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   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *

  44 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux
  45 # include "c2_globals_linux.hpp"
  46 #endif
  47 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris
  48 # include "c2_globals_solaris.hpp"
  49 #endif
  50 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows
  51 # include "c2_globals_windows.hpp"
  52 #endif
  53 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_aix
  54 # include "c2_globals_aix.hpp"
  55 #endif
  56 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_bsd
  57 # include "c2_globals_bsd.hpp"
  58 #endif
  60 //
  61 // Defines all globals flags used by the server compiler.
  62 //
  64 #define C2_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct) \
  65                                                                             \
  66   develop(bool, StressLCM, false,                                           \
  67           "Randomize instruction scheduling in LCM")                        \
  68                                                                             \
  69   develop(bool, StressGCM, false,                                           \
  70           "Randomize instruction scheduling in GCM")                        \
  71                                                                             \
  72   notproduct(intx, CompileZapFirst, 0,                                      \
  73           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  74           "skip this many before compiling in zap calls")                   \
  75                                                                             \
  76   notproduct(intx, CompileZapLast, -1,                                      \
  77           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  78           "compile this many after skipping (incl. skip count, -1 = all)")  \
  79                                                                             \
  80   notproduct(intx, ZapDeadCompiledLocalsFirst, 0,                           \
  81           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  82           "skip this many before really doing it")                          \
  83                                                                             \
  84   notproduct(intx, ZapDeadCompiledLocalsLast, -1,                           \
  85           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  86           "do this many after skipping (incl. skip count, -1 = all)")       \
  87                                                                             \
  88   develop(intx, OptoPrologueNops, 0,                                        \
  89           "Insert this many extra nop instructions "                        \
  90           "in the prologue of every nmethod")                               \
  91                                                                             \
  92   product_pd(intx, InteriorEntryAlignment,                                  \
  93           "Code alignment for interior entry points "                       \
  94           "in generated code (in bytes)")                                   \
  95                                                                             \
  96   product(intx, MaxLoopPad, (OptoLoopAlignment-1),                          \
  97           "Align a loop if padding size in bytes is less or equal to this value") \

  98                                                                             \
  99   product(intx, MaxVectorSize, 32,                                          \
 100           "Max vector size in bytes, "                                      \
 101           "actual size could be less depending on elements type")           \
 102                                                                             \
 103   product(bool, AlignVector, true,                                          \
 104           "Perform vector store/load alignment in loop")                    \
 105                                                                             \
 106   product(intx, NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign, 4,                                \
 107           "Number of first instructions in a loop to align")                \
 108                                                                             \
 109   notproduct(intx, IndexSetWatch, 0,                                        \
 110           "Trace all operations on this IndexSet (-1 means all, 0 none)")   \

 111                                                                             \
 112   develop(intx, OptoNodeListSize, 4,                                        \
 113           "Starting allocation size of Node_List data structures")          \
 114                                                                             \
 115   develop(intx, OptoBlockListSize, 8,                                       \
 116           "Starting allocation size of Block_List data structures")         \
 117                                                                             \
 118   develop(intx, OptoPeepholeAt, -1,                                         \
 119           "Apply peephole optimizations to this peephole rule")             \
 120                                                                             \
 121   notproduct(bool, PrintIdeal, false,                                       \
 122           "Print ideal graph before code generation")                       \
 123                                                                             \
 124   notproduct(bool, PrintOpto, false,                                        \
 125           "Print compiler2 attempts")                                       \
 126                                                                             \
 127   notproduct(bool, PrintOptoInlining, false,                                \
 128           "Print compiler2 inlining decisions")                             \
 129                                                                             \
 130   notproduct(bool, VerifyOpto, false,                                       \

 344                                                                             \
 345   /* Set BranchOnRegister == false. See 4965987. */                         \
 346   product(bool, BranchOnRegister, false,                                    \
 347           "Use Sparc V9 branch-on-register opcodes")                        \
 348                                                                             \
 349   develop(bool, SparcV9RegsHiBitsZero, true,                                \
 350           "Assume Sparc V9 I&L registers on V8+ systems are zero-extended") \
 351                                                                             \
 352   product(bool, UseRDPCForConstantTableBase, false,                         \
 353           "Use Sparc RDPC instruction for the constant table base.")        \
 354                                                                             \
 355   develop(bool, PrintIdealGraph, false,                                     \
 356           "Print ideal graph to XML file / network interface. "             \
 357           "By default attempts to connect to the visualizer on a socket.")  \
 358                                                                             \
 359   develop(intx, PrintIdealGraphLevel, 0,                                    \
 360           "Level of detail of the ideal graph printout. "                   \
 361           "System-wide value, 0=nothing is printed, 3=all details printed. "\
 362           "Level of detail of printouts can be set on a per-method level "  \
 363           "as well by using CompileCommand=option.")                        \

 364                                                                             \
 365   develop(intx, PrintIdealGraphPort, 4444,                                  \
 366           "Ideal graph printer to network port")                            \
 367                                                                             \
 368   notproduct(ccstr, PrintIdealGraphAddress, "",                    \
 369           "IP address to connect to visualizer")                            \
 370                                                                             \
 371   notproduct(ccstr, PrintIdealGraphFile, NULL,                              \
 372           "File to dump ideal graph to.  If set overrides the "             \
 373           "use of the network")                                             \
 374                                                                             \
 375   product(bool, UseBimorphicInlining, true,                                 \
 376           "Profiling based inlining for two receivers")                     \
 377                                                                             \
 378   product(bool, UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic, true,                              \
 379           "Don't use BimorphicInlining if can't inline a second method")    \
 380                                                                             \
 381   product(bool, InsertMemBarAfterArraycopy, true,                           \
 382           "Insert memory barrier after arraycopy call")                     \
 383                                                                             \
 384   develop(bool, SubsumeLoads, true,                                         \
 385           "Attempt to compile while subsuming loads into machine instructions.") \

 386                                                                             \
 387   develop(bool, StressRecompilation, false,                                 \
 388           "Recompile each compiled method without subsuming loads or escape analysis.") \

 389                                                                             \
 390   develop(intx, ImplicitNullCheckThreshold, 3,                              \
 391           "Don't do implicit null checks if NPE's in a method exceeds limit") \

 392                                                                             \
 393   product(intx, LoopOptsCount, 43,                                          \
 394           "Set level of loop optimization for tier 1 compiles")             \
 395                                                                             \
 396   /* controls for heat-based inlining */                                    \
 397                                                                             \
 398   develop(intx, NodeCountInliningCutoff, 18000,                             \
 399           "If parser node generation exceeds limit stop inlining")          \
 400                                                                             \
 401   develop(intx, NodeCountInliningStep, 1000,                                \
 402           "Target size of warm calls inlined between optimization passes")  \
 403                                                                             \
 404   develop(bool, InlineWarmCalls, false,                                     \
 405           "Use a heat-based priority queue to govern inlining")             \
 406                                                                             \
 407   develop(intx, HotCallCountThreshold, 999999,                              \
 408           "large numbers of calls (per method invocation) force hotness")   \
 409                                                                             \
 410   develop(intx, HotCallProfitThreshold, 999999,                             \
 411           "highly profitable inlining opportunities force hotness")         \

 517                                                                             \
 518   product(bool, OptimizeStringConcat, true,                                 \
 519           "Optimize the construction of Strings by StringBuilder")          \
 520                                                                             \
 521   notproduct(bool, PrintOptimizeStringConcat, false,                        \
 522           "Print information about transformations performed on Strings")   \
 523                                                                             \
 524   product(intx, ValueSearchLimit, 1000,                                     \
 525           "Recursion limit in PhaseMacroExpand::value_from_mem_phi")        \
 526                                                                             \
 527   product(intx, MaxLabelRootDepth, 1100,                                    \
 528           "Maximum times call Label_Root to prevent stack overflow")        \
 529                                                                             \
 530   diagnostic(intx, DominatorSearchLimit, 1000,                              \
 531           "Iterations limit in Node::dominates")                            \
 532                                                                             \
 533   product(bool, BlockLayoutByFrequency, true,                               \
 534           "Use edge frequencies to drive block ordering")                   \
 535                                                                             \
 536   product(intx, BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage, 20,                        \
 537           "Miniumum %% of a successor (predecessor) for which block layout "\
 538           "a will allow a fork (join) in a single chain")                   \

 539                                                                             \
 540   product(bool, BlockLayoutRotateLoops, true,                               \
 541           "Allow back branches to be fall throughs in the block layour")    \
 542                                                                             \
 543   develop(bool, InlineReflectionGetCallerClass, true,                       \
 544           "inline sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(), known to be part "\
 545           "of base library DLL")                                            \
 546                                                                             \
 547   develop(bool, InlineObjectCopy, true,                                     \
 548           "inline Object.clone and Arrays.copyOf[Range] intrinsics")        \
 549                                                                             \
 550   develop(bool, SpecialStringCompareTo, true,                               \
 551           "special version of string compareTo")                            \
 552                                                                             \
 553   develop(bool, SpecialStringIndexOf, true,                                 \
 554           "special version of string indexOf")                              \
 555                                                                             \
 556   develop(bool, SpecialStringEquals, true,                                  \
 557           "special version of string equals")                               \
 558                                                                             \
 559   develop(bool, SpecialArraysEquals, true,                                  \
 560           "special version of Arrays.equals(char[],char[])")                \
 561                                                                             \
 562   product(bool, SpecialEncodeISOArray, true,                                \
 563           "special version of ISO_8859_1$Encoder.encodeISOArray")           \
 564                                                                             \
 565   develop(bool, BailoutToInterpreterForThrows, false,                       \

 587   develop(bool, PrintDominators, false,                                     \
 588           "Print out dominator trees for GVN")                              \
 589                                                                             \
 590   notproduct(bool, TraceSpilling, false,                                    \
 591           "Trace spilling")                                                 \
 592                                                                             \
 593   diagnostic(bool, TraceTypeProfile, false,                                 \
 594           "Trace type profile")                                             \
 595                                                                             \
 596   develop(bool, PoisonOSREntry, true,                                       \
 597            "Detect abnormal calls to OSR code")                             \
 598                                                                             \
 599   develop(bool, SoftMatchFailure, trueInProduct,                            \
 600           "If the DFA fails to match a node, print a message and bail out") \
 601                                                                             \
 602   develop(bool, InlineAccessors, true,                                      \
 603           "inline accessor methods (get/set)")                              \
 604                                                                             \
 605   product(intx, TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent, 90,                        \
 606           "% of major receiver type to all profiled receivers")             \

 607                                                                             \
 608   diagnostic(bool, PrintIntrinsics, false,                                  \
 609           "prints attempted and successful inlining of intrinsics")         \
 610                                                                             \
 611   diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "",                               \
 612           "do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here")    \
 613                                                                             \
 614   develop(bool, StressReflectiveCode, false,                                \
 615           "Use inexact types at allocations, etc., to test reflection")     \
 616                                                                             \
 617   diagnostic(bool, DebugInlinedCalls, true,                                 \
 618          "If false, restricts profiled locations to the root method only")  \
 619                                                                             \
 620   notproduct(bool, VerifyLoopOptimizations, false,                          \
 621           "verify major loop optimizations")                                \
 622                                                                             \
 623   diagnostic(bool, ProfileDynamicTypes, true,                               \
 624           "do extra type profiling and use it more aggressively")           \
 625                                                                             \
 626   develop(bool, TraceIterativeGVN, false,                                   \
 627           "Print progress during Iterative Global Value Numbering")         \
 628                                                                             \
 629   develop(bool, VerifyIterativeGVN, false,                                  \
 630           "Verify Def-Use modifications during sparse Iterative Global "    \
 631           "Value Numbering")                                                \
 632                                                                             \
 633   notproduct(bool, TraceCISCSpill, false,                                   \
 634           "Trace allocators use of cisc spillable instructions")            \
 635                                                                             \
 636   product(bool, SplitIfBlocks, true,                                        \
 637           "Clone compares and control flow through merge points to fold "   \
 638           "some branches")                                                  \
 639                                                                             \
 640   develop(intx, FreqCountInvocations,  1,                                   \
 641           "Scaling factor for branch frequencies (deprecated)")             \
 642                                                                             \
 643   product(intx, AliasLevel,     3,                                          \
 644           "0 for no aliasing, 1 for oop/field/static/array split, "         \
 645           "2 for class split, 3 for unique instances")                      \

 646                                                                             \
 647   develop(bool, VerifyAliases, false,                                       \
 648           "perform extra checks on the results of alias analysis")          \
 649                                                                             \
 650   product(bool, IncrementalInline, true,                                    \
 651           "do post parse inlining")                                         \
 652                                                                             \
 653   develop(bool, AlwaysIncrementalInline, false,                             \
 654           "do all inlining incrementally")                                  \
 655                                                                             \
 656   product(intx, LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff, 40000,                         \
 657           "max number of live nodes in a method")                           \
 658                                                                             \
 659   diagnostic(bool, OptimizeExpensiveOps, true,                              \
 660           "Find best control for expensive operations")                     \
 661                                                                             \
 662   product(bool, UseMathExactIntrinsics, true,                               \
 663           "Enables intrinsification of various java.lang.Math functions")   \
 664                                                                             \
 665   product(bool, UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic, false,                           \
 666           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.multiplyToLen()")         \
 667                                                                             \
 668   product(bool, UseTypeSpeculation, true,                                   \
 669           "Speculatively propagate types from profiles")                    \
 670                                                                             \
 671   diagnostic(bool, UseInlineDepthForSpeculativeTypes, true,                 \
 672           "Carry inline depth of profile point with speculative type "      \
 673           "and give priority to profiling from lower inline depth")         \
 674                                                                             \
 675   product_pd(bool, TrapBasedRangeChecks,                                    \
 676           "Generate code for range checks that uses a cmp and trap "        \
 677           "instruction raising SIGTRAP. Used on PPC64.")                    \
 678                                                                             \
 679   product(intx, ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem, 8,                               \
 680           "Maximum number of arraycopy elements inlined as a sequence of"   \
 681           "loads/stores")                                                   \
 682                                                                             \
 683   develop(bool, StressArrayCopyMacroNode, false,                            \
 684           "Perform ArrayCopy load/store replacement during IGVN only")

   1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *

  44 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux
  45 # include "c2_globals_linux.hpp"
  46 #endif
  47 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_solaris
  48 # include "c2_globals_solaris.hpp"
  49 #endif
  50 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_windows
  51 # include "c2_globals_windows.hpp"
  52 #endif
  53 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_aix
  54 # include "c2_globals_aix.hpp"
  55 #endif
  56 #ifdef TARGET_OS_FAMILY_bsd
  57 # include "c2_globals_bsd.hpp"
  58 #endif
  60 //
  61 // Defines all globals flags used by the server compiler.
  62 //
  64 #define C2_FLAGS(develop, develop_pd, product, product_pd, diagnostic, experimental, notproduct, range, constraint) \
  65                                                                             \
  66   develop(bool, StressLCM, false,                                           \
  67           "Randomize instruction scheduling in LCM")                        \
  68                                                                             \
  69   develop(bool, StressGCM, false,                                           \
  70           "Randomize instruction scheduling in GCM")                        \
  71                                                                             \
  72   notproduct(intx, CompileZapFirst, 0,                                      \
  73           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  74           "skip this many before compiling in zap calls")                   \
  75                                                                             \
  76   notproduct(intx, CompileZapLast, -1,                                      \
  77           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  78           "compile this many after skipping (incl. skip count, -1 = all)")  \
  79                                                                             \
  80   notproduct(intx, ZapDeadCompiledLocalsFirst, 0,                           \
  81           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  82           "skip this many before really doing it")                          \
  83                                                                             \
  84   notproduct(intx, ZapDeadCompiledLocalsLast, -1,                           \
  85           "If +ZapDeadCompiledLocals, "                                     \
  86           "do this many after skipping (incl. skip count, -1 = all)")       \
  87                                                                             \
  88   develop(intx, OptoPrologueNops, 0,                                        \
  89           "Insert this many extra nop instructions "                        \
  90           "in the prologue of every nmethod")                               \
  91                                                                             \
  92   product_pd(intx, InteriorEntryAlignment,                                  \
  93           "Code alignment for interior entry points "                       \
  94           "in generated code (in bytes)")                                   \
  95                                                                             \
  96   product(intx, MaxLoopPad, (OptoLoopAlignment-1),                          \
  97           "Align a loop if padding size in bytes is less or equal to this " \
  98           "value")                                                          \
  99                                                                             \
 100   product(intx, MaxVectorSize, 32,                                          \
 101           "Max vector size in bytes, "                                      \
 102           "actual size could be less depending on elements type")           \
 103                                                                             \
 104   product(bool, AlignVector, true,                                          \
 105           "Perform vector store/load alignment in loop")                    \
 106                                                                             \
 107   product(intx, NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign, 4,                                \
 108           "Number of first instructions in a loop to align")                \
 109                                                                             \
 110   notproduct(intx, IndexSetWatch, 0,                                        \
 111           "Trace all operations on this IndexSet (-1 means all, 0 none)")   \
 112           range(-1, 0)                                                      \
 113                                                                             \
 114   develop(intx, OptoNodeListSize, 4,                                        \
 115           "Starting allocation size of Node_List data structures")          \
 116                                                                             \
 117   develop(intx, OptoBlockListSize, 8,                                       \
 118           "Starting allocation size of Block_List data structures")         \
 119                                                                             \
 120   develop(intx, OptoPeepholeAt, -1,                                         \
 121           "Apply peephole optimizations to this peephole rule")             \
 122                                                                             \
 123   notproduct(bool, PrintIdeal, false,                                       \
 124           "Print ideal graph before code generation")                       \
 125                                                                             \
 126   notproduct(bool, PrintOpto, false,                                        \
 127           "Print compiler2 attempts")                                       \
 128                                                                             \
 129   notproduct(bool, PrintOptoInlining, false,                                \
 130           "Print compiler2 inlining decisions")                             \
 131                                                                             \
 132   notproduct(bool, VerifyOpto, false,                                       \

 346                                                                             \
 347   /* Set BranchOnRegister == false. See 4965987. */                         \
 348   product(bool, BranchOnRegister, false,                                    \
 349           "Use Sparc V9 branch-on-register opcodes")                        \
 350                                                                             \
 351   develop(bool, SparcV9RegsHiBitsZero, true,                                \
 352           "Assume Sparc V9 I&L registers on V8+ systems are zero-extended") \
 353                                                                             \
 354   product(bool, UseRDPCForConstantTableBase, false,                         \
 355           "Use Sparc RDPC instruction for the constant table base.")        \
 356                                                                             \
 357   develop(bool, PrintIdealGraph, false,                                     \
 358           "Print ideal graph to XML file / network interface. "             \
 359           "By default attempts to connect to the visualizer on a socket.")  \
 360                                                                             \
 361   develop(intx, PrintIdealGraphLevel, 0,                                    \
 362           "Level of detail of the ideal graph printout. "                   \
 363           "System-wide value, 0=nothing is printed, 3=all details printed. "\
 364           "Level of detail of printouts can be set on a per-method level "  \
 365           "as well by using CompileCommand=option.")                        \
 366           range(0, 3)                                                       \
 367                                                                             \
 368   develop(intx, PrintIdealGraphPort, 4444,                                  \
 369           "Ideal graph printer to network port")                            \
 370                                                                             \
 371   notproduct(ccstr, PrintIdealGraphAddress, "",                    \
 372           "IP address to connect to visualizer")                            \
 373                                                                             \
 374   notproduct(ccstr, PrintIdealGraphFile, NULL,                              \
 375           "File to dump ideal graph to.  If set overrides the "             \
 376           "use of the network")                                             \
 377                                                                             \
 378   product(bool, UseBimorphicInlining, true,                                 \
 379           "Profiling based inlining for two receivers")                     \
 380                                                                             \
 381   product(bool, UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic, true,                              \
 382           "Don't use BimorphicInlining if can't inline a second method")    \
 383                                                                             \
 384   product(bool, InsertMemBarAfterArraycopy, true,                           \
 385           "Insert memory barrier after arraycopy call")                     \
 386                                                                             \
 387   develop(bool, SubsumeLoads, true,                                         \
 388           "Attempt to compile while subsuming loads into machine "          \
 389           "instructions.")                                                  \
 390                                                                             \
 391   develop(bool, StressRecompilation, false,                                 \
 392           "Recompile each compiled method without subsuming loads "         \
 393           "or escape analysis.")                                            \
 394                                                                             \
 395   develop(intx, ImplicitNullCheckThreshold, 3,                              \
 396           "Don't do implicit null checks if NPE's in a method exceeds "     \
 397           "limit")                                                          \
 398                                                                             \
 399   product(intx, LoopOptsCount, 43,                                          \
 400           "Set level of loop optimization for tier 1 compiles")             \
 401                                                                             \
 402   /* controls for heat-based inlining */                                    \
 403                                                                             \
 404   develop(intx, NodeCountInliningCutoff, 18000,                             \
 405           "If parser node generation exceeds limit stop inlining")          \
 406                                                                             \
 407   develop(intx, NodeCountInliningStep, 1000,                                \
 408           "Target size of warm calls inlined between optimization passes")  \
 409                                                                             \
 410   develop(bool, InlineWarmCalls, false,                                     \
 411           "Use a heat-based priority queue to govern inlining")             \
 412                                                                             \
 413   develop(intx, HotCallCountThreshold, 999999,                              \
 414           "large numbers of calls (per method invocation) force hotness")   \
 415                                                                             \
 416   develop(intx, HotCallProfitThreshold, 999999,                             \
 417           "highly profitable inlining opportunities force hotness")         \

 523                                                                             \
 524   product(bool, OptimizeStringConcat, true,                                 \
 525           "Optimize the construction of Strings by StringBuilder")          \
 526                                                                             \
 527   notproduct(bool, PrintOptimizeStringConcat, false,                        \
 528           "Print information about transformations performed on Strings")   \
 529                                                                             \
 530   product(intx, ValueSearchLimit, 1000,                                     \
 531           "Recursion limit in PhaseMacroExpand::value_from_mem_phi")        \
 532                                                                             \
 533   product(intx, MaxLabelRootDepth, 1100,                                    \
 534           "Maximum times call Label_Root to prevent stack overflow")        \
 535                                                                             \
 536   diagnostic(intx, DominatorSearchLimit, 1000,                              \
 537           "Iterations limit in Node::dominates")                            \
 538                                                                             \
 539   product(bool, BlockLayoutByFrequency, true,                               \
 540           "Use edge frequencies to drive block ordering")                   \
 541                                                                             \
 542   product(intx, BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage, 20,                        \
 543           "Miniumum %% of a successor (predecessor) for which block "       \
 544           "layout a will allow a fork (join) in a single chain")            \
 545           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 546                                                                             \
 547   product(bool, BlockLayoutRotateLoops, true,                               \
 548           "Allow back branches to be fall throughs in the block layour")    \
 549                                                                             \
 550   develop(bool, InlineReflectionGetCallerClass, true,                       \
 551           "inline sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(), known to be "    \
 552           "part of base library DLL")                                       \
 553                                                                             \
 554   develop(bool, InlineObjectCopy, true,                                     \
 555           "inline Object.clone and Arrays.copyOf[Range] intrinsics")        \
 556                                                                             \
 557   develop(bool, SpecialStringCompareTo, true,                               \
 558           "special version of string compareTo")                            \
 559                                                                             \
 560   develop(bool, SpecialStringIndexOf, true,                                 \
 561           "special version of string indexOf")                              \
 562                                                                             \
 563   develop(bool, SpecialStringEquals, true,                                  \
 564           "special version of string equals")                               \
 565                                                                             \
 566   develop(bool, SpecialArraysEquals, true,                                  \
 567           "special version of Arrays.equals(char[],char[])")                \
 568                                                                             \
 569   product(bool, SpecialEncodeISOArray, true,                                \
 570           "special version of ISO_8859_1$Encoder.encodeISOArray")           \
 571                                                                             \
 572   develop(bool, BailoutToInterpreterForThrows, false,                       \

 594   develop(bool, PrintDominators, false,                                     \
 595           "Print out dominator trees for GVN")                              \
 596                                                                             \
 597   notproduct(bool, TraceSpilling, false,                                    \
 598           "Trace spilling")                                                 \
 599                                                                             \
 600   diagnostic(bool, TraceTypeProfile, false,                                 \
 601           "Trace type profile")                                             \
 602                                                                             \
 603   develop(bool, PoisonOSREntry, true,                                       \
 604            "Detect abnormal calls to OSR code")                             \
 605                                                                             \
 606   develop(bool, SoftMatchFailure, trueInProduct,                            \
 607           "If the DFA fails to match a node, print a message and bail out") \
 608                                                                             \
 609   develop(bool, InlineAccessors, true,                                      \
 610           "inline accessor methods (get/set)")                              \
 611                                                                             \
 612   product(intx, TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent, 90,                        \
 613           "% of major receiver type to all profiled receivers")             \
 614           range(0, 100)                                                     \
 615                                                                             \
 616   diagnostic(bool, PrintIntrinsics, false,                                  \
 617           "prints attempted and successful inlining of intrinsics")         \
 618                                                                             \
 619   diagnostic(ccstrlist, DisableIntrinsic, "",                               \
 620           "do not expand intrinsics whose (internal) names appear here")    \
 621                                                                             \
 622   develop(bool, StressReflectiveCode, false,                                \
 623           "Use inexact types at allocations, etc., to test reflection")     \
 624                                                                             \
 625   diagnostic(bool, DebugInlinedCalls, true,                                 \
 626          "If false, restricts profiled locations to the root method only")  \
 627                                                                             \
 628   notproduct(bool, VerifyLoopOptimizations, false,                          \
 629           "verify major loop optimizations")                                \
 630                                                                             \
 631   diagnostic(bool, ProfileDynamicTypes, true,                               \
 632           "do extra type profiling and use it more aggressively")           \
 633                                                                             \
 634   develop(bool, TraceIterativeGVN, false,                                   \
 635           "Print progress during Iterative Global Value Numbering")         \
 636                                                                             \
 637   develop(bool, VerifyIterativeGVN, false,                                  \
 638           "Verify Def-Use modifications during sparse Iterative Global "    \
 639           "Value Numbering")                                                \
 640                                                                             \
 641   notproduct(bool, TraceCISCSpill, false,                                   \
 642           "Trace allocators use of cisc spillable instructions")            \
 643                                                                             \
 644   product(bool, SplitIfBlocks, true,                                        \
 645           "Clone compares and control flow through merge points to fold "   \
 646           "some branches")                                                  \
 647                                                                             \
 648   develop(intx, FreqCountInvocations,  1,                                   \
 649           "Scaling factor for branch frequencies (deprecated)")             \
 650                                                                             \
 651   product(intx, AliasLevel,     3,                                          \
 652           "0 for no aliasing, 1 for oop/field/static/array split, "         \
 653           "2 for class split, 3 for unique instances")                      \
 654           range(0, 3)                                                       \
 655                                                                             \
 656   develop(bool, VerifyAliases, false,                                       \
 657           "perform extra checks on the results of alias analysis")          \
 658                                                                             \
 659   product(bool, IncrementalInline, true,                                    \
 660           "do post parse inlining")                                         \
 661                                                                             \
 662   develop(bool, AlwaysIncrementalInline, false,                             \
 663           "do all inlining incrementally")                                  \
 664                                                                             \
 665   product(intx, LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff, 40000,                         \
 666           "max number of live nodes in a method")                           \
 667                                                                             \
 668   diagnostic(bool, OptimizeExpensiveOps, true,                              \
 669           "Find best control for expensive operations")                     \
 670                                                                             \
 671   product(bool, UseMathExactIntrinsics, true,                               \
 672           "Enables intrinsification of various java.lang.Math functions")   \
 673                                                                             \
 674   product(bool, UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic, false,                           \
 675           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.multiplyToLen()")         \
 676                                                                             \
 677   product(bool, UseTypeSpeculation, true,                                   \
 678           "Speculatively propagate types from profiles")                    \
 679                                                                             \
 680   diagnostic(bool, UseInlineDepthForSpeculativeTypes, true,                 \
 681           "Carry inline depth of profile point with speculative type "      \
 682           "and give priority to profiling from lower inline depth")         \
 683                                                                             \
 684   product_pd(bool, TrapBasedRangeChecks,                                    \
 685           "Generate code for range checks that uses a cmp and trap "        \
 686           "instruction raising SIGTRAP. Used on PPC64.")                    \
 687                                                                             \
 688   product(intx, ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem, 8,                               \
 689           "Maximum number of arraycopy elements inlined as a sequence of"   \
 690           "loads/stores")                                                   \
 691                                                                             \
 692   develop(bool, StressArrayCopyMacroNode, false,                            \
 693           "Perform ArrayCopy load/store replacement during IGVN only")
 697          DECLARE_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
 698          DECLARE_PD_PRODUCT_FLAG, \
 702          IGNORE_RANGE, \
 703          IGNORE_CONSTRAINT)
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