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rev 50037 : 8202745: Remove hyphens from "out-of-bounds".

 168             return String.format("Range check failed: %s", args);
 169         } else if (args == null) {
 170             return String.format("Range check failed: %s", checkKind);
 171         }
 173         int argSize = 0;
 174         switch (checkKind) {
 175             case "checkIndex":
 176                 argSize = 2;
 177                 break;
 178             case "checkFromToIndex":
 179             case "checkFromIndexSize":
 180                 argSize = 3;
 181                 break;
 182             default:
 183         }
 185         // Switch to default if fewer or more arguments than required are supplied
 186         switch ((args.size() != argSize) ? "" : checkKind) {
 187             case "checkIndex":
 188                 return String.format("Index %d out-of-bounds for length %d",
 189                                      args.get(0), args.get(1));
 190             case "checkFromToIndex":
 191                 return String.format("Range [%d, %d) out-of-bounds for length %d",
 192                                      args.get(0), args.get(1), args.get(2));
 193             case "checkFromIndexSize":
 194                 return String.format("Range [%d, %<d + %d) out-of-bounds for length %d",
 195                                      args.get(0), args.get(1), args.get(2));
 196             default:
 197                 return String.format("Range check failed: %s %s", checkKind, args);
 198         }
 199     }
 201     /**
 202      * Checks if the {@code index} is within the bounds of the range from
 203      * {@code 0} (inclusive) to {@code length} (exclusive).
 204      *
 205      * <p>The {@code index} is defined to be out-of-bounds if any of the
 206      * following inequalities is true:
 207      * <ul>
 208      *  <li>{@code index < 0}</li>
 209      *  <li>{@code index >= length}</li>
 210      *  <li>{@code length < 0}, which is implied from the former inequalities</li>
 211      * </ul>
 212      *
 213      * <p>If the {@code index} is out-of-bounds, then a runtime exception is
 214      * thrown that is the result of applying the following arguments to the
 215      * exception formatter: the name of this method, {@code checkIndex};
 216      * and an unmodifiable list integers whose values are, in order, the
 217      * out-of-bounds arguments {@code index} and {@code length}.
 218      *
 219      * @param <X> the type of runtime exception to throw if the arguments are
 220      *        out-of-bounds
 221      * @param index the index
 222      * @param length the upper-bound (exclusive) of the range
 223      * @param oobef the exception formatter that when applied with this
 224      *        method name and out-of-bounds arguments returns a runtime
 225      *        exception.  If {@code null} or returns {@code null} then, it is as
 226      *        if an exception formatter produced from an invocation of
 227      *        {@code outOfBoundsExceptionFormatter(IndexOutOfBounds::new)} is used
 228      *        instead (though it may be more efficient).
 229      *        Exceptions thrown by the formatter are relayed to the caller.
 230      * @return {@code index} if it is within bounds of the range
 231      * @throws X if the {@code index} is out-of-bounds and the exception
 232      *         formatter is non-{@code null}
 233      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the {@code index} is out-of-bounds
 234      *         and the exception formatter is {@code null}
 235      * @since 9
 236      *
 237      * @implNote
 238      * This method is made intrinsic in optimizing compilers to guide them to
 239      * perform unsigned comparisons of the index and length when it is known the
 240      * length is a non-negative value (such as that of an array length or from
 241      * the upper bound of a loop)
 242     */
 243     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 244     public static <X extends RuntimeException>
 245     int checkIndex(int index, int length,
 246                    BiFunction<String, List<Integer>, X> oobef) {
 247         if (index < 0 || index >= length)
 248             throw outOfBoundsCheckIndex(oobef, index, length);
 249         return index;
 250     }
 252     /**
 253      * Checks if the sub-range from {@code fromIndex} (inclusive) to
 254      * {@code toIndex} (exclusive) is within the bounds of range from {@code 0}
 255      * (inclusive) to {@code length} (exclusive).
 256      *
 257      * <p>The sub-range is defined to be out-of-bounds if any of the following
 258      * inequalities is true:
 259      * <ul>
 260      *  <li>{@code fromIndex < 0}</li>
 261      *  <li>{@code fromIndex > toIndex}</li>
 262      *  <li>{@code toIndex > length}</li>
 263      *  <li>{@code length < 0}, which is implied from the former inequalities</li>
 264      * </ul>
 265      *
 266      * <p>If the sub-range  is out-of-bounds, then a runtime exception is
 267      * thrown that is the result of applying the following arguments to the
 268      * exception formatter: the name of this method, {@code checkFromToIndex};
 269      * and an unmodifiable list integers whose values are, in order, the
 270      * out-of-bounds arguments {@code fromIndex}, {@code toIndex}, and {@code length}.
 271      *
 272      * @param <X> the type of runtime exception to throw if the arguments are
 273      *        out-of-bounds
 274      * @param fromIndex the lower-bound (inclusive) of the sub-range
 275      * @param toIndex the upper-bound (exclusive) of the sub-range
 276      * @param length the upper-bound (exclusive) the range
 277      * @param oobef the exception formatter that when applied with this
 278      *        method name and out-of-bounds arguments returns a runtime
 279      *        exception.  If {@code null} or returns {@code null} then, it is as
 280      *        if an exception formatter produced from an invocation of
 281      *        {@code outOfBoundsExceptionFormatter(IndexOutOfBounds::new)} is used
 282      *        instead (though it may be more efficient).
 283      *        Exceptions thrown by the formatter are relayed to the caller.
 284      * @return {@code fromIndex} if the sub-range within bounds of the range
 285      * @throws X if the sub-range is out-of-bounds and the exception factory
 286      *         function is non-{@code null}
 287      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the sub-range is out-of-bounds and
 288      *         the exception factory function is {@code null}
 289      * @since 9
 290      */
 291     public static <X extends RuntimeException>
 292     int checkFromToIndex(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int length,
 293                          BiFunction<String, List<Integer>, X> oobef) {
 294         if (fromIndex < 0 || fromIndex > toIndex || toIndex > length)
 295             throw outOfBoundsCheckFromToIndex(oobef, fromIndex, toIndex, length);
 296         return fromIndex;
 297     }
 299     /**
 300      * Checks if the sub-range from {@code fromIndex} (inclusive) to
 301      * {@code fromIndex + size} (exclusive) is within the bounds of range from
 302      * {@code 0} (inclusive) to {@code length} (exclusive).
 303      *
 304      * <p>The sub-range is defined to be out-of-bounds if any of the following
 305      * inequalities is true:
 306      * <ul>
 307      *  <li>{@code fromIndex < 0}</li>
 308      *  <li>{@code size < 0}</li>
 309      *  <li>{@code fromIndex + size > length}, taking into account integer overflow</li>
 310      *  <li>{@code length < 0}, which is implied from the former inequalities</li>
 311      * </ul>
 312      *
 313      * <p>If the sub-range  is out-of-bounds, then a runtime exception is
 314      * thrown that is the result of applying the following arguments to the
 315      * exception formatter: the name of this method, {@code checkFromIndexSize};
 316      * and an unmodifiable list integers whose values are, in order, the
 317      * out-of-bounds arguments {@code fromIndex}, {@code size}, and
 318      * {@code length}.
 319      *
 320      * @param <X> the type of runtime exception to throw if the arguments are
 321      *        out-of-bounds
 322      * @param fromIndex the lower-bound (inclusive) of the sub-interval
 323      * @param size the size of the sub-range
 324      * @param length the upper-bound (exclusive) of the range
 325      * @param oobef the exception formatter that when applied with this
 326      *        method name and out-of-bounds arguments returns a runtime
 327      *        exception.  If {@code null} or returns {@code null} then, it is as
 328      *        if an exception formatter produced from an invocation of
 329      *        {@code outOfBoundsExceptionFormatter(IndexOutOfBounds::new)} is used
 330      *        instead (though it may be more efficient).
 331      *        Exceptions thrown by the formatter are relayed to the caller.
 332      * @return {@code fromIndex} if the sub-range within bounds of the range
 333      * @throws X if the sub-range is out-of-bounds and the exception factory
 334      *         function is non-{@code null}
 335      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the sub-range is out-of-bounds and
 336      *         the exception factory function is {@code null}
 337      * @since 9
 338      */
 339     public static <X extends RuntimeException>
 340     int checkFromIndexSize(int fromIndex, int size, int length,
 341                            BiFunction<String, List<Integer>, X> oobef) {
 342         if ((length | fromIndex | size) < 0 || size > length - fromIndex)
 343             throw outOfBoundsCheckFromIndexSize(oobef, fromIndex, size, length);
 344         return fromIndex;
 345     }
 346 }

 168             return String.format("Range check failed: %s", args);
 169         } else if (args == null) {
 170             return String.format("Range check failed: %s", checkKind);
 171         }
 173         int argSize = 0;
 174         switch (checkKind) {
 175             case "checkIndex":
 176                 argSize = 2;
 177                 break;
 178             case "checkFromToIndex":
 179             case "checkFromIndexSize":
 180                 argSize = 3;
 181                 break;
 182             default:
 183         }
 185         // Switch to default if fewer or more arguments than required are supplied
 186         switch ((args.size() != argSize) ? "" : checkKind) {
 187             case "checkIndex":
 188                 return String.format("Index %d out of bounds for length %d",
 189                                      args.get(0), args.get(1));
 190             case "checkFromToIndex":
 191                 return String.format("Range [%d, %d) out of bounds for length %d",
 192                                      args.get(0), args.get(1), args.get(2));
 193             case "checkFromIndexSize":
 194                 return String.format("Range [%d, %<d + %d) out of bounds for length %d",
 195                                      args.get(0), args.get(1), args.get(2));
 196             default:
 197                 return String.format("Range check failed: %s %s", checkKind, args);
 198         }
 199     }
 201     /**
 202      * Checks if the {@code index} is within the bounds of the range from
 203      * {@code 0} (inclusive) to {@code length} (exclusive).
 204      *
 205      * <p>The {@code index} is defined to be out of bounds if any of the
 206      * following inequalities is true:
 207      * <ul>
 208      *  <li>{@code index < 0}</li>
 209      *  <li>{@code index >= length}</li>
 210      *  <li>{@code length < 0}, which is implied from the former inequalities</li>
 211      * </ul>
 212      *
 213      * <p>If the {@code index} is out of bounds, then a runtime exception is
 214      * thrown that is the result of applying the following arguments to the
 215      * exception formatter: the name of this method, {@code checkIndex};
 216      * and an unmodifiable list integers whose values are, in order, the
 217      * out-of-bounds arguments {@code index} and {@code length}.
 218      *
 219      * @param <X> the type of runtime exception to throw if the arguments are
 220      *        out of bounds
 221      * @param index the index
 222      * @param length the upper-bound (exclusive) of the range
 223      * @param oobef the exception formatter that when applied with this
 224      *        method name and out-of-bounds arguments returns a runtime
 225      *        exception.  If {@code null} or returns {@code null} then, it is as
 226      *        if an exception formatter produced from an invocation of
 227      *        {@code outOfBoundsExceptionFormatter(IndexOutOfBounds::new)} is used
 228      *        instead (though it may be more efficient).
 229      *        Exceptions thrown by the formatter are relayed to the caller.
 230      * @return {@code index} if it is within bounds of the range
 231      * @throws X if the {@code index} is out of bounds and the exception
 232      *         formatter is non-{@code null}
 233      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the {@code index} is out of bounds
 234      *         and the exception formatter is {@code null}
 235      * @since 9
 236      *
 237      * @implNote
 238      * This method is made intrinsic in optimizing compilers to guide them to
 239      * perform unsigned comparisons of the index and length when it is known the
 240      * length is a non-negative value (such as that of an array length or from
 241      * the upper bound of a loop)
 242     */
 243     @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate
 244     public static <X extends RuntimeException>
 245     int checkIndex(int index, int length,
 246                    BiFunction<String, List<Integer>, X> oobef) {
 247         if (index < 0 || index >= length)
 248             throw outOfBoundsCheckIndex(oobef, index, length);
 249         return index;
 250     }
 252     /**
 253      * Checks if the sub-range from {@code fromIndex} (inclusive) to
 254      * {@code toIndex} (exclusive) is within the bounds of range from {@code 0}
 255      * (inclusive) to {@code length} (exclusive).
 256      *
 257      * <p>The sub-range is defined to be out of bounds if any of the following
 258      * inequalities is true:
 259      * <ul>
 260      *  <li>{@code fromIndex < 0}</li>
 261      *  <li>{@code fromIndex > toIndex}</li>
 262      *  <li>{@code toIndex > length}</li>
 263      *  <li>{@code length < 0}, which is implied from the former inequalities</li>
 264      * </ul>
 265      *
 266      * <p>If the sub-range is out of bounds, then a runtime exception is
 267      * thrown that is the result of applying the following arguments to the
 268      * exception formatter: the name of this method, {@code checkFromToIndex};
 269      * and an unmodifiable list integers whose values are, in order, the
 270      * out-of-bounds arguments {@code fromIndex}, {@code toIndex}, and {@code length}.
 271      *
 272      * @param <X> the type of runtime exception to throw if the arguments are
 273      *        out of bounds
 274      * @param fromIndex the lower-bound (inclusive) of the sub-range
 275      * @param toIndex the upper-bound (exclusive) of the sub-range
 276      * @param length the upper-bound (exclusive) the range
 277      * @param oobef the exception formatter that when applied with this
 278      *        method name and out-of-bounds arguments returns a runtime
 279      *        exception.  If {@code null} or returns {@code null} then, it is as
 280      *        if an exception formatter produced from an invocation of
 281      *        {@code outOfBoundsExceptionFormatter(IndexOutOfBounds::new)} is used
 282      *        instead (though it may be more efficient).
 283      *        Exceptions thrown by the formatter are relayed to the caller.
 284      * @return {@code fromIndex} if the sub-range within bounds of the range
 285      * @throws X if the sub-range is out of bounds and the exception factory
 286      *         function is non-{@code null}
 287      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the sub-range is out of bounds and
 288      *         the exception factory function is {@code null}
 289      * @since 9
 290      */
 291     public static <X extends RuntimeException>
 292     int checkFromToIndex(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int length,
 293                          BiFunction<String, List<Integer>, X> oobef) {
 294         if (fromIndex < 0 || fromIndex > toIndex || toIndex > length)
 295             throw outOfBoundsCheckFromToIndex(oobef, fromIndex, toIndex, length);
 296         return fromIndex;
 297     }
 299     /**
 300      * Checks if the sub-range from {@code fromIndex} (inclusive) to
 301      * {@code fromIndex + size} (exclusive) is within the bounds of range from
 302      * {@code 0} (inclusive) to {@code length} (exclusive).
 303      *
 304      * <p>The sub-range is defined to be out of bounds if any of the following
 305      * inequalities is true:
 306      * <ul>
 307      *  <li>{@code fromIndex < 0}</li>
 308      *  <li>{@code size < 0}</li>
 309      *  <li>{@code fromIndex + size > length}, taking into account integer overflow</li>
 310      *  <li>{@code length < 0}, which is implied from the former inequalities</li>
 311      * </ul>
 312      *
 313      * <p>If the sub-range is out of bounds, then a runtime exception is
 314      * thrown that is the result of applying the following arguments to the
 315      * exception formatter: the name of this method, {@code checkFromIndexSize};
 316      * and an unmodifiable list integers whose values are, in order, the
 317      * out-of-bounds arguments {@code fromIndex}, {@code size}, and
 318      * {@code length}.
 319      *
 320      * @param <X> the type of runtime exception to throw if the arguments are
 321      *        out of bounds
 322      * @param fromIndex the lower-bound (inclusive) of the sub-interval
 323      * @param size the size of the sub-range
 324      * @param length the upper-bound (exclusive) of the range
 325      * @param oobef the exception formatter that when applied with this
 326      *        method name and out-of-bounds arguments returns a runtime
 327      *        exception.  If {@code null} or returns {@code null} then, it is as
 328      *        if an exception formatter produced from an invocation of
 329      *        {@code outOfBoundsExceptionFormatter(IndexOutOfBounds::new)} is used
 330      *        instead (though it may be more efficient).
 331      *        Exceptions thrown by the formatter are relayed to the caller.
 332      * @return {@code fromIndex} if the sub-range within bounds of the range
 333      * @throws X if the sub-range is out of bounds and the exception factory
 334      *         function is non-{@code null}
 335      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the sub-range is out of bounds and
 336      *         the exception factory function is {@code null}
 337      * @since 9
 338      */
 339     public static <X extends RuntimeException>
 340     int checkFromIndexSize(int fromIndex, int size, int length,
 341                            BiFunction<String, List<Integer>, X> oobef) {
 342         if ((length | fromIndex | size) < 0 || size > length - fromIndex)
 343             throw outOfBoundsCheckFromIndexSize(oobef, fromIndex, size, length);
 344         return fromIndex;
 345     }
 346 }
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