166   // UnrollBlock is returned by fetch_unroll_info() to the deoptimization handler (blob).
 167   // This is only a CheapObj to ease debugging after a deopt failure
 168   class UnrollBlock : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
 169     friend class VMStructs;
 170    private:
 171     int       _size_of_deoptimized_frame; // Size, in bytes, of current deoptimized frame
 172     int       _caller_adjustment;         // Adjustment, in bytes, to caller's SP by initial interpreted frame
 173     int       _number_of_frames;          // Number frames to unroll
 174     int       _total_frame_sizes;         // Total of number*sizes frames
 175     intptr_t* _frame_sizes;               // Array of frame sizes, in bytes, for unrolling the stack
 176     address*  _frame_pcs;                 // Array of frame pc's, in bytes, for unrolling the stack
 177     intptr_t* _register_block;            // Block for storing callee-saved registers.
 178     BasicType _return_type;               // Tells if we have to restore double or long return value
 179     intptr_t  _initial_info;              // Platform dependent data for the sender frame (was FP on x86)
 180     int       _caller_actual_parameters;  // The number of actual arguments at the
 181                                           // interpreted caller of the deoptimized frame

 183     // The following fields are used as temps during the unpacking phase
 184     // (which is tight on registers, especially on x86). They really ought
 185     // to be PD variables but that involves moving this class into its own
 186     // file to use the pd include mechanism. Maybe in a later cleanup ...
 187     intptr_t  _counter_temp;              // SHOULD BE PD VARIABLE (x86 frame count temp)
 188     intptr_t  _unpack_kind;               // SHOULD BE PD VARIABLE (x86 unpack kind)
 189     intptr_t  _sender_sp_temp;            // SHOULD BE PD VARIABLE (x86 sender_sp)
 190    public:
 191     // Constructor
 192     UnrollBlock(int  size_of_deoptimized_frame,
 193                 int  caller_adjustment,
 194                 int  caller_actual_parameters,
 195                 int  number_of_frames,
 196                 intptr_t* frame_sizes,
 197                 address* frames_pcs,
 198                 BasicType return_type);

 199     ~UnrollBlock();
 201     // Returns where a register is located.
 202     intptr_t* value_addr_at(int register_number) const;
 204     // Accessors
 205     intptr_t* frame_sizes()  const { return _frame_sizes; }
 206     int number_of_frames()  const { return _number_of_frames; }
 207     address*  frame_pcs()   const { return _frame_pcs ; }

 209     // Returns the total size of frames
 210     int size_of_frames() const;
 212     void set_initial_info(intptr_t info) { _initial_info = info; }
 214     int caller_actual_parameters() const { return _caller_actual_parameters; }
 216     // Accessors used by the code generator for the unpack stub.
 217     static int size_of_deoptimized_frame_offset_in_bytes() { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _size_of_deoptimized_frame); }
 218     static int caller_adjustment_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _caller_adjustment);         }
 219     static int number_of_frames_offset_in_bytes()          { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _number_of_frames);          }
 220     static int frame_sizes_offset_in_bytes()               { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _frame_sizes);               }
 221     static int total_frame_sizes_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _total_frame_sizes);         }
 222     static int frame_pcs_offset_in_bytes()                 { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _frame_pcs);                 }
 223     static int register_block_offset_in_bytes()            { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _register_block);            }
 224     static int return_type_offset_in_bytes()               { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _return_type);               }
 225     static int counter_temp_offset_in_bytes()              { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _counter_temp);              }
 226     static int initial_info_offset_in_bytes()              { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _initial_info);              }
 227     static int unpack_kind_offset_in_bytes()               { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _unpack_kind);               }
 228     static int sender_sp_temp_offset_in_bytes()            { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _sender_sp_temp);            }
 230     BasicType return_type() const { return _return_type; }
 231     void print();
 232   };
 234   //** Returns an UnrollBlock continuing information
 235   // how to make room for the resulting interpreter frames.
 236   // Called by assembly stub after execution has returned to
 237   // deoptimized frame.
 238   // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
 239   // @see OptoRuntime::deoptimization_fetch_unroll_info_C
 240   static UnrollBlock* fetch_unroll_info(JavaThread* thread);
 242   //** Unpacks vframeArray onto execution stack
 243   // Called by assembly stub after execution has returned to
 244   // deoptimized frame and after the stack unrolling.
 245   // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
 246   // @argument exec_mode.  Determines how execution should be continued in top frame.
 247   //                       0 means continue after current byte code
 248   //                       1 means exception has happened, handle exception
 249   //                       2 means reexecute current bytecode (for uncommon traps).
 250   // @see OptoRuntime::deoptimization_unpack_frames_C
 251   // Return BasicType of call return type, if any
 252   static BasicType unpack_frames(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode);
 254   // Cleans up deoptimization bits on thread after unpacking or in the
 255   // case of an exception.
 256   static void cleanup_deopt_info(JavaThread  *thread,
 257                                  vframeArray * array);
 259   // Restores callee saved values from deoptimized frame into oldest interpreter frame
 260   // so caller of the deoptimized frame will get back the values it expects.
 261   static void unwind_callee_save_values(frame* f, vframeArray* vframe_array);
 263   //** Performs an uncommon trap for compiled code.
 264   // The top most compiler frame is converted into interpreter frames
 265   static UnrollBlock* uncommon_trap(JavaThread* thread, jint unloaded_class_index);
 266   // Helper routine that enters the VM and may block
 267   static void uncommon_trap_inner(JavaThread* thread, jint unloaded_class_index);
 269   //** Deoptimizes the frame identified by id.
 270   // Only called from VMDeoptimizeFrame
 271   // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
 272   // @argument id.         id of frame that should be deoptimized.
 273   static void deoptimize_frame_internal(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id, DeoptReason reason);
 275   // if thread is not the current thread then execute
 276   // VM_DeoptimizeFrame otherwise deoptimize directly.
 277   static void deoptimize_frame(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id, DeoptReason reason);
 278   static void deoptimize_frame(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id);
 280   // Statistics
 281   static void gather_statistics(DeoptReason reason, DeoptAction action,
 282                                 Bytecodes::Code bc = Bytecodes::_illegal);
 283   static void print_statistics();
 285   // How much room to adjust the last frame's SP by, to make space for

 407   static MethodData* get_method_data(JavaThread* thread, methodHandle m, bool create_if_missing);
 408  private:
 409   // Update the mdo's count and per-BCI reason bits, returning previous state:
 410   static ProfileData* query_update_method_data(MethodData* trap_mdo,
 411                                                int trap_bci,
 412                                                DeoptReason reason,
 413                                                bool update_total_trap_count,
 415                                                bool is_osr,
 416 #endif
 417                                                Method* compiled_method,
 418                                                //outputs:
 419                                                uint& ret_this_trap_count,
 420                                                bool& ret_maybe_prior_trap,
 421                                                bool& ret_maybe_prior_recompile);
 422   // class loading support for uncommon trap
 423   static void load_class_by_index(constantPoolHandle constant_pool, int index, TRAPS);
 424   static void load_class_by_index(constantPoolHandle constant_pool, int index);
 426   static UnrollBlock* fetch_unroll_info_helper(JavaThread* thread);
 428   static DeoptAction _unloaded_action; // == Action_reinterpret;
 429   static const char* _trap_reason_name[];
 430   static const char* _trap_action_name[];
 432   static juint _deoptimization_hist[Reason_LIMIT][1+Action_LIMIT][BC_CASE_LIMIT];
 433   // Note:  Histogram array size is 1-2 Kb.
 435  public:
 436   static void update_method_data_from_interpreter(MethodData* trap_mdo, int trap_bci, int reason);
 437 };
 439 class DeoptimizationMarker : StackObj {  // for profiling
 440   static bool _is_active;
 441 public:
 442   DeoptimizationMarker()  { _is_active = true; }
 443   ~DeoptimizationMarker() { _is_active = false; }
 444   static bool is_active() { return _is_active; }
 445 };

 106     Action_make_not_entrant,      // invalidate the nmethod, recompile (probably)
 107     Action_make_not_compilable,   // invalidate the nmethod and do not compile
 108     Action_LIMIT
 109     // Note:  Keep this enum in sync. with _trap_action_name.
 110   };
 112   enum {
 113     _action_bits = 3,
 114     _reason_bits = 5,
 115     _debug_id_bits = 23,
 116     _action_shift = 0,
 117     _reason_shift = _action_shift+_action_bits,
 118     _debug_id_shift = _reason_shift+_reason_bits,
 119     BC_CASE_LIMIT = PRODUCT_ONLY(1) NOT_PRODUCT(4) // for _deoptimization_hist
 120   };
 122   enum UnpackType {
 123     Unpack_deopt                = 0, // normal deoptimization, use pc computed in unpack_vframe_on_stack
 124     Unpack_exception            = 1, // exception is pending
 125     Unpack_uncommon_trap        = 2, // redo last byte code (C2 only)
 126     Unpack_reexecute            = 3, // reexecute bytecode (C1 only)
 127     Unpack_LIMIT                = 4
 128   };
 130   // Checks all compiled methods. Invalid methods are deleted and
 131   // corresponding activations are deoptimized.
 132   static int deoptimize_dependents();
 134   // Deoptimizes a frame lazily. nmethod gets patched deopt happens on return to the frame
 135   static void deoptimize(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map);
 136   static void deoptimize(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, DeoptReason reason);
 138   private:
 139   // Does the actual work for deoptimizing a single frame
 140   static void deoptimize_single_frame(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, DeoptReason reason);
 142   // Helper function to revoke biases of all monitors in frame if UseBiasedLocking
 143   // is enabled
 144   static void revoke_biases_of_monitors(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap* map);
 145   // Helper function to revoke biases of all monitors in frames
 146   // executing in a particular CodeBlob if UseBiasedLocking is enabled
 147   static void revoke_biases_of_monitors(CodeBlob* cb);

 163   static vframeArray* create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk, bool realloc_failures);
 165   // Interface used for unpacking deoptimized frames
 167   // UnrollBlock is returned by fetch_unroll_info() to the deoptimization handler (blob).
 168   // This is only a CheapObj to ease debugging after a deopt failure
 169   class UnrollBlock : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
 170     friend class VMStructs;
 171    private:
 172     int       _size_of_deoptimized_frame; // Size, in bytes, of current deoptimized frame
 173     int       _caller_adjustment;         // Adjustment, in bytes, to caller's SP by initial interpreted frame
 174     int       _number_of_frames;          // Number frames to unroll
 175     int       _total_frame_sizes;         // Total of number*sizes frames
 176     intptr_t* _frame_sizes;               // Array of frame sizes, in bytes, for unrolling the stack
 177     address*  _frame_pcs;                 // Array of frame pc's, in bytes, for unrolling the stack
 178     intptr_t* _register_block;            // Block for storing callee-saved registers.
 179     BasicType _return_type;               // Tells if we have to restore double or long return value
 180     intptr_t  _initial_info;              // Platform dependent data for the sender frame (was FP on x86)
 181     int       _caller_actual_parameters;  // The number of actual arguments at the
 182                                           // interpreted caller of the deoptimized frame
 183     int       _unpack_kind;               // exec_mode that can be changed during fetch_unroll_info
 185     // The following fields are used as temps during the unpacking phase
 186     // (which is tight on registers, especially on x86). They really ought
 187     // to be PD variables but that involves moving this class into its own
 188     // file to use the pd include mechanism. Maybe in a later cleanup ...
 189     intptr_t  _counter_temp;              // SHOULD BE PD VARIABLE (x86 frame count temp)

 190     intptr_t  _sender_sp_temp;            // SHOULD BE PD VARIABLE (x86 sender_sp)
 191    public:
 192     // Constructor
 193     UnrollBlock(int  size_of_deoptimized_frame,
 194                 int  caller_adjustment,
 195                 int  caller_actual_parameters,
 196                 int  number_of_frames,
 197                 intptr_t* frame_sizes,
 198                 address* frames_pcs,
 199                 BasicType return_type,
 200                 int unpack_kind);
 201     ~UnrollBlock();
 203     // Returns where a register is located.
 204     intptr_t* value_addr_at(int register_number) const;
 206     // Accessors
 207     intptr_t* frame_sizes()  const { return _frame_sizes; }
 208     int number_of_frames()  const { return _number_of_frames; }
 209     address*  frame_pcs()   const { return _frame_pcs ; }
 210     int  unpack_kind()   const { return _unpack_kind; }
 212     // Returns the total size of frames
 213     int size_of_frames() const;
 215     void set_initial_info(intptr_t info) { _initial_info = info; }
 217     int caller_actual_parameters() const { return _caller_actual_parameters; }
 219     // Accessors used by the code generator for the unpack stub.
 220     static int size_of_deoptimized_frame_offset_in_bytes() { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _size_of_deoptimized_frame); }
 221     static int caller_adjustment_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _caller_adjustment);         }
 222     static int number_of_frames_offset_in_bytes()          { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _number_of_frames);          }
 223     static int frame_sizes_offset_in_bytes()               { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _frame_sizes);               }
 224     static int total_frame_sizes_offset_in_bytes()         { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _total_frame_sizes);         }
 225     static int frame_pcs_offset_in_bytes()                 { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _frame_pcs);                 }
 226     static int register_block_offset_in_bytes()            { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _register_block);            }
 227     static int return_type_offset_in_bytes()               { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _return_type);               }
 228     static int counter_temp_offset_in_bytes()              { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _counter_temp);              }
 229     static int initial_info_offset_in_bytes()              { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _initial_info);              }
 230     static int unpack_kind_offset_in_bytes()               { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _unpack_kind);               }
 231     static int sender_sp_temp_offset_in_bytes()            { return offset_of(UnrollBlock, _sender_sp_temp);            }
 233     BasicType return_type() const { return _return_type; }
 234     void print();
 235   };
 237   //** Returns an UnrollBlock continuing information
 238   // how to make room for the resulting interpreter frames.
 239   // Called by assembly stub after execution has returned to
 240   // deoptimized frame.
 241   // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
 242   // @see OptoRuntime::deoptimization_fetch_unroll_info_C
 243   static UnrollBlock* fetch_unroll_info(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode);
 245   //** Unpacks vframeArray onto execution stack
 246   // Called by assembly stub after execution has returned to
 247   // deoptimized frame and after the stack unrolling.
 248   // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
 249   // @argument exec_mode.  Determines how execution should be continued in top frame.
 250   //                       0 means continue after current byte code
 251   //                       1 means exception has happened, handle exception
 252   //                       2 means reexecute current bytecode (for uncommon traps).
 253   // @see OptoRuntime::deoptimization_unpack_frames_C
 254   // Return BasicType of call return type, if any
 255   static BasicType unpack_frames(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode);
 257   // Cleans up deoptimization bits on thread after unpacking or in the
 258   // case of an exception.
 259   static void cleanup_deopt_info(JavaThread  *thread,
 260                                  vframeArray * array);
 262   // Restores callee saved values from deoptimized frame into oldest interpreter frame
 263   // so caller of the deoptimized frame will get back the values it expects.
 264   static void unwind_callee_save_values(frame* f, vframeArray* vframe_array);
 266   //** Performs an uncommon trap for compiled code.
 267   // The top most compiler frame is converted into interpreter frames
 268   static UnrollBlock* uncommon_trap(JavaThread* thread, jint unloaded_class_index, jint exec_mode);
 269   // Helper routine that enters the VM and may block
 270   static void uncommon_trap_inner(JavaThread* thread, jint unloaded_class_index);
 272   //** Deoptimizes the frame identified by id.
 273   // Only called from VMDeoptimizeFrame
 274   // @argument thread.     Thread where stub_frame resides.
 275   // @argument id.         id of frame that should be deoptimized.
 276   static void deoptimize_frame_internal(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id, DeoptReason reason);
 278   // if thread is not the current thread then execute
 279   // VM_DeoptimizeFrame otherwise deoptimize directly.
 280   static void deoptimize_frame(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id, DeoptReason reason);
 281   static void deoptimize_frame(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* id);
 283   // Statistics
 284   static void gather_statistics(DeoptReason reason, DeoptAction action,
 285                                 Bytecodes::Code bc = Bytecodes::_illegal);
 286   static void print_statistics();
 288   // How much room to adjust the last frame's SP by, to make space for

 410   static MethodData* get_method_data(JavaThread* thread, methodHandle m, bool create_if_missing);
 411  private:
 412   // Update the mdo's count and per-BCI reason bits, returning previous state:
 413   static ProfileData* query_update_method_data(MethodData* trap_mdo,
 414                                                int trap_bci,
 415                                                DeoptReason reason,
 416                                                bool update_total_trap_count,
 418                                                bool is_osr,
 419 #endif
 420                                                Method* compiled_method,
 421                                                //outputs:
 422                                                uint& ret_this_trap_count,
 423                                                bool& ret_maybe_prior_trap,
 424                                                bool& ret_maybe_prior_recompile);
 425   // class loading support for uncommon trap
 426   static void load_class_by_index(constantPoolHandle constant_pool, int index, TRAPS);
 427   static void load_class_by_index(constantPoolHandle constant_pool, int index);
 429   static UnrollBlock* fetch_unroll_info_helper(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode);
 431   static DeoptAction _unloaded_action; // == Action_reinterpret;
 432   static const char* _trap_reason_name[];
 433   static const char* _trap_action_name[];
 435   static juint _deoptimization_hist[Reason_LIMIT][1+Action_LIMIT][BC_CASE_LIMIT];
 436   // Note:  Histogram array size is 1-2 Kb.
 438  public:
 439   static void update_method_data_from_interpreter(MethodData* trap_mdo, int trap_bci, int reason);
 440 };
 442 class DeoptimizationMarker : StackObj {  // for profiling
 443   static bool _is_active;
 444 public:
 445   DeoptimizationMarker()  { _is_active = true; }
 446   ~DeoptimizationMarker() { _is_active = false; }
 447   static bool is_active() { return _is_active; }
 448 };
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