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rev 9080 : 8139040: Fix initializations before ShouldNotReachHere() etc. and enable -Wuninitialized on linux.
rev 9081 : imported patch more.patch

1650     __ cmpptr(recv_addr, (intptr_t)NULL_WORD);
1651     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, next_test);
1652     __ movptr(recv_addr, recv);
1653     __ movptr(Address(mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, ReceiverTypeData::receiver_count_offset(i))), DataLayout::counter_increment);
1654     __ jmp(*update_done);
1655     __ bind(next_test);
1656   }
1657 }
1659 void LIR_Assembler::emit_typecheck_helper(LIR_OpTypeCheck *op, Label* success, Label* failure, Label* obj_is_null) {
1660   // we always need a stub for the failure case.
1661   CodeStub* stub = op->stub();
1662   Register obj = op->object()->as_register();
1663   Register k_RInfo = op->tmp1()->as_register();
1664   Register klass_RInfo = op->tmp2()->as_register();
1665   Register dst = op->result_opr()->as_register();
1666   ciKlass* k = op->klass();
1667   Register Rtmp1 = noreg;
1669   // check if it needs to be profiled
1670   ciMethodData* md;
1671   ciProfileData* data;
1673   if (op->should_profile()) {
1674     ciMethod* method = op->profiled_method();
1675     assert(method != NULL, "Should have method");
1676     int bci = op->profiled_bci();
1677     md = method->method_data_or_null();
1678     assert(md != NULL, "Sanity");
1679     data = md->bci_to_data(bci);
1680     assert(data != NULL,                "need data for type check");
1681     assert(data->is_ReceiverTypeData(), "need ReceiverTypeData for type check");
1682   }
1683   Label profile_cast_success, profile_cast_failure;
1684   Label *success_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_success : success;
1685   Label *failure_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_failure : failure;
1687   if (obj == k_RInfo) {
1688     k_RInfo = dst;
1689   } else if (obj == klass_RInfo) {
1690     klass_RInfo = dst;
1691   }

1810     Address counter_addr(mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, CounterData::count_offset()));
1811     __ subptr(counter_addr, DataLayout::counter_increment);
1812     __ jmp(*failure);
1813   }
1814   __ jmp(*success);
1815 }
1818 void LIR_Assembler::emit_opTypeCheck(LIR_OpTypeCheck* op) {
1819   LIR_Code code = op->code();
1820   if (code == lir_store_check) {
1821     Register value = op->object()->as_register();
1822     Register array = op->array()->as_register();
1823     Register k_RInfo = op->tmp1()->as_register();
1824     Register klass_RInfo = op->tmp2()->as_register();
1825     Register Rtmp1 = op->tmp3()->as_register();
1827     CodeStub* stub = op->stub();
1829     // check if it needs to be profiled
1830     ciMethodData* md;
1831     ciProfileData* data;
1833     if (op->should_profile()) {
1834       ciMethod* method = op->profiled_method();
1835       assert(method != NULL, "Should have method");
1836       int bci = op->profiled_bci();
1837       md = method->method_data_or_null();
1838       assert(md != NULL, "Sanity");
1839       data = md->bci_to_data(bci);
1840       assert(data != NULL,                "need data for type check");
1841       assert(data->is_ReceiverTypeData(), "need ReceiverTypeData for type check");
1842     }
1843     Label profile_cast_success, profile_cast_failure, done;
1844     Label *success_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_success : &done;
1845     Label *failure_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_failure : stub->entry();
1847     __ cmpptr(value, (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
1848     if (op->should_profile()) {
1849       Label not_null;
1850       __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, not_null);
1851       // Object is null; update MDO and exit

3169     __ movptr   (dst_pos, Address(rsp, 1*BytesPerWord));
3170     __ movptr   (length,  Address(rsp, 2*BytesPerWord));
3171     __ movptr   (src_pos, Address(rsp, 3*BytesPerWord));
3172     __ movptr   (src,     Address(rsp, 4*BytesPerWord));
3174     if (copyfunc_addr != NULL) {
3175       __ subl(length, tmp);
3176       __ addl(src_pos, tmp);
3177       __ addl(dst_pos, tmp);
3178     }
3179     __ jmp(*stub->entry());
3181     __ bind(*stub->continuation());
3182     return;
3183   }
3185   assert(default_type != NULL && default_type->is_array_klass() && default_type->is_loaded(), "must be true at this point");
3187   int elem_size = type2aelembytes(basic_type);
3188   int shift_amount;
3189   Address::ScaleFactor scale;
3191   switch (elem_size) {
3192     case 1 :
3193       shift_amount = 0;
3194       scale = Address::times_1;
3195       break;
3196     case 2 :
3197       shift_amount = 1;
3198       scale = Address::times_2;
3199       break;
3200     case 4 :
3201       shift_amount = 2;
3202       scale = Address::times_4;
3203       break;
3204     case 8 :
3205       shift_amount = 3;
3206       scale = Address::times_8;
3207       break;
3208     default:
3209       ShouldNotReachHere();

1650     __ cmpptr(recv_addr, (intptr_t)NULL_WORD);
1651     __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, next_test);
1652     __ movptr(recv_addr, recv);
1653     __ movptr(Address(mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, ReceiverTypeData::receiver_count_offset(i))), DataLayout::counter_increment);
1654     __ jmp(*update_done);
1655     __ bind(next_test);
1656   }
1657 }
1659 void LIR_Assembler::emit_typecheck_helper(LIR_OpTypeCheck *op, Label* success, Label* failure, Label* obj_is_null) {
1660   // we always need a stub for the failure case.
1661   CodeStub* stub = op->stub();
1662   Register obj = op->object()->as_register();
1663   Register k_RInfo = op->tmp1()->as_register();
1664   Register klass_RInfo = op->tmp2()->as_register();
1665   Register dst = op->result_opr()->as_register();
1666   ciKlass* k = op->klass();
1667   Register Rtmp1 = noreg;
1669   // check if it needs to be profiled
1670   ciMethodData* md = NULL;
1671   ciProfileData* data = NULL;
1673   if (op->should_profile()) {
1674     ciMethod* method = op->profiled_method();
1675     assert(method != NULL, "Should have method");
1676     int bci = op->profiled_bci();
1677     md = method->method_data_or_null();
1678     assert(md != NULL, "Sanity");
1679     data = md->bci_to_data(bci);
1680     assert(data != NULL,                "need data for type check");
1681     assert(data->is_ReceiverTypeData(), "need ReceiverTypeData for type check");
1682   }
1683   Label profile_cast_success, profile_cast_failure;
1684   Label *success_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_success : success;
1685   Label *failure_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_failure : failure;
1687   if (obj == k_RInfo) {
1688     k_RInfo = dst;
1689   } else if (obj == klass_RInfo) {
1690     klass_RInfo = dst;
1691   }

1810     Address counter_addr(mdo, md->byte_offset_of_slot(data, CounterData::count_offset()));
1811     __ subptr(counter_addr, DataLayout::counter_increment);
1812     __ jmp(*failure);
1813   }
1814   __ jmp(*success);
1815 }
1818 void LIR_Assembler::emit_opTypeCheck(LIR_OpTypeCheck* op) {
1819   LIR_Code code = op->code();
1820   if (code == lir_store_check) {
1821     Register value = op->object()->as_register();
1822     Register array = op->array()->as_register();
1823     Register k_RInfo = op->tmp1()->as_register();
1824     Register klass_RInfo = op->tmp2()->as_register();
1825     Register Rtmp1 = op->tmp3()->as_register();
1827     CodeStub* stub = op->stub();
1829     // check if it needs to be profiled
1830     ciMethodData* md = NULL;
1831     ciProfileData* data = NULL;
1833     if (op->should_profile()) {
1834       ciMethod* method = op->profiled_method();
1835       assert(method != NULL, "Should have method");
1836       int bci = op->profiled_bci();
1837       md = method->method_data_or_null();
1838       assert(md != NULL, "Sanity");
1839       data = md->bci_to_data(bci);
1840       assert(data != NULL,                "need data for type check");
1841       assert(data->is_ReceiverTypeData(), "need ReceiverTypeData for type check");
1842     }
1843     Label profile_cast_success, profile_cast_failure, done;
1844     Label *success_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_success : &done;
1845     Label *failure_target = op->should_profile() ? &profile_cast_failure : stub->entry();
1847     __ cmpptr(value, (int32_t)NULL_WORD);
1848     if (op->should_profile()) {
1849       Label not_null;
1850       __ jccb(Assembler::notEqual, not_null);
1851       // Object is null; update MDO and exit

3169     __ movptr   (dst_pos, Address(rsp, 1*BytesPerWord));
3170     __ movptr   (length,  Address(rsp, 2*BytesPerWord));
3171     __ movptr   (src_pos, Address(rsp, 3*BytesPerWord));
3172     __ movptr   (src,     Address(rsp, 4*BytesPerWord));
3174     if (copyfunc_addr != NULL) {
3175       __ subl(length, tmp);
3176       __ addl(src_pos, tmp);
3177       __ addl(dst_pos, tmp);
3178     }
3179     __ jmp(*stub->entry());
3181     __ bind(*stub->continuation());
3182     return;
3183   }
3185   assert(default_type != NULL && default_type->is_array_klass() && default_type->is_loaded(), "must be true at this point");
3187   int elem_size = type2aelembytes(basic_type);
3188   int shift_amount;
3189   Address::ScaleFactor scale = Address::no_scale;
3191   switch (elem_size) {
3192     case 1 :
3193       shift_amount = 0;
3194       scale = Address::times_1;
3195       break;
3196     case 2 :
3197       shift_amount = 1;
3198       scale = Address::times_2;
3199       break;
3200     case 4 :
3201       shift_amount = 2;
3202       scale = Address::times_4;
3203       break;
3204     case 8 :
3205       shift_amount = 3;
3206       scale = Address::times_8;
3207       break;
3208     default:
3209       ShouldNotReachHere();

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