# # Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # jshell.msg.welcome =\ Welcome to JShell -- Version {0}\n\ For an introduction type: /help intro jshell.err.opt.arg = Argument to {0} missing. jshell.err.opt.invalid = Invalid options: {0}. jshell.err.opt.one = Only one {0} option may be used. jshell.err.opt.startup.conflict = Conflicting options: both --startup and --no-startup were used. jshell.err.opt.feedback.one = Only one feedback option (--feedback, -q, -s, or -v) may be used. jshell.err.opt.unknown = Unknown option: {0} jshell.msg.terminated = State engine terminated. jshell.msg.terminated.restore = Restore definitions with: /reload -restore jshell.msg.use.one.of = Use one of: {0} jshell.msg.see.classes.etc = See /types, /methods, /vars, or /list jshell.err.arg = Invalid ''{0}'' argument: {1} jshell.msg.see = See {0} for help. jshell.err.file.not.accessible = File ''{1}'' for ''{0}'' is not accessible: {2} jshell.err.file.not.found = File ''{1}'' for ''{0}'' is not found. jshell.err.file.exception = File ''{1}'' for ''{0}'' threw exception: {2} jshell.err.file.filename = ''{0}'' requires a filename argument. jshell.err.startup.unexpected.exception = Unexpected exception reading start-up: {0} jshell.err.unexpected.exception = Unexpected exception: {0} jshell.err.invalid.command = Invalid command: {0} jshell.err.command.ambiguous = Command: ''{0}'' is ambiguous: {1} jshell.msg.set.restore = Setting new options and restoring state. jshell.msg.set.editor.set = Editor set to: {0} jshell.msg.set.editor.retain = Editor setting retained: {0} jshell.err.no.builtin.editor = Built-in editor not available. jshell.err.cant.launch.editor = Cannot launch built-in editor -- unexpected exception: {0} jshell.msg.try.set.editor = See ''/help /set editor'' to use external editor. jshell.msg.press.return.to.leave.edit.mode = Press return to leave edit mode. jshell.err.wait.applies.to.external.editor = -wait applies to external editors jshell.label.editpad = JShell Edit Pad jshell.err.setting.to.retain.must.be.specified = The setting to retain must be specified -- {0} jshell.msg.set.show.mode.settings = \nTo show mode settings use ''/set prompt'', ''/set truncation'', ...\n\ or use ''/set mode'' followed by the feedback mode name. jshell.err.continuation.prompt.required = Continuation prompt required -- {0} jshell.msg.try.command.without.args = Try ''{0}'' without arguments. jshell.msg.no.active = There are no active definitions. jshell.msg.resetting = Resetting... jshell.msg.resetting.state = Resetting state. jshell.err.reload.no.previous = No previous history to restore jshell.err.reload.restarting.previous.state = Restarting and restoring from previous state. jshell.err.reload.restarting.state = Restarting and restoring state. jshell.err.restart.failed = Restart failed: {0}\n\n\ Reverting to previous settings and restarting... jshell.msg.vars.not.active = (not-active) jshell.err.out.of.range = Out of range jshell.msg.error = Error: jshell.msg.warning = Warning: jshell.err.sub.arg = The ''{0}'' command requires a sub-command. See: ''/help {0}'' jshell.err.sub.ambiguous = Ambiguous sub-command argument to ''{0}'': {1} jshell.err.classpath.arg = The /classpath command requires a path argument. jshell.msg.classpath = Path ''{0}'' added to classpath jshell.err.help.arg = No commands or subjects start with the provided argument: {0} jshell.msg.help.begin =\ Type a Java language expression, statement, or declaration.\n\ Or type one of the following commands:\n jshell.msg.help.subject =\n\ For more information type ''/help'' followed by the name of a\n\ command or a subject.\n\ For example ''/help /list'' or ''/help intro''.\n\ \n\ Subjects:\n\ \n jshell.err.no.snippet.with.id = No snippet with id: {0} jshell.err.end.snippet.range.less.than.start = End of snippet range less than start: {0} - {1} jshell.err.range.requires.id = Snippet ranges require snippet ids: {0} jshell.err.exit.not.expression = The argument to /exit must be a valid integer expression, it is not an expression: {0} jshell.err.exit.bad.type = The argument to /exit must be a valid integer expression. The type is {1} : {0} jshell.err.exit.bad.value = The argument to /exit has bad value is {1} : {0} jshell.err.drop.arg =\ In the /drop argument, please specify an import, variable, method, or class to drop.\n\ Specify by id or name. Use /list to see ids. Use /reset to reset all state. jshell.err.failed = Failed. jshell.msg.native.method = Native Method jshell.msg.unknown.source = Unknown Source jshell.msg.goodbye = Goodbye jshell.msg.goodbye.value = Goodbye ({0}) jshell.msg.help.for.help = Type /help for help. jshell.err.mode.name = Expected a feedback mode name: {0} jshell.err.missing.mode = Missing the feedback mode -- {0} jshell.err.field.name = Expected a field name: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.mode.unknown = No feedback mode named: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.feedback.does.not.match.mode = Does not match any current feedback mode: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.feedback.ambiguous.mode = Matches more then one current feedback mode: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.feedback.must.be.quoted = Format ''{0}'' must be quoted -- {1} jshell.err.feedback.not.a.valid.selector = Not a valid selector ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' -- {2} jshell.err.feedback.multiple.sections = Selector kind in multiple sections of selector list ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' -- {2} jshell.err.feedback.different.selector.kinds = Different selector kinds in same sections of selector list ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' -- {2} jshell.msg.feedback.new.mode = Created new feedback mode: {0} jshell.msg.feedback.mode = Feedback mode: {0} jshell.msg.feedback.mode.following = Available feedback modes: jshell.msg.feedback.retained.mode.following = Retained feedback modes: jshell.err.mode.creation = To create a new mode either the -command or the -quiet option must be used -- {0} jshell.err.mode.exists = Mode to be created already exists: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.truncation.expected.length = Expected truncation length -- {0} jshell.err.truncation.length.not.integer = Truncation length must be an integer: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.not.valid.with.predefined.mode = Not valid with a predefined mode: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.retained.feedback.mode.must.be.retained.or.predefined = \ ''/set feedback -retain '' requires that is predefined or has been retained with ''/set mode -retain'' -- {0} jshell.err.unknown.option = Unknown option: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.default.option.or.program = Specify -default option, -delete option, or program -- {0} jshell.err.option.or.filename = Specify no more than one of -default, -none, or a startup file name -- {0} jshell.err.unexpected.at.end = Unexpected arguments at end of command: {0} -- {1} jshell.err.conflicting.options = Conflicting options -- {0} jshell.err.cannot.delete.current.mode = The current feedback mode ''{0}'' cannot be deleted, use ''/set feedback'' first -- {1} jshell.err.cannot.delete.retained.mode = The retained feedback mode ''{0}'' cannot be deleted, use ''/set feedback -retain'' first -- {1} jshell.err.may.not.specify.options.and.snippets = Options and snippets must not both be used: {0} jshell.err.no.such.snippets = No such snippet: {0} jshell.err.the.snippet.cannot.be.used.with.this.command = This command does not accept the snippet ''{0}'' : {1} jshell.err.retained.mode.failure = Failure in retained modes (modes cleared) -- {0} {1} jshell.err.corrupted.stored.startup = Corrupted stored startup, using default -- {0} jshell.console.see.synopsis = jshell.console.see.full.documentation = jshell.console.see.documentation = jshell.console.see.next.page = jshell.console.see.next.javadoc = jshell.console.see.next.command.doc = jshell.console.no.such.command = No such command jshell.console.completion.current.signatures = Signatures: jshell.console.completion.all.completions.number = jshell.console.completion.all.completions = jshell.console.no.javadoc = jshell.console.do.nothing = Do nothing jshell.console.choice = Choice: \ jshell.console.create.variable = Create variable jshell.console.create.method = Create method jshell.console.resolvable = \nThe identifier is resolvable in this context. jshell.console.no.candidate = \nNo candidate fully qualified names found to import. jshell.console.incomplete = \nResults may be incomplete; try again later for complete results. jshell.console.erroneous = \nIncomplete or erroneous. A single valid expression or statement must proceed Shift- m. jshell.console.exprstmt = \nA single valid expression or statement must proceed Shift- m. jshell.console.empty = \nEmpty entry. A single valid expression or statement must proceed Shift- m.. jshell.fix.wrong.shortcut =\ Unexpected character after Shift-Tab.\n\ Use "i" for auto-import, "v" for variable creation, or "m" for method creation.\n\ For more information see:\n\ /help shortcuts help.usage = \ Usage: jshell