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rev 5191 : 8024922: PPC64 (part 116): Extend adlc to generate fields into nodes.
Summary: Similar to secifying functions returning constants (as ins_avoid_back_to_back()) adlc now accepts specifications with prefix ins_field_xxx(tp) and adds field xxx of type tp to the node.

1522   declare_pipe_classes(fp);
1524   // Generate Machine Classes for each instruction defined in AD file
1525   fprintf(fp,"\n");
1526   fprintf(fp,"//----------------------------Declare classes derived from MachNode----------\n");
1527   _instructions.reset();
1528   InstructForm *instr;
1529   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
1530     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
1531     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
1533     // Build class definition for this instruction
1534     fprintf(fp,"\n");
1535     fprintf(fp,"class %sNode : public %s { \n",
1536             instr->_ident, instr->mach_base_class(_globalNames) );
1537     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1538     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *_opnd_array[%d];\n", instr->num_opnds() );
1539     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1540       fprintf(fp, "  GrowableArray<Label*> _index2label;\n");
1541     }
1542     fprintf(fp,"public:\n");

1543     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *opnd_array(uint operand_index) const {\n");
1544     fprintf(fp,"    assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\");\n");
1545     fprintf(fp,"    return _opnd_array[operand_index];\n");
1546     fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
1547     fprintf(fp,"  void      set_opnd_array(uint operand_index, MachOper *operand) {\n");
1548     fprintf(fp,"    assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\");\n");
1549     fprintf(fp,"    _opnd_array[operand_index] = operand;\n");
1550     fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
1551     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1552     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1553       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           add_case_label(int index_num, Label* blockLabel) {\n");
1554       fprintf(fp,"    _index2label.at_put_grow(index_num, blockLabel);\n");
1555       fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
1556     }
1557     if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1558       fprintf(fp,"  const RegMask  *_cisc_RegMask;\n");
1559     }
1561     out_RegMask(fp);                      // output register mask
1562     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           rule() const { return %s_rule; }\n",

1569       // Set/Save the label, stored in labelOper::_branch_label
1570       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );\n");
1571       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           save_label( Label** label, uint* block_num );\n");
1572     }
1574     // If this instruction contains a methodOper
1575     // Declare Node::methods that set operand method's contents
1576     int method_position = instr->method_position();
1577     if( method_position != -1 ) {
1578       // Set the address method, stored in methodOper::_method
1579       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           method_set( intptr_t method );\n");
1580     }
1582     // virtual functions for attributes
1583     //
1584     // Each instruction attribute results in a virtual call of same name.
1585     // The ins_cost is not handled here.
1586     Attribute *attr = instr->_attribs;
1587     bool avoid_back_to_back = false;
1588     while (attr != NULL) {
1589       if (strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_cost") &&
1590           strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_short_branch")) {

1591         fprintf(fp,"          int            %s() const { return %s; }\n",
1592                 attr->_ident, attr->_val);
1593       }
1594       // Check value for ins_avoid_back_to_back, and if it is true (1), set the flag
1595       if (!strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_avoid_back_to_back") && attr->int_val(*this) != 0)
1596         avoid_back_to_back = true;
1597       attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next;
1598     }
1600     // virtual functions for encode and format
1602     // Virtual function for evaluating the constant.
1603     if (instr->is_mach_constant()) {
1604       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           eval_constant(Compile* C);\n");
1605     }
1607     // Output the opcode function and the encode function here using the
1608     // encoding class information in the _insencode slot.
1609     if ( instr->_insencode ) {
1610       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");

1522   declare_pipe_classes(fp);
1524   // Generate Machine Classes for each instruction defined in AD file
1525   fprintf(fp,"\n");
1526   fprintf(fp,"//----------------------------Declare classes derived from MachNode----------\n");
1527   _instructions.reset();
1528   InstructForm *instr;
1529   for( ; (instr = (InstructForm*)_instructions.iter()) != NULL; ) {
1530     // Ensure this is a machine-world instruction
1531     if ( instr->ideal_only() ) continue;
1533     // Build class definition for this instruction
1534     fprintf(fp,"\n");
1535     fprintf(fp,"class %sNode : public %s { \n",
1536             instr->_ident, instr->mach_base_class(_globalNames) );
1537     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1538     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *_opnd_array[%d];\n", instr->num_opnds() );
1539     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1540       fprintf(fp, "  GrowableArray<Label*> _index2label;\n");
1541     }
1543     fprintf(fp, "public:\n");
1545     Attribute *att = instr->_attribs;
1546     // Fields of the node specified in the ad file.
1547     while (att != NULL) {
1548       if (strncmp(att->_ident, "ins_field_", 10) == 0) {
1549         const char *field_name = att->_ident+10;
1550         const char *field_type = att->_val;
1551         fprintf(fp, "  %s _%s;\n", field_type, field_name);
1552       }
1553       att = (Attribute *)att->_next;
1554     }
1556     fprintf(fp,"  MachOper *opnd_array(uint operand_index) const {\n");
1557     fprintf(fp,"    assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\");\n");
1558     fprintf(fp,"    return _opnd_array[operand_index];\n");
1559     fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
1560     fprintf(fp,"  void      set_opnd_array(uint operand_index, MachOper *operand) {\n");
1561     fprintf(fp,"    assert(operand_index < _num_opnds, \"invalid _opnd_array index\");\n");
1562     fprintf(fp,"    _opnd_array[operand_index] = operand;\n");
1563     fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
1564     fprintf(fp,"private:\n");
1565     if ( instr->is_ideal_jump() ) {
1566       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           add_case_label(int index_num, Label* blockLabel) {\n");
1567       fprintf(fp,"    _index2label.at_put_grow(index_num, blockLabel);\n");
1568       fprintf(fp,"  }\n");
1569     }
1570     if( can_cisc_spill() && (instr->cisc_spill_alternate() != NULL) ) {
1571       fprintf(fp,"  const RegMask  *_cisc_RegMask;\n");
1572     }
1574     out_RegMask(fp);                      // output register mask
1575     fprintf(fp,"  virtual uint           rule() const { return %s_rule; }\n",

1582       // Set/Save the label, stored in labelOper::_branch_label
1583       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           label_set( Label* label, uint block_num );\n");
1584       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           save_label( Label** label, uint* block_num );\n");
1585     }
1587     // If this instruction contains a methodOper
1588     // Declare Node::methods that set operand method's contents
1589     int method_position = instr->method_position();
1590     if( method_position != -1 ) {
1591       // Set the address method, stored in methodOper::_method
1592       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           method_set( intptr_t method );\n");
1593     }
1595     // virtual functions for attributes
1596     //
1597     // Each instruction attribute results in a virtual call of same name.
1598     // The ins_cost is not handled here.
1599     Attribute *attr = instr->_attribs;
1600     bool avoid_back_to_back = false;
1601     while (attr != NULL) {
1602       if (strcmp (attr->_ident,"ins_cost") &&
1603           strncmp(attr->_ident,"ins_field_", 10) != 0 &&
1604           strcmp (attr->_ident,"ins_short_branch")) {
1605         fprintf(fp,"          int            %s() const { return %s; }\n",
1606                 attr->_ident, attr->_val);
1607       }
1608       // Check value for ins_avoid_back_to_back, and if it is true (1), set the flag
1609       if (!strcmp(attr->_ident,"ins_avoid_back_to_back") && attr->int_val(*this) != 0)
1610         avoid_back_to_back = true;
1611       attr = (Attribute *)attr->_next;
1612     }
1614     // virtual functions for encode and format
1616     // Virtual function for evaluating the constant.
1617     if (instr->is_mach_constant()) {
1618       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           eval_constant(Compile* C);\n");
1619     }
1621     // Output the opcode function and the encode function here using the
1622     // encoding class information in the _insencode slot.
1623     if ( instr->_insencode ) {
1624       fprintf(fp,"  virtual void           emit(CodeBuffer &cbuf, PhaseRegAlloc *ra_) const;\n");