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 227   #define JVMTI_STRUCTS(static_field) \
 228     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_access_local_variables,                  bool)                                  \
 229     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint,              bool)                                  \
 230     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_post_on_exceptions,                      bool)                                  \
 231     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_walk_any_space,                          bool)
 232 #else
 233   #define JVMTI_STRUCTS(static_field)
 234 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
 236 typedef HashtableEntry<intptr_t, mtInternal>  IntptrHashtableEntry;
 237 typedef Hashtable<intptr_t, mtInternal>       IntptrHashtable;
 238 typedef Hashtable<Symbol*, mtSymbol>          SymbolHashtable;
 239 typedef HashtableEntry<Symbol*, mtClass>      SymbolHashtableEntry;
 240 typedef Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>              StringHashtable;
 241 typedef TwoOopHashtable<Klass*, mtClass>      KlassTwoOopHashtable;
 242 typedef Hashtable<Klass*, mtClass>            KlassHashtable;
 243 typedef HashtableEntry<Klass*, mtClass>       KlassHashtableEntry;
 244 typedef TwoOopHashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>     SymbolTwoOopHashtable;
 245 typedef BinaryTreeDictionary<Metablock, FreeList> MetablockTreeDictionary;
 247 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 248 // VM_STRUCTS
 249 //
 250 // This list enumerates all of the fields the serviceability agent
 251 // needs to know about. Be sure to see also the type table below this one.
 252 // NOTE that there are platform-specific additions to this table in
 253 // vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp.
 255 #define VM_STRUCTS(nonstatic_field, \
 256                    static_field, \
 257                    unchecked_nonstatic_field, \
 258                    volatile_nonstatic_field, \
 259                    nonproduct_nonstatic_field, \
 260                    c1_nonstatic_field, \
 261                    c2_nonstatic_field, \
 262                    unchecked_c1_static_field, \
 263                    unchecked_c2_static_field) \
 264                                                                                                                                      \
 265   /******************************************************************/                                                               \

 227   #define JVMTI_STRUCTS(static_field) \
 228     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_access_local_variables,                  bool)                                  \
 229     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_hotswap_or_post_breakpoint,              bool)                                  \
 230     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_post_on_exceptions,                      bool)                                  \
 231     static_field(JvmtiExport,                     _can_walk_any_space,                          bool)
 232 #else
 233   #define JVMTI_STRUCTS(static_field)
 234 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
 236 typedef HashtableEntry<intptr_t, mtInternal>  IntptrHashtableEntry;
 237 typedef Hashtable<intptr_t, mtInternal>       IntptrHashtable;
 238 typedef Hashtable<Symbol*, mtSymbol>          SymbolHashtable;
 239 typedef HashtableEntry<Symbol*, mtClass>      SymbolHashtableEntry;
 240 typedef Hashtable<oop, mtSymbol>              StringHashtable;
 241 typedef TwoOopHashtable<Klass*, mtClass>      KlassTwoOopHashtable;
 242 typedef Hashtable<Klass*, mtClass>            KlassHashtable;
 243 typedef HashtableEntry<Klass*, mtClass>       KlassHashtableEntry;
 244 typedef TwoOopHashtable<Symbol*, mtClass>     SymbolTwoOopHashtable;
 245 typedef BinaryTreeDictionary<Metablock, FreeList<Metablock> > MetablockTreeDictionary;
 247 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 248 // VM_STRUCTS
 249 //
 250 // This list enumerates all of the fields the serviceability agent
 251 // needs to know about. Be sure to see also the type table below this one.
 252 // NOTE that there are platform-specific additions to this table in
 253 // vmStructs_<os>_<cpu>.hpp.
 255 #define VM_STRUCTS(nonstatic_field, \
 256                    static_field, \
 257                    unchecked_nonstatic_field, \
 258                    volatile_nonstatic_field, \
 259                    nonproduct_nonstatic_field, \
 260                    c1_nonstatic_field, \
 261                    c2_nonstatic_field, \
 262                    unchecked_c1_static_field, \
 263                    unchecked_c2_static_field) \
 264                                                                                                                                      \
 265   /******************************************************************/                                                               \