/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "jni.h" #include "imageDecompressor.hpp" #include "endian.hpp" #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ZipInflateFully_t)(void *inBuf, jlong inLen, void *outBuf, jlong outLen, char **pmsg); static ZipInflateFully_t ZipInflateFully = NULL; #ifndef WIN32 #define JNI_LIB_PREFIX "lib" #ifdef __APPLE__ #define JNI_LIB_SUFFIX ".dylib" #else #define JNI_LIB_SUFFIX ".so" #endif #endif /** * Return the address of the entry point named in the zip shared library. * @param name - the name of the entry point * @return the address of the entry point or NULL */ static void* findEntry(const char* name) { void *addr = NULL; #ifdef WIN32 HMODULE handle = GetModuleHandle("zip.dll"); if (handle == NULL) { return NULL; } addr = (void*) GetProcAddress(handle, name); return addr; #else addr = dlopen(JNI_LIB_PREFIX "zip" JNI_LIB_SUFFIX, RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_LAZY); if (addr == NULL) { return NULL; } addr = dlsym(addr, name); return addr; #endif } /* * Initialize the array of decompressors. */ int ImageDecompressor::_decompressors_num = 0; ImageDecompressor** ImageDecompressor::_decompressors = NULL; void ImageDecompressor::image_decompressor_init() { if (_decompressors == NULL) { ZipInflateFully = (ZipInflateFully_t) findEntry("ZIP_InflateFully"); assert(ZipInflateFully != NULL && "ZIP decompressor not found."); _decompressors_num = 2; _decompressors = new ImageDecompressor*[_decompressors_num]; _decompressors[0] = new ZipDecompressor("zip"); _decompressors[1] = new SharedStringDecompressor("compact-cp"); } } void ImageDecompressor::image_decompressor_close() { delete[] _decompressors; } /* * Locate decompressor. */ ImageDecompressor* ImageDecompressor::get_decompressor(const char * decompressor_name) { image_decompressor_init(); for (int i = 0; i < _decompressors_num; i++) { ImageDecompressor* decompressor = _decompressors[i]; assert(decompressor != NULL && "Decompressors not initialized."); if (strcmp(decompressor->get_name(), decompressor_name) == 0) { return decompressor; } } assert(false && "No decompressor found."); return NULL; } // Sparc to read unaligned content // u8 l = (*(u8*) ptr); // If ptr is not aligned, sparc will fail. u8 ImageDecompressor::getU8(u1* ptr, Endian *endian) { u8 ret; if (endian->is_big_endian()) { ret = (u8)ptr[0] << 56 | (u8)ptr[1] << 48 | (u8)ptr[2]<<40 | (u8)ptr[3]<<32 | ptr[4]<<24 | ptr[5]<<16 | ptr[6]<<8 | ptr[7]; } else { ret = ptr[0] | ptr[1]<<8 | ptr[2]<<16 | ptr[3]<<24 | (u8)ptr[4]<<32 | (u8)ptr[5]<<40 | (u8)ptr[6]<<48 | (u8)ptr[7]<<56; } return ret; } u4 ImageDecompressor::getU4(u1* ptr, Endian *endian) { u4 ret; if (endian->is_big_endian()) { ret = ptr[0] << 24 | ptr[1]<<16 | (ptr[2]<<8) | ptr[3]; } else { ret = ptr[0] | ptr[1]<<8 | (ptr[2]<<16) | ptr[3]<<24; } return ret; } /* * Decompression entry point. Called from ImageFileReader::get_resource. */ void ImageDecompressor::decompress_resource(u1* compressed, u1* uncompressed, u8 uncompressed_size, const ImageStrings* strings, Endian *endian) { bool has_header = false; u1* decompressed_resource = compressed; u1* compressed_resource = compressed; // Resource could have been transformed by a stack of decompressors. // Iterate and decompress resources until there is no more header. do { ResourceHeader _header; u1* compressed_resource_base = compressed_resource; _header._magic = getU4(compressed_resource, endian); compressed_resource += 4; _header._size = getU8(compressed_resource, endian); compressed_resource += 8; _header._uncompressed_size = getU8(compressed_resource, endian); compressed_resource += 8; _header._decompressor_name_offset = getU4(compressed_resource, endian); compressed_resource += 4; _header._decompressor_config_offset = getU4(compressed_resource, endian); compressed_resource += 4; _header._is_terminal = *compressed_resource; compressed_resource += 1; has_header = _header._magic == ResourceHeader::resource_header_magic; if (has_header) { // decompressed_resource array contains the result of decompression decompressed_resource = new u1[(size_t) _header._uncompressed_size]; // Retrieve the decompressor name const char* decompressor_name = strings->get(_header._decompressor_name_offset); assert(decompressor_name && "image decompressor not found"); // Retrieve the decompressor instance ImageDecompressor* decompressor = get_decompressor(decompressor_name); assert(decompressor && "image decompressor not found"); // Ask the decompressor to decompress the compressed content decompressor->decompress_resource(compressed_resource, decompressed_resource, &_header, strings); if (compressed_resource_base != compressed) { delete[] compressed_resource_base; } compressed_resource = decompressed_resource; } } while (has_header); memcpy(uncompressed, decompressed_resource, (size_t) uncompressed_size); delete[] decompressed_resource; } // Zip decompressor void ZipDecompressor::decompress_resource(u1* data, u1* uncompressed, ResourceHeader* header, const ImageStrings* strings) { char* msg = NULL; jboolean res = ZipDecompressor::decompress(data, header->_size, uncompressed, header->_uncompressed_size, &msg); assert(res && "decompression failed"); } jboolean ZipDecompressor::decompress(void *in, u8 inSize, void *out, u8 outSize, char **pmsg) { return (*ZipInflateFully)(in, inSize, out, outSize, pmsg); } // END Zip Decompressor // Shared String decompressor // array index is the constant pool tag. value is size. // eg: array[5] = 8; means size of long is 8 bytes. const u1 SharedStringDecompressor::sizes[] = { 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 8, 8, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 4 }; /** * Recreate the class by reconstructing the constant pool. */ void SharedStringDecompressor::decompress_resource(u1* data, u1* uncompressed_resource, ResourceHeader* header, const ImageStrings* strings) { u1* uncompressed_base = uncompressed_resource; u1* data_base = data; int header_size = 8; // magic + major + minor memcpy(uncompressed_resource, data, header_size + 2); //+ cp count uncompressed_resource += header_size + 2; data += header_size; u2 cp_count = Endian::get_java(data); data += 2; for (int i = 1; i < cp_count; i++) { u1 tag = *data; data += 1; switch (tag) { case externalized_string: { // String in Strings table *uncompressed_resource = 1; uncompressed_resource += 1; int k = decompress_int(data); const char * string = strings->get(k); int str_length = (int) strlen(string); Endian::set_java(uncompressed_resource, str_length); uncompressed_resource += 2; memcpy(uncompressed_resource, string, str_length); uncompressed_resource += str_length; break; } // Descriptor String has been split and types added to Strings table case externalized_string_descriptor: { *uncompressed_resource = 1; uncompressed_resource += 1; int descriptor_index = decompress_int(data); int indexes_length = decompress_int(data); u1* length_address = uncompressed_resource; uncompressed_resource += 2; int desc_length = 0; const char * desc_string = strings->get(descriptor_index); if (indexes_length > 0) { u1* indexes_base = data; data += indexes_length; char c = *desc_string; do { *uncompressed_resource = c; uncompressed_resource++; desc_length += 1; /* * Every L character is the marker we are looking at in order * to reconstruct the descriptor. Each time an L is found, then * we retrieve the couple token/token at the current index and * add it to the descriptor. * "(L;I)V" and "java/lang","String" couple of tokens, * this becomes "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V" */ if (c == 'L') { int index = decompress_int(indexes_base); const char * pkg = strings->get(index); int str_length = (int) strlen(pkg); // the case where we have a package. // reconstruct the type full name if (str_length > 0) { int len = str_length + 1; char* fullpkg = new char[len]; char* pkg_base = fullpkg; memcpy(fullpkg, pkg, str_length); fullpkg += str_length; *fullpkg = '/'; memcpy(uncompressed_resource, pkg_base, len); uncompressed_resource += len; delete[] pkg_base; desc_length += len; } else { // Empty package // Nothing to do. } int classIndex = decompress_int(indexes_base); const char * clazz = strings->get(classIndex); int clazz_length = (int) strlen(clazz); memcpy(uncompressed_resource, clazz, clazz_length); uncompressed_resource += clazz_length; desc_length += clazz_length; } desc_string += 1; c = *desc_string; } while (c != '\0'); } else { desc_length = (int) strlen(desc_string); memcpy(uncompressed_resource, desc_string, desc_length); uncompressed_resource += desc_length; } Endian::set_java(length_address, desc_length); break; } case constant_utf8: { // UTF-8 *uncompressed_resource = tag; uncompressed_resource += 1; u2 str_length = Endian::get_java(data); int len = str_length + 2; memcpy(uncompressed_resource, data, len); uncompressed_resource += len; data += len; break; } case constant_long: case constant_double: { i++; } default: { *uncompressed_resource = tag; uncompressed_resource += 1; int size = sizes[tag]; memcpy(uncompressed_resource, data, size); uncompressed_resource += size; data += size; } } } u8 remain = header->_size - (int)(data - data_base); u8 computed = (u8)(uncompressed_resource - uncompressed_base) + remain; if (header->_uncompressed_size != computed) printf("Failure, expecting %llu but getting %llu\n", header->_uncompressed_size, computed); assert(header->_uncompressed_size == computed && "Constant Pool reconstruction failed"); memcpy(uncompressed_resource, data, (size_t) remain); } /* * Decompress integers. Compressed integers are negative. * If positive, the integer is not decompressed. * If negative, length extracted from the first byte, then reconstruct the integer * from the following bytes. * Example of compression: 1 is compressed on 1 byte: 10100001 */ int SharedStringDecompressor::decompress_int(unsigned char*& value) { int len = 4; int res = 0; char b1 = *value; if (is_compressed((signed char)b1)) { // compressed len = get_compressed_length(b1); char clearedValue = b1 &= 0x1F; if (len == 1) { res = clearedValue; } else { res = (clearedValue & 0xFF) << 8 * (len - 1); for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { res |= (value[i]&0xFF) << 8 * (len - i - 1); } } } else { res = (value[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (value[1]&0xFF) << 16 | (value[2]&0xFF) << 8 | (value[3]&0xFF); } value += len; return res; } // END Shared String decompressor