1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package sun.security.tools.keytool;
  28 import java.io.*;
  29 import java.nio.file.Files;
  30 import java.nio.file.Paths;
  31 import java.security.CodeSigner;
  32 import java.security.CryptoPrimitive;
  33 import java.security.KeyStore;
  34 import java.security.KeyStoreException;
  35 import java.security.MessageDigest;
  36 import java.security.Key;
  37 import java.security.PublicKey;
  38 import java.security.PrivateKey;
  39 import java.security.Signature;
  40 import java.security.Timestamp;
  41 import java.security.UnrecoverableEntryException;
  42 import java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException;
  43 import java.security.Principal;
  44 import java.security.cert.Certificate;
  45 import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory;
  46 import java.security.cert.CertStoreException;
  47 import java.security.cert.CRL;
  48 import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
  49 import java.security.cert.CertificateException;
  50 import java.security.cert.URICertStoreParameters;
  53 import java.text.Collator;
  54 import java.text.MessageFormat;
  55 import java.util.*;
  56 import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
  57 import java.util.jar.JarFile;
  58 import java.math.BigInteger;
  59 import java.net.URI;
  60 import java.net.URL;
  61 import java.net.URLClassLoader;
  62 import java.security.cert.CertStore;
  64 import java.security.cert.X509CRL;
  65 import java.security.cert.X509CRLEntry;
  66 import java.security.cert.X509CRLSelector;
  67 import javax.security.auth.x500.X500Principal;
  68 import java.util.Base64;
  70 import sun.security.util.KeyUtil;
  71 import sun.security.util.ObjectIdentifier;
  72 import sun.security.pkcs10.PKCS10;
  73 import sun.security.pkcs10.PKCS10Attribute;
  74 import sun.security.provider.X509Factory;
  75 import sun.security.provider.certpath.ssl.SSLServerCertStore;
  76 import sun.security.util.Password;
  77 import sun.security.util.SecurityProviderConstants;
  78 import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
  79 import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
  80 import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
  81 import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
  83 import sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attribute;
  84 import sun.security.tools.KeyStoreUtil;
  85 import sun.security.tools.PathList;
  86 import sun.security.util.DerValue;
  87 import sun.security.util.Pem;
  88 import sun.security.x509.*;
  90 import static java.security.KeyStore.*;
  91 import java.security.Security;
  92 import static sun.security.tools.keytool.Main.Command.*;
  93 import static sun.security.tools.keytool.Main.Option.*;
  94 import sun.security.util.DisabledAlgorithmConstraints;
  96 /**
  97  * This tool manages keystores.
  98  *
  99  * @author Jan Luehe
 100  *
 101  *
 102  * @see java.security.KeyStore
 103  * @see sun.security.provider.KeyProtector
 104  * @see sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore
 105  *
 106  * @since 1.2
 107  */
 108 public final class Main {
 110     private static final byte[] CRLF = new byte[] {'\r', '\n'};
 112     private boolean debug = false;
 113     private Command command = null;
 114     private String sigAlgName = null;
 115     private String keyAlgName = null;
 116     private boolean verbose = false;
 117     private int keysize = -1;
 118     private boolean rfc = false;
 119     private long validity = (long)90;
 120     private String alias = null;
 121     private String dname = null;
 122     private String dest = null;
 123     private String filename = null;
 124     private String infilename = null;
 125     private String outfilename = null;
 126     private String srcksfname = null;
 128     // User-specified providers are added before any command is called.
 129     // However, they are not removed before the end of the main() method.
 130     // If you're calling KeyTool.main() directly in your own Java program,
 131     // please programtically add any providers you need and do not specify
 132     // them through the command line.
 134     private Set<Pair <String, String>> providers = null;
 135     private Set<Pair <String, String>> providerClasses = null;
 136     private String storetype = null;
 137     private String srcProviderName = null;
 138     private String providerName = null;
 139     private String pathlist = null;
 140     private char[] storePass = null;
 141     private char[] storePassNew = null;
 142     private char[] keyPass = null;
 143     private char[] keyPassNew = null;
 144     private char[] newPass = null;
 145     private char[] destKeyPass = null;
 146     private char[] srckeyPass = null;
 147     private String ksfname = null;
 148     private File ksfile = null;
 149     private InputStream ksStream = null; // keystore stream
 150     private String sslserver = null;
 151     private String jarfile = null;
 152     private KeyStore keyStore = null;
 153     private boolean token = false;
 154     private boolean nullStream = false;
 155     private boolean kssave = false;
 156     private boolean noprompt = false;
 157     private boolean trustcacerts = false;
 158     private boolean protectedPath = false;
 159     private boolean srcprotectedPath = false;
 160     private boolean cacerts = false;
 161     private boolean nowarn = false;
 162     private CertificateFactory cf = null;
 163     private KeyStore caks = null; // "cacerts" keystore
 164     private char[] srcstorePass = null;
 165     private String srcstoretype = null;
 166     private Set<char[]> passwords = new HashSet<>();
 167     private String startDate = null;
 169     private List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();   // used in GENCRL
 170     private List<String> v3ext = new ArrayList<>();
 172     // In-place importkeystore is special.
 173     // A backup is needed, and no need to prompt for deststorepass.
 174     private boolean inplaceImport = false;
 175     private String inplaceBackupName = null;
 177     // Warnings on weak algorithms etc
 178     private List<String> weakWarnings = new ArrayList<>();
 180     private static final DisabledAlgorithmConstraints DISABLED_CHECK =
 181             new DisabledAlgorithmConstraints(
 182                     DisabledAlgorithmConstraints.PROPERTY_CERTPATH_DISABLED_ALGS);
 184     private static final Set<CryptoPrimitive> SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET = Collections
 185             .unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(CryptoPrimitive.SIGNATURE));
 187     enum Command {
 188         CERTREQ("Generates.a.certificate.request",
 192         CHANGEALIAS("Changes.an.entry.s.alias",
 195             PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED),
 196         DELETE("Deletes.an.entry",
 199             PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED),
 200         EXPORTCERT("Exports.certificate",
 203             PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED),
 204         GENKEYPAIR("Generates.a.key.pair",
 209         GENSECKEY("Generates.a.secret.key",
 213         GENCERT("Generates.certificate.from.a.certificate.request",
 218         IMPORTCERT("Imports.a.certificate.or.a.certificate.chain",
 222             PROVIDERPATH, V),
 223         IMPORTPASS("Imports.a.password",
 227         IMPORTKEYSTORE("Imports.one.or.all.entries.from.another.keystore",
 233             V),
 234         KEYPASSWD("Changes.the.key.password.of.an.entry",
 237             PROVIDERPATH, V),
 238         LIST("Lists.entries.in.a.keystore",
 241             PROVIDERPATH, V, PROTECTED),
 242         PRINTCERT("Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate",
 243             RFC, FILEIN, SSLSERVER, JARFILE, V),
 244         PRINTCERTREQ("Prints.the.content.of.a.certificate.request",
 245             FILEIN, V),
 246         PRINTCRL("Prints.the.content.of.a.CRL.file",
 247             FILEIN, V),
 248         STOREPASSWD("Changes.the.store.password.of.a.keystore",
 252         // Undocumented start here, KEYCLONE is used a marker in -help;
 254         KEYCLONE("Clones.a.key.entry",
 258         SELFCERT("Generates.a.self.signed.certificate",
 262         GENCRL("Generates.CRL",
 263             RFC, FILEOUT, ID,
 267         IDENTITYDB("Imports.entries.from.a.JDK.1.1.x.style.identity.database",
 271         final String description;
 272         final Option[] options;
 273         final String name;
 275         String altName;     // "genkey" is altName for "genkeypair"
 277         Command(String d, Option... o) {
 278             description = d;
 279             options = o;
 280             name = "-" + name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
 281         }
 282         @Override
 283         public String toString() {
 284             return name;
 285         }
 286         public String getAltName() {
 287             return altName;
 288         }
 289         public void setAltName(String altName) {
 290             this.altName = altName;
 291         }
 292         public static Command getCommand(String cmd) {
 293             for (Command c: Command.values()) {
 294                 if (collator.compare(cmd, c.name) == 0
 295                         || (c.altName != null
 296                             && collator.compare(cmd, c.altName) == 0)) {
 297                     return c;
 298                 }
 299             }
 300             return null;
 301         }
 302     };
 304     static {
 305         Command.GENKEYPAIR.setAltName("-genkey");
 306         Command.IMPORTCERT.setAltName("-import");
 307         Command.EXPORTCERT.setAltName("-export");
 308         Command.IMPORTPASS.setAltName("-importpassword");
 309     }
 311     // If an option is allowed multiple times, remember to record it
 312     // in the optionsSet.contains() block in parseArgs().
 313     enum Option {
 314         ALIAS("alias", "<alias>", "alias.name.of.the.entry.to.process"),
 315         DESTALIAS("destalias", "<alias>", "destination.alias"),
 316         DESTKEYPASS("destkeypass", "<arg>", "destination.key.password"),
 317         DESTKEYSTORE("destkeystore", "<keystore>", "destination.keystore.name"),
 318         DESTPROTECTED("destprotected", null, "destination.keystore.password.protected"),
 319         DESTPROVIDERNAME("destprovidername", "<name>", "destination.keystore.provider.name"),
 320         DESTSTOREPASS("deststorepass", "<arg>", "destination.keystore.password"),
 321         DESTSTORETYPE("deststoretype", "<type>", "destination.keystore.type"),
 322         DNAME("dname", "<name>", "distinguished.name"),
 323         EXT("ext", "<value>", "X.509.extension"),
 324         FILEOUT("file", "<file>", "output.file.name"),
 325         FILEIN("file", "<file>", "input.file.name"),
 326         ID("id", "<id:reason>", "Serial.ID.of.cert.to.revoke"),
 327         INFILE("infile", "<file>", "input.file.name"),
 328         KEYALG("keyalg", "<alg>", "key.algorithm.name"),
 329         KEYPASS("keypass", "<arg>", "key.password"),
 330         KEYSIZE("keysize", "<size>", "key.bit.size"),
 331         KEYSTORE("keystore", "<keystore>", "keystore.name"),
 332         CACERTS("cacerts", null, "access.the.cacerts.keystore"),
 333         NEW("new", "<arg>", "new.password"),
 334         NOPROMPT("noprompt", null, "do.not.prompt"),
 335         OUTFILE("outfile", "<file>", "output.file.name"),
 336         PROTECTED("protected", null, "password.through.protected.mechanism"),
 337         PROVIDERCLASS("providerclass", "<class>\n[-providerarg <arg>]", "provider.class.option"),
 338         ADDPROVIDER("addprovider", "<name>\n[-providerarg <arg>]", "addprovider.option"),
 339         PROVIDERNAME("providername", "<name>", "provider.name"),
 340         PROVIDERPATH("providerpath", "<list>", "provider.classpath"),
 341         RFC("rfc", null, "output.in.RFC.style"),
 342         SIGALG("sigalg", "<alg>", "signature.algorithm.name"),
 343         SRCALIAS("srcalias", "<alias>", "source.alias"),
 344         SRCKEYPASS("srckeypass", "<arg>", "source.key.password"),
 345         SRCKEYSTORE("srckeystore", "<keystore>", "source.keystore.name"),
 346         SRCPROTECTED("srcprotected", null, "source.keystore.password.protected"),
 347         SRCPROVIDERNAME("srcprovidername", "<name>", "source.keystore.provider.name"),
 348         SRCSTOREPASS("srcstorepass", "<arg>", "source.keystore.password"),
 349         SRCSTORETYPE("srcstoretype", "<type>", "source.keystore.type"),
 350         SSLSERVER("sslserver", "<server[:port]>", "SSL.server.host.and.port"),
 351         JARFILE("jarfile", "<file>", "signed.jar.file"),
 352         STARTDATE("startdate", "<date>", "certificate.validity.start.date.time"),
 353         STOREPASS("storepass", "<arg>", "keystore.password"),
 354         STORETYPE("storetype", "<type>", "keystore.type"),
 355         TRUSTCACERTS("trustcacerts", null, "trust.certificates.from.cacerts"),
 356         V("v", null, "verbose.output"),
 357         VALIDITY("validity", "<days>", "validity.number.of.days");
 359         final String name, arg, description;
 360         Option(String name, String arg, String description) {
 361             this.name = name;
 362             this.arg = arg;
 363             this.description = description;
 364         }
 365         @Override
 366         public String toString() {
 367             return "-" + name;
 368         }
 369     };
 371     private static final String NONE = "NONE";
 372     private static final String P11KEYSTORE = "PKCS11";
 373     private static final String P12KEYSTORE = "PKCS12";
 374     private static final String keyAlias = "mykey";
 376     // for i18n
 377     private static final java.util.ResourceBundle rb =
 378         java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
 379             "sun.security.tools.keytool.Resources");
 380     private static final Collator collator = Collator.getInstance();
 381     static {
 382         // this is for case insensitive string comparisons
 383         collator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY);
 384     };
 386     private Main() { }
 388     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 389         Main kt = new Main();
 390         kt.run(args, System.out);
 391     }
 393     private void run(String[] args, PrintStream out) throws Exception {
 394         try {
 395             args = parseArgs(args);
 396             if (command != null) {
 397                 doCommands(out);
 398             }
 399         } catch (Exception e) {
 400             System.out.println(rb.getString("keytool.error.") + e);
 401             if (verbose) {
 402                 e.printStackTrace(System.out);
 403             }
 404             if (!debug) {
 405                 System.exit(1);
 406             } else {
 407                 throw e;
 408             }
 409         } finally {
 410             printWeakWarnings(false);
 411             for (char[] pass : passwords) {
 412                 if (pass != null) {
 413                     Arrays.fill(pass, ' ');
 414                     pass = null;
 415                 }
 416             }
 418             if (ksStream != null) {
 419                 ksStream.close();
 420             }
 421         }
 422     }
 424     /**
 425      * Parse command line arguments.
 426      */
 427     String[] parseArgs(String[] args) throws Exception {
 429         int i=0;
 430         boolean help = args.length == 0;
 432         String confFile = null;
 434         // Records all commands and options set. Used to check dups.
 435         Set<String> optionsSet = new HashSet<>();
 437         for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
 438             String flags = args[i];
 439             if (flags.startsWith("-")) {
 440                 String lowerFlags = flags.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
 441                 if (optionsSet.contains(lowerFlags)) {
 442                     switch (lowerFlags) {
 443                         case "-ext":
 444                         case "-id":
 445                         case "-provider":
 446                         case "-addprovider":
 447                         case "-providerclass":
 448                         case "-providerarg":
 449                             // These options are allowed multiple times
 450                             break;
 451                         default:
 452                             weakWarnings.add(String.format(
 453                                     rb.getString("option.1.set.twice"),
 454                                     lowerFlags));
 455                     }
 456                 } else {
 457                     optionsSet.add(lowerFlags);
 458                 }
 459                 if (collator.compare(flags, "-conf") == 0) {
 460                     if (i == args.length - 1) {
 461                         errorNeedArgument(flags);
 462                     }
 463                     confFile = args[++i];
 464                 } else {
 465                     Command c = Command.getCommand(flags);
 466                     if (c != null) {
 467                         if (command == null) {
 468                             command = c;
 469                         } else {
 470                             throw new Exception(String.format(
 471                                     rb.getString("multiple.commands.1.2"),
 472                                     command.name, c.name));
 473                         }
 474                     }
 475                 }
 476             }
 477         }
 479         if (confFile != null && command != null) {
 480             args = KeyStoreUtil.expandArgs("keytool", confFile,
 481                     command.toString(),
 482                     command.getAltName(), args);
 483         }
 485         debug = Arrays.stream(args).anyMatch(
 486                 x -> collator.compare(x, "-debug") == 0);
 488         if (debug) {
 489             // No need to localize debug output
 490             System.out.println("Command line args: " +
 491                     Arrays.toString(args));
 492         }
 494         for (i=0; (i < args.length) && args[i].startsWith("-"); i++) {
 496             String flags = args[i];
 498             // Check if the last option needs an arg
 499             if (i == args.length - 1) {
 500                 for (Option option: Option.values()) {
 501                     // Only options with an arg need to be checked
 502                     if (collator.compare(flags, option.toString()) == 0) {
 503                         if (option.arg != null) errorNeedArgument(flags);
 504                         break;
 505                     }
 506                 }
 507             }
 509             /*
 510              * Check modifiers
 511              */
 512             String modifier = null;
 513             int pos = flags.indexOf(':');
 514             if (pos > 0) {
 515                 modifier = flags.substring(pos+1);
 516                 flags = flags.substring(0, pos);
 517             }
 519             /*
 520              * command modes
 521              */
 522             Command c = Command.getCommand(flags);
 524             if (c != null) {
 525                 command = c;
 526             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-help") == 0 ||
 527                     collator.compare(flags, "-h") == 0 ||
 528                     collator.compare(flags, "-?") == 0) {
 529                 help = true;
 530             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-conf") == 0) {
 531                 i++;
 532             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-nowarn") == 0) {
 533                 nowarn = true;
 534             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keystore") == 0) {
 535                 ksfname = args[++i];
 536                 if (new File(ksfname).getCanonicalPath().equals(
 537                         new File(KeyStoreUtil.getCacerts()).getCanonicalPath())) {
 538                     System.err.println(rb.getString("warning.cacerts.option"));
 539                 }
 540             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-destkeystore") == 0) {
 541                 ksfname = args[++i];
 542             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-cacerts") == 0) {
 543                 cacerts = true;
 544             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-storepass") == 0 ||
 545                     collator.compare(flags, "-deststorepass") == 0) {
 546                 storePass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]);
 547                 passwords.add(storePass);
 548             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-storetype") == 0 ||
 549                     collator.compare(flags, "-deststoretype") == 0) {
 550                 storetype = KeyStoreUtil.niceStoreTypeName(args[++i]);
 551             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcstorepass") == 0) {
 552                 srcstorePass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]);
 553                 passwords.add(srcstorePass);
 554             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcstoretype") == 0) {
 555                 srcstoretype = KeyStoreUtil.niceStoreTypeName(args[++i]);
 556             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srckeypass") == 0) {
 557                 srckeyPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]);
 558                 passwords.add(srckeyPass);
 559             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcprovidername") == 0) {
 560                 srcProviderName = args[++i];
 561             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-providername") == 0 ||
 562                     collator.compare(flags, "-destprovidername") == 0) {
 563                 providerName = args[++i];
 564             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-providerpath") == 0) {
 565                 pathlist = args[++i];
 566             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keypass") == 0) {
 567                 keyPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]);
 568                 passwords.add(keyPass);
 569             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-new") == 0) {
 570                 newPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]);
 571                 passwords.add(newPass);
 572             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-destkeypass") == 0) {
 573                 destKeyPass = getPass(modifier, args[++i]);
 574                 passwords.add(destKeyPass);
 575             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-alias") == 0 ||
 576                     collator.compare(flags, "-srcalias") == 0) {
 577                 alias = args[++i];
 578             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-dest") == 0 ||
 579                     collator.compare(flags, "-destalias") == 0) {
 580                 dest = args[++i];
 581             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-dname") == 0) {
 582                 dname = args[++i];
 583             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keysize") == 0) {
 584                 keysize = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
 585             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-keyalg") == 0) {
 586                 keyAlgName = args[++i];
 587             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-sigalg") == 0) {
 588                 sigAlgName = args[++i];
 589             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-startdate") == 0) {
 590                 startDate = args[++i];
 591             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-validity") == 0) {
 592                 validity = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
 593             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-ext") == 0) {
 594                 v3ext.add(args[++i]);
 595             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-id") == 0) {
 596                 ids.add(args[++i]);
 597             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-file") == 0) {
 598                 filename = args[++i];
 599             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-infile") == 0) {
 600                 infilename = args[++i];
 601             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-outfile") == 0) {
 602                 outfilename = args[++i];
 603             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-sslserver") == 0) {
 604                 sslserver = args[++i];
 605             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-jarfile") == 0) {
 606                 jarfile = args[++i];
 607             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srckeystore") == 0) {
 608                 srcksfname = args[++i];
 609             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-provider") == 0 ||
 610                         collator.compare(flags, "-providerclass") == 0) {
 611                 if (providerClasses == null) {
 612                     providerClasses = new HashSet<Pair <String, String>> (3);
 613                 }
 614                 String providerClass = args[++i];
 615                 String providerArg = null;
 617                 if (args.length > (i+1)) {
 618                     flags = args[i+1];
 619                     if (collator.compare(flags, "-providerarg") == 0) {
 620                         if (args.length == (i+2)) errorNeedArgument(flags);
 621                         providerArg = args[i+2];
 622                         i += 2;
 623                     }
 624                 }
 625                 providerClasses.add(
 626                         Pair.of(providerClass, providerArg));
 627             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-addprovider") == 0) {
 628                 if (providers == null) {
 629                     providers = new HashSet<Pair <String, String>> (3);
 630                 }
 631                 String provider = args[++i];
 632                 String providerArg = null;
 634                 if (args.length > (i+1)) {
 635                     flags = args[i+1];
 636                     if (collator.compare(flags, "-providerarg") == 0) {
 637                         if (args.length == (i+2)) errorNeedArgument(flags);
 638                         providerArg = args[i+2];
 639                         i += 2;
 640                     }
 641                 }
 642                 providers.add(
 643                         Pair.of(provider, providerArg));
 644             }
 646             /*
 647              * options
 648              */
 649             else if (collator.compare(flags, "-v") == 0) {
 650                 verbose = true;
 651             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-debug") == 0) {
 652                 // Already processed
 653             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-rfc") == 0) {
 654                 rfc = true;
 655             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-noprompt") == 0) {
 656                 noprompt = true;
 657             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-trustcacerts") == 0) {
 658                 trustcacerts = true;
 659             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-protected") == 0 ||
 660                     collator.compare(flags, "-destprotected") == 0) {
 661                 protectedPath = true;
 662             } else if (collator.compare(flags, "-srcprotected") == 0) {
 663                 srcprotectedPath = true;
 664             } else  {
 665                 System.err.println(rb.getString("Illegal.option.") + flags);
 666                 tinyHelp();
 667             }
 668         }
 670         if (i<args.length) {
 671             System.err.println(rb.getString("Illegal.option.") + args[i]);
 672             tinyHelp();
 673         }
 675         if (command == null) {
 676             if (help) {
 677                 usage();
 678             } else {
 679                 System.err.println(rb.getString("Usage.error.no.command.provided"));
 680                 tinyHelp();
 681             }
 682         } else if (help) {
 683             usage();
 684             command = null;
 685         }
 687         return args;
 688     }
 690     boolean isKeyStoreRelated(Command cmd) {
 691         return cmd != PRINTCERT && cmd != PRINTCERTREQ;
 692     }
 694     /**
 695      * Execute the commands.
 696      */
 697     void doCommands(PrintStream out) throws Exception {
 699         if (cacerts) {
 700             if (ksfname != null || storetype != null) {
 701                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString
 702                         ("the.keystore.or.storetype.option.cannot.be.used.with.the.cacerts.option"));
 703             }
 704             ksfname = KeyStoreUtil.getCacerts();
 705         }
 707         if (P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype) ||
 708                 KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) {
 709             token = true;
 710             if (ksfname == null) {
 711                 ksfname = NONE;
 712             }
 713         }
 714         if (NONE.equals(ksfname)) {
 715             nullStream = true;
 716         }
 718         if (token && !nullStream) {
 719             System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString
 720                 (".keystore.must.be.NONE.if.storetype.is.{0}"), storetype));
 721             System.err.println();
 722             tinyHelp();
 723         }
 725         if (token &&
 726             (command == KEYPASSWD || command == STOREPASSWD)) {
 727             throw new UnsupportedOperationException(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString
 728                         (".storepasswd.and.keypasswd.commands.not.supported.if.storetype.is.{0}"), storetype));
 729         }
 731         if (token && (keyPass != null || newPass != null || destKeyPass != null)) {
 732             throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString
 733                 (".keypass.and.new.can.not.be.specified.if.storetype.is.{0}"), storetype));
 734         }
 736         if (protectedPath) {
 737             if (storePass != null || keyPass != null ||
 738                     newPass != null || destKeyPass != null) {
 739                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString
 740                         ("if.protected.is.specified.then.storepass.keypass.and.new.must.not.be.specified"));
 741             }
 742         }
 744         if (srcprotectedPath) {
 745             if (srcstorePass != null || srckeyPass != null) {
 746                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString
 747                         ("if.srcprotected.is.specified.then.srcstorepass.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified"));
 748             }
 749         }
 751         if (KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) {
 752             if (storePass != null || keyPass != null ||
 753                     newPass != null || destKeyPass != null) {
 754                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString
 755                         ("if.keystore.is.not.password.protected.then.storepass.keypass.and.new.must.not.be.specified"));
 756             }
 757         }
 759         if (KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) {
 760             if (srcstorePass != null || srckeyPass != null) {
 761                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(rb.getString
 762                         ("if.source.keystore.is.not.password.protected.then.srcstorepass.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified"));
 763             }
 764         }
 766         if (validity <= (long)0) {
 767             throw new Exception
 768                 (rb.getString("Validity.must.be.greater.than.zero"));
 769         }
 771         // Try to load and install specified provider
 772         if (providers != null) {
 773             for (Pair<String, String> provider : providers) {
 774                 try {
 775                     KeyStoreUtil.loadProviderByName(
 776                             provider.fst, provider.snd);
 777                     if (debug) {
 778                         System.out.println("loadProviderByName: " + provider.fst);
 779                     }
 780                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 781                     throw new Exception(String.format(rb.getString(
 782                             "provider.name.not.found"), provider.fst));
 783                 }
 784             }
 785         }
 786         if (providerClasses != null) {
 787             ClassLoader cl = null;
 788             if (pathlist != null) {
 789                 String path = null;
 790                 path = PathList.appendPath(
 791                         path, System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
 792                 path = PathList.appendPath(
 793                         path, System.getProperty("env.class.path"));
 794                 path = PathList.appendPath(path, pathlist);
 796                 URL[] urls = PathList.pathToURLs(path);
 797                 cl = new URLClassLoader(urls);
 798             } else {
 799                 cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
 800             }
 801             for (Pair<String, String> provider : providerClasses) {
 802                 try {
 803                     KeyStoreUtil.loadProviderByClass(
 804                             provider.fst, provider.snd, cl);
 805                     if (debug) {
 806                         System.out.println("loadProviderByClass: " + provider.fst);
 807                     }
 808                 } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
 809                     throw new Exception(String.format(rb.getString(
 810                             "provclass.not.a.provider"), provider.fst));
 811                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 812                     throw new Exception(String.format(rb.getString(
 813                             "provider.class.not.found"), provider.fst), e.getCause());
 814                 }
 815             }
 816         }
 818         if (command == LIST && verbose && rfc) {
 819             System.err.println(rb.getString
 820                 ("Must.not.specify.both.v.and.rfc.with.list.command"));
 821             tinyHelp();
 822         }
 824         // Make sure provided passwords are at least 6 characters long
 825         if (command == GENKEYPAIR && keyPass!=null && keyPass.length < 6) {
 826             throw new Exception(rb.getString
 827                 ("Key.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
 828         }
 829         if (newPass != null && newPass.length < 6) {
 830             throw new Exception(rb.getString
 831                 ("New.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
 832         }
 833         if (destKeyPass != null && destKeyPass.length < 6) {
 834             throw new Exception(rb.getString
 835                 ("New.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
 836         }
 838         // Set this before inplaceImport check so we can compare name.
 839         if (ksfname == null) {
 840             ksfname = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator
 841                     + ".keystore";
 842         }
 844         KeyStore srcKeyStore = null;
 845         if (command == IMPORTKEYSTORE) {
 846             inplaceImport = inplaceImportCheck();
 847             if (inplaceImport) {
 848                 // We load srckeystore first so we have srcstorePass that
 849                 // can be assigned to storePass
 850                 srcKeyStore = loadSourceKeyStore();
 851                 if (storePass == null) {
 852                     storePass = srcstorePass;
 853                 }
 854             }
 855         }
 857         // Check if keystore exists.
 858         // If no keystore has been specified at the command line, try to use
 859         // the default, which is located in $HOME/.keystore.
 860         // If the command is "genkey", "identitydb", "import", or "printcert",
 861         // it is OK not to have a keystore.
 863         // DO NOT open the existing keystore if this is an in-place import.
 864         // The keystore should be created as brand new.
 865         if (isKeyStoreRelated(command) && !nullStream && !inplaceImport) {
 866             try {
 867                 ksfile = new File(ksfname);
 868                 // Check if keystore file is empty
 869                 if (ksfile.exists() && ksfile.length() == 0) {
 870                     throw new Exception(rb.getString
 871                             ("Keystore.file.exists.but.is.empty.") + ksfname);
 872                 }
 873                 ksStream = new FileInputStream(ksfile);
 874             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 875                 if (command != GENKEYPAIR &&
 876                         command != GENSECKEY &&
 877                         command != IDENTITYDB &&
 878                         command != IMPORTCERT &&
 879                         command != IMPORTPASS &&
 880                         command != IMPORTKEYSTORE &&
 881                         command != PRINTCRL) {
 882                     throw new Exception(rb.getString
 883                             ("Keystore.file.does.not.exist.") + ksfname);
 884                 }
 885             }
 886         }
 888         if ((command == KEYCLONE || command == CHANGEALIAS)
 889                 && dest == null) {
 890             dest = getAlias("destination");
 891             if ("".equals(dest)) {
 892                 throw new Exception(rb.getString
 893                         ("Must.specify.destination.alias"));
 894             }
 895         }
 897         if (command == DELETE && alias == null) {
 898             alias = getAlias(null);
 899             if ("".equals(alias)) {
 900                 throw new Exception(rb.getString("Must.specify.alias"));
 901             }
 902         }
 904         // Create new keystore
 905         // Probe for keystore type when filename is available
 906         if (ksfile != null && ksStream != null && providerName == null &&
 907                 storetype == null && !inplaceImport) {
 908             keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(ksfile, storePass);
 909             storetype = keyStore.getType();
 910         } else {
 911             if (storetype == null) {
 912                 storetype = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
 913             }
 914             if (providerName == null) {
 915                 keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(storetype);
 916             } else {
 917                 keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(storetype, providerName);
 918             }
 920             /*
 921              * Load the keystore data.
 922              *
 923              * At this point, it's OK if no keystore password has been provided.
 924              * We want to make sure that we can load the keystore data, i.e.,
 925              * the keystore data has the right format. If we cannot load the
 926              * keystore, why bother asking the user for his or her password?
 927              * Only if we were able to load the keystore, and no keystore
 928              * password has been provided, will we prompt the user for the
 929              * keystore password to verify the keystore integrity.
 930              * This means that the keystore is loaded twice: first load operation
 931              * checks the keystore format, second load operation verifies the
 932              * keystore integrity.
 933              *
 934              * If the keystore password has already been provided (at the
 935              * command line), however, the keystore is loaded only once, and the
 936              * keystore format and integrity are checked "at the same time".
 937              *
 938              * Null stream keystores are loaded later.
 939              */
 940             if (!nullStream) {
 941                 if (inplaceImport) {
 942                     keyStore.load(null, storePass);
 943                 } else {
 944                     keyStore.load(ksStream, storePass);
 945                 }
 946                 if (ksStream != null) {
 947                     ksStream.close();
 948                 }
 949             }
 950         }
 952         if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype) && command == KEYPASSWD) {
 953             throw new UnsupportedOperationException(rb.getString
 954                     (".keypasswd.commands.not.supported.if.storetype.is.PKCS12"));
 955         }
 957         // All commands that create or modify the keystore require a keystore
 958         // password.
 960         if (nullStream && storePass != null) {
 961             keyStore.load(null, storePass);
 962         } else if (!nullStream && storePass != null) {
 963             // If we are creating a new non nullStream-based keystore,
 964             // insist that the password be at least 6 characters
 965             if (ksStream == null && storePass.length < 6) {
 966                 throw new Exception(rb.getString
 967                         ("Keystore.password.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
 968             }
 969         } else if (storePass == null) {
 971             // only prompt if (protectedPath == false)
 973             if (!protectedPath && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype) &&
 974                 (command == CERTREQ ||
 975                         command == DELETE ||
 976                         command == GENKEYPAIR ||
 977                         command == GENSECKEY ||
 978                         command == IMPORTCERT ||
 979                         command == IMPORTPASS ||
 980                         command == IMPORTKEYSTORE ||
 981                         command == KEYCLONE ||
 982                         command == CHANGEALIAS ||
 983                         command == SELFCERT ||
 984                         command == STOREPASSWD ||
 985                         command == KEYPASSWD ||
 986                         command == IDENTITYDB)) {
 987                 int count = 0;
 988                 do {
 989                     if (command == IMPORTKEYSTORE) {
 990                         System.err.print
 991                                 (rb.getString("Enter.destination.keystore.password."));
 992                     } else {
 993                         System.err.print
 994                                 (rb.getString("Enter.keystore.password."));
 995                     }
 996                     System.err.flush();
 997                     storePass = Password.readPassword(System.in);
 998                     passwords.add(storePass);
1000                     // If we are creating a new non nullStream-based keystore,
1001                     // insist that the password be at least 6 characters
1002                     if (!nullStream && (storePass == null || storePass.length < 6)) {
1003                         System.err.println(rb.getString
1004                                 ("Keystore.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
1005                         storePass = null;
1006                     }
1008                     // If the keystore file does not exist and needs to be
1009                     // created, the storepass should be prompted twice.
1010                     if (storePass != null && !nullStream && ksStream == null) {
1011                         System.err.print(rb.getString("Re.enter.new.password."));
1012                         char[] storePassAgain = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1013                         passwords.add(storePassAgain);
1014                         if (!Arrays.equals(storePass, storePassAgain)) {
1015                             System.err.println
1016                                 (rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again"));
1017                             storePass = null;
1018                         }
1019                     }
1021                     count++;
1022                 } while ((storePass == null) && count < 3);
1025                 if (storePass == null) {
1026                     System.err.println
1027                         (rb.getString("Too.many.failures.try.later"));
1028                     return;
1029                 }
1030             } else if (!protectedPath
1031                     && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)
1032                     && isKeyStoreRelated(command)) {
1033                 // here we have EXPORTCERT and LIST (info valid until STOREPASSWD)
1034                 if (command != PRINTCRL) {
1035                     System.err.print(rb.getString("Enter.keystore.password."));
1036                     System.err.flush();
1037                     storePass = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1038                     passwords.add(storePass);
1039                 }
1040             }
1042             // Now load a nullStream-based keystore,
1043             // or verify the integrity of an input stream-based keystore
1044             if (nullStream) {
1045                 keyStore.load(null, storePass);
1046             } else if (ksStream != null) {
1047                 ksStream = new FileInputStream(ksfile);
1048                 keyStore.load(ksStream, storePass);
1049                 ksStream.close();
1050             }
1051         }
1053         if (storePass != null && P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) {
1054             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
1055                 "Warning.Different.store.and.key.passwords.not.supported.for.PKCS12.KeyStores.Ignoring.user.specified.command.value."));
1056             if (keyPass != null && !Arrays.equals(storePass, keyPass)) {
1057                 Object[] source = {"-keypass"};
1058                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1059                 keyPass = storePass;
1060             }
1061             if (newPass != null && !Arrays.equals(storePass, newPass)) {
1062                 Object[] source = {"-new"};
1063                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1064                 newPass = storePass;
1065             }
1066             if (destKeyPass != null && !Arrays.equals(storePass, destKeyPass)) {
1067                 Object[] source = {"-destkeypass"};
1068                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1069                 destKeyPass = storePass;
1070             }
1071         }
1073         // Create a certificate factory
1074         if (command == PRINTCERT || command == IMPORTCERT
1075                 || command == IDENTITYDB || command == PRINTCRL) {
1076             cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
1077         }
1079         // -trustcacerts can only be specified on -importcert.
1080         // Reset it so that warnings on CA cert will remain for
1081         // -printcert, etc.
1082         if (command != IMPORTCERT) {
1083             trustcacerts = false;
1084         }
1086         if (trustcacerts) {
1087             caks = KeyStoreUtil.getCacertsKeyStore();
1088         }
1090         // Perform the specified command
1091         if (command == CERTREQ) {
1092             if (filename != null) {
1093                 try (PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream
1094                                                       (filename))) {
1095                     doCertReq(alias, sigAlgName, ps);
1096                 }
1097             } else {
1098                 doCertReq(alias, sigAlgName, out);
1099             }
1100             if (verbose && filename != null) {
1101                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1102                         ("Certification.request.stored.in.file.filename."));
1103                 Object[] source = {filename};
1104                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1105                 System.err.println(rb.getString("Submit.this.to.your.CA"));
1106             }
1107         } else if (command == DELETE) {
1108             doDeleteEntry(alias);
1109             kssave = true;
1110         } else if (command == EXPORTCERT) {
1111             if (filename != null) {
1112                 try (PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream
1113                                                    (filename))) {
1114                     doExportCert(alias, ps);
1115                 }
1116             } else {
1117                 doExportCert(alias, out);
1118             }
1119             if (filename != null) {
1120                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1121                         ("Certificate.stored.in.file.filename."));
1122                 Object[] source = {filename};
1123                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1124             }
1125         } else if (command == GENKEYPAIR) {
1126             if (keyAlgName == null) {
1127                 keyAlgName = "DSA";
1128             }
1129             doGenKeyPair(alias, dname, keyAlgName, keysize, sigAlgName);
1130             kssave = true;
1131         } else if (command == GENSECKEY) {
1132             if (keyAlgName == null) {
1133                 keyAlgName = "DES";
1134             }
1135             doGenSecretKey(alias, keyAlgName, keysize);
1136             kssave = true;
1137         } else if (command == IMPORTPASS) {
1138             if (keyAlgName == null) {
1139                 keyAlgName = "PBE";
1140             }
1141             // password is stored as a secret key
1142             doGenSecretKey(alias, keyAlgName, keysize);
1143             kssave = true;
1144         } else if (command == IDENTITYDB) {
1145             if (filename != null) {
1146                 try (InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
1147                     doImportIdentityDatabase(inStream);
1148                 }
1149             } else {
1150                 doImportIdentityDatabase(System.in);
1151             }
1152         } else if (command == IMPORTCERT) {
1153             InputStream inStream = System.in;
1154             if (filename != null) {
1155                 inStream = new FileInputStream(filename);
1156             }
1157             String importAlias = (alias!=null)?alias:keyAlias;
1158             try {
1159                 if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(
1160                         importAlias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class)) {
1161                     kssave = installReply(importAlias, inStream);
1162                     if (kssave) {
1163                         System.err.println(rb.getString
1164                             ("Certificate.reply.was.installed.in.keystore"));
1165                     } else {
1166                         System.err.println(rb.getString
1167                             ("Certificate.reply.was.not.installed.in.keystore"));
1168                     }
1169                 } else if (!keyStore.containsAlias(importAlias) ||
1170                         keyStore.entryInstanceOf(importAlias,
1171                             KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry.class)) {
1172                     kssave = addTrustedCert(importAlias, inStream);
1173                     if (kssave) {
1174                         System.err.println(rb.getString
1175                             ("Certificate.was.added.to.keystore"));
1176                     } else {
1177                         System.err.println(rb.getString
1178                             ("Certificate.was.not.added.to.keystore"));
1179                     }
1180                 }
1181             } finally {
1182                 if (inStream != System.in) {
1183                     inStream.close();
1184                 }
1185             }
1186         } else if (command == IMPORTKEYSTORE) {
1187             // When not in-place import, srcKeyStore is not loaded yet.
1188             if (srcKeyStore == null) {
1189                 srcKeyStore = loadSourceKeyStore();
1190             }
1191             doImportKeyStore(srcKeyStore);
1192             kssave = true;
1193         } else if (command == KEYCLONE) {
1194             keyPassNew = newPass;
1196             // added to make sure only key can go thru
1197             if (alias == null) {
1198                 alias = keyAlias;
1199             }
1200             if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
1201                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1202                     (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
1203                 Object[] source = {alias};
1204                 throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1205             }
1206             if (!keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class)) {
1207                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
1208                         "Alias.alias.references.an.entry.type.that.is.not.a.private.key.entry.The.keyclone.command.only.supports.cloning.of.private.key"));
1209                 Object[] source = {alias};
1210                 throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1211             }
1213             doCloneEntry(alias, dest, true);  // Now everything can be cloned
1214             kssave = true;
1215         } else if (command == CHANGEALIAS) {
1216             if (alias == null) {
1217                 alias = keyAlias;
1218             }
1219             doCloneEntry(alias, dest, false);
1220             // in PKCS11, clone a PrivateKeyEntry will delete the old one
1221             if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) {
1222                 doDeleteEntry(alias);
1223             }
1224             kssave = true;
1225         } else if (command == KEYPASSWD) {
1226             keyPassNew = newPass;
1227             doChangeKeyPasswd(alias);
1228             kssave = true;
1229         } else if (command == LIST) {
1230             if (storePass == null
1231                     && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) {
1232                 printNoIntegrityWarning();
1233             }
1235             if (alias != null) {
1236                 doPrintEntry(rb.getString("the.certificate"), alias, out);
1237             } else {
1238                 doPrintEntries(out);
1239             }
1240         } else if (command == PRINTCERT) {
1241             doPrintCert(out);
1242         } else if (command == SELFCERT) {
1243             doSelfCert(alias, dname, sigAlgName);
1244             kssave = true;
1245         } else if (command == STOREPASSWD) {
1246             storePassNew = newPass;
1247             if (storePassNew == null) {
1248                 storePassNew = getNewPasswd("keystore password", storePass);
1249             }
1250             kssave = true;
1251         } else if (command == GENCERT) {
1252             if (alias == null) {
1253                 alias = keyAlias;
1254             }
1255             InputStream inStream = System.in;
1256             if (infilename != null) {
1257                 inStream = new FileInputStream(infilename);
1258             }
1259             PrintStream ps = null;
1260             if (outfilename != null) {
1261                 ps = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outfilename));
1262                 out = ps;
1263             }
1264             try {
1265                 doGenCert(alias, sigAlgName, inStream, out);
1266             } finally {
1267                 if (inStream != System.in) {
1268                     inStream.close();
1269                 }
1270                 if (ps != null) {
1271                     ps.close();
1272                 }
1273             }
1274         } else if (command == GENCRL) {
1275             if (alias == null) {
1276                 alias = keyAlias;
1277             }
1278             if (filename != null) {
1279                 try (PrintStream ps =
1280                          new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))) {
1281                     doGenCRL(ps);
1282                 }
1283             } else {
1284                 doGenCRL(out);
1285             }
1286         } else if (command == PRINTCERTREQ) {
1287             if (filename != null) {
1288                 try (InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
1289                     doPrintCertReq(inStream, out);
1290                 }
1291             } else {
1292                 doPrintCertReq(System.in, out);
1293             }
1294         } else if (command == PRINTCRL) {
1295             doPrintCRL(filename, out);
1296         }
1298         // If we need to save the keystore, do so.
1299         if (kssave) {
1300             if (verbose) {
1301                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1302                         (rb.getString(".Storing.ksfname."));
1303                 Object[] source = {nullStream ? "keystore" : ksfname};
1304                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1305             }
1307             if (token) {
1308                 keyStore.store(null, null);
1309             } else {
1310                 char[] pass = (storePassNew!=null) ? storePassNew : storePass;
1311                 if (nullStream) {
1312                     keyStore.store(null, pass);
1313                 } else {
1314                     ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
1315                     keyStore.store(bout, pass);
1316                     try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(ksfname)) {
1317                         fout.write(bout.toByteArray());
1318                     }
1319                 }
1320             }
1321         }
1323         if (isKeyStoreRelated(command)
1324                 && !token && !nullStream && ksfname != null) {
1326             // JKS storetype warning on the final result keystore
1327             File f = new File(ksfname);
1328             char[] pass = (storePassNew!=null) ? storePassNew : storePass;
1329             if (f.exists()) {
1330                 // Probe for real type. A JKS can be loaded as PKCS12 because
1331                 // DualFormat support, vice versa.
1332                 keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(f, pass);
1333                 String realType = keyStore.getType();
1334                 if (realType.equalsIgnoreCase("JKS")
1335                         || realType.equalsIgnoreCase("JCEKS")) {
1336                     boolean allCerts = true;
1337                     for (String a : Collections.list(keyStore.aliases())) {
1338                         if (!keyStore.entryInstanceOf(
1339                                 a, TrustedCertificateEntry.class)) {
1340                             allCerts = false;
1341                             break;
1342                         }
1343                     }
1344                     // Don't warn for "cacerts" style keystore.
1345                     if (!allCerts) {
1346                         weakWarnings.add(String.format(
1347                                 rb.getString("jks.storetype.warning"),
1348                                 realType, ksfname));
1349                     }
1350                 }
1351                 if (inplaceImport) {
1352                     String realSourceStoreType = KeyStore.getInstance(
1353                             new File(inplaceBackupName), srcstorePass).getType();
1354                     String format =
1355                             realType.equalsIgnoreCase(realSourceStoreType) ?
1356                             rb.getString("backup.keystore.warning") :
1357                             rb.getString("migrate.keystore.warning");
1358                     weakWarnings.add(
1359                             String.format(format,
1360                                     srcksfname,
1361                                     realSourceStoreType,
1362                                     inplaceBackupName,
1363                                     realType));
1364                 }
1365             }
1366         }
1367     }
1369     /**
1370      * Generate a certificate: Read PKCS10 request from in, and print
1371      * certificate to out. Use alias as CA, sigAlgName as the signature
1372      * type.
1373      */
1374     private void doGenCert(String alias, String sigAlgName, InputStream in, PrintStream out)
1375             throws Exception {
1378         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
1379             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1380                     (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
1381             Object[] source = {alias};
1382             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1383         }
1384         Certificate signerCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
1385         byte[] encoded = signerCert.getEncoded();
1386         X509CertImpl signerCertImpl = new X509CertImpl(encoded);
1387         X509CertInfo signerCertInfo = (X509CertInfo)signerCertImpl.get(
1388                 X509CertImpl.NAME + "." + X509CertImpl.INFO);
1389         X500Name issuer = (X500Name)signerCertInfo.get(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." +
1390                                            X509CertInfo.DN_NAME);
1392         Date firstDate = getStartDate(startDate);
1393         Date lastDate = new Date();
1394         lastDate.setTime(firstDate.getTime() + validity*1000L*24L*60L*60L);
1395         CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(firstDate,
1396                                                                lastDate);
1398         PrivateKey privateKey =
1399                 (PrivateKey)recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass).fst;
1400         if (sigAlgName == null) {
1401             sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privateKey);
1402         }
1403         Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlgName);
1404         signature.initSign(privateKey);
1406         X509CertInfo info = new X509CertInfo();
1407         info.set(X509CertInfo.VALIDITY, interval);
1408         info.set(X509CertInfo.SERIAL_NUMBER, new CertificateSerialNumber(
1409                     new java.util.Random().nextInt() & 0x7fffffff));
1410         info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION,
1411                     new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3));
1412         info.set(X509CertInfo.ALGORITHM_ID,
1413                     new CertificateAlgorithmId(
1414                         AlgorithmId.get(sigAlgName)));
1415         info.set(X509CertInfo.ISSUER, issuer);
1417         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
1418         boolean canRead = false;
1419         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1420         while (true) {
1421             String s = reader.readLine();
1422             if (s == null) break;
1423             // OpenSSL does not use NEW
1424             //if (s.startsWith("-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----")) {
1425             if (s.startsWith("-----BEGIN") && s.indexOf("REQUEST") >= 0) {
1426                 canRead = true;
1427             //} else if (s.startsWith("-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----")) {
1428             } else if (s.startsWith("-----END") && s.indexOf("REQUEST") >= 0) {
1429                 break;
1430             } else if (canRead) {
1431                 sb.append(s);
1432             }
1433         }
1434         byte[] rawReq = Pem.decode(new String(sb));
1435         PKCS10 req = new PKCS10(rawReq);
1437         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.certificate.request"), req);
1439         info.set(X509CertInfo.KEY, new CertificateX509Key(req.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo()));
1440         info.set(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT,
1441                     dname==null?req.getSubjectName():new X500Name(dname));
1442         CertificateExtensions reqex = null;
1443         Iterator<PKCS10Attribute> attrs = req.getAttributes().getAttributes().iterator();
1444         while (attrs.hasNext()) {
1445             PKCS10Attribute attr = attrs.next();
1446             if (attr.getAttributeId().equals(PKCS9Attribute.EXTENSION_REQUEST_OID)) {
1447                 reqex = (CertificateExtensions)attr.getAttributeValue();
1448             }
1449         }
1450         CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions(
1451                 reqex,
1452                 null,
1453                 v3ext,
1454                 req.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo(),
1455                 signerCert.getPublicKey());
1456         info.set(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS, ext);
1457         X509CertImpl cert = new X509CertImpl(info);
1458         cert.sign(privateKey, sigAlgName);
1459         dumpCert(cert, out);
1460         for (Certificate ca: keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias)) {
1461             if (ca instanceof X509Certificate) {
1462                 X509Certificate xca = (X509Certificate)ca;
1463                 if (!KeyStoreUtil.isSelfSigned(xca)) {
1464                     dumpCert(xca, out);
1465                 }
1466             }
1467         }
1469         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.issuer"), keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias));
1470         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.certificate"), cert);
1471     }
1473     private void doGenCRL(PrintStream out)
1474             throws Exception {
1475         if (ids == null) {
1476             throw new Exception("Must provide -id when -gencrl");
1477         }
1478         Certificate signerCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
1479         byte[] encoded = signerCert.getEncoded();
1480         X509CertImpl signerCertImpl = new X509CertImpl(encoded);
1481         X509CertInfo signerCertInfo = (X509CertInfo)signerCertImpl.get(
1482                 X509CertImpl.NAME + "." + X509CertImpl.INFO);
1483         X500Name owner = (X500Name)signerCertInfo.get(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." +
1484                                                       X509CertInfo.DN_NAME);
1486         Date firstDate = getStartDate(startDate);
1487         Date lastDate = (Date) firstDate.clone();
1488         lastDate.setTime(lastDate.getTime() + validity*1000*24*60*60);
1489         CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(firstDate,
1490                                                                lastDate);
1493         PrivateKey privateKey =
1494                 (PrivateKey)recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass).fst;
1495         if (sigAlgName == null) {
1496             sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privateKey);
1497         }
1499         X509CRLEntry[] badCerts = new X509CRLEntry[ids.size()];
1500         for (int i=0; i<ids.size(); i++) {
1501             String id = ids.get(i);
1502             int d = id.indexOf(':');
1503             if (d >= 0) {
1504                 CRLExtensions ext = new CRLExtensions();
1505                 ext.set("Reason", new CRLReasonCodeExtension(Integer.parseInt(id.substring(d+1))));
1506                 badCerts[i] = new X509CRLEntryImpl(new BigInteger(id.substring(0, d)),
1507                         firstDate, ext);
1508             } else {
1509                 badCerts[i] = new X509CRLEntryImpl(new BigInteger(ids.get(i)), firstDate);
1510             }
1511         }
1512         X509CRLImpl crl = new X509CRLImpl(owner, firstDate, lastDate, badCerts);
1513         crl.sign(privateKey, sigAlgName);
1514         if (rfc) {
1515             out.println("-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----");
1516             out.println(Base64.getMimeEncoder(64, CRLF).encodeToString(crl.getEncodedInternal()));
1517             out.println("-----END X509 CRL-----");
1518         } else {
1519             out.write(crl.getEncodedInternal());
1520         }
1521         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.crl"), crl, privateKey);
1522     }
1524     /**
1525      * Creates a PKCS#10 cert signing request, corresponding to the
1526      * keys (and name) associated with a given alias.
1527      */
1528     private void doCertReq(String alias, String sigAlgName, PrintStream out)
1529         throws Exception
1530     {
1531         if (alias == null) {
1532             alias = keyAlias;
1533         }
1535         Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass);
1536         PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)objs.fst;
1537         if (keyPass == null) {
1538             keyPass = objs.snd;
1539         }
1541         Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
1542         if (cert == null) {
1543             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1544                 (rb.getString("alias.has.no.public.key.certificate."));
1545             Object[] source = {alias};
1546             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1547         }
1548         PKCS10 request = new PKCS10(cert.getPublicKey());
1549         CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions(null, null, v3ext, cert.getPublicKey(), null);
1550         // Attribute name is not significant
1551         request.getAttributes().setAttribute(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS,
1552                 new PKCS10Attribute(PKCS9Attribute.EXTENSION_REQUEST_OID, ext));
1554         // Construct a Signature object, so that we can sign the request
1555         if (sigAlgName == null) {
1556             sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privKey);
1557         }
1559         Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(sigAlgName);
1560         signature.initSign(privKey);
1561         X500Name subject = dname == null?
1562                 new X500Name(((X509Certificate)cert).getSubjectDN().toString()):
1563                 new X500Name(dname);
1565         // Sign the request and base-64 encode it
1566         request.encodeAndSign(subject, signature);
1567         request.print(out);
1569         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.certificate.request"), request);
1570     }
1572     /**
1573      * Deletes an entry from the keystore.
1574      */
1575     private void doDeleteEntry(String alias) throws Exception {
1576         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
1577             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1578                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
1579             Object[] source = {alias};
1580             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1581         }
1582         keyStore.deleteEntry(alias);
1583     }
1585     /**
1586      * Exports a certificate from the keystore.
1587      */
1588     private void doExportCert(String alias, PrintStream out)
1589         throws Exception
1590     {
1591         if (storePass == null
1592                 && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(storetype)) {
1593             printNoIntegrityWarning();
1594         }
1595         if (alias == null) {
1596             alias = keyAlias;
1597         }
1598         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
1599             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1600                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
1601             Object[] source = {alias};
1602             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1603         }
1605         X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
1606         if (cert == null) {
1607             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1608                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.has.no.certificate"));
1609             Object[] source = {alias};
1610             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1611         }
1612         dumpCert(cert, out);
1613         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.certificate"), cert);
1614     }
1616     /**
1617      * Prompt the user for a keypass when generating a key entry.
1618      * @param alias the entry we will set password for
1619      * @param orig the original entry of doing a dup, null if generate new
1620      * @param origPass the password to copy from if user press ENTER
1621      */
1622     private char[] promptForKeyPass(String alias, String orig, char[] origPass) throws Exception{
1623         if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) {
1624             return origPass;
1625         } else if (!token && !protectedPath) {
1626             // Prompt for key password
1627             int count;
1628             for (count = 0; count < 3; count++) {
1629                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1630                         ("Enter.key.password.for.alias."));
1631                 Object[] source = {alias};
1632                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1633                 if (orig == null) {
1634                     System.err.print(rb.getString
1635                             (".RETURN.if.same.as.keystore.password."));
1636                 } else {
1637                     form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1638                             (".RETURN.if.same.as.for.otherAlias."));
1639                     Object[] src = {orig};
1640                     System.err.print(form.format(src));
1641                 }
1642                 System.err.flush();
1643                 char[] entered = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1644                 passwords.add(entered);
1645                 if (entered == null) {
1646                     return origPass;
1647                 } else if (entered.length >= 6) {
1648                     System.err.print(rb.getString("Re.enter.new.password."));
1649                     char[] passAgain = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1650                     passwords.add(passAgain);
1651                     if (!Arrays.equals(entered, passAgain)) {
1652                         System.err.println
1653                             (rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again"));
1654                         continue;
1655                     }
1656                     return entered;
1657                 } else {
1658                     System.err.println(rb.getString
1659                         ("Key.password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
1660                 }
1661             }
1662             if (count == 3) {
1663                 if (command == KEYCLONE) {
1664                     throw new Exception(rb.getString
1665                         ("Too.many.failures.Key.entry.not.cloned"));
1666                 } else {
1667                     throw new Exception(rb.getString
1668                             ("Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore"));
1669                 }
1670             }
1671         }
1672         return null;    // PKCS11, MSCAPI, or -protected
1673     }
1675     /*
1676      * Prompt the user for the password credential to be stored.
1677      */
1678     private char[] promptForCredential() throws Exception {
1679         // Handle password supplied via stdin
1680         if (System.console() == null) {
1681             char[] importPass = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1682             passwords.add(importPass);
1683             return importPass;
1684         }
1686         int count;
1687         for (count = 0; count < 3; count++) {
1688             System.err.print(
1689                 rb.getString("Enter.the.password.to.be.stored."));
1690             System.err.flush();
1691             char[] entered = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1692             passwords.add(entered);
1693             System.err.print(rb.getString("Re.enter.password."));
1694             char[] passAgain = Password.readPassword(System.in);
1695             passwords.add(passAgain);
1696             if (!Arrays.equals(entered, passAgain)) {
1697                 System.err.println(rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again"));
1698                 continue;
1699             }
1700             return entered;
1701         }
1703         if (count == 3) {
1704             throw new Exception(rb.getString
1705                 ("Too.many.failures.key.not.added.to.keystore"));
1706         }
1708         return null;
1709     }
1711     /**
1712      * Creates a new secret key.
1713      */
1714     private void doGenSecretKey(String alias, String keyAlgName,
1715                               int keysize)
1716         throws Exception
1717     {
1718         if (alias == null) {
1719             alias = keyAlias;
1720         }
1721         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) {
1722             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1723                 ("Secret.key.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists"));
1724             Object[] source = {alias};
1725             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1726         }
1728         // Use the keystore's default PBE algorithm for entry protection
1729         boolean useDefaultPBEAlgorithm = true;
1730         SecretKey secKey = null;
1732         if (keyAlgName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("PBE")) {
1733             SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBE");
1735             // User is prompted for PBE credential
1736             secKey =
1737                 factory.generateSecret(new PBEKeySpec(promptForCredential()));
1739             // Check whether a specific PBE algorithm was specified
1740             if (!"PBE".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) {
1741                 useDefaultPBEAlgorithm = false;
1742             }
1744             if (verbose) {
1745                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
1746                     "Generated.keyAlgName.secret.key"));
1747                 Object[] source =
1748                     {useDefaultPBEAlgorithm ? "PBE" : secKey.getAlgorithm()};
1749                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1750             }
1751         } else {
1752             KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(keyAlgName);
1753             if (keysize == -1) {
1754                 if ("DES".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) {
1755                     keysize = 56;
1756                 } else if ("DESede".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) {
1757                     keysize = 168;
1758                 } else {
1759                     throw new Exception(rb.getString
1760                         ("Please.provide.keysize.for.secret.key.generation"));
1761                 }
1762             }
1763             keygen.init(keysize);
1764             secKey = keygen.generateKey();
1766             if (verbose) {
1767                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1768                     ("Generated.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.secret.key"));
1769                 Object[] source = {keysize,
1770                                     secKey.getAlgorithm()};
1771                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
1772             }
1773         }
1775         if (keyPass == null) {
1776             keyPass = promptForKeyPass(alias, null, storePass);
1777         }
1779         if (useDefaultPBEAlgorithm) {
1780             keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, secKey, keyPass, null);
1781         } else {
1782             keyStore.setEntry(alias, new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry(secKey),
1783                 new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(keyPass, keyAlgName, null));
1784         }
1785     }
1787     /**
1788      * If no signature algorithm was specified at the command line,
1789      * we choose one that is compatible with the selected private key
1790      */
1791     private static String getCompatibleSigAlgName(PrivateKey key)
1792             throws Exception {
1793         String result = AlgorithmId.getDefaultSigAlgForKey(key);
1794         if (result != null) {
1795             return result;
1796         } else {
1797             throw new Exception(rb.getString
1798                     ("Cannot.derive.signature.algorithm"));
1799         }
1800     }
1802     /**
1803      * Creates a new key pair and self-signed certificate.
1804      */
1805     private void doGenKeyPair(String alias, String dname, String keyAlgName,
1806                               int keysize, String sigAlgName)
1807         throws Exception
1808     {
1809         if (keysize == -1) {
1810             if ("EC".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) {
1811                 keysize = SecurityProviderConstants.DEF_EC_KEY_SIZE;
1812             } else if ("RSA".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) {
1813                 keysize = SecurityProviderConstants.DEF_RSA_KEY_SIZE;
1814             } else if ("DSA".equalsIgnoreCase(keyAlgName)) {
1815                 // hardcode for now as DEF_DSA_KEY_SIZE is still 1024
1816                 keysize = 2048; // SecurityProviderConstants.DEF_DSA_KEY_SIZE;
1817             }
1818         }
1820         if (alias == null) {
1821             alias = keyAlias;
1822         }
1824         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) {
1825             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1826                 ("Key.pair.not.generated.alias.alias.already.exists"));
1827             Object[] source = {alias};
1828             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1829         }
1831         CertAndKeyGen keypair =
1832                 new CertAndKeyGen(keyAlgName, sigAlgName, providerName);
1835         // If DN is provided, parse it. Otherwise, prompt the user for it.
1836         X500Name x500Name;
1837         if (dname == null) {
1838             x500Name = getX500Name();
1839         } else {
1840             x500Name = new X500Name(dname);
1841         }
1843         keypair.generate(keysize);
1844         PrivateKey privKey = keypair.getPrivateKey();
1846         CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions(
1847                 null,
1848                 null,
1849                 v3ext,
1850                 keypair.getPublicKeyAnyway(),
1851                 null);
1853         X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1];
1854         chain[0] = keypair.getSelfCertificate(
1855                 x500Name, getStartDate(startDate), validity*24L*60L*60L, ext);
1857         if (verbose) {
1858             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1859                 ("Generating.keysize.bit.keyAlgName.key.pair.and.self.signed.certificate.sigAlgName.with.a.validity.of.validality.days.for"));
1860             Object[] source = {keysize,
1861                                 privKey.getAlgorithm(),
1862                                 chain[0].getSigAlgName(),
1863                                 validity,
1864                                 x500Name};
1865             System.err.println(form.format(source));
1866         }
1868         if (keyPass == null) {
1869             keyPass = promptForKeyPass(alias, null, storePass);
1870         }
1871         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.generated.certificate"), chain[0]);
1872         keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey, keyPass, chain);
1873     }
1875     /**
1876      * Clones an entry
1877      * @param orig original alias
1878      * @param dest destination alias
1879      * @changePassword if the password can be changed
1880      */
1881     private void doCloneEntry(String orig, String dest, boolean changePassword)
1882         throws Exception
1883     {
1884         if (orig == null) {
1885             orig = keyAlias;
1886         }
1888         if (keyStore.containsAlias(dest)) {
1889             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1890                 (rb.getString("Destination.alias.dest.already.exists"));
1891             Object[] source = {dest};
1892             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1893         }
1895         Pair<Entry,char[]> objs = recoverEntry(keyStore, orig, storePass, keyPass);
1896         Entry entry = objs.fst;
1897         keyPass = objs.snd;
1899         PasswordProtection pp = null;
1901         if (keyPass != null) {  // protected
1902             if (!changePassword || P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) {
1903                 keyPassNew = keyPass;
1904             } else {
1905                 if (keyPassNew == null) {
1906                     keyPassNew = promptForKeyPass(dest, orig, keyPass);
1907                 }
1908             }
1909             pp = new PasswordProtection(keyPassNew);
1910         }
1911         keyStore.setEntry(dest, entry, pp);
1912     }
1914     /**
1915      * Changes a key password.
1916      */
1917     private void doChangeKeyPasswd(String alias) throws Exception
1918     {
1920         if (alias == null) {
1921             alias = keyAlias;
1922         }
1923         Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass);
1924         Key privKey = objs.fst;
1925         if (keyPass == null) {
1926             keyPass = objs.snd;
1927         }
1929         if (keyPassNew == null) {
1930             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1931                 (rb.getString("key.password.for.alias."));
1932             Object[] source = {alias};
1933             keyPassNew = getNewPasswd(form.format(source), keyPass);
1934         }
1935         keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey, keyPassNew,
1936                              keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias));
1937     }
1939     /**
1940      * Imports a JDK 1.1-style identity database. We can only store one
1941      * certificate per identity, because we use the identity's name as the
1942      * alias (which references a keystore entry), and aliases must be unique.
1943      */
1944     private void doImportIdentityDatabase(InputStream in)
1945         throws Exception
1946     {
1947         System.err.println(rb.getString
1948             ("No.entries.from.identity.database.added"));
1949     }
1951     /**
1952      * Prints a single keystore entry.
1953      */
1954     private void doPrintEntry(String label, String alias, PrintStream out)
1955         throws Exception
1956     {
1957         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
1958             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1959                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
1960             Object[] source = {alias};
1961             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
1962         }
1964         if (verbose || rfc || debug) {
1965             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1966                 (rb.getString("Alias.name.alias"));
1967             Object[] source = {alias};
1968             out.println(form.format(source));
1970             if (!token) {
1971                 form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
1972                     ("Creation.date.keyStore.getCreationDate.alias."));
1973                 Object[] src = {keyStore.getCreationDate(alias)};
1974                 out.println(form.format(src));
1975             }
1976         } else {
1977             if (!token) {
1978                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1979                     (rb.getString("alias.keyStore.getCreationDate.alias."));
1980                 Object[] source = {alias, keyStore.getCreationDate(alias)};
1981                 out.print(form.format(source));
1982             } else {
1983                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
1984                     (rb.getString("alias."));
1985                 Object[] source = {alias};
1986                 out.print(form.format(source));
1987             }
1988         }
1990         if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry.class)) {
1991             if (verbose || rfc || debug) {
1992                 Object[] source = {"SecretKeyEntry"};
1993                 out.println(new MessageFormat(
1994                         rb.getString("Entry.type.type.")).format(source));
1995             } else {
1996                 out.println("SecretKeyEntry, ");
1997             }
1998         } else if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class)) {
1999             if (verbose || rfc || debug) {
2000                 Object[] source = {"PrivateKeyEntry"};
2001                 out.println(new MessageFormat(
2002                         rb.getString("Entry.type.type.")).format(source));
2003             } else {
2004                 out.println("PrivateKeyEntry, ");
2005             }
2007             // Get the chain
2008             Certificate[] chain = keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias);
2009             if (chain != null) {
2010                 if (verbose || rfc || debug) {
2011                     out.println(rb.getString
2012                         ("Certificate.chain.length.") + chain.length);
2013                     for (int i = 0; i < chain.length; i ++) {
2014                         MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
2015                                 (rb.getString("Certificate.i.1."));
2016                         Object[] source = {(i + 1)};
2017                         out.println(form.format(source));
2018                         if (verbose && (chain[i] instanceof X509Certificate)) {
2019                             printX509Cert((X509Certificate)(chain[i]), out);
2020                         } else if (debug) {
2021                             out.println(chain[i].toString());
2022                         } else {
2023                             dumpCert(chain[i], out);
2024                         }
2025                         checkWeak(label, chain[i]);
2026                     }
2027                 } else {
2028                     // Print the digest of the user cert only
2029                     out.println
2030                         (rb.getString("Certificate.fingerprint.SHA.256.") +
2031                         getCertFingerPrint("SHA-256", chain[0]));
2032                     checkWeak(label, chain);
2033                 }
2034             }
2035         } else if (keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias,
2036                 KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry.class)) {
2037             // We have a trusted certificate entry
2038             Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
2039             Object[] source = {"trustedCertEntry"};
2040             String mf = new MessageFormat(
2041                     rb.getString("Entry.type.type.")).format(source) + "\n";
2042             if (verbose && (cert instanceof X509Certificate)) {
2043                 out.println(mf);
2044                 printX509Cert((X509Certificate)cert, out);
2045             } else if (rfc) {
2046                 out.println(mf);
2047                 dumpCert(cert, out);
2048             } else if (debug) {
2049                 out.println(cert.toString());
2050             } else {
2051                 out.println("trustedCertEntry, ");
2052                 out.println(rb.getString("Certificate.fingerprint.SHA.256.")
2053                             + getCertFingerPrint("SHA-256", cert));
2054             }
2055             checkWeak(label, cert);
2056         } else {
2057             out.println(rb.getString("Unknown.Entry.Type"));
2058         }
2059     }
2061     boolean inplaceImportCheck() throws Exception {
2062         if (P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(srcstoretype) ||
2063                 KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) {
2064             return false;
2065         }
2067         if (srcksfname != null) {
2068             File srcksfile = new File(srcksfname);
2069             if (srcksfile.exists() && srcksfile.length() == 0) {
2070                 throw new Exception(rb.getString
2071                         ("Source.keystore.file.exists.but.is.empty.") +
2072                         srcksfname);
2073             }
2074             if (srcksfile.getCanonicalFile()
2075                     .equals(new File(ksfname).getCanonicalFile())) {
2076                 return true;
2077             } else {
2078                 // Informational, especially if destkeystore is not
2079                 // provided, which default to ~/.keystore.
2080                 System.err.println(String.format(rb.getString(
2081                         "importing.keystore.status"), srcksfname, ksfname));
2082                 return false;
2083             }
2084         } else {
2085             throw new Exception(rb.getString
2086                     ("Please.specify.srckeystore"));
2087         }
2088     }
2090     /**
2091      * Load the srckeystore from a stream, used in -importkeystore
2092      * @return the src KeyStore
2093      */
2094     KeyStore loadSourceKeyStore() throws Exception {
2096         InputStream is = null;
2097         File srcksfile = null;
2099         if (P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(srcstoretype) ||
2100                 KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) {
2101             if (!NONE.equals(srcksfname)) {
2102                 System.err.println(MessageFormat.format(rb.getString
2103                     (".keystore.must.be.NONE.if.storetype.is.{0}"), srcstoretype));
2104                 System.err.println();
2105                 tinyHelp();
2106             }
2107         } else {
2108             srcksfile = new File(srcksfname);
2109             is = new FileInputStream(srcksfile);
2110         }
2112         KeyStore store;
2113         try {
2114             // Probe for keystore type when filename is available
2115             if (srcksfile != null && is != null && srcProviderName == null &&
2116                     srcstoretype == null) {
2117                 store = KeyStore.getInstance(srcksfile, srcstorePass);
2118                 srcstoretype = store.getType();
2119             } else {
2120                 if (srcstoretype == null) {
2121                     srcstoretype = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
2122                 }
2123                 if (srcProviderName == null) {
2124                     store = KeyStore.getInstance(srcstoretype);
2125                 } else {
2126                     store = KeyStore.getInstance(srcstoretype, srcProviderName);
2127                 }
2128             }
2130             if (srcstorePass == null
2131                     && !srcprotectedPath
2132                     && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) {
2133                 System.err.print(rb.getString("Enter.source.keystore.password."));
2134                 System.err.flush();
2135                 srcstorePass = Password.readPassword(System.in);
2136                 passwords.add(srcstorePass);
2137             }
2139             // always let keypass be storepass when using pkcs12
2140             if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(srcstoretype)) {
2141                 if (srckeyPass != null && srcstorePass != null &&
2142                         !Arrays.equals(srcstorePass, srckeyPass)) {
2143                     MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
2144                         "Warning.Different.store.and.key.passwords.not.supported.for.PKCS12.KeyStores.Ignoring.user.specified.command.value."));
2145                     Object[] source = {"-srckeypass"};
2146                     System.err.println(form.format(source));
2147                     srckeyPass = srcstorePass;
2148                 }
2149             }
2151             store.load(is, srcstorePass);   // "is" already null in PKCS11
2152         } finally {
2153             if (is != null) {
2154                 is.close();
2155             }
2156         }
2158         if (srcstorePass == null
2159                 && !KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(srcstoretype)) {
2160             // anti refactoring, copied from printNoIntegrityWarning(),
2161             // but change 2 lines
2162             System.err.println();
2163             System.err.println(rb.getString
2164                 (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING."));
2165             System.err.println(rb.getString
2166                 (".The.integrity.of.the.information.stored.in.the.srckeystore."));
2167             System.err.println(rb.getString
2168                 (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING."));
2169             System.err.println();
2170         }
2172         return store;
2173     }
2175     /**
2176      * import all keys and certs from importkeystore.
2177      * keep alias unchanged if no name conflict, otherwise, prompt.
2178      * keep keypass unchanged for keys
2179      */
2180     private void doImportKeyStore(KeyStore srcKS) throws Exception {
2182         if (alias != null) {
2183             doImportKeyStoreSingle(srcKS, alias);
2184         } else {
2185             if (dest != null || srckeyPass != null) {
2186                 throw new Exception(rb.getString(
2187                         "if.alias.not.specified.destalias.and.srckeypass.must.not.be.specified"));
2188             }
2189             doImportKeyStoreAll(srcKS);
2190         }
2192         if (inplaceImport) {
2193             // Backup to file.old or file.old2...
2194             // The keystore is not rewritten yet now.
2195             for (int n = 1; /* forever */; n++) {
2196                 inplaceBackupName = srcksfname + ".old" + (n == 1 ? "" : n);
2197                 File bkFile = new File(inplaceBackupName);
2198                 if (!bkFile.exists()) {
2199                     Files.copy(Paths.get(srcksfname), bkFile.toPath());
2200                     break;
2201                 }
2202             }
2204         }
2206         /*
2207          * Information display rule of -importkeystore
2208          * 1. inside single, shows failure
2209          * 2. inside all, shows sucess
2210          * 3. inside all where there is a failure, prompt for continue
2211          * 4. at the final of all, shows summary
2212          */
2213     }
2215     /**
2216      * Import a single entry named alias from srckeystore
2217      * @return  1 if the import action succeed
2218      *          0 if user choose to ignore an alias-dumplicated entry
2219      *          2 if setEntry throws Exception
2220      */
2221     private int doImportKeyStoreSingle(KeyStore srckeystore, String alias)
2222             throws Exception {
2224         String newAlias = (dest==null) ? alias : dest;
2226         if (keyStore.containsAlias(newAlias)) {
2227             Object[] source = {alias};
2228             if (noprompt) {
2229                 System.err.println(new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
2230                         "Warning.Overwriting.existing.alias.alias.in.destination.keystore")).format(source));
2231             } else {
2232                 String reply = getYesNoReply(new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
2233                         "Existing.entry.alias.alias.exists.overwrite.no.")).format(source));
2234                 if ("NO".equals(reply)) {
2235                     newAlias = inputStringFromStdin(rb.getString
2236                             ("Enter.new.alias.name.RETURN.to.cancel.import.for.this.entry."));
2237                     if ("".equals(newAlias)) {
2238                         System.err.println(new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
2239                                 "Entry.for.alias.alias.not.imported.")).format(
2240                                 source));
2241                         return 0;
2242                     }
2243                 }
2244             }
2245         }
2247         Pair<Entry,char[]> objs = recoverEntry(srckeystore, alias, srcstorePass, srckeyPass);
2248         Entry entry = objs.fst;
2250         PasswordProtection pp = null;
2252         // According to keytool.html, "The destination entry will be protected
2253         // using destkeypass. If destkeypass is not provided, the destination
2254         // entry will be protected with the source entry password."
2255         // so always try to protect with destKeyPass.
2256         char[] newPass = null;
2257         if (destKeyPass != null) {
2258             newPass = destKeyPass;
2259             pp = new PasswordProtection(destKeyPass);
2260         } else if (objs.snd != null) {
2261             newPass = objs.snd;
2262             pp = new PasswordProtection(objs.snd);
2263         }
2265         try {
2266             Certificate c = srckeystore.getCertificate(alias);
2267             if (c != null) {
2268                 checkWeak("<" + newAlias + ">", c);
2269             }
2270             keyStore.setEntry(newAlias, entry, pp);
2271             // Place the check so that only successful imports are blocked.
2272             // For example, we don't block a failed SecretEntry import.
2273             if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(storetype)) {
2274                 if (newPass != null && !Arrays.equals(newPass, storePass)) {
2275                     throw new Exception(rb.getString(
2276                             "The.destination.pkcs12.keystore.has.different.storepass.and.keypass.Please.retry.with.destkeypass.specified."));
2277                 }
2278             }
2279             return 1;
2280         } catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
2281             Object[] source2 = {alias, kse.toString()};
2282             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
2283                     "Problem.importing.entry.for.alias.alias.exception.Entry.for.alias.alias.not.imported."));
2284             System.err.println(form.format(source2));
2285             return 2;
2286         }
2287     }
2289     private void doImportKeyStoreAll(KeyStore srckeystore) throws Exception {
2291         int ok = 0;
2292         int count = srckeystore.size();
2293         for (Enumeration<String> e = srckeystore.aliases();
2294                                         e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
2295             String alias = e.nextElement();
2296             int result = doImportKeyStoreSingle(srckeystore, alias);
2297             if (result == 1) {
2298                 ok++;
2299                 Object[] source = {alias};
2300                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString("Entry.for.alias.alias.successfully.imported."));
2301                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
2302             } else if (result == 2) {
2303                 if (!noprompt) {
2304                     String reply = getYesNoReply("Do you want to quit the import process? [no]:  ");
2305                     if ("YES".equals(reply)) {
2306                         break;
2307                     }
2308                 }
2309             }
2310         }
2311         Object[] source = {ok, count-ok};
2312         MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString(
2313                 "Import.command.completed.ok.entries.successfully.imported.fail.entries.failed.or.cancelled"));
2314         System.err.println(form.format(source));
2315     }
2317     /**
2318      * Prints all keystore entries.
2319      */
2320     private void doPrintEntries(PrintStream out)
2321         throws Exception
2322     {
2323         out.println(rb.getString("Keystore.type.") + keyStore.getType());
2324         out.println(rb.getString("Keystore.provider.") +
2325                 keyStore.getProvider().getName());
2326         out.println();
2328         MessageFormat form;
2329         form = (keyStore.size() == 1) ?
2330                 new MessageFormat(rb.getString
2331                         ("Your.keystore.contains.keyStore.size.entry")) :
2332                 new MessageFormat(rb.getString
2333                         ("Your.keystore.contains.keyStore.size.entries"));
2334         Object[] source = {keyStore.size()};
2335         out.println(form.format(source));
2336         out.println();
2338         for (Enumeration<String> e = keyStore.aliases();
2339                                         e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
2340             String alias = e.nextElement();
2341             doPrintEntry("<" + alias + ">", alias, out);
2342             if (verbose || rfc) {
2343                 out.println(rb.getString("NEWLINE"));
2344                 out.println(rb.getString
2345                         ("STAR"));
2346                 out.println(rb.getString
2347                         ("STARNN"));
2348             }
2349         }
2350     }
2352     private static <T> Iterable<T> e2i(final Enumeration<T> e) {
2353         return new Iterable<T>() {
2354             @Override
2355             public Iterator<T> iterator() {
2356                 return new Iterator<T>() {
2357                     @Override
2358                     public boolean hasNext() {
2359                         return e.hasMoreElements();
2360                     }
2361                     @Override
2362                     public T next() {
2363                         return e.nextElement();
2364                     }
2365                     public void remove() {
2366                         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
2367                     }
2368                 };
2369             }
2370         };
2371     }
2373     /**
2374      * Loads CRLs from a source. This method is also called in JarSigner.
2375      * @param src the source, which means System.in if null, or a URI,
2376      *        or a bare file path name
2377      */
2378     public static Collection<? extends CRL> loadCRLs(String src) throws Exception {
2379         InputStream in = null;
2380         URI uri = null;
2381         if (src == null) {
2382             in = System.in;
2383         } else {
2384             try {
2385                 uri = new URI(src);
2386                 if (uri.getScheme().equals("ldap")) {
2387                     // No input stream for LDAP
2388                 } else {
2389                     in = uri.toURL().openStream();
2390                 }
2391             } catch (Exception e) {
2392                 try {
2393                     in = new FileInputStream(src);
2394                 } catch (Exception e2) {
2395                     if (uri == null || uri.getScheme() == null) {
2396                         throw e2;   // More likely a bare file path
2397                     } else {
2398                         throw e;    // More likely a protocol or network problem
2399                     }
2400                 }
2401             }
2402         }
2403         if (in != null) {
2404             try {
2405                 // Read the full stream before feeding to X509Factory,
2406                 // otherwise, keytool -gencrl | keytool -printcrl
2407                 // might not work properly, since -gencrl is slow
2408                 // and there's no data in the pipe at the beginning.
2409                 ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2410                 byte[] b = new byte[4096];
2411                 while (true) {
2412                     int len = in.read(b);
2413                     if (len < 0) break;
2414                     bout.write(b, 0, len);
2415                 }
2416                 return CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509").generateCRLs(
2417                         new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()));
2418             } finally {
2419                 if (in != System.in) {
2420                     in.close();
2421                 }
2422             }
2423         } else {    // must be LDAP, and uri is not null
2424             URICertStoreParameters params =
2425                 new URICertStoreParameters(uri);
2426             CertStore s = CertStore.getInstance("LDAP", params);
2427             return s.getCRLs(new X509CRLSelector());
2428         }
2429     }
2431     /**
2432      * Returns CRLs described in a X509Certificate's CRLDistributionPoints
2433      * Extension. Only those containing a general name of type URI are read.
2434      */
2435     public static List<CRL> readCRLsFromCert(X509Certificate cert)
2436             throws Exception {
2437         List<CRL> crls = new ArrayList<>();
2438         CRLDistributionPointsExtension ext =
2439                 X509CertImpl.toImpl(cert).getCRLDistributionPointsExtension();
2440         if (ext == null) return crls;
2441         List<DistributionPoint> distPoints =
2442                 ext.get(CRLDistributionPointsExtension.POINTS);
2443         for (DistributionPoint o: distPoints) {
2444             GeneralNames names = o.getFullName();
2445             if (names != null) {
2446                 for (GeneralName name: names.names()) {
2447                     if (name.getType() == GeneralNameInterface.NAME_URI) {
2448                         URIName uriName = (URIName)name.getName();
2449                         for (CRL crl: loadCRLs(uriName.getName())) {
2450                             if (crl instanceof X509CRL) {
2451                                 crls.add((X509CRL)crl);
2452                             }
2453                         }
2454                         break;  // Different name should point to same CRL
2455                     }
2456                 }
2457             }
2458         }
2459         return crls;
2460     }
2462     private static String verifyCRL(KeyStore ks, CRL crl)
2463             throws Exception {
2464         X509CRLImpl xcrl = (X509CRLImpl)crl;
2465         X500Principal issuer = xcrl.getIssuerX500Principal();
2466         for (String s: e2i(ks.aliases())) {
2467             Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(s);
2468             if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) {
2469                 X509Certificate xcert = (X509Certificate)cert;
2470                 if (xcert.getSubjectX500Principal().equals(issuer)) {
2471                     try {
2472                         ((X509CRLImpl)crl).verify(cert.getPublicKey());
2473                         return s;
2474                     } catch (Exception e) {
2475                     }
2476                 }
2477             }
2478         }
2479         return null;
2480     }
2482     private void doPrintCRL(String src, PrintStream out)
2483             throws Exception {
2484         for (CRL crl: loadCRLs(src)) {
2485             printCRL(crl, out);
2486             String issuer = null;
2487             Certificate signer = null;
2488             if (caks != null) {
2489                 issuer = verifyCRL(caks, crl);
2490                 if (issuer != null) {
2491                     signer = caks.getCertificate(issuer);
2492                     out.printf(rb.getString(
2493                             "verified.by.s.in.s.weak"),
2494                             issuer,
2495                             "cacerts",
2496                             withWeak(signer.getPublicKey()));
2497                     out.println();
2498                 }
2499             }
2500             if (issuer == null && keyStore != null) {
2501                 issuer = verifyCRL(keyStore, crl);
2502                 if (issuer != null) {
2503                     signer = keyStore.getCertificate(issuer);
2504                     out.printf(rb.getString(
2505                             "verified.by.s.in.s.weak"),
2506                             issuer,
2507                             "keystore",
2508                             withWeak(signer.getPublicKey()));
2509                     out.println();
2510                 }
2511             }
2512             if (issuer == null) {
2513                 out.println(rb.getString
2514                         ("STAR"));
2515                 out.println(rb.getString
2516                         ("warning.not.verified.make.sure.keystore.is.correct"));
2517                 out.println(rb.getString
2518                         ("STARNN"));
2519             }
2520             checkWeak(rb.getString("the.crl"), crl, signer == null ? null : signer.getPublicKey());
2521         }
2522     }
2524     private void printCRL(CRL crl, PrintStream out)
2525             throws Exception {
2526         X509CRL xcrl = (X509CRL)crl;
2527         if (rfc) {
2528             out.println("-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----");
2529             out.println(Base64.getMimeEncoder(64, CRLF).encodeToString(xcrl.getEncoded()));
2530             out.println("-----END X509 CRL-----");
2531         } else {
2532             String s;
2533             if (crl instanceof X509CRLImpl) {
2534                 X509CRLImpl x509crl = (X509CRLImpl) crl;
2535                 s = x509crl.toStringWithAlgName(withWeak("" + x509crl.getSigAlgId()));
2536             } else {
2537                 s = crl.toString();
2538             }
2539             out.println(s);
2540         }
2541     }
2543     private void doPrintCertReq(InputStream in, PrintStream out)
2544             throws Exception {
2546         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
2547         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
2548         boolean started = false;
2549         while (true) {
2550             String s = reader.readLine();
2551             if (s == null) break;
2552             if (!started) {
2553                 if (s.startsWith("-----")) {
2554                     started = true;
2555                 }
2556             } else {
2557                 if (s.startsWith("-----")) {
2558                     break;
2559                 }
2560                 sb.append(s);
2561             }
2562         }
2563         PKCS10 req = new PKCS10(Pem.decode(new String(sb)));
2565         PublicKey pkey = req.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo();
2566         out.printf(rb.getString("PKCS.10.with.weak"),
2567                 req.getSubjectName(),
2568                 pkey.getFormat(),
2569                 withWeak(pkey),
2570                 withWeak(req.getSigAlg()));
2571         for (PKCS10Attribute attr: req.getAttributes().getAttributes()) {
2572             ObjectIdentifier oid = attr.getAttributeId();
2573             if (oid.equals(PKCS9Attribute.EXTENSION_REQUEST_OID)) {
2574                 CertificateExtensions exts = (CertificateExtensions)attr.getAttributeValue();
2575                 if (exts != null) {
2576                     printExtensions(rb.getString("Extension.Request."), exts, out);
2577                 }
2578             } else {
2579                 out.println("Attribute: " + attr.getAttributeId());
2580                 PKCS9Attribute pkcs9Attr =
2581                         new PKCS9Attribute(attr.getAttributeId(),
2582                                            attr.getAttributeValue());
2583                 out.print(pkcs9Attr.getName() + ": ");
2584                 Object attrVal = attr.getAttributeValue();
2585                 out.println(attrVal instanceof String[] ?
2586                             Arrays.toString((String[]) attrVal) :
2587                             attrVal);
2588             }
2589         }
2590         if (debug) {
2591             out.println(req);   // Just to see more, say, public key length...
2592         }
2593         checkWeak(rb.getString("the.certificate.request"), req);
2594     }
2596     /**
2597      * Reads a certificate (or certificate chain) and prints its contents in
2598      * a human readable format.
2599      */
2600     private void printCertFromStream(InputStream in, PrintStream out)
2601         throws Exception
2602     {
2603         Collection<? extends Certificate> c = null;
2604         try {
2605             c = cf.generateCertificates(in);
2606         } catch (CertificateException ce) {
2607             throw new Exception(rb.getString("Failed.to.parse.input"), ce);
2608         }
2609         if (c.isEmpty()) {
2610             throw new Exception(rb.getString("Empty.input"));
2611         }
2612         Certificate[] certs = c.toArray(new Certificate[c.size()]);
2613         for (int i=0; i<certs.length; i++) {
2614             X509Certificate x509Cert = null;
2615             try {
2616                 x509Cert = (X509Certificate)certs[i];
2617             } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
2618                 throw new Exception(rb.getString("Not.X.509.certificate"));
2619             }
2620             if (certs.length > 1) {
2621                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
2622                         (rb.getString("Certificate.i.1."));
2623                 Object[] source = {i + 1};
2624                 out.println(form.format(source));
2625             }
2626             if (rfc)
2627                 dumpCert(x509Cert, out);
2628             else
2629                 printX509Cert(x509Cert, out);
2630             if (i < (certs.length-1)) {
2631                 out.println();
2632             }
2633             checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.certificate"), i, certs.length), x509Cert);
2634         }
2635     }
2637     private static String oneInMany(String label, int i, int num) {
2638         if (num == 1) {
2639             return label;
2640         } else {
2641             return String.format(rb.getString("one.in.many"), label, i+1, num);
2642         }
2643     }
2645     private void doPrintCert(final PrintStream out) throws Exception {
2646         if (jarfile != null) {
2647             // reset "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" security property
2648             // to be able to read jars which were signed with weak algorithms
2649             Security.setProperty(DisabledAlgorithmConstraints.PROPERTY_JAR_DISABLED_ALGS, "");
2651             JarFile jf = new JarFile(jarfile, true);
2652             Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jf.entries();
2653             Set<CodeSigner> ss = new HashSet<>();
2654             byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
2655             int pos = 0;
2656             while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
2657                 JarEntry je = entries.nextElement();
2658                 try (InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(je)) {
2659                     while (is.read(buffer) != -1) {
2660                         // we just read. this will throw a SecurityException
2661                         // if a signature/digest check fails. This also
2662                         // populate the signers
2663                     }
2664                 }
2665                 CodeSigner[] signers = je.getCodeSigners();
2666                 if (signers != null) {
2667                     for (CodeSigner signer: signers) {
2668                         if (!ss.contains(signer)) {
2669                             ss.add(signer);
2670                             out.printf(rb.getString("Signer.d."), ++pos);
2671                             out.println();
2672                             out.println();
2673                             out.println(rb.getString("Signature."));
2674                             out.println();
2676                             List<? extends Certificate> certs
2677                                     = signer.getSignerCertPath().getCertificates();
2678                             int cc = 0;
2679                             for (Certificate cert: certs) {
2680                                 X509Certificate x = (X509Certificate)cert;
2681                                 if (rfc) {
2682                                     out.println(rb.getString("Certificate.owner.") + x.getSubjectDN() + "\n");
2683                                     dumpCert(x, out);
2684                                 } else {
2685                                     printX509Cert(x, out);
2686                                 }
2687                                 out.println();
2688                                 checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.certificate"), cc++, certs.size()), x);
2689                             }
2690                             Timestamp ts = signer.getTimestamp();
2691                             if (ts != null) {
2692                                 out.println(rb.getString("Timestamp."));
2693                                 out.println();
2694                                 certs = ts.getSignerCertPath().getCertificates();
2695                                 cc = 0;
2696                                 for (Certificate cert: certs) {
2697                                     X509Certificate x = (X509Certificate)cert;
2698                                     if (rfc) {
2699                                         out.println(rb.getString("Certificate.owner.") + x.getSubjectDN() + "\n");
2700                                         dumpCert(x, out);
2701                                     } else {
2702                                         printX509Cert(x, out);
2703                                     }
2704                                     out.println();
2705                                     checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.tsa.certificate"), cc++, certs.size()), x);
2706                                 }
2707                             }
2708                         }
2709                     }
2710                 }
2711             }
2712             jf.close();
2713             if (ss.isEmpty()) {
2714                 out.println(rb.getString("Not.a.signed.jar.file"));
2715             }
2716         } else if (sslserver != null) {
2717             CertStore cs = SSLServerCertStore.getInstance(new URI("https://" + sslserver));
2718             Collection<? extends Certificate> chain;
2719             try {
2720                 chain = cs.getCertificates(null);
2721                 if (chain.isEmpty()) {
2722                     // If the certs are not retrieved, we consider it an error
2723                     // even if the URL connection is successful.
2724                     throw new Exception(rb.getString(
2725                                         "No.certificate.from.the.SSL.server"));
2726                 }
2727             } catch (CertStoreException cse) {
2728                 if (cse.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
2729                     throw new Exception(rb.getString(
2730                                         "No.certificate.from.the.SSL.server"),
2731                                         cse.getCause());
2732                 } else {
2733                     throw cse;
2734                 }
2735             }
2737             int i = 0;
2738             for (Certificate cert : chain) {
2739                 try {
2740                     if (rfc) {
2741                         dumpCert(cert, out);
2742                     } else {
2743                         out.println("Certificate #" + i);
2744                         out.println("====================================");
2745                         printX509Cert((X509Certificate)cert, out);
2746                         out.println();
2747                     }
2748                     checkWeak(oneInMany(rb.getString("the.certificate"), i++, chain.size()), cert);
2749                 } catch (Exception e) {
2750                     if (debug) {
2751                         e.printStackTrace();
2752                     }
2753                 }
2754             }
2755         } else {
2756             if (filename != null) {
2757                 try (FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(filename)) {
2758                     printCertFromStream(inStream, out);
2759                 }
2760             } else {
2761                 printCertFromStream(System.in, out);
2762             }
2763         }
2764     }
2765     /**
2766      * Creates a self-signed certificate, and stores it as a single-element
2767      * certificate chain.
2768      */
2769     private void doSelfCert(String alias, String dname, String sigAlgName)
2770         throws Exception
2771     {
2772         if (alias == null) {
2773             alias = keyAlias;
2774         }
2776         Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass);
2777         PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)objs.fst;
2778         if (keyPass == null)
2779             keyPass = objs.snd;
2781         // Determine the signature algorithm
2782         if (sigAlgName == null) {
2783             sigAlgName = getCompatibleSigAlgName(privKey);
2784         }
2786         // Get the old certificate
2787         Certificate oldCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
2788         if (oldCert == null) {
2789             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
2790                 (rb.getString("alias.has.no.public.key"));
2791             Object[] source = {alias};
2792             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
2793         }
2794         if (!(oldCert instanceof X509Certificate)) {
2795             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
2796                 (rb.getString("alias.has.no.X.509.certificate"));
2797             Object[] source = {alias};
2798             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
2799         }
2801         // convert to X509CertImpl, so that we can modify selected fields
2802         // (no public APIs available yet)
2803         byte[] encoded = oldCert.getEncoded();
2804         X509CertImpl certImpl = new X509CertImpl(encoded);
2805         X509CertInfo certInfo = (X509CertInfo)certImpl.get(X509CertImpl.NAME
2806                                                            + "." +
2807                                                            X509CertImpl.INFO);
2809         // Extend its validity
2810         Date firstDate = getStartDate(startDate);
2811         Date lastDate = new Date();
2812         lastDate.setTime(firstDate.getTime() + validity*1000L*24L*60L*60L);
2813         CertificateValidity interval = new CertificateValidity(firstDate,
2814                                                                lastDate);
2815         certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.VALIDITY, interval);
2817         // Make new serial number
2818         certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.SERIAL_NUMBER, new CertificateSerialNumber(
2819                     new java.util.Random().nextInt() & 0x7fffffff));
2821         // Set owner and issuer fields
2822         X500Name owner;
2823         if (dname == null) {
2824             // Get the owner name from the certificate
2825             owner = (X500Name)certInfo.get(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." +
2826                                            X509CertInfo.DN_NAME);
2827         } else {
2828             // Use the owner name specified at the command line
2829             owner = new X500Name(dname);
2830             certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "." +
2831                          X509CertInfo.DN_NAME, owner);
2832         }
2833         // Make issuer same as owner (self-signed!)
2834         certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.ISSUER + "." +
2835                      X509CertInfo.DN_NAME, owner);
2837         // The inner and outer signature algorithms have to match.
2838         // The way we achieve that is really ugly, but there seems to be no
2839         // other solution: We first sign the cert, then retrieve the
2840         // outer sigalg and use it to set the inner sigalg
2841         X509CertImpl newCert = new X509CertImpl(certInfo);
2842         newCert.sign(privKey, sigAlgName);
2843         AlgorithmId sigAlgid = (AlgorithmId)newCert.get(X509CertImpl.SIG_ALG);
2844         certInfo.set(CertificateAlgorithmId.NAME + "." +
2845                      CertificateAlgorithmId.ALGORITHM, sigAlgid);
2847         certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION,
2848                         new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3));
2850         CertificateExtensions ext = createV3Extensions(
2851                 null,
2852                 (CertificateExtensions)certInfo.get(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS),
2853                 v3ext,
2854                 oldCert.getPublicKey(),
2855                 null);
2856         certInfo.set(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS, ext);
2857         // Sign the new certificate
2858         newCert = new X509CertImpl(certInfo);
2859         newCert.sign(privKey, sigAlgName);
2861         // Store the new certificate as a single-element certificate chain
2862         keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey,
2863                              (keyPass != null) ? keyPass : storePass,
2864                              new Certificate[] { newCert } );
2866         if (verbose) {
2867             System.err.println(rb.getString("New.certificate.self.signed."));
2868             System.err.print(newCert.toString());
2869             System.err.println();
2870         }
2871     }
2873     /**
2874      * Processes a certificate reply from a certificate authority.
2875      *
2876      * <p>Builds a certificate chain on top of the certificate reply,
2877      * using trusted certificates from the keystore. The chain is complete
2878      * after a self-signed certificate has been encountered. The self-signed
2879      * certificate is considered a root certificate authority, and is stored
2880      * at the end of the chain.
2881      *
2882      * <p>The newly generated chain replaces the old chain associated with the
2883      * key entry.
2884      *
2885      * @return true if the certificate reply was installed, otherwise false.
2886      */
2887     private boolean installReply(String alias, InputStream in)
2888         throws Exception
2889     {
2890         if (alias == null) {
2891             alias = keyAlias;
2892         }
2894         Pair<Key,char[]> objs = recoverKey(alias, storePass, keyPass);
2895         PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)objs.fst;
2896         if (keyPass == null) {
2897             keyPass = objs.snd;
2898         }
2900         Certificate userCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
2901         if (userCert == null) {
2902             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
2903                 (rb.getString("alias.has.no.public.key.certificate."));
2904             Object[] source = {alias};
2905             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
2906         }
2908         // Read the certificates in the reply
2909         Collection<? extends Certificate> c = cf.generateCertificates(in);
2910         if (c.isEmpty()) {
2911             throw new Exception(rb.getString("Reply.has.no.certificates"));
2912         }
2913         Certificate[] replyCerts = c.toArray(new Certificate[c.size()]);
2914         Certificate[] newChain;
2915         if (replyCerts.length == 1) {
2916             // single-cert reply
2917             newChain = establishCertChain(userCert, replyCerts[0]);
2918         } else {
2919             // cert-chain reply (e.g., PKCS#7)
2920             newChain = validateReply(alias, userCert, replyCerts);
2921         }
2923         // Now store the newly established chain in the keystore. The new
2924         // chain replaces the old one. The chain can be null if user chooses no.
2925         if (newChain != null) {
2926             keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, privKey,
2927                                  (keyPass != null) ? keyPass : storePass,
2928                                  newChain);
2929             return true;
2930         } else {
2931             return false;
2932         }
2933     }
2935     /**
2936      * Imports a certificate and adds it to the list of trusted certificates.
2937      *
2938      * @return true if the certificate was added, otherwise false.
2939      */
2940     private boolean addTrustedCert(String alias, InputStream in)
2941         throws Exception
2942     {
2943         if (alias == null) {
2944             throw new Exception(rb.getString("Must.specify.alias"));
2945         }
2946         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias)) {
2947             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
2948                 ("Certificate.not.imported.alias.alias.already.exists"));
2949             Object[] source = {alias};
2950             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
2951         }
2953         // Read the certificate
2954         X509Certificate cert = null;
2955         try {
2956             cert = (X509Certificate)cf.generateCertificate(in);
2957         } catch (ClassCastException | CertificateException ce) {
2958             throw new Exception(rb.getString("Input.not.an.X.509.certificate"));
2959         }
2961         if (noprompt) {
2962             checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert);
2963             keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);
2964             return true;
2965         }
2967         // if certificate is self-signed, make sure it verifies
2968         boolean selfSigned = false;
2969         if (KeyStoreUtil.isSelfSigned(cert)) {
2970             cert.verify(cert.getPublicKey());
2971             selfSigned = true;
2972         }
2974         // check if cert already exists in keystore
2975         String reply = null;
2976         String trustalias = keyStore.getCertificateAlias(cert);
2977         if (trustalias != null) {
2978             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
2979                 ("Certificate.already.exists.in.keystore.under.alias.trustalias."));
2980             Object[] source = {trustalias};
2981             System.err.println(form.format(source));
2982             checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert);
2983             printWeakWarnings(true);
2984             reply = getYesNoReply
2985                 (rb.getString("Do.you.still.want.to.add.it.no."));
2986         } else if (selfSigned) {
2987             if (trustcacerts && (caks != null) &&
2988                     ((trustalias=caks.getCertificateAlias(cert)) != null)) {
2989                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
2990                         ("Certificate.already.exists.in.system.wide.CA.keystore.under.alias.trustalias."));
2991                 Object[] source = {trustalias};
2992                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
2993                 checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert);
2994                 printWeakWarnings(true);
2995                 reply = getYesNoReply
2996                         (rb.getString("Do.you.still.want.to.add.it.to.your.own.keystore.no."));
2997             }
2998             if (trustalias == null) {
2999                 // Print the cert and ask user if they really want to add
3000                 // it to their keystore
3001                 printX509Cert(cert, System.out);
3002                 checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert);
3003                 printWeakWarnings(true);
3004                 reply = getYesNoReply
3005                         (rb.getString("Trust.this.certificate.no."));
3006             }
3007         }
3008         if (reply != null) {
3009             if ("YES".equals(reply)) {
3010                 keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);
3011                 return true;
3012             } else {
3013                 return false;
3014             }
3015         }
3017         // Not found in this keystore and not self-signed
3018         // Try to establish trust chain
3019         try {
3020             Certificate[] chain = establishCertChain(null, cert);
3021             if (chain != null) {
3022                 keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);
3023                 return true;
3024             }
3025         } catch (Exception e) {
3026             // Print the cert and ask user if they really want to add it to
3027             // their keystore
3028             printX509Cert(cert, System.out);
3029             checkWeak(rb.getString("the.input"), cert);
3030             printWeakWarnings(true);
3031             reply = getYesNoReply
3032                 (rb.getString("Trust.this.certificate.no."));
3033             if ("YES".equals(reply)) {
3034                 keyStore.setCertificateEntry(alias, cert);
3035                 return true;
3036             } else {
3037                 return false;
3038             }
3039         }
3041         return false;
3042     }
3044     /**
3045      * Prompts user for new password. New password must be different from
3046      * old one.
3047      *
3048      * @param prompt the message that gets prompted on the screen
3049      * @param oldPasswd the current (i.e., old) password
3050      */
3051     private char[] getNewPasswd(String prompt, char[] oldPasswd)
3052         throws Exception
3053     {
3054         char[] entered = null;
3055         char[] reentered = null;
3057         for (int count = 0; count < 3; count++) {
3058             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3059                 (rb.getString("New.prompt."));
3060             Object[] source = {prompt};
3061             System.err.print(form.format(source));
3062             entered = Password.readPassword(System.in);
3063             passwords.add(entered);
3064             if (entered == null || entered.length < 6) {
3065                 System.err.println(rb.getString
3066                     ("Password.is.too.short.must.be.at.least.6.characters"));
3067             } else if (Arrays.equals(entered, oldPasswd)) {
3068                 System.err.println(rb.getString("Passwords.must.differ"));
3069             } else {
3070                 form = new MessageFormat
3071                         (rb.getString("Re.enter.new.prompt."));
3072                 Object[] src = {prompt};
3073                 System.err.print(form.format(src));
3074                 reentered = Password.readPassword(System.in);
3075                 passwords.add(reentered);
3076                 if (!Arrays.equals(entered, reentered)) {
3077                     System.err.println
3078                         (rb.getString("They.don.t.match.Try.again"));
3079                 } else {
3080                     Arrays.fill(reentered, ' ');
3081                     return entered;
3082                 }
3083             }
3084             if (entered != null) {
3085                 Arrays.fill(entered, ' ');
3086                 entered = null;
3087             }
3088             if (reentered != null) {
3089                 Arrays.fill(reentered, ' ');
3090                 reentered = null;
3091             }
3092         }
3093         throw new Exception(rb.getString("Too.many.failures.try.later"));
3094     }
3096     /**
3097      * Prompts user for alias name.
3098      * @param prompt the {0} of "Enter {0} alias name:  " in prompt line
3099      * @return the string entered by the user, without the \n at the end
3100      */
3101     private String getAlias(String prompt) throws Exception {
3102         if (prompt != null) {
3103             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3104                 (rb.getString("Enter.prompt.alias.name."));
3105             Object[] source = {prompt};
3106             System.err.print(form.format(source));
3107         } else {
3108             System.err.print(rb.getString("Enter.alias.name."));
3109         }
3110         return (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
3111                                         System.in))).readLine();
3112     }
3114     /**
3115      * Prompts user for an input string from the command line (System.in)
3116      * @prompt the prompt string printed
3117      * @return the string entered by the user, without the \n at the end
3118      */
3119     private String inputStringFromStdin(String prompt) throws Exception {
3120         System.err.print(prompt);
3121         return (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
3122                                         System.in))).readLine();
3123     }
3125     /**
3126      * Prompts user for key password. User may select to choose the same
3127      * password (<code>otherKeyPass</code>) as for <code>otherAlias</code>.
3128      */
3129     private char[] getKeyPasswd(String alias, String otherAlias,
3130                                 char[] otherKeyPass)
3131         throws Exception
3132     {
3133         int count = 0;
3134         char[] keyPass = null;
3136         do {
3137             if (otherKeyPass != null) {
3138                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
3139                         ("Enter.key.password.for.alias."));
3140                 Object[] source = {alias};
3141                 System.err.println(form.format(source));
3143                 form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
3144                         (".RETURN.if.same.as.for.otherAlias."));
3145                 Object[] src = {otherAlias};
3146                 System.err.print(form.format(src));
3147             } else {
3148                 MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
3149                         ("Enter.key.password.for.alias."));
3150                 Object[] source = {alias};
3151                 System.err.print(form.format(source));
3152             }
3153             System.err.flush();
3154             keyPass = Password.readPassword(System.in);
3155             passwords.add(keyPass);
3156             if (keyPass == null) {
3157                 keyPass = otherKeyPass;
3158             }
3159             count++;
3160         } while ((keyPass == null) && count < 3);
3162         if (keyPass == null) {
3163             throw new Exception(rb.getString("Too.many.failures.try.later"));
3164         }
3166         return keyPass;
3167     }
3169     private String withWeak(String alg) {
3170         if (DISABLED_CHECK.permits(SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, alg, null)) {
3171             return alg;
3172         } else {
3173             return String.format(rb.getString("with.weak"), alg);
3174         }
3175     }
3177     private String withWeak(PublicKey key) {
3178         if (DISABLED_CHECK.permits(SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, key)) {
3179             int kLen = KeyUtil.getKeySize(key);
3180             if (kLen >= 0) {
3181                 return String.format(rb.getString("key.bit"),
3182                         kLen, key.getAlgorithm());
3183             } else {
3184                 return String.format(
3185                         rb.getString("unknown.size.1"), key.getAlgorithm());
3186             }
3187         } else {
3188             return String.format(rb.getString("key.bit.weak"),
3189                     KeyUtil.getKeySize(key), key.getAlgorithm());
3190         }
3191     }
3193     /**
3194      * Prints a certificate in a human readable format.
3195      */
3196     private void printX509Cert(X509Certificate cert, PrintStream out)
3197         throws Exception
3198     {
3200         MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3201                 (rb.getString(".PATTERN.printX509Cert.with.weak"));
3202         PublicKey pkey = cert.getPublicKey();
3203         String sigName = cert.getSigAlgName();
3204         // No need to warn about sigalg of a trust anchor
3205         if (!isTrustedCert(cert)) {
3206             sigName = withWeak(sigName);
3207         }
3208         Object[] source = {cert.getSubjectDN().toString(),
3209                         cert.getIssuerDN().toString(),
3210                         cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16),
3211                         cert.getNotBefore().toString(),
3212                         cert.getNotAfter().toString(),
3213                         getCertFingerPrint("SHA-1", cert),
3214                         getCertFingerPrint("SHA-256", cert),
3215                         sigName,
3216                         withWeak(pkey),
3217                         cert.getVersion()
3218                         };
3219         out.println(form.format(source));
3221         if (cert instanceof X509CertImpl) {
3222             X509CertImpl impl = (X509CertImpl)cert;
3223             X509CertInfo certInfo = (X509CertInfo)impl.get(X509CertImpl.NAME
3224                                                            + "." +
3225                                                            X509CertImpl.INFO);
3226             CertificateExtensions exts = (CertificateExtensions)
3227                     certInfo.get(X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS);
3228             if (exts != null) {
3229                 printExtensions(rb.getString("Extensions."), exts, out);
3230             }
3231         }
3232     }
3234     private static void printExtensions(String title, CertificateExtensions exts, PrintStream out)
3235             throws Exception {
3236         int extnum = 0;
3237         Iterator<Extension> i1 = exts.getAllExtensions().iterator();
3238         Iterator<Extension> i2 = exts.getUnparseableExtensions().values().iterator();
3239         while (i1.hasNext() || i2.hasNext()) {
3240             Extension ext = i1.hasNext()?i1.next():i2.next();
3241             if (extnum == 0) {
3242                 out.println();
3243                 out.println(title);
3244                 out.println();
3245             }
3246             out.print("#"+(++extnum)+": "+ ext);
3247             if (ext.getClass() == Extension.class) {
3248                 byte[] v = ext.getExtensionValue();
3249                 if (v.length == 0) {
3250                     out.println(rb.getString(".Empty.value."));
3251                 } else {
3252                     new sun.security.util.HexDumpEncoder().encodeBuffer(ext.getExtensionValue(), out);
3253                     out.println();
3254                 }
3255             }
3256             out.println();
3257         }
3258     }
3260     /**
3261      * Locates a signer for a given certificate from a given keystore and
3262      * returns the signer's certificate.
3263      * @param cert the certificate whose signer is searched, not null
3264      * @param ks the keystore to search with, not null
3265      * @return <code>cert</code> itself if it's already inside <code>ks</code>,
3266      * or a certificate inside <code>ks</code> who signs <code>cert</code>,
3267      * or null otherwise. A label is added.
3268      */
3269     private static Pair<String,Certificate>
3270             getSigner(Certificate cert, KeyStore ks) throws Exception {
3271         if (ks.getCertificateAlias(cert) != null) {
3272             return new Pair<>("", cert);
3273         }
3274         for (Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases();
3275                 aliases.hasMoreElements(); ) {
3276             String name = aliases.nextElement();
3277             Certificate trustedCert = ks.getCertificate(name);
3278             if (trustedCert != null) {
3279                 try {
3280                     cert.verify(trustedCert.getPublicKey());
3281                     return new Pair<>(name, trustedCert);
3282                 } catch (Exception e) {
3283                     // Not verified, skip to the next one
3284                 }
3285             }
3286         }
3287         return null;
3288     }
3290     /**
3291      * Gets an X.500 name suitable for inclusion in a certification request.
3292      */
3293     private X500Name getX500Name() throws IOException {
3294         BufferedReader in;
3295         in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
3296         String commonName = "Unknown";
3297         String organizationalUnit = "Unknown";
3298         String organization = "Unknown";
3299         String city = "Unknown";
3300         String state = "Unknown";
3301         String country = "Unknown";
3302         X500Name name;
3303         String userInput = null;
3305         int maxRetry = 20;
3306         do {
3307             if (maxRetry-- < 0) {
3308                 throw new RuntimeException(rb.getString(
3309                         "Too.many.retries.program.terminated"));
3310             }
3311             commonName = inputString(in,
3312                     rb.getString("What.is.your.first.and.last.name."),
3313                     commonName);
3314             organizationalUnit = inputString(in,
3315                     rb.getString
3316                         ("What.is.the.name.of.your.organizational.unit."),
3317                     organizationalUnit);
3318             organization = inputString(in,
3319                     rb.getString("What.is.the.name.of.your.organization."),
3320                     organization);
3321             city = inputString(in,
3322                     rb.getString("What.is.the.name.of.your.City.or.Locality."),
3323                     city);
3324             state = inputString(in,
3325                     rb.getString("What.is.the.name.of.your.State.or.Province."),
3326                     state);
3327             country = inputString(in,
3328                     rb.getString
3329                         ("What.is.the.two.letter.country.code.for.this.unit."),
3330                     country);
3331             name = new X500Name(commonName, organizationalUnit, organization,
3332                                 city, state, country);
3333             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3334                 (rb.getString("Is.name.correct."));
3335             Object[] source = {name};
3336             userInput = inputString
3337                 (in, form.format(source), rb.getString("no"));
3338         } while (collator.compare(userInput, rb.getString("yes")) != 0 &&
3339                  collator.compare(userInput, rb.getString("y")) != 0);
3341         System.err.println();
3342         return name;
3343     }
3345     private String inputString(BufferedReader in, String prompt,
3346                                String defaultValue)
3347         throws IOException
3348     {
3349         System.err.println(prompt);
3350         MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3351                 (rb.getString(".defaultValue."));
3352         Object[] source = {defaultValue};
3353         System.err.print(form.format(source));
3354         System.err.flush();
3356         String value = in.readLine();
3357         if (value == null || collator.compare(value, "") == 0) {
3358             value = defaultValue;
3359         }
3360         return value;
3361     }
3363     /**
3364      * Writes an X.509 certificate in base64 or binary encoding to an output
3365      * stream.
3366      */
3367     private void dumpCert(Certificate cert, PrintStream out)
3368         throws IOException, CertificateException
3369     {
3370         if (rfc) {
3371             out.println(X509Factory.BEGIN_CERT);
3372             out.println(Base64.getMimeEncoder(64, CRLF).encodeToString(cert.getEncoded()));
3373             out.println(X509Factory.END_CERT);
3374         } else {
3375             out.write(cert.getEncoded()); // binary
3376         }
3377     }
3379     /**
3380      * Converts a byte to hex digit and writes to the supplied buffer
3381      */
3382     private void byte2hex(byte b, StringBuffer buf) {
3383         char[] hexChars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',
3384                             '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
3385         int high = ((b & 0xf0) >> 4);
3386         int low = (b & 0x0f);
3387         buf.append(hexChars[high]);
3388         buf.append(hexChars[low]);
3389     }
3391     /**
3392      * Converts a byte array to hex string
3393      */
3394     private String toHexString(byte[] block) {
3395         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
3396         int len = block.length;
3397         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
3398              byte2hex(block[i], buf);
3399              if (i < len-1) {
3400                  buf.append(":");
3401              }
3402         }
3403         return buf.toString();
3404     }
3406     /**
3407      * Recovers (private) key associated with given alias.
3408      *
3409      * @return an array of objects, where the 1st element in the array is the
3410      * recovered private key, and the 2nd element is the password used to
3411      * recover it.
3412      */
3413     private Pair<Key,char[]> recoverKey(String alias, char[] storePass,
3414                                        char[] keyPass)
3415         throws Exception
3416     {
3417         Key key = null;
3419         if (keyStore.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
3420             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3421                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
3422             Object[] source = {alias};
3423             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
3424         }
3425         if (!keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry.class) &&
3426                 !keyStore.entryInstanceOf(alias, KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry.class)) {
3427             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3428                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.has.no.key"));
3429             Object[] source = {alias};
3430             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
3431         }
3433         if (keyPass == null) {
3434             // Try to recover the key using the keystore password
3435             try {
3436                 key = keyStore.getKey(alias, storePass);
3438                 keyPass = storePass;
3439                 passwords.add(keyPass);
3440             } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
3441                 // Did not work out, so prompt user for key password
3442                 if (!token) {
3443                     keyPass = getKeyPasswd(alias, null, null);
3444                     key = keyStore.getKey(alias, keyPass);
3445                 } else {
3446                     throw e;
3447                 }
3448             }
3449         } else {
3450             key = keyStore.getKey(alias, keyPass);
3451         }
3453         return Pair.of(key, keyPass);
3454     }
3456     /**
3457      * Recovers entry associated with given alias.
3458      *
3459      * @return an array of objects, where the 1st element in the array is the
3460      * recovered entry, and the 2nd element is the password used to
3461      * recover it (null if no password).
3462      */
3463     private Pair<Entry,char[]> recoverEntry(KeyStore ks,
3464                             String alias,
3465                             char[] pstore,
3466                             char[] pkey) throws Exception {
3468         if (ks.containsAlias(alias) == false) {
3469             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat
3470                 (rb.getString("Alias.alias.does.not.exist"));
3471             Object[] source = {alias};
3472             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
3473         }
3475         PasswordProtection pp = null;
3476         Entry entry;
3478         try {
3479             // First attempt to access entry without key password
3480             // (PKCS11 entry or trusted certificate entry, for example)
3482             entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp);
3483             pkey = null;
3484         } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException une) {
3486             if(P11KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(ks.getType()) ||
3487                 KeyStoreUtil.isWindowsKeyStore(ks.getType())) {
3488                 // should not happen, but a possibility
3489                 throw une;
3490             }
3492             // entry is protected
3494             if (pkey != null) {
3496                 // try provided key password
3498                 pp = new PasswordProtection(pkey);
3499                 entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp);
3501             } else {
3503                 // try store pass
3505                 try {
3506                     pp = new PasswordProtection(pstore);
3507                     entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp);
3508                     pkey = pstore;
3509                 } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException une2) {
3510                     if (P12KEYSTORE.equalsIgnoreCase(ks.getType())) {
3512                         // P12 keystore currently does not support separate
3513                         // store and entry passwords
3515                         throw une2;
3516                     } else {
3518                         // prompt for entry password
3520                         pkey = getKeyPasswd(alias, null, null);
3521                         pp = new PasswordProtection(pkey);
3522                         entry = ks.getEntry(alias, pp);
3523                     }
3524                 }
3525             }
3526         }
3528         return Pair.of(entry, pkey);
3529     }
3530     /**
3531      * Gets the requested finger print of the certificate.
3532      */
3533     private String getCertFingerPrint(String mdAlg, Certificate cert)
3534         throws Exception
3535     {
3536         byte[] encCertInfo = cert.getEncoded();
3537         MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(mdAlg);
3538         byte[] digest = md.digest(encCertInfo);
3539         return toHexString(digest);
3540     }
3542     /**
3543      * Prints warning about missing integrity check.
3544      */
3545     private void printNoIntegrityWarning() {
3546         System.err.println();
3547         System.err.println(rb.getString
3548             (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING."));
3549         System.err.println(rb.getString
3550             (".The.integrity.of.the.information.stored.in.your.keystore."));
3551         System.err.println(rb.getString
3552             (".WARNING.WARNING.WARNING."));
3553         System.err.println();
3554     }
3556     /**
3557      * Validates chain in certification reply, and returns the ordered
3558      * elements of the chain (with user certificate first, and root
3559      * certificate last in the array).
3560      *
3561      * @param alias the alias name
3562      * @param userCert the user certificate of the alias
3563      * @param replyCerts the chain provided in the reply
3564      */
3565     private Certificate[] validateReply(String alias,
3566                                         Certificate userCert,
3567                                         Certificate[] replyCerts)
3568         throws Exception
3569     {
3571         checkWeak(rb.getString("reply"), replyCerts);
3573         // order the certs in the reply (bottom-up).
3574         // we know that all certs in the reply are of type X.509, because
3575         // we parsed them using an X.509 certificate factory
3576         int i;
3577         PublicKey userPubKey = userCert.getPublicKey();
3579         // Remove duplicated certificates.
3580         HashSet<Certificate> nodup = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(replyCerts));
3581         replyCerts = nodup.toArray(new Certificate[nodup.size()]);
3583         for (i=0; i<replyCerts.length; i++) {
3584             if (userPubKey.equals(replyCerts[i].getPublicKey())) {
3585                 break;
3586             }
3587         }
3588         if (i == replyCerts.length) {
3589             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
3590                 ("Certificate.reply.does.not.contain.public.key.for.alias."));
3591             Object[] source = {alias};
3592             throw new Exception(form.format(source));
3593         }
3595         Certificate tmpCert = replyCerts[0];
3596         replyCerts[0] = replyCerts[i];
3597         replyCerts[i] = tmpCert;
3599         X509Certificate thisCert = (X509Certificate)replyCerts[0];
3601         for (i=1; i < replyCerts.length-1; i++) {
3602             // find a cert in the reply who signs thisCert
3603             int j;
3604             for (j=i; j<replyCerts.length; j++) {
3605                 if (KeyStoreUtil.signedBy(thisCert, (X509Certificate)replyCerts[j])) {
3606                     tmpCert = replyCerts[i];
3607                     replyCerts[i] = replyCerts[j];
3608                     replyCerts[j] = tmpCert;
3609                     thisCert = (X509Certificate)replyCerts[i];
3610                     break;
3611                 }
3612             }
3613             if (j == replyCerts.length) {
3614                 throw new Exception
3615                     (rb.getString("Incomplete.certificate.chain.in.reply"));
3616             }
3617         }
3619         if (noprompt) {
3620             return replyCerts;
3621         }
3623         // do we trust the cert at the top?
3624         Certificate topCert = replyCerts[replyCerts.length-1];
3625         boolean fromKeyStore = true;
3626         Pair<String,Certificate> root = getSigner(topCert, keyStore);
3627         if (root == null && trustcacerts && caks != null) {
3628             root = getSigner(topCert, caks);
3629             fromKeyStore = false;
3630         }
3631         if (root == null) {
3632             System.err.println();
3633             System.err.println
3634                     (rb.getString("Top.level.certificate.in.reply."));
3635             printX509Cert((X509Certificate)topCert, System.out);
3636             System.err.println();
3637             System.err.print(rb.getString(".is.not.trusted."));
3638             printWeakWarnings(true);
3639             String reply = getYesNoReply
3640                     (rb.getString("Install.reply.anyway.no."));
3641             if ("NO".equals(reply)) {
3642                 return null;
3643             }
3644         } else {
3645             if (root.snd != topCert) {
3646                 // append the root CA cert to the chain
3647                 Certificate[] tmpCerts =
3648                     new Certificate[replyCerts.length+1];
3649                 System.arraycopy(replyCerts, 0, tmpCerts, 0,
3650                                  replyCerts.length);
3651                 tmpCerts[tmpCerts.length-1] = root.snd;
3652                 replyCerts = tmpCerts;
3653                 checkWeak(String.format(rb.getString(fromKeyStore ?
3654                                             "alias.in.keystore" :
3655                                             "alias.in.cacerts"),
3656                                         root.fst),
3657                           root.snd);
3658             }
3659         }
3660         return replyCerts;
3661     }
3663     /**
3664      * Establishes a certificate chain (using trusted certificates in the
3665      * keystore and cacerts), starting with the reply (certToVerify)
3666      * and ending at a self-signed certificate found in the keystore.
3667      *
3668      * @param userCert optional existing certificate, mostly likely be the
3669      *                 original self-signed cert created by -genkeypair.
3670      *                 It must have the same public key as certToVerify
3671      *                 but cannot be the same cert.
3672      * @param certToVerify the starting certificate to build the chain
3673      * @returns the established chain, might be null if user decides not
3674      */
3675     private Certificate[] establishCertChain(Certificate userCert,
3676                                              Certificate certToVerify)
3677         throws Exception
3678     {
3679         if (userCert != null) {
3680             // Make sure that the public key of the certificate reply matches
3681             // the original public key in the keystore
3682             PublicKey origPubKey = userCert.getPublicKey();
3683             PublicKey replyPubKey = certToVerify.getPublicKey();
3684             if (!origPubKey.equals(replyPubKey)) {
3685                 throw new Exception(rb.getString
3686                         ("Public.keys.in.reply.and.keystore.don.t.match"));
3687             }
3689             // If the two certs are identical, we're done: no need to import
3690             // anything
3691             if (certToVerify.equals(userCert)) {
3692                 throw new Exception(rb.getString
3693                         ("Certificate.reply.and.certificate.in.keystore.are.identical"));
3694             }
3695         }
3697         // Build a hash table of all certificates in the keystore.
3698         // Use the subject distinguished name as the key into the hash table.
3699         // All certificates associated with the same subject distinguished
3700         // name are stored in the same hash table entry as a vector.
3701         Hashtable<Principal, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>>> certs = null;
3702         if (keyStore.size() > 0) {
3703             certs = new Hashtable<>(11);
3704             keystorecerts2Hashtable(keyStore, certs);
3705         }
3706         if (trustcacerts) {
3707             if (caks!=null && caks.size()>0) {
3708                 if (certs == null) {
3709                     certs = new Hashtable<>(11);
3710                 }
3711                 keystorecerts2Hashtable(caks, certs);
3712             }
3713         }
3715         // start building chain
3716         Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> chain = new Vector<>(2);
3717         if (buildChain(
3718                 new Pair<>(rb.getString("the.input"),
3719                            (X509Certificate) certToVerify),
3720                 chain, certs)) {
3721             for (Pair<String,X509Certificate> p : chain) {
3722                 checkWeak(p.fst, p.snd);
3723             }
3724             Certificate[] newChain =
3725                     new Certificate[chain.size()];
3726             // buildChain() returns chain with self-signed root-cert first and
3727             // user-cert last, so we need to invert the chain before we store
3728             // it
3729             int j=0;
3730             for (int i=chain.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
3731                 newChain[j] = chain.elementAt(i).snd;
3732                 j++;
3733             }
3734             return newChain;
3735         } else {
3736             throw new Exception
3737                 (rb.getString("Failed.to.establish.chain.from.reply"));
3738         }
3739     }
3741     /**
3742      * Recursively tries to establish chain from pool of certs starting from
3743      * certToVerify until a self-signed cert is found, and fill the certs found
3744      * into chain. Each cert in the chain signs the next one.
3745      *
3746      * This method is able to recover from an error, say, if certToVerify
3747      * is signed by certA but certA has no issuer in certs and itself is not
3748      * self-signed, the method can try another certB that also signs
3749      * certToVerify and look for signer of certB, etc, etc.
3750      *
3751      * Each cert in chain comes with a label showing its origin. The label is
3752      * used in the warning message when the cert is considered a risk.
3753      *
3754      * @param certToVerify the cert that needs to be verified.
3755      * @param chain the chain that's being built.
3756      * @param certs the pool of trusted certs
3757      *
3758      * @return true if successful, false otherwise.
3759      */
3760     private boolean buildChain(Pair<String,X509Certificate> certToVerify,
3761             Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> chain,
3762             Hashtable<Principal, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>>> certs) {
3763         if (KeyStoreUtil.isSelfSigned(certToVerify.snd)) {
3764             // reached self-signed root cert;
3765             // no verification needed because it's trusted.
3766             chain.addElement(certToVerify);
3767             return true;
3768         }
3770         Principal issuer = certToVerify.snd.getIssuerDN();
3772         // Get the issuer's certificate(s)
3773         Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> vec = certs.get(issuer);
3774         if (vec == null) {
3775             return false;
3776         }
3778         // Try out each certificate in the vector, until we find one
3779         // whose public key verifies the signature of the certificate
3780         // in question.
3781         for (Enumeration<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> issuerCerts = vec.elements();
3782                 issuerCerts.hasMoreElements(); ) {
3783             Pair<String,X509Certificate> issuerCert = issuerCerts.nextElement();
3784             PublicKey issuerPubKey = issuerCert.snd.getPublicKey();
3785             try {
3786                 certToVerify.snd.verify(issuerPubKey);
3787             } catch (Exception e) {
3788                 continue;
3789             }
3790             if (buildChain(issuerCert, chain, certs)) {
3791                 chain.addElement(certToVerify);
3792                 return true;
3793             }
3794         }
3795         return false;
3796     }
3798     /**
3799      * Prompts user for yes/no decision.
3800      *
3801      * @return the user's decision, can only be "YES" or "NO"
3802      */
3803     private String getYesNoReply(String prompt)
3804         throws IOException
3805     {
3806         String reply = null;
3807         int maxRetry = 20;
3808         do {
3809             if (maxRetry-- < 0) {
3810                 throw new RuntimeException(rb.getString(
3811                         "Too.many.retries.program.terminated"));
3812             }
3813             System.err.print(prompt);
3814             System.err.flush();
3815             reply = (new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
3816                                         (System.in))).readLine();
3817             if (reply == null ||
3818                 collator.compare(reply, "") == 0 ||
3819                 collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("n")) == 0 ||
3820                 collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("no")) == 0) {
3821                 reply = "NO";
3822             } else if (collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("y")) == 0 ||
3823                        collator.compare(reply, rb.getString("yes")) == 0) {
3824                 reply = "YES";
3825             } else {
3826                 System.err.println(rb.getString("Wrong.answer.try.again"));
3827                 reply = null;
3828             }
3829         } while (reply == null);
3830         return reply;
3831     }
3833     /**
3834      * Stores the (leaf) certificates of a keystore in a hashtable.
3835      * All certs belonging to the same CA are stored in a vector that
3836      * in turn is stored in the hashtable, keyed by the CA's subject DN.
3837      * Each cert comes with a string label that shows its origin and alias.
3838      */
3839     private void keystorecerts2Hashtable(KeyStore ks,
3840                 Hashtable<Principal, Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>>> hash)
3841         throws Exception {
3843         for (Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases();
3844                                         aliases.hasMoreElements(); ) {
3845             String alias = aliases.nextElement();
3846             Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(alias);
3847             if (cert != null) {
3848                 Principal subjectDN = ((X509Certificate)cert).getSubjectDN();
3849                 Pair<String,X509Certificate> pair = new Pair<>(
3850                         String.format(
3851                                 rb.getString(ks == caks ?
3852                                         "alias.in.cacerts" :
3853                                         "alias.in.keystore"),
3854                                 alias),
3855                         (X509Certificate)cert);
3856                 Vector<Pair<String,X509Certificate>> vec = hash.get(subjectDN);
3857                 if (vec == null) {
3858                     vec = new Vector<>();
3859                     vec.addElement(pair);
3860                 } else {
3861                     if (!vec.contains(pair)) {
3862                         vec.addElement(pair);
3863                     }
3864                 }
3865                 hash.put(subjectDN, vec);
3866             }
3867         }
3868     }
3870     /**
3871      * Returns the issue time that's specified the -startdate option
3872      * @param s the value of -startdate option
3873      */
3874     private static Date getStartDate(String s) throws IOException {
3875         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
3876         if (s != null) {
3877             IOException ioe = new IOException(
3878                     rb.getString("Illegal.startdate.value"));
3879             int len = s.length();
3880             if (len == 0) {
3881                 throw ioe;
3882             }
3883             if (s.charAt(0) == '-' || s.charAt(0) == '+') {
3884                 // Form 1: ([+-]nnn[ymdHMS])+
3885                 int start = 0;
3886                 while (start < len) {
3887                     int sign = 0;
3888                     switch (s.charAt(start)) {
3889                         case '+': sign = 1; break;
3890                         case '-': sign = -1; break;
3891                         default: throw ioe;
3892                     }
3893                     int i = start+1;
3894                     for (; i<len; i++) {
3895                         char ch = s.charAt(i);
3896                         if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') break;
3897                     }
3898                     if (i == start+1) throw ioe;
3899                     int number = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(start+1, i));
3900                     if (i >= len) throw ioe;
3901                     int unit = 0;
3902                     switch (s.charAt(i)) {
3903                         case 'y': unit = Calendar.YEAR; break;
3904                         case 'm': unit = Calendar.MONTH; break;
3905                         case 'd': unit = Calendar.DATE; break;
3906                         case 'H': unit = Calendar.HOUR; break;
3907                         case 'M': unit = Calendar.MINUTE; break;
3908                         case 'S': unit = Calendar.SECOND; break;
3909                         default: throw ioe;
3910                     }
3911                     c.add(unit, sign * number);
3912                     start = i + 1;
3913                 }
3914             } else  {
3915                 // Form 2: [yyyy/mm/dd] [HH:MM:SS]
3916                 String date = null, time = null;
3917                 if (len == 19) {
3918                     date = s.substring(0, 10);
3919                     time = s.substring(11);
3920                     if (s.charAt(10) != ' ')
3921                         throw ioe;
3922                 } else if (len == 10) {
3923                     date = s;
3924                 } else if (len == 8) {
3925                     time = s;
3926                 } else {
3927                     throw ioe;
3928                 }
3929                 if (date != null) {
3930                     if (date.matches("\\d\\d\\d\\d\\/\\d\\d\\/\\d\\d")) {
3931                         c.set(Integer.valueOf(date.substring(0, 4)),
3932                                 Integer.valueOf(date.substring(5, 7))-1,
3933                                 Integer.valueOf(date.substring(8, 10)));
3934                     } else {
3935                         throw ioe;
3936                     }
3937                 }
3938                 if (time != null) {
3939                     if (time.matches("\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d")) {
3940                         c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.valueOf(time.substring(0, 2)));
3941                         c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.valueOf(time.substring(3, 5)));
3942                         c.set(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.valueOf(time.substring(6, 8)));
3943                         c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
3944                     } else {
3945                         throw ioe;
3946                     }
3947                 }
3948             }
3949         }
3950         return c.getTime();
3951     }
3953     /**
3954      * Match a command (may be abbreviated) with a command set.
3955      * @param s the command provided
3956      * @param list the legal command set. If there is a null, commands after it
3957      * are regarded experimental, which means they are supported but their
3958      * existence should not be revealed to user.
3959      * @return the position of a single match, or -1 if none matched
3960      * @throws Exception if s is ambiguous
3961      */
3962     private static int oneOf(String s, String... list) throws Exception {
3963         int[] match = new int[list.length];
3964         int nmatch = 0;
3965         int experiment = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
3966         for (int i = 0; i<list.length; i++) {
3967             String one = list[i];
3968             if (one == null) {
3969                 experiment = i;
3970                 continue;
3971             }
3972             if (one.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)
3973                     .startsWith(s.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
3974                 match[nmatch++] = i;
3975             } else {
3976                 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
3977                 boolean first = true;
3978                 for (char c: one.toCharArray()) {
3979                     if (first) {
3980                         sb.append(c);
3981                         first = false;
3982                     } else {
3983                         if (!Character.isLowerCase(c)) {
3984                             sb.append(c);
3985                         }
3986                     }
3987                 }
3988                 if (sb.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
3989                     match[nmatch++] = i;
3990                 }
3991             }
3992         }
3993         if (nmatch == 0) {
3994             return -1;
3995         } else if (nmatch == 1) {
3996             return match[0];
3997         } else {
3998             // If multiple matches is in experimental commands, ignore them
3999             if (match[1] > experiment) {
4000                 return match[0];
4001             }
4002             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
4003             MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(rb.getString
4004                 ("command.{0}.is.ambiguous."));
4005             Object[] source = {s};
4006             sb.append(form.format(source));
4007             sb.append("\n    ");
4008             for (int i=0; i<nmatch && match[i]<experiment; i++) {
4009                 sb.append(' ');
4010                 sb.append(list[match[i]]);
4011             }
4012             throw new Exception(sb.toString());
4013         }
4014     }
4016     /**
4017      * Create a GeneralName object from known types
4018      * @param t one of 5 known types
4019      * @param v value
4020      * @return which one
4021      */
4022     private GeneralName createGeneralName(String t, String v)
4023             throws Exception {
4024         GeneralNameInterface gn;
4025         int p = oneOf(t, "EMAIL", "URI", "DNS", "IP", "OID");
4026         if (p < 0) {
4027             throw new Exception(rb.getString(
4028                     "Unrecognized.GeneralName.type.") + t);
4029         }
4030         switch (p) {
4031             case 0: gn = new RFC822Name(v); break;
4032             case 1: gn = new URIName(v); break;
4033             case 2: gn = new DNSName(v); break;
4034             case 3: gn = new IPAddressName(v); break;
4035             default: gn = new OIDName(v); break; //4
4036         }
4037         return new GeneralName(gn);
4038     }
4040     private static final String[] extSupported = {
4041                         "BasicConstraints",
4042                         "KeyUsage",
4043                         "ExtendedKeyUsage",
4044                         "SubjectAlternativeName",
4045                         "IssuerAlternativeName",
4046                         "SubjectInfoAccess",
4047                         "AuthorityInfoAccess",
4048                         null,
4049                         "CRLDistributionPoints",
4050     };
4052     private ObjectIdentifier findOidForExtName(String type)
4053             throws Exception {
4054         switch (oneOf(type, extSupported)) {
4055             case 0: return PKIXExtensions.BasicConstraints_Id;
4056             case 1: return PKIXExtensions.KeyUsage_Id;
4057             case 2: return PKIXExtensions.ExtendedKeyUsage_Id;
4058             case 3: return PKIXExtensions.SubjectAlternativeName_Id;
4059             case 4: return PKIXExtensions.IssuerAlternativeName_Id;
4060             case 5: return PKIXExtensions.SubjectInfoAccess_Id;
4061             case 6: return PKIXExtensions.AuthInfoAccess_Id;
4062             case 8: return PKIXExtensions.CRLDistributionPoints_Id;
4063             default: return new ObjectIdentifier(type);
4064         }
4065     }
4067     // Add an extension into a CertificateExtensions, always using OID as key
4068     private static void setExt(CertificateExtensions result, Extension ex)
4069             throws IOException {
4070         result.set(ex.getId(), ex);
4071     }
4073     /**
4074      * Create X509v3 extensions from a string representation. Note that the
4075      * SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension will always be created non-critical besides
4076      * the extension requested in the <code>extstr</code> argument.
4077      *
4078      * @param requestedEx the requested extensions, can be null, used for -gencert
4079      * @param existingEx the original extensions, can be null, used for -selfcert
4080      * @param extstrs -ext values, Read keytool doc
4081      * @param pkey the public key for the certificate
4082      * @param akey the public key for the authority (issuer)
4083      * @return the created CertificateExtensions
4084      */
4085     private CertificateExtensions createV3Extensions(
4086             CertificateExtensions requestedEx,
4087             CertificateExtensions existingEx,
4088             List <String> extstrs,
4089             PublicKey pkey,
4090             PublicKey akey) throws Exception {
4092         // By design, inside a CertificateExtensions object, all known
4093         // extensions uses name (say, "BasicConstraints") as key and
4094         // a child Extension type (say, "BasicConstraintsExtension")
4095         // as value, unknown extensions uses OID as key and bare
4096         // Extension object as value. This works fine inside JDK.
4097         //
4098         // However, in keytool, there is no way to prevent people
4099         // using OID in -ext, either as a new extension, or in a
4100         // honored value. Thus here we (ab)use CertificateExtensions
4101         // by always using OID as key and value can be of any type.
4103         if (existingEx != null && requestedEx != null) {
4104             // This should not happen
4105             throw new Exception("One of request and original should be null.");
4106         }
4107         // A new extensions always using OID as key
4108         CertificateExtensions result = new CertificateExtensions();
4109         if (existingEx != null) {
4110             for (Extension ex: existingEx.getAllExtensions()) {
4111                 setExt(result, ex);
4112             }
4113         }
4114         try {
4115             // name{:critical}{=value}
4116             // Honoring requested extensions
4117             if (requestedEx != null) {
4118                 // The existing requestedEx might use names as keys,
4119                 // translate to all-OID first.
4120                 CertificateExtensions request2 = new CertificateExtensions();
4121                 for (sun.security.x509.Extension ex: requestedEx.getAllExtensions()) {
4122                     request2.set(ex.getId(), ex);
4123                 }
4124                 for(String extstr: extstrs) {
4125                     if (extstr.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("honored=")) {
4126                         List<String> list = Arrays.asList(
4127                                 extstr.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).substring(8).split(","));
4128                         // First check existence of "all"
4129                         if (list.contains("all")) {
4130                             for (Extension ex: request2.getAllExtensions()) {
4131                                 setExt(result, ex);
4132                             }
4133                         }
4134                         // one by one for others
4135                         for (String item: list) {
4136                             if (item.equals("all")) continue;
4138                             // add or remove
4139                             boolean add;
4140                             // -1, unchanged, 0 critical, 1 non-critical
4141                             int action = -1;
4142                             String type = null;
4143                             if (item.startsWith("-")) {
4144                                 add = false;
4145                                 type = item.substring(1);
4146                             } else {
4147                                 add = true;
4148                                 int colonpos = item.indexOf(':');
4149                                 if (colonpos >= 0) {
4150                                     type = item.substring(0, colonpos);
4151                                     action = oneOf(item.substring(colonpos+1),
4152                                             "critical", "non-critical");
4153                                     if (action == -1) {
4154                                         throw new Exception(rb.getString
4155                                             ("Illegal.value.") + item);
4156                                     }
4157                                 } else {
4158                                     type = item;
4159                                 }
4160                             }
4161                             String n = findOidForExtName(type).toString();
4162                             if (add) {
4163                                 Extension e = request2.get(n);
4164                                 if (!e.isCritical() && action == 0
4165                                         || e.isCritical() && action == 1) {
4166                                     e = Extension.newExtension(
4167                                             e.getExtensionId(),
4168                                             !e.isCritical(),
4169                                             e.getExtensionValue());
4170                                 }
4171                                 setExt(result, e);
4172                             } else {
4173                                 result.delete(n);
4174                             }
4175                         }
4176                         break;
4177                     }
4178                 }
4179             }
4180             for(String extstr: extstrs) {
4181                 String name, value;
4182                 boolean isCritical = false;
4184                 int eqpos = extstr.indexOf('=');
4185                 if (eqpos >= 0) {
4186                     name = extstr.substring(0, eqpos);
4187                     value = extstr.substring(eqpos+1);
4188                 } else {
4189                     name = extstr;
4190                     value = null;
4191                 }
4193                 int colonpos = name.indexOf(':');
4194                 if (colonpos >= 0) {
4195                     if (oneOf(name.substring(colonpos+1), "critical") == 0) {
4196                         isCritical = true;
4197                     }
4198                     name = name.substring(0, colonpos);
4199                 }
4201                 if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("honored")) {
4202                     continue;
4203                 }
4204                 int exttype = oneOf(name, extSupported);
4205                 switch (exttype) {
4206                     case 0:     // BC
4207                         int pathLen = -1;
4208                         boolean isCA = false;
4209                         if (value == null) {
4210                             isCA = true;
4211                         } else {
4212                             try {   // the abbr format
4213                                 pathLen = Integer.parseInt(value);
4214                                 isCA = true;
4215                             } catch (NumberFormatException ufe) {
4216                                 // ca:true,pathlen:1
4217                                 for (String part: value.split(",")) {
4218                                     String[] nv = part.split(":");
4219                                     if (nv.length != 2) {
4220                                         throw new Exception(rb.getString
4221                                                 ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4222                                     } else {
4223                                         if (nv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ca")) {
4224                                             isCA = Boolean.parseBoolean(nv[1]);
4225                                         } else if (nv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("pathlen")) {
4226                                             pathLen = Integer.parseInt(nv[1]);
4227                                         } else {
4228                                             throw new Exception(rb.getString
4229                                                 ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4230                                         }
4231                                     }
4232                                 }
4233                             }
4234                         }
4235                         setExt(result, new BasicConstraintsExtension(isCritical, isCA,
4236                                 pathLen));
4237                         break;
4238                     case 1:     // KU
4239                         if(value != null) {
4240                             boolean[] ok = new boolean[9];
4241                             for (String s: value.split(",")) {
4242                                 int p = oneOf(s,
4243                                        "digitalSignature",  // (0),
4244                                        "nonRepudiation",    // (1)
4245                                        "keyEncipherment",   // (2),
4246                                        "dataEncipherment",  // (3),
4247                                        "keyAgreement",      // (4),
4248                                        "keyCertSign",       // (5),
4249                                        "cRLSign",           // (6),
4250                                        "encipherOnly",      // (7),
4251                                        "decipherOnly",      // (8)
4252                                        "contentCommitment"  // also (1)
4253                                        );
4254                                 if (p < 0) {
4255                                     throw new Exception(rb.getString("Unknown.keyUsage.type.") + s);
4256                                 }
4257                                 if (p == 9) p = 1;
4258                                 ok[p] = true;
4259                             }
4260                             KeyUsageExtension kue = new KeyUsageExtension(ok);
4261                             // The above KeyUsageExtension constructor does not
4262                             // allow isCritical value, so...
4263                             setExt(result, Extension.newExtension(
4264                                     kue.getExtensionId(),
4265                                     isCritical,
4266                                     kue.getExtensionValue()));
4267                         } else {
4268                             throw new Exception(rb.getString
4269                                     ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4270                         }
4271                         break;
4272                     case 2:     // EKU
4273                         if(value != null) {
4274                             Vector<ObjectIdentifier> v = new Vector<>();
4275                             for (String s: value.split(",")) {
4276                                 int p = oneOf(s,
4277                                         "anyExtendedKeyUsage",
4278                                         "serverAuth",       //1
4279                                         "clientAuth",       //2
4280                                         "codeSigning",      //3
4281                                         "emailProtection",  //4
4282                                         "",                 //5
4283                                         "",                 //6
4284                                         "",                 //7
4285                                         "timeStamping",     //8
4286                                         "OCSPSigning"       //9
4287                                        );
4288                                 if (p < 0) {
4289                                     try {
4290                                         v.add(new ObjectIdentifier(s));
4291                                     } catch (Exception e) {
4292                                         throw new Exception(rb.getString(
4293                                                 "Unknown.extendedkeyUsage.type.") + s);
4294                                     }
4295                                 } else if (p == 0) {
4296                                     v.add(new ObjectIdentifier(""));
4297                                 } else {
4298                                     v.add(new ObjectIdentifier("" + p));
4299                                 }
4300                             }
4301                             setExt(result, new ExtendedKeyUsageExtension(isCritical, v));
4302                         } else {
4303                             throw new Exception(rb.getString
4304                                     ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4305                         }
4306                         break;
4307                     case 3:     // SAN
4308                     case 4:     // IAN
4309                         if(value != null) {
4310                             String[] ps = value.split(",");
4311                             GeneralNames gnames = new GeneralNames();
4312                             for(String item: ps) {
4313                                 colonpos = item.indexOf(':');
4314                                 if (colonpos < 0) {
4315                                     throw new Exception("Illegal item " + item + " in " + extstr);
4316                                 }
4317                                 String t = item.substring(0, colonpos);
4318                                 String v = item.substring(colonpos+1);
4319                                 gnames.add(createGeneralName(t, v));
4320                             }
4321                             if (exttype == 3) {
4322                                 setExt(result, new SubjectAlternativeNameExtension(
4323                                         isCritical, gnames));
4324                             } else {
4325                                 setExt(result, new IssuerAlternativeNameExtension(
4326                                         isCritical, gnames));
4327                             }
4328                         } else {
4329                             throw new Exception(rb.getString
4330                                     ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4331                         }
4332                         break;
4333                     case 5:     // SIA, always non-critical
4334                     case 6:     // AIA, always non-critical
4335                         if (isCritical) {
4336                             throw new Exception(rb.getString(
4337                                     "This.extension.cannot.be.marked.as.critical.") + extstr);
4338                         }
4339                         if(value != null) {
4340                             List<AccessDescription> accessDescriptions =
4341                                     new ArrayList<>();
4342                             String[] ps = value.split(",");
4343                             for(String item: ps) {
4344                                 colonpos = item.indexOf(':');
4345                                 int colonpos2 = item.indexOf(':', colonpos+1);
4346                                 if (colonpos < 0 || colonpos2 < 0) {
4347                                     throw new Exception(rb.getString
4348                                             ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4349                                 }
4350                                 String m = item.substring(0, colonpos);
4351                                 String t = item.substring(colonpos+1, colonpos2);
4352                                 String v = item.substring(colonpos2+1);
4353                                 int p = oneOf(m,
4354                                         "",
4355                                         "ocsp",         //1
4356                                         "caIssuers",    //2
4357                                         "timeStamping", //3
4358                                         "",
4359                                         "caRepository"  //5
4360                                         );
4361                                 ObjectIdentifier oid;
4362                                 if (p < 0) {
4363                                     try {
4364                                         oid = new ObjectIdentifier(m);
4365                                     } catch (Exception e) {
4366                                         throw new Exception(rb.getString(
4367                                                 "Unknown.AccessDescription.type.") + m);
4368                                     }
4369                                 } else {
4370                                     oid = new ObjectIdentifier("" + p);
4371                                 }
4372                                 accessDescriptions.add(new AccessDescription(
4373                                         oid, createGeneralName(t, v)));
4374                             }
4375                             if (exttype == 5) {
4376                                 setExt(result, new SubjectInfoAccessExtension(accessDescriptions));
4377                             } else {
4378                                 setExt(result, new AuthorityInfoAccessExtension(accessDescriptions));
4379                             }
4380                         } else {
4381                             throw new Exception(rb.getString
4382                                     ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4383                         }
4384                         break;
4385                     case 8: // CRL, experimental, only support 1 distributionpoint
4386                         if(value != null) {
4387                             String[] ps = value.split(",");
4388                             GeneralNames gnames = new GeneralNames();
4389                             for(String item: ps) {
4390                                 colonpos = item.indexOf(':');
4391                                 if (colonpos < 0) {
4392                                     throw new Exception("Illegal item " + item + " in " + extstr);
4393                                 }
4394                                 String t = item.substring(0, colonpos);
4395                                 String v = item.substring(colonpos+1);
4396                                 gnames.add(createGeneralName(t, v));
4397                             }
4398                             setExt(result, new CRLDistributionPointsExtension(
4399                                     isCritical, Collections.singletonList(
4400                                     new DistributionPoint(gnames, null, null))));
4401                         } else {
4402                             throw new Exception(rb.getString
4403                                     ("Illegal.value.") + extstr);
4404                         }
4405                         break;
4406                     case -1:
4407                         ObjectIdentifier oid = new ObjectIdentifier(name);
4408                         byte[] data = null;
4409                         if (value != null) {
4410                             data = new byte[value.length() / 2 + 1];
4411                             int pos = 0;
4412                             for (char c: value.toCharArray()) {
4413                                 int hex;
4414                                 if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
4415                                     hex = c - '0' ;
4416                                 } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
4417                                     hex = c - 'A' + 10;
4418                                 } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
4419                                     hex = c - 'a' + 10;
4420                                 } else {
4421                                     continue;
4422                                 }
4423                                 if (pos % 2 == 0) {
4424                                     data[pos/2] = (byte)(hex << 4);
4425                                 } else {
4426                                     data[pos/2] += hex;
4427                                 }
4428                                 pos++;
4429                             }
4430                             if (pos % 2 != 0) {
4431                                 throw new Exception(rb.getString(
4432                                         "Odd.number.of.hex.digits.found.") + extstr);
4433                             }
4434                             data = Arrays.copyOf(data, pos/2);
4435                         } else {
4436                             data = new byte[0];
4437                         }
4438                         setExt(result, new Extension(oid, isCritical,
4439                                 new DerValue(DerValue.tag_OctetString, data)
4440                                         .toByteArray()));
4441                         break;
4442                     default:
4443                         throw new Exception(rb.getString(
4444                                 "Unknown.extension.type.") + extstr);
4445                 }
4446             }
4447             // always non-critical
4448             setExt(result, new SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension(
4449                     new KeyIdentifier(pkey).getIdentifier()));
4450             if (akey != null && !pkey.equals(akey)) {
4451                 setExt(result, new AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension(
4452                                 new KeyIdentifier(akey), null, null));
4453             }
4454         } catch(IOException e) {
4455             throw new RuntimeException(e);
4456         }
4457         return result;
4458     }
4460     private boolean isTrustedCert(Certificate cert) throws KeyStoreException {
4461         if (caks != null && caks.getCertificateAlias(cert) != null) {
4462             return true;
4463         } else {
4464             String inKS = keyStore.getCertificateAlias(cert);
4465             return inKS != null && keyStore.isCertificateEntry(inKS);
4466         }
4467     }
4469     private void checkWeak(String label, String sigAlg, Key key) {
4471         if (sigAlg != null && !DISABLED_CHECK.permits(
4472                 SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, sigAlg, null)) {
4473             weakWarnings.add(String.format(
4474                     rb.getString("whose.sigalg.risk"), label, sigAlg));
4475         }
4476         if (key != null && !DISABLED_CHECK.permits(SIG_PRIMITIVE_SET, key)) {
4477             weakWarnings.add(String.format(
4478                     rb.getString("whose.key.risk"),
4479                     label,
4480                     String.format(rb.getString("key.bit"),
4481                             KeyUtil.getKeySize(key), key.getAlgorithm())));
4482         }
4483     }
4485     private void checkWeak(String label, Certificate[] certs)
4486             throws KeyStoreException {
4487         for (int i = 0; i < certs.length; i++) {
4488             Certificate cert = certs[i];
4489             if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) {
4490                 X509Certificate xc = (X509Certificate)cert;
4491                 String fullLabel = label;
4492                 if (certs.length > 1) {
4493                     fullLabel = oneInMany(label, i, certs.length);
4494                 }
4495                 checkWeak(fullLabel, xc);
4496             }
4497         }
4498     }
4500     private void checkWeak(String label, Certificate cert)
4501             throws KeyStoreException {
4502         if (cert instanceof X509Certificate) {
4503             X509Certificate xc = (X509Certificate)cert;
4504             // No need to check the sigalg of a trust anchor
4505             String sigAlg = isTrustedCert(cert) ? null : xc.getSigAlgName();
4506             checkWeak(label, sigAlg, xc.getPublicKey());
4507         }
4508     }
4510     private void checkWeak(String label, PKCS10 p10) {
4511         checkWeak(label, p10.getSigAlg(), p10.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo());
4512     }
4514     private void checkWeak(String label, CRL crl, Key key) {
4515         if (crl instanceof X509CRLImpl) {
4516             X509CRLImpl impl = (X509CRLImpl)crl;
4517             checkWeak(label, impl.getSigAlgName(), key);
4518         }
4519     }
4521     private void printWeakWarnings(boolean newLine) {
4522         if (!weakWarnings.isEmpty() && !nowarn) {
4523             System.err.println("\nWarning:");
4524             for (String warning : weakWarnings) {
4525                 System.err.println(warning);
4526             }
4527             if (newLine) {
4528                 // When calling before a yes/no prompt, add a new line
4529                 System.err.println();
4530             }
4531         }
4532         weakWarnings.clear();
4533     }
4535     /**
4536      * Prints the usage of this tool.
4537      */
4538     private void usage() {
4539         if (command != null) {
4540             System.err.println("keytool " + command +
4541                     rb.getString(".OPTION."));
4542             System.err.println();
4543             System.err.println(rb.getString(command.description));
4544             System.err.println();
4545             System.err.println(rb.getString("Options."));
4546             System.err.println();
4548             // Left and right sides of the options list. Both might
4549             // contain "\n" and span multiple lines
4550             String[] left = new String[command.options.length];
4551             String[] right = new String[command.options.length];
4553             // Length of left side of options list
4554             int lenLeft = 0;
4556             for (int j = 0; j < command.options.length; j++) {
4557                 Option opt = command.options[j];
4558                 left[j] = opt.toString();
4559                 if (opt.arg != null) {
4560                     left[j] += " " + opt.arg;
4561                 }
4562                 String[] lefts = left[j].split("\n");
4563                 for (String s : lefts) {
4564                     if (s.length() > lenLeft) {
4565                         lenLeft = s.length();
4566                     }
4567                 }
4568                 right[j] = rb.getString(opt.description);
4569             }
4570             for (int j = 0; j < left.length; j++) {
4571                 String[] lefts = left[j].split("\n");
4572                 String[] rights = right[j].split("\n");
4573                 for (int i = 0; i < lefts.length && i < rights.length; i++) {
4574                     String s1 = i < lefts.length ? lefts[i] : "";
4575                     String s2 = i < rights.length ? rights[i] : "";
4576                     if (i == 0) {
4577                         System.err.printf(" %-" + lenLeft + "s  %s\n", s1, s2);
4578                     } else {
4579                         System.err.printf("   %-" + lenLeft + "s  %s\n", s1, s2);
4580                     }
4581                 }
4582             }
4583             System.err.println();
4584             System.err.println(rb.getString(
4585                     "Use.keytool.help.for.all.available.commands"));
4586         } else {
4587             System.err.println(rb.getString(
4588                     "Key.and.Certificate.Management.Tool"));
4589             System.err.println();
4590             System.err.println(rb.getString("Commands."));
4591             System.err.println();
4592             for (Command c: Command.values()) {
4593                 if (c == KEYCLONE) break;
4594                 System.err.printf(" %-20s%s\n", c, rb.getString(c.description));
4595             }
4596             System.err.println();
4597             System.err.println(rb.getString(
4598                     "Use.keytool.command.name.help.for.usage.of.command.name"));
4599         }
4600     }
4602     private void tinyHelp() {
4603         usage();
4604         if (debug) {
4605             throw new RuntimeException("NO BIG ERROR, SORRY");
4606         } else {
4607             System.exit(1);
4608         }
4609     }
4611     private void errorNeedArgument(String flag) {
4612         Object[] source = {flag};
4613         System.err.println(new MessageFormat(
4614                 rb.getString("Command.option.flag.needs.an.argument.")).format(source));
4615         tinyHelp();
4616     }
4618     private char[] getPass(String modifier, String arg) {
4619         char[] output = KeyStoreUtil.getPassWithModifier(modifier, arg, rb);
4620         if (output != null) return output;
4621         tinyHelp();
4622         return null;    // Useless, tinyHelp() already exits.
4623     }
4624 }
4626 // This class is exactly the same as com.sun.tools.javac.util.Pair,
4627 // it's copied here since the original one is not included in JRE.
4628 class Pair<A, B> {
4630     public final A fst;
4631     public final B snd;
4633     public Pair(A fst, B snd) {
4634         this.fst = fst;
4635         this.snd = snd;
4636     }
4638     public String toString() {
4639         return "Pair[" + fst + "," + snd + "]";
4640     }
4642     public boolean equals(Object other) {
4643         return
4644             other instanceof Pair &&
4645             Objects.equals(fst, ((Pair)other).fst) &&
4646             Objects.equals(snd, ((Pair)other).snd);
4647     }
4649     public int hashCode() {
4650         if (fst == null) return (snd == null) ? 0 : snd.hashCode() + 1;
4651         else if (snd == null) return fst.hashCode() + 2;
4652         else return fst.hashCode() * 17 + snd.hashCode();
4653     }
4655     public static <A,B> Pair<A,B> of(A a, B b) {
4656         return new Pair<>(a,b);
4657     }
4658 }