Extension point that can be executed from the Mission Control shell or from the command line using '-' as a prefix. The name or keyword for the command. A human readabe name of the command. A description of the command. The class that should be invoked when the command is executed. The class must implement org.openjdk.jmc.commands.IExecute. The category the command belongs to, e.g. "General", "Scripting" Set to true if the command requires a display or access to the workbench window to execute. The name that should be used to identify the parameter. A human readabe name of the parameter. A description of the parameter. An example value for the parameter. Used by the help system. Set to true if the parameter should be optional. the name that should be used to identigy the parameter A human readabe name of the parameter. A description of the parameter. An example value for the parameter. Used by the help system. Set to true if the parameter should be optional. the name that should be used to identigy the parameter A human readabe name of the parameter. A description of the parameter. An example value for the parameter. Used by the help system. Set to true if the parameter should be optional. 4.1.0 <pre> <command class="com.test.HelloWorld" description="Prints hello world." identifier="helloworld" name="Hello World" category="General"/> package com.test; import java.io.PrintStream; import org.openjdk.jmc.commands.IExecute; import org.openjdk.jmc.commands.Statement; public class HelloWorld implements IExecute { public boolean execute(Statement statment, PrintStream writer) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } </pre> Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.