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rev 9019 : [mq]: format.patch

  36 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  37 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  38 #include "oops/method.hpp"
  39 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  40 #include "oops/verifyOopClosure.hpp"
  41 #include "prims/jvmtiThreadState.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/biasedLocking.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/signature.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  50 #include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
  51 #include "runtime/vframeArray.hpp"
  52 #include "runtime/vframe_hp.hpp"
  53 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  54 #include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp"
  58 bool DeoptimizationMarker::_is_active = false;
  60 Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::UnrollBlock(int  size_of_deoptimized_frame,
  61                                          int  caller_adjustment,
  62                                          int  caller_actual_parameters,
  63                                          int  number_of_frames,
  64                                          intptr_t* frame_sizes,
  65                                          address* frame_pcs,
  66                                          BasicType return_type) {
  67   _size_of_deoptimized_frame = size_of_deoptimized_frame;
  68   _caller_adjustment         = caller_adjustment;
  69   _caller_actual_parameters  = caller_actual_parameters;
  70   _number_of_frames          = number_of_frames;
  71   _frame_sizes               = frame_sizes;
  72   _frame_pcs                 = frame_pcs;
  73   _register_block            = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(intptr_t, RegisterMap::reg_count * 2, mtCompiler);
  74   _return_type               = return_type;
  75   _initial_info              = 0;
  76   // PD (x86 only)
  77   _counter_temp              = 0;

  95 }
  99 int Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::size_of_frames() const {
 100   // Acount first for the adjustment of the initial frame
 101   int result = _caller_adjustment;
 102   for (int index = 0; index < number_of_frames(); index++) {
 103     result += frame_sizes()[index];
 104   }
 105   return result;
 106 }
 109 void Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::print() {
 110   ttyLocker ttyl;
 111   tty->print_cr("UnrollBlock");
 112   tty->print_cr("  size_of_deoptimized_frame = %d", _size_of_deoptimized_frame);
 113   tty->print(   "  frame_sizes: ");
 114   for (int index = 0; index < number_of_frames(); index++) {
 115     tty->print("%d ", frame_sizes()[index]);
 116   }
 117   tty->cr();
 118 }
 121 // In order to make fetch_unroll_info work properly with escape
 122 // analysis, The method was changed from JRT_LEAF to JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY and
 123 // ResetNoHandleMark and HandleMark were removed from it. The actual reallocation
 124 // of previously eliminated objects occurs in realloc_objects, which is
 125 // called from the method fetch_unroll_info_helper below.
 126 JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(Deoptimization::UnrollBlock*, Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info(JavaThread* thread))
 127   // It is actually ok to allocate handles in a leaf method. It causes no safepoints,
 128   // but makes the entry a little slower. There is however a little dance we have to
 129   // do in debug mode to get around the NoHandleMark code in the JRT_LEAF macro
 131   // fetch_unroll_info() is called at the beginning of the deoptimization
 132   // handler. Note this fact before we start generating temporary frames
 133   // that can confuse an asynchronous stack walker. This counter is
 134   // decremented at the end of unpack_frames().
 135   thread->inc_in_deopt_handler();

 190       // The flag return_oop() indicates call sites which return oop
 191       // in compiled code. Such sites include java method calls,
 192       // runtime calls (for example, used to allocate new objects/arrays
 193       // on slow code path) and any other calls generated in compiled code.
 194       // It is not guaranteed that we can get such information here only
 195       // by analyzing bytecode in deoptimized frames. This is why this flag
 196       // is set during method compilation (see Compile::Process_OopMap_Node()).
 197       // If the previous frame was popped, we don't have a result.
 198       bool save_oop_result = chunk->at(0)->scope()->return_oop() && !thread->popframe_forcing_deopt_reexecution();
 199       Handle return_value;
 200       if (save_oop_result) {
 201         // Reallocation may trigger GC. If deoptimization happened on return from
 202         // call which returns oop we need to save it since it is not in oopmap.
 203         oop result = deoptee.saved_oop_result(&map);
 204         assert(result == NULL || result->is_oop(), "must be oop");
 205         return_value = Handle(thread, result);
 206         assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(result), "must be heap pointer");
 207         if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 208           ttyLocker ttyl;
 209           tty->print_cr("SAVED OOP RESULT " INTPTR_FORMAT " in thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, (void *)result, thread);
 210         }
 211       }
 212       if (objects != NULL) {
 213         JRT_BLOCK
 214           realloc_failures = realloc_objects(thread, &deoptee, objects, THREAD);
 215         JRT_END
 216         reassign_fields(&deoptee, &map, objects, realloc_failures);
 217 #ifndef PRODUCT
 218         if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 219           ttyLocker ttyl;
 220           tty->print_cr("REALLOC OBJECTS in thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, thread);
 221           print_objects(objects, realloc_failures);
 222         }
 223 #endif
 224       }
 225       if (save_oop_result) {
 226         // Restore result.
 227         deoptee.set_saved_oop_result(&map, return_value());
 228       }
 229     }
 230     if (EliminateLocks) {
 231 #ifndef PRODUCT
 232       bool first = true;
 233 #endif
 234       for (int i = 0; i < chunk->length(); i++) {
 235         compiledVFrame* cvf = chunk->at(i);
 236         assert (cvf->scope() != NULL,"expect only compiled java frames");
 237         GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* monitors = cvf->monitors();
 238         if (monitors->is_nonempty()) {
 239           relock_objects(monitors, thread, realloc_failures);
 240 #ifndef PRODUCT
 241           if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 242             ttyLocker ttyl;
 243             for (int j = 0; j < monitors->length(); j++) {
 244               MonitorInfo* mi = monitors->at(j);
 245               if (mi->eliminated()) {
 246                 if (first) {
 247                   first = false;
 248                   tty->print_cr("RELOCK OBJECTS in thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, thread);
 249                 }
 250                 if (mi->owner_is_scalar_replaced()) {
 251                   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mi->owner_klass());
 252                   tty->print_cr("     failed reallocation for klass %s", k->external_name());
 253                 } else {
 254                   tty->print_cr("     object <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> locked", (void *)mi->owner());
 255                 }
 256               }
 257             }
 258           }
 259 #endif
 260         }
 261       }
 262     }
 263   }
 264 #endif // COMPILER2
 265   // Ensure that no safepoint is taken after pointers have been stored
 266   // in fields of rematerialized objects.  If a safepoint occurs from here on
 267   // out the java state residing in the vframeArray will be missed.
 268   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;
 270   vframeArray* array = create_vframeArray(thread, deoptee, &map, chunk, realloc_failures);
 271 #ifdef COMPILER2
 272   if (realloc_failures) {
 273     pop_frames_failed_reallocs(thread, array);
 274   }

 533 JRT_LEAF(BasicType, Deoptimization::unpack_frames(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode))
 535   // We are already active int he special DeoptResourceMark any ResourceObj's we
 536   // allocate will be freed at the end of the routine.
 538   // It is actually ok to allocate handles in a leaf method. It causes no safepoints,
 539   // but makes the entry a little slower. There is however a little dance we have to
 540   // do in debug mode to get around the NoHandleMark code in the JRT_LEAF macro
 541   ResetNoHandleMark rnhm; // No-op in release/product versions
 542   HandleMark hm;
 544   frame stub_frame = thread->last_frame();
 546   // Since the frame to unpack is the top frame of this thread, the vframe_array_head
 547   // must point to the vframeArray for the unpack frame.
 548   vframeArray* array = thread->vframe_array_head();
 550 #ifndef PRODUCT
 551   if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 552     ttyLocker ttyl;
 553     tty->print_cr("DEOPT UNPACKING thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " vframeArray " INTPTR_FORMAT " mode %d", thread, array, exec_mode);

 554   }
 555 #endif
 556   Events::log(thread, "DEOPT UNPACKING pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT " sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT " mode %d",
 557               stub_frame.pc(), stub_frame.sp(), exec_mode);
 559   UnrollBlock* info = array->unroll_block();
 561   // Unpack the interpreter frames and any adapter frame (c2 only) we might create.
 562   array->unpack_to_stack(stub_frame, exec_mode, info->caller_actual_parameters());
 564   BasicType bt = info->return_type();
 566   // If we have an exception pending, claim that the return type is an oop
 567   // so the deopt_blob does not overwrite the exception_oop.
 569   if (exec_mode == Unpack_exception)
 570     bt = T_OBJECT;
 572   // Cleanup thread deopt data
 573   cleanup_deopt_info(thread, array);
 575 #ifndef PRODUCT
 576   if (VerifyStack) {
 577     ResourceMark res_mark;

 673                                                                     top_frame_expression_stack_adjustment))) ||
 674             (is_top_frame && (exec_mode == Unpack_exception) && iframe->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() == 0) ||
 675             (is_top_frame && (exec_mode == Unpack_uncommon_trap || exec_mode == Unpack_reexecute || el->should_reexecute()) &&
 676              (iframe->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() == mask.expression_stack_size() + cur_invoke_parameter_size))
 677             )) {
 678         ttyLocker ttyl;
 680         // Print out some information that will help us debug the problem
 681         tty->print_cr("Wrong number of expression stack elements during deoptimization");
 682         tty->print_cr("  Error occurred while verifying frame %d (0..%d, 0 is topmost)", i, cur_array->frames() - 1);
 683         tty->print_cr("  Fabricated interpreter frame had %d expression stack elements",
 684                       iframe->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size());
 685         tty->print_cr("  Interpreter oop map had %d expression stack elements", mask.expression_stack_size());
 686         tty->print_cr("  try_next_mask = %d", try_next_mask);
 687         tty->print_cr("  next_mask_expression_stack_size = %d", next_mask_expression_stack_size);
 688         tty->print_cr("  callee_size_of_parameters = %d", callee_size_of_parameters);
 689         tty->print_cr("  callee_max_locals = %d", callee_max_locals);
 690         tty->print_cr("  top_frame_expression_stack_adjustment = %d", top_frame_expression_stack_adjustment);
 691         tty->print_cr("  exec_mode = %d", exec_mode);
 692         tty->print_cr("  cur_invoke_parameter_size = %d", cur_invoke_parameter_size);
 693         tty->print_cr("  Thread = " INTPTR_FORMAT ", thread ID = " UINTX_FORMAT, thread, thread->osthread()->thread_id());
 694         tty->print_cr("  Interpreted frames:");
 695         for (int k = 0; k < cur_array->frames(); k++) {
 696           vframeArrayElement* el = cur_array->element(k);
 697           tty->print_cr("    %s (bci %d)", el->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), el->bci());
 698         }
 699         cur_array->print_on_2(tty);
 700         guarantee(false, "wrong number of expression stack elements during deopt");
 701       }
 702       VerifyOopClosure verify;
 703       iframe->oops_interpreted_do(&verify, NULL, &rm, false);
 704       callee_size_of_parameters = mh->size_of_parameters();
 705       callee_max_locals = mh->max_locals();
 706       is_top_frame = false;
 707     }
 708   }
 709 #endif /* !PRODUCT */
 712   return bt;
 713 JRT_END

 949         }
 950         BasicLock* lock = mon_info->lock();
 951         ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter(obj, lock, thread);
 952         assert(mon_info->owner()->is_locked(), "object must be locked now");
 953       }
 954     }
 955   }
 956 }
 959 #ifndef PRODUCT
 960 // print information about reallocated objects
 961 void Deoptimization::print_objects(GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, bool realloc_failures) {
 962   fieldDescriptor fd;
 964   for (int i = 0; i < objects->length(); i++) {
 965     ObjectValue* sv = (ObjectValue*) objects->at(i);
 966     KlassHandle k(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(sv->klass()->as_ConstantOopReadValue()->value()()));
 967     Handle obj = sv->value();
 969     tty->print("     object <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> of type ", (void *)sv->value()());
 970     k->print_value();
 971     assert(obj.not_null() || realloc_failures, "reallocation was missed");
 972     if (obj.is_null()) {
 973       tty->print(" allocation failed");
 974     } else {
 975       tty->print(" allocated (%d bytes)", obj->size() * HeapWordSize);
 976     }
 977     tty->cr();
 979     if (Verbose && !obj.is_null()) {
 980       k->oop_print_on(obj(), tty);
 981     }
 982   }
 983 }
 984 #endif
 985 #endif // COMPILER2
 987 vframeArray* Deoptimization::create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk, bool realloc_failures) {
 988   Events::log(thread, "DEOPT PACKING pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT " sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT, fr.pc(), fr.sp());
 990 #ifndef PRODUCT
 991   if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 992     ttyLocker ttyl;
 993     tty->print("DEOPT PACKING thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " ", thread);
 994     fr.print_on(tty);
 995     tty->print_cr("     Virtual frames (innermost first):");
 996     for (int index = 0; index < chunk->length(); index++) {
 997       compiledVFrame* vf = chunk->at(index);
 998       tty->print("       %2d - ", index);
 999       vf->print_value();
1000       int bci = chunk->at(index)->raw_bci();
1001       const char* code_name;
1002       if (bci == SynchronizationEntryBCI) {
1003         code_name = "sync entry";
1004       } else {
1005         Bytecodes::Code code = vf->method()->code_at(bci);
1006         code_name = Bytecodes::name(code);
1007       }
1008       tty->print(" - %s", code_name);
1009       tty->print_cr(" @ bci %d ", bci);
1010       if (Verbose) {
1011         vf->print();
1012         tty->cr();
1013       }

1018   // Register map for next frame (used for stack crawl).  We capture
1019   // the state of the deopt'ing frame's caller.  Thus if we need to
1020   // stuff a C2I adapter we can properly fill in the callee-save
1021   // register locations.
1022   frame caller = fr.sender(reg_map);
1023   int frame_size = caller.sp() - fr.sp();
1025   frame sender = caller;
1027   // Since the Java thread being deoptimized will eventually adjust it's own stack,
1028   // the vframeArray containing the unpacking information is allocated in the C heap.
1029   // For Compiler1, the caller of the deoptimized frame is saved for use by unpack_frames().
1030   vframeArray* array = vframeArray::allocate(thread, frame_size, chunk, reg_map, sender, caller, fr, realloc_failures);
1032   // Compare the vframeArray to the collected vframes
1033   assert(array->structural_compare(thread, chunk), "just checking");
1035 #ifndef PRODUCT
1036   if (TraceDeoptimization) {
1037     ttyLocker ttyl;
1038     tty->print_cr("     Created vframeArray " INTPTR_FORMAT, array);
1039   }
1040 #endif // PRODUCT
1042   return array;
1043 }
1045 #ifdef COMPILER2
1046 void Deoptimization::pop_frames_failed_reallocs(JavaThread* thread, vframeArray* array) {
1047   // Reallocation of some scalar replaced objects failed. Record
1048   // that we need to pop all the interpreter frames for the
1049   // deoptimized compiled frame.
1050   assert(thread->frames_to_pop_failed_realloc() == 0, "missed frames to pop?");
1051   thread->set_frames_to_pop_failed_realloc(array->frames());
1052   // Unlock all monitors here otherwise the interpreter will see a
1053   // mix of locked and unlocked monitors (because of failed
1054   // reallocations of synchronized objects) and be confused.
1055   for (int i = 0; i < array->frames(); i++) {
1056     MonitorChunk* monitors = array->element(i)->monitors();
1057     if (monitors != NULL) {
1058       for (int j = 0; j < monitors->number_of_monitors(); j++) {

1281 JRT_ENTRY(void, Deoptimization::uncommon_trap_inner(JavaThread* thread, jint trap_request)) {
1282   HandleMark hm;
1284   // uncommon_trap() is called at the beginning of the uncommon trap
1285   // handler. Note this fact before we start generating temporary frames
1286   // that can confuse an asynchronous stack walker. This counter is
1287   // decremented at the end of unpack_frames().
1288   thread->inc_in_deopt_handler();
1290   // We need to update the map if we have biased locking.
1291   RegisterMap reg_map(thread, UseBiasedLocking);
1292   frame stub_frame = thread->last_frame();
1293   frame fr = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
1294   // Make sure the calling nmethod is not getting deoptimized and removed
1295   // before we are done with it.
1296   nmethodLocker nl(fr.pc());
1298   // Log a message
1299   Events::log(thread, "Uncommon trap: trap_request=" PTR32_FORMAT " fr.pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1300               trap_request, fr.pc());
1302   {
1303     ResourceMark rm;
1305     // Revoke biases of any monitors in the frame to ensure we can migrate them
1306     revoke_biases_of_monitors(thread, fr, &reg_map);
1308     DeoptReason reason = trap_request_reason(trap_request);
1309     DeoptAction action = trap_request_action(trap_request);
1310     jint unloaded_class_index = trap_request_index(trap_request); // CP idx or -1
1312     vframe*  vf  = vframe::new_vframe(&fr, &reg_map, thread);
1313     compiledVFrame* cvf = compiledVFrame::cast(vf);
1315     nmethod* nm = cvf->code();
1317     ScopeDesc*      trap_scope  = cvf->scope();
1318     methodHandle    trap_method = trap_scope->method();
1319     int             trap_bci    = trap_scope->bci();
1320     Bytecodes::Code trap_bc     = trap_method->java_code_at(trap_bci);
1322     // Record this event in the histogram.
1323     gather_statistics(reason, action, trap_bc);
1325     // Ensure that we can record deopt. history:
1326     // Need MDO to record RTM code generation state.
1327     bool create_if_missing = ProfileTraps || UseCodeAging RTM_OPT_ONLY( || UseRTMLocking );
1329     MethodData* trap_mdo =
1330       get_method_data(thread, trap_method, create_if_missing);
1332     // Log a message
1333     Events::log_deopt_message(thread, "Uncommon trap: reason=%s action=%s pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT " method=%s @ %d",
1334                               trap_reason_name(reason), trap_action_name(action), fr.pc(),
1335                               trap_method->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), trap_bci);
1337     // Print a bunch of diagnostics, if requested.
1338     if (TraceDeoptimization || LogCompilation) {
1339       ResourceMark rm;
1340       ttyLocker ttyl;
1341       char buf[100];
1342       if (xtty != NULL) {
1343         xtty->begin_head("uncommon_trap thread='" UINTX_FORMAT "' %s",
1344                          os::current_thread_id(),
1345                          format_trap_request(buf, sizeof(buf), trap_request));
1346         nm->log_identity(xtty);
1347       }
1348       Symbol* class_name = NULL;
1349       bool unresolved = false;
1350       if (unloaded_class_index >= 0) {
1351         constantPoolHandle constants (THREAD, trap_method->constants());
1352         if (constants->tag_at(unloaded_class_index).is_unresolved_klass()) {
1353           class_name = constants->klass_name_at(unloaded_class_index);
1354           unresolved = true;

1369           xtty->print(" count='%d'", dcnt);
1370         ProfileData* pdata = trap_mdo->bci_to_data(trap_bci);
1371         int dos = (pdata == NULL)? 0: pdata->trap_state();
1372         if (dos != 0) {
1373           xtty->print(" state='%s'", format_trap_state(buf, sizeof(buf), dos));
1374           if (trap_state_is_recompiled(dos)) {
1375             int recnt2 = trap_mdo->overflow_recompile_count();
1376             if (recnt2 != 0)
1377               xtty->print(" recompiles2='%d'", recnt2);
1378           }
1379         }
1380       }
1381       if (xtty != NULL) {
1382         xtty->stamp();
1383         xtty->end_head();
1384       }
1385       if (TraceDeoptimization) {  // make noise on the tty
1386         tty->print("Uncommon trap occurred in");
1387         nm->method()->print_short_name(tty);
1388         tty->print(" (@" INTPTR_FORMAT ") thread=" UINTX_FORMAT " reason=%s action=%s unloaded_class_index=%d",
1389                    fr.pc(),
1390                    os::current_thread_id(),
1391                    trap_reason_name(reason),
1392                    trap_action_name(action),
1393                    unloaded_class_index);
1394         if (class_name != NULL) {
1395           tty->print(unresolved ? " unresolved class: " : " symbol: ");
1396           class_name->print_symbol_on(tty);
1397         }
1398         tty->cr();
1399       }
1400       if (xtty != NULL) {
1401         // Log the precise location of the trap.
1402         for (ScopeDesc* sd = trap_scope; ; sd = sd->sender()) {
1403           xtty->begin_elem("jvms bci='%d'", sd->bci());
1404           xtty->method(sd->method());
1405           xtty->end_elem();
1406           if (sd->is_top())  break;
1407         }
1408         xtty->tail("uncommon_trap");
1409       }

  36 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  37 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  38 #include "oops/method.hpp"
  39 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  40 #include "oops/verifyOopClosure.hpp"
  41 #include "prims/jvmtiThreadState.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/biasedLocking.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
  45 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
  46 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  47 #include "runtime/signature.hpp"
  48 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  49 #include "runtime/thread.hpp"
  50 #include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
  51 #include "runtime/vframeArray.hpp"
  52 #include "runtime/vframe_hp.hpp"
  53 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  54 #include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp"

  56 bool DeoptimizationMarker::_is_active = false;
  58 Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::UnrollBlock(int  size_of_deoptimized_frame,
  59                                          int  caller_adjustment,
  60                                          int  caller_actual_parameters,
  61                                          int  number_of_frames,
  62                                          intptr_t* frame_sizes,
  63                                          address* frame_pcs,
  64                                          BasicType return_type) {
  65   _size_of_deoptimized_frame = size_of_deoptimized_frame;
  66   _caller_adjustment         = caller_adjustment;
  67   _caller_actual_parameters  = caller_actual_parameters;
  68   _number_of_frames          = number_of_frames;
  69   _frame_sizes               = frame_sizes;
  70   _frame_pcs                 = frame_pcs;
  71   _register_block            = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(intptr_t, RegisterMap::reg_count * 2, mtCompiler);
  72   _return_type               = return_type;
  73   _initial_info              = 0;
  74   // PD (x86 only)
  75   _counter_temp              = 0;

  93 }
  97 int Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::size_of_frames() const {
  98   // Acount first for the adjustment of the initial frame
  99   int result = _caller_adjustment;
 100   for (int index = 0; index < number_of_frames(); index++) {
 101     result += frame_sizes()[index];
 102   }
 103   return result;
 104 }
 107 void Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::print() {
 108   ttyLocker ttyl;
 109   tty->print_cr("UnrollBlock");
 110   tty->print_cr("  size_of_deoptimized_frame = %d", _size_of_deoptimized_frame);
 111   tty->print(   "  frame_sizes: ");
 112   for (int index = 0; index < number_of_frames(); index++) {
 113     tty->print(INTX_FORMAT " ", frame_sizes()[index]);
 114   }
 115   tty->cr();
 116 }
 119 // In order to make fetch_unroll_info work properly with escape
 120 // analysis, The method was changed from JRT_LEAF to JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY and
 121 // ResetNoHandleMark and HandleMark were removed from it. The actual reallocation
 122 // of previously eliminated objects occurs in realloc_objects, which is
 123 // called from the method fetch_unroll_info_helper below.
 124 JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(Deoptimization::UnrollBlock*, Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info(JavaThread* thread))
 125   // It is actually ok to allocate handles in a leaf method. It causes no safepoints,
 126   // but makes the entry a little slower. There is however a little dance we have to
 127   // do in debug mode to get around the NoHandleMark code in the JRT_LEAF macro
 129   // fetch_unroll_info() is called at the beginning of the deoptimization
 130   // handler. Note this fact before we start generating temporary frames
 131   // that can confuse an asynchronous stack walker. This counter is
 132   // decremented at the end of unpack_frames().
 133   thread->inc_in_deopt_handler();

 188       // The flag return_oop() indicates call sites which return oop
 189       // in compiled code. Such sites include java method calls,
 190       // runtime calls (for example, used to allocate new objects/arrays
 191       // on slow code path) and any other calls generated in compiled code.
 192       // It is not guaranteed that we can get such information here only
 193       // by analyzing bytecode in deoptimized frames. This is why this flag
 194       // is set during method compilation (see Compile::Process_OopMap_Node()).
 195       // If the previous frame was popped, we don't have a result.
 196       bool save_oop_result = chunk->at(0)->scope()->return_oop() && !thread->popframe_forcing_deopt_reexecution();
 197       Handle return_value;
 198       if (save_oop_result) {
 199         // Reallocation may trigger GC. If deoptimization happened on return from
 200         // call which returns oop we need to save it since it is not in oopmap.
 201         oop result = deoptee.saved_oop_result(&map);
 202         assert(result == NULL || result->is_oop(), "must be oop");
 203         return_value = Handle(thread, result);
 204         assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(result), "must be heap pointer");
 205         if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 206           ttyLocker ttyl;
 207           tty->print_cr("SAVED OOP RESULT " INTPTR_FORMAT " in thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(result), p2i(thread));
 208         }
 209       }
 210       if (objects != NULL) {
 211         JRT_BLOCK
 212           realloc_failures = realloc_objects(thread, &deoptee, objects, THREAD);
 213         JRT_END
 214         reassign_fields(&deoptee, &map, objects, realloc_failures);
 215 #ifndef PRODUCT
 216         if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 217           ttyLocker ttyl;
 218           tty->print_cr("REALLOC OBJECTS in thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(thread));
 219           print_objects(objects, realloc_failures);
 220         }
 221 #endif
 222       }
 223       if (save_oop_result) {
 224         // Restore result.
 225         deoptee.set_saved_oop_result(&map, return_value());
 226       }
 227     }
 228     if (EliminateLocks) {
 229 #ifndef PRODUCT
 230       bool first = true;
 231 #endif
 232       for (int i = 0; i < chunk->length(); i++) {
 233         compiledVFrame* cvf = chunk->at(i);
 234         assert (cvf->scope() != NULL,"expect only compiled java frames");
 235         GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* monitors = cvf->monitors();
 236         if (monitors->is_nonempty()) {
 237           relock_objects(monitors, thread, realloc_failures);
 238 #ifndef PRODUCT
 239           if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 240             ttyLocker ttyl;
 241             for (int j = 0; j < monitors->length(); j++) {
 242               MonitorInfo* mi = monitors->at(j);
 243               if (mi->eliminated()) {
 244                 if (first) {
 245                   first = false;
 246                   tty->print_cr("RELOCK OBJECTS in thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(thread));
 247                 }
 248                 if (mi->owner_is_scalar_replaced()) {
 249                   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mi->owner_klass());
 250                   tty->print_cr("     failed reallocation for klass %s", k->external_name());
 251                 } else {
 252                   tty->print_cr("     object <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> locked", p2i(mi->owner()));
 253                 }
 254               }
 255             }
 256           }
 257 #endif
 258         }
 259       }
 260     }
 261   }
 262 #endif // COMPILER2
 263   // Ensure that no safepoint is taken after pointers have been stored
 264   // in fields of rematerialized objects.  If a safepoint occurs from here on
 265   // out the java state residing in the vframeArray will be missed.
 266   No_Safepoint_Verifier no_safepoint;
 268   vframeArray* array = create_vframeArray(thread, deoptee, &map, chunk, realloc_failures);
 269 #ifdef COMPILER2
 270   if (realloc_failures) {
 271     pop_frames_failed_reallocs(thread, array);
 272   }

 531 JRT_LEAF(BasicType, Deoptimization::unpack_frames(JavaThread* thread, int exec_mode))
 533   // We are already active int he special DeoptResourceMark any ResourceObj's we
 534   // allocate will be freed at the end of the routine.
 536   // It is actually ok to allocate handles in a leaf method. It causes no safepoints,
 537   // but makes the entry a little slower. There is however a little dance we have to
 538   // do in debug mode to get around the NoHandleMark code in the JRT_LEAF macro
 539   ResetNoHandleMark rnhm; // No-op in release/product versions
 540   HandleMark hm;
 542   frame stub_frame = thread->last_frame();
 544   // Since the frame to unpack is the top frame of this thread, the vframe_array_head
 545   // must point to the vframeArray for the unpack frame.
 546   vframeArray* array = thread->vframe_array_head();
 548 #ifndef PRODUCT
 549   if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 550     ttyLocker ttyl;
 551     tty->print_cr("DEOPT UNPACKING thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " vframeArray " INTPTR_FORMAT " mode %d",
 552                   p2i(thread), p2i(array), exec_mode);
 553   }
 554 #endif
 555   Events::log(thread, "DEOPT UNPACKING pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT " sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT " mode %d",
 556               p2i(stub_frame.pc()), p2i(stub_frame.sp()), exec_mode);
 558   UnrollBlock* info = array->unroll_block();
 560   // Unpack the interpreter frames and any adapter frame (c2 only) we might create.
 561   array->unpack_to_stack(stub_frame, exec_mode, info->caller_actual_parameters());
 563   BasicType bt = info->return_type();
 565   // If we have an exception pending, claim that the return type is an oop
 566   // so the deopt_blob does not overwrite the exception_oop.
 568   if (exec_mode == Unpack_exception)
 569     bt = T_OBJECT;
 571   // Cleanup thread deopt data
 572   cleanup_deopt_info(thread, array);
 574 #ifndef PRODUCT
 575   if (VerifyStack) {
 576     ResourceMark res_mark;

 672                                                                     top_frame_expression_stack_adjustment))) ||
 673             (is_top_frame && (exec_mode == Unpack_exception) && iframe->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() == 0) ||
 674             (is_top_frame && (exec_mode == Unpack_uncommon_trap || exec_mode == Unpack_reexecute || el->should_reexecute()) &&
 675              (iframe->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() == mask.expression_stack_size() + cur_invoke_parameter_size))
 676             )) {
 677         ttyLocker ttyl;
 679         // Print out some information that will help us debug the problem
 680         tty->print_cr("Wrong number of expression stack elements during deoptimization");
 681         tty->print_cr("  Error occurred while verifying frame %d (0..%d, 0 is topmost)", i, cur_array->frames() - 1);
 682         tty->print_cr("  Fabricated interpreter frame had %d expression stack elements",
 683                       iframe->interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size());
 684         tty->print_cr("  Interpreter oop map had %d expression stack elements", mask.expression_stack_size());
 685         tty->print_cr("  try_next_mask = %d", try_next_mask);
 686         tty->print_cr("  next_mask_expression_stack_size = %d", next_mask_expression_stack_size);
 687         tty->print_cr("  callee_size_of_parameters = %d", callee_size_of_parameters);
 688         tty->print_cr("  callee_max_locals = %d", callee_max_locals);
 689         tty->print_cr("  top_frame_expression_stack_adjustment = %d", top_frame_expression_stack_adjustment);
 690         tty->print_cr("  exec_mode = %d", exec_mode);
 691         tty->print_cr("  cur_invoke_parameter_size = %d", cur_invoke_parameter_size);
 692         tty->print_cr("  Thread = " INTPTR_FORMAT ", thread ID = %d", p2i(thread), thread->osthread()->thread_id());
 693         tty->print_cr("  Interpreted frames:");
 694         for (int k = 0; k < cur_array->frames(); k++) {
 695           vframeArrayElement* el = cur_array->element(k);
 696           tty->print_cr("    %s (bci %d)", el->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), el->bci());
 697         }
 698         cur_array->print_on_2(tty);
 699         guarantee(false, "wrong number of expression stack elements during deopt");
 700       }
 701       VerifyOopClosure verify;
 702       iframe->oops_interpreted_do(&verify, NULL, &rm, false);
 703       callee_size_of_parameters = mh->size_of_parameters();
 704       callee_max_locals = mh->max_locals();
 705       is_top_frame = false;
 706     }
 707   }
 708 #endif /* !PRODUCT */
 711   return bt;
 712 JRT_END

 948         }
 949         BasicLock* lock = mon_info->lock();
 950         ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter(obj, lock, thread);
 951         assert(mon_info->owner()->is_locked(), "object must be locked now");
 952       }
 953     }
 954   }
 955 }
 958 #ifndef PRODUCT
 959 // print information about reallocated objects
 960 void Deoptimization::print_objects(GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* objects, bool realloc_failures) {
 961   fieldDescriptor fd;
 963   for (int i = 0; i < objects->length(); i++) {
 964     ObjectValue* sv = (ObjectValue*) objects->at(i);
 965     KlassHandle k(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(sv->klass()->as_ConstantOopReadValue()->value()()));
 966     Handle obj = sv->value();
 968     tty->print("     object <" INTPTR_FORMAT "> of type ", p2i(sv->value()()));
 969     k->print_value();
 970     assert(obj.not_null() || realloc_failures, "reallocation was missed");
 971     if (obj.is_null()) {
 972       tty->print(" allocation failed");
 973     } else {
 974       tty->print(" allocated (%d bytes)", obj->size() * HeapWordSize);
 975     }
 976     tty->cr();
 978     if (Verbose && !obj.is_null()) {
 979       k->oop_print_on(obj(), tty);
 980     }
 981   }
 982 }
 983 #endif
 984 #endif // COMPILER2
 986 vframeArray* Deoptimization::create_vframeArray(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, RegisterMap *reg_map, GrowableArray<compiledVFrame*>* chunk, bool realloc_failures) {
 987   Events::log(thread, "DEOPT PACKING pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT " sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(fr.pc()), p2i(fr.sp()));
 989 #ifndef PRODUCT
 990   if (TraceDeoptimization) {
 991     ttyLocker ttyl;
 992     tty->print("DEOPT PACKING thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " ", p2i(thread));
 993     fr.print_on(tty);
 994     tty->print_cr("     Virtual frames (innermost first):");
 995     for (int index = 0; index < chunk->length(); index++) {
 996       compiledVFrame* vf = chunk->at(index);
 997       tty->print("       %2d - ", index);
 998       vf->print_value();
 999       int bci = chunk->at(index)->raw_bci();
1000       const char* code_name;
1001       if (bci == SynchronizationEntryBCI) {
1002         code_name = "sync entry";
1003       } else {
1004         Bytecodes::Code code = vf->method()->code_at(bci);
1005         code_name = Bytecodes::name(code);
1006       }
1007       tty->print(" - %s", code_name);
1008       tty->print_cr(" @ bci %d ", bci);
1009       if (Verbose) {
1010         vf->print();
1011         tty->cr();
1012       }

1017   // Register map for next frame (used for stack crawl).  We capture
1018   // the state of the deopt'ing frame's caller.  Thus if we need to
1019   // stuff a C2I adapter we can properly fill in the callee-save
1020   // register locations.
1021   frame caller = fr.sender(reg_map);
1022   int frame_size = caller.sp() - fr.sp();
1024   frame sender = caller;
1026   // Since the Java thread being deoptimized will eventually adjust it's own stack,
1027   // the vframeArray containing the unpacking information is allocated in the C heap.
1028   // For Compiler1, the caller of the deoptimized frame is saved for use by unpack_frames().
1029   vframeArray* array = vframeArray::allocate(thread, frame_size, chunk, reg_map, sender, caller, fr, realloc_failures);
1031   // Compare the vframeArray to the collected vframes
1032   assert(array->structural_compare(thread, chunk), "just checking");
1034 #ifndef PRODUCT
1035   if (TraceDeoptimization) {
1036     ttyLocker ttyl;
1037     tty->print_cr("     Created vframeArray " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(array));
1038   }
1039 #endif // PRODUCT
1041   return array;
1042 }
1044 #ifdef COMPILER2
1045 void Deoptimization::pop_frames_failed_reallocs(JavaThread* thread, vframeArray* array) {
1046   // Reallocation of some scalar replaced objects failed. Record
1047   // that we need to pop all the interpreter frames for the
1048   // deoptimized compiled frame.
1049   assert(thread->frames_to_pop_failed_realloc() == 0, "missed frames to pop?");
1050   thread->set_frames_to_pop_failed_realloc(array->frames());
1051   // Unlock all monitors here otherwise the interpreter will see a
1052   // mix of locked and unlocked monitors (because of failed
1053   // reallocations of synchronized objects) and be confused.
1054   for (int i = 0; i < array->frames(); i++) {
1055     MonitorChunk* monitors = array->element(i)->monitors();
1056     if (monitors != NULL) {
1057       for (int j = 0; j < monitors->number_of_monitors(); j++) {

1280 JRT_ENTRY(void, Deoptimization::uncommon_trap_inner(JavaThread* thread, jint trap_request)) {
1281   HandleMark hm;
1283   // uncommon_trap() is called at the beginning of the uncommon trap
1284   // handler. Note this fact before we start generating temporary frames
1285   // that can confuse an asynchronous stack walker. This counter is
1286   // decremented at the end of unpack_frames().
1287   thread->inc_in_deopt_handler();
1289   // We need to update the map if we have biased locking.
1290   RegisterMap reg_map(thread, UseBiasedLocking);
1291   frame stub_frame = thread->last_frame();
1292   frame fr = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
1293   // Make sure the calling nmethod is not getting deoptimized and removed
1294   // before we are done with it.
1295   nmethodLocker nl(fr.pc());
1297   // Log a message
1298   Events::log(thread, "Uncommon trap: trap_request=" PTR32_FORMAT " fr.pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT,
1299               trap_request, p2i(fr.pc()));
1301   {
1302     ResourceMark rm;
1304     // Revoke biases of any monitors in the frame to ensure we can migrate them
1305     revoke_biases_of_monitors(thread, fr, &reg_map);
1307     DeoptReason reason = trap_request_reason(trap_request);
1308     DeoptAction action = trap_request_action(trap_request);
1309     jint unloaded_class_index = trap_request_index(trap_request); // CP idx or -1
1311     vframe*  vf  = vframe::new_vframe(&fr, &reg_map, thread);
1312     compiledVFrame* cvf = compiledVFrame::cast(vf);
1314     nmethod* nm = cvf->code();
1316     ScopeDesc*      trap_scope  = cvf->scope();
1317     methodHandle    trap_method = trap_scope->method();
1318     int             trap_bci    = trap_scope->bci();
1319     Bytecodes::Code trap_bc     = trap_method->java_code_at(trap_bci);
1321     // Record this event in the histogram.
1322     gather_statistics(reason, action, trap_bc);
1324     // Ensure that we can record deopt. history:
1325     // Need MDO to record RTM code generation state.
1326     bool create_if_missing = ProfileTraps || UseCodeAging RTM_OPT_ONLY( || UseRTMLocking );
1328     MethodData* trap_mdo =
1329       get_method_data(thread, trap_method, create_if_missing);
1331     // Log a message
1332     Events::log_deopt_message(thread, "Uncommon trap: reason=%s action=%s pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT " method=%s @ %d",
1333                               trap_reason_name(reason), trap_action_name(action), p2i(fr.pc()),
1334                               trap_method->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), trap_bci);
1336     // Print a bunch of diagnostics, if requested.
1337     if (TraceDeoptimization || LogCompilation) {
1338       ResourceMark rm;
1339       ttyLocker ttyl;
1340       char buf[100];
1341       if (xtty != NULL) {
1342         xtty->begin_head("uncommon_trap thread='" UINTX_FORMAT "' %s",
1343                          os::current_thread_id(),
1344                          format_trap_request(buf, sizeof(buf), trap_request));
1345         nm->log_identity(xtty);
1346       }
1347       Symbol* class_name = NULL;
1348       bool unresolved = false;
1349       if (unloaded_class_index >= 0) {
1350         constantPoolHandle constants (THREAD, trap_method->constants());
1351         if (constants->tag_at(unloaded_class_index).is_unresolved_klass()) {
1352           class_name = constants->klass_name_at(unloaded_class_index);
1353           unresolved = true;

1368           xtty->print(" count='%d'", dcnt);
1369         ProfileData* pdata = trap_mdo->bci_to_data(trap_bci);
1370         int dos = (pdata == NULL)? 0: pdata->trap_state();
1371         if (dos != 0) {
1372           xtty->print(" state='%s'", format_trap_state(buf, sizeof(buf), dos));
1373           if (trap_state_is_recompiled(dos)) {
1374             int recnt2 = trap_mdo->overflow_recompile_count();
1375             if (recnt2 != 0)
1376               xtty->print(" recompiles2='%d'", recnt2);
1377           }
1378         }
1379       }
1380       if (xtty != NULL) {
1381         xtty->stamp();
1382         xtty->end_head();
1383       }
1384       if (TraceDeoptimization) {  // make noise on the tty
1385         tty->print("Uncommon trap occurred in");
1386         nm->method()->print_short_name(tty);
1387         tty->print(" (@" INTPTR_FORMAT ") thread=" UINTX_FORMAT " reason=%s action=%s unloaded_class_index=%d",
1388                    p2i(fr.pc()),
1389                    os::current_thread_id(),
1390                    trap_reason_name(reason),
1391                    trap_action_name(action),
1392                    unloaded_class_index);
1393         if (class_name != NULL) {
1394           tty->print(unresolved ? " unresolved class: " : " symbol: ");
1395           class_name->print_symbol_on(tty);
1396         }
1397         tty->cr();
1398       }
1399       if (xtty != NULL) {
1400         // Log the precise location of the trap.
1401         for (ScopeDesc* sd = trap_scope; ; sd = sd->sender()) {
1402           xtty->begin_elem("jvms bci='%d'", sd->bci());
1403           xtty->method(sd->method());
1404           xtty->end_elem();
1405           if (sd->is_top())  break;
1406         }
1407         xtty->tail("uncommon_trap");
1408       }

< prev index next >