/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.jfr.jcmd; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import jdk.jfr.Event; import jdk.jfr.Recording; import jdk.test.lib.Asserts; import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer; /** * @test * @summary The test verifies JFR.dump command * @key jfr * @requires vm.hasJFR * @library /test/lib /test/jdk * @run main/othervm jdk.jfr.jcmd.TestJcmdDumpLimited */ public class TestJcmdDumpLimited { static class TestEvent extends Event { int id; int number; } static class TestRecording { Instant time; final Recording r; Path path; int size; int total; int id; Instant now; TestRecording(int id, int events) throws IOException, InterruptedException { r = new Recording(); r.start(); for (int i = 0; i < events; i++) { TestEvent event = new TestEvent(); event.id = id; event.number = i; event.commit(); if (i == events / 2) { time = Instant.now(); } } r.stop(); Thread.sleep(1); path = Paths.get("dump-" + id + ".jfr"); r.dump(path); size = (int) Files.size(path); this.id = id; this.now = Instant.now(); } public void close() { r.close(); } } private static long totalSize; private static long lastFiveSize; private static long firstFiveSize; private static long middleSize; private static long centerSize; private static long lastSize; private static Instant middle; private static Instant centerLeft; private static Instant centerRight; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { List recs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { recs.add(new TestRecording(i, 100)); } int last = 0; List reversed = new ArrayList<>(recs); Collections.reverse(reversed); for (TestRecording r : reversed) { r.total = r.size + last; last += r.size; } for (TestRecording r : recs) { System.out.println("Recording " + r.id + ": size=" + r.size + " (total=" + r.total + ", time=" + r.now + ")"); } centerLeft = recs.get(3).time; middle = recs.get(4).time; centerRight = recs.get(5).time; totalSize = size(recs, 0, 9); lastFiveSize = size(recs, 4, 5); firstFiveSize = size(recs, 0, 5); middleSize = size(recs, 4, 1); centerSize = size(recs, 3, 3); lastSize = size(recs, 8, 1); testDump(); testDumpMaxSize(); testDumpMaxSizeSmall(); testDumpBegin(); testDumpEnd(); testDumpBeginEndInstant(); testDumpBeginEndLocalDateTime(); testDumpBeginEndLocalTime(); testDumpBeginEndSame(); testDumpMaxAge(); testDumpBeginEndRelative(); testDumpTooEarly(); testDumpTooLate(); testDumpBeginMaxAge(); TestDumpEndMaxage(); testDumpEndBegin(); testDumpInvalidTime(); } private static int size(List recs, int skip, int limit) { return recs.stream().skip(skip).limit(limit).mapToInt(r -> r.size).sum(); } private static void testDumpEndBegin() throws Exception { Path testEndBegin = Paths.get("testEndBegin.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testEndBegin.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + Instant.now(), "end=" + Instant.now().minusSeconds(200)); output.shouldContain("Dump failed, begin must preceed end."); assertMissingFile(testEndBegin); } private static void TestDumpEndMaxage() throws Exception { Path testEndMaxAge = Paths.get("testEndMaxAge.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testEndMaxAge.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "end=" + Instant.now(), "maxage=2h"); output.shouldContain("Dump failed, maxage can't be combined with begin or end."); assertMissingFile(testEndMaxAge); } private static Path testDumpBeginMaxAge() throws Exception { Path testBeginMaxAge = Paths.get("testBeginMaxAge.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBeginMaxAge.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + Instant.now().minusSeconds(100), "maxage=2h"); output.shouldContain("Dump failed, maxage can't be combined with begin or end."); assertMissingFile(testBeginMaxAge); return testBeginMaxAge; } private static void testDumpTooLate() throws Exception { Path missing = Paths.get("missing2.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + missing.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + Instant.now().plus(Duration.ofHours(1)), "end=" + Instant.now().plus(Duration.ofHours(2))); output.shouldContain("Dump failed. No data found in the specified interval."); assertMissingFile(missing); } private static void testDumpTooEarly() throws Exception { Path missing = Paths.get("missing.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + missing.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "end=" + Instant.now().minus(Duration.ofHours(1))); output.shouldContain("Dump failed. No data found in the specified interval."); assertMissingFile(missing); } private static void testDumpBeginEndRelative() throws IOException { Path testBeginEndRelative = Paths.get("testBeginEndRelative.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBeginEndRelative.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=-3h", "end=-0s"); Asserts.assertEquals(totalSize, Files.size(testBeginEndRelative), "Expected dump with begin=-3h end=0s to contain data from all recordings"); Files.delete(testBeginEndRelative); } private static void testDumpMaxAge() throws IOException { Path testMaxAge = Paths.get("testMaxAge.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testMaxAge.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "maxage=2h"); Asserts.assertEquals(totalSize, Files.size(testMaxAge), "Expected dump with maxage=2h to contain data from all recordings"); Files.delete(testMaxAge); } private static void testDumpBeginEndSame() throws IOException { Path testBeginEnd = Paths.get("testBeginEndSame.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBeginEnd.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + middle, "end=" + middle); Asserts.assertEquals(middleSize, Files.size(testBeginEnd), "Expected dump with begin=" + middle + "end=" + middle + " contain data from middle recording"); Files.delete(testBeginEnd); } private static void testDumpBeginEndInstant() throws IOException { Path testBeginEnd = Paths.get("testBeginEndInstant.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBeginEnd.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + centerLeft, "end=" + centerRight); Asserts.assertEquals(centerSize, Files.size(testBeginEnd), "Expected dump with begin=" + centerLeft + " end=" + centerRight + " contain data from the 'center'-recordings"); Files.delete(testBeginEnd); } private static void testDumpBeginEndLocalDateTime() throws IOException { LocalDateTime centerLeftLocal = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(centerLeft, ZoneOffset.systemDefault()); LocalDateTime centerRightLocal = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(centerRight, ZoneOffset.systemDefault()); Path testBeginEnd = Paths.get("testBeginEndLocalDateTime.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBeginEnd.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + centerLeftLocal, "end=" + centerRightLocal); Asserts.assertEquals(centerSize, Files.size(testBeginEnd), "Expected dump with begin=" + centerLeftLocal + " end=" + centerRightLocal + " contain data from the 'center'-recordings"); Files.delete(testBeginEnd); } private static void testDumpBeginEndLocalTime() throws IOException { LocalTime centerLeftLocal = LocalTime.ofInstant(centerLeft, ZoneOffset.systemDefault()); LocalTime centerRightLocal = LocalTime.ofInstant(centerRight, ZoneOffset.systemDefault()); Path testBeginEnd = Paths.get("testBeginEndLocalTime.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBeginEnd.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + centerLeftLocal, "end=" + centerRightLocal); Asserts.assertEquals(centerSize, Files.size(testBeginEnd), "Expected dump with begin=" + centerLeftLocal + " end=" + centerRightLocal + " contain data from the 'center'-recordings"); Files.delete(testBeginEnd); } private static void testDumpEnd() throws IOException { Path testEnd = Paths.get("testEnd.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testEnd.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "end=" + middle); Asserts.assertEquals(firstFiveSize, Files.size(testEnd), "Expected dump with end=" + middle + " to contain data from the five first recordings"); Files.delete(testEnd); } private static void testDumpBegin() throws IOException { Path testBegin = Paths.get("testBegin.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testBegin.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=" + middle); Asserts.assertEquals(lastFiveSize, Files.size(testBegin), "Expected dump with begin=" + middle + " to contain data from the last five recordings"); Files.delete(testBegin); } private static void testDumpMaxSize() throws IOException { Path testMaxSize = Paths.get("testMaxSize.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testMaxSize.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "maxsize=" + lastFiveSize); Asserts.assertEquals(lastFiveSize, Files.size(testMaxSize), "Expected dump with maxsize=" + lastFiveSize + " to contain data from the last five recordings"); Files.delete(testMaxSize); } private static void testDumpMaxSizeSmall() throws IOException { Path testMaxSizeSmall = Paths.get("testMaxSizeSmall.jfr"); JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + testMaxSizeSmall.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "maxsize=1k"); Asserts.assertEquals(lastSize, Files.size(testMaxSizeSmall), "Expected dump with maxsize=1k to contain data from the last recording"); Files.delete(testMaxSizeSmall); } private static void testDump() throws IOException { Path all = Paths.get("all.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + all.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); JcmdAsserts.assertRecordingDumpedToFile(output, all.toFile()); Asserts.assertEquals(totalSize, Files.size(all), "Expected dump to be sum of all recordings"); Files.delete(all); } private static void testDumpInvalidTime() throws Exception { Path invalidTime = Paths.get("invalidTime.jfr"); OutputAnalyzer output = JcmdHelper.jcmd("JFR.dump", "filename=" + invalidTime.toFile().getAbsolutePath(), "begin=4711"); output.shouldContain("Dump failed, not a valid begin time."); assertMissingFile(invalidTime); } private static void assertMissingFile(Path missing) throws Exception { if (Files.exists(missing)) { throw new Exception("Unexpected dumpfile found"); } } }