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 849   // exclude externally visible JavaThreads
 850   if (thread->is_Java_thread() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) {
 851     return;
 852   }
 854   _count++;
 855 }
 857 static jint get_vm_thread_count() {
 858   VmThreadCountClosure vmtcc;
 859   {
 860     MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock);
 861     Threads::threads_do(&vmtcc);
 862   }
 864   return vmtcc.count();
 865 }
 867 static jint get_num_flags() {
 868   // last flag entry is always NULL, so subtract 1
 869   int nFlags = (int) Flag::numFlags - 1;
 870   int count = 0;
 871   for (int i = 0; i < nFlags; i++) {
 872     Flag* flag = &Flag::flags[i];
 873     // Exclude the locked (diagnostic, experimental) flags
 874     if (flag->is_unlocked() || flag->is_unlocker()) {
 875       count++;
 876     }
 877   }
 878   return count;
 879 }
 881 static jlong get_long_attribute(jmmLongAttribute att) {
 882   switch (att) {
 884     return ClassLoadingService::loaded_class_count();
 887     return ClassLoadingService::unloaded_class_count();
 890     return ThreadService::get_total_thread_count();

1402                "Invalid thread ID", -1);
1403   }
1405   JavaThread* java_thread = NULL;
1406   if (thread_id == 0) {
1407     // current thread
1408     return os::current_thread_cpu_time();
1409   } else {
1410     ThreadsListHandle tlh;
1411     java_thread = tlh.list()->find_JavaThread_from_java_tid(thread_id);
1412     if (java_thread != NULL) {
1413       return os::thread_cpu_time((Thread*) java_thread);
1414     }
1415   }
1416   return -1;
1417 JVM_END
1419 // Returns a String array of all VM global flag names
1420 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, jmm_GetVMGlobalNames(JNIEnv *env))
1421   // last flag entry is always NULL, so subtract 1
1422   int nFlags = (int) Flag::numFlags - 1;
1423   // allocate a temp array
1424   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(),
1425                                            nFlags, CHECK_0);
1426   objArrayHandle flags_ah(THREAD, r);
1427   int num_entries = 0;
1428   for (int i = 0; i < nFlags; i++) {
1429     Flag* flag = &Flag::flags[i];
1430     // Exclude notproduct and develop flags in product builds.
1431     if (flag->is_constant_in_binary()) {
1432       continue;
1433     }
1434     // Exclude the locked (experimental, diagnostic) flags
1435     if (flag->is_unlocked() || flag->is_unlocker()) {
1436       Handle s = java_lang_String::create_from_str(flag->_name, CHECK_0);
1437       flags_ah->obj_at_put(num_entries, s());
1438       num_entries++;
1439     }
1440   }
1442   if (num_entries < nFlags) {
1443     // Return array of right length
1444     objArrayOop res = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(), num_entries, CHECK_0);
1445     for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
1446       res->obj_at_put(i, flags_ah->obj_at(i));
1447     }
1448     return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, res);
1449   }
1451   return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, flags_ah());
1452 JVM_END
1454 // Utility function used by jmm_GetVMGlobals.  Returns false if flag type
1455 // can't be determined, true otherwise.  If false is returned, then *global
1456 // will be incomplete and invalid.
1457 bool add_global_entry(JNIEnv* env, Handle name, jmmVMGlobal *global, Flag *flag, TRAPS) {
1458   Handle flag_name;
1459   if (name() == NULL) {
1460     flag_name = java_lang_String::create_from_str(flag->_name, CHECK_false);
1461   } else {
1462     flag_name = name;
1463   }
1464   global->name = (jstring)JNIHandles::make_local(env, flag_name());
1466   if (flag->is_bool()) {
1467     global->value.z = flag->get_bool() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
1468     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JBOOLEAN;
1469   } else if (flag->is_int()) {
1470     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_int();
1471     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1472   } else if (flag->is_uint()) {
1473     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_uint();
1474     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1475   } else if (flag->is_intx()) {
1476     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_intx();
1477     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;

1482     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_uint64_t();
1483     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1484   } else if (flag->is_double()) {
1485     global->value.d = (jdouble)flag->get_double();
1486     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JDOUBLE;
1487   } else if (flag->is_size_t()) {
1488     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_size_t();
1489     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1490   } else if (flag->is_ccstr()) {
1491     Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_str(flag->get_ccstr(), CHECK_false);
1492     global->value.l = (jobject)JNIHandles::make_local(env, str());
1493     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JSTRING;
1494   } else {
1495     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
1496     return false;
1497   }
1499   global->writeable = flag->is_writeable();
1500   global->external = flag->is_external();
1501   switch (flag->get_origin()) {
1502     case Flag::DEFAULT:
1503       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_DEFAULT;
1504       break;
1505     case Flag::COMMAND_LINE:
1506       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_COMMAND_LINE;
1507       break;
1508     case Flag::ENVIRON_VAR:
1509       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_ENVIRON_VAR;
1510       break;
1511     case Flag::CONFIG_FILE:
1512       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_CONFIG_FILE;
1513       break;
1514     case Flag::MANAGEMENT:
1515       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_MANAGEMENT;
1516       break;
1517     case Flag::ERGONOMIC:
1518       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_ERGONOMIC;
1519       break;
1520     case Flag::ATTACH_ON_DEMAND:
1521       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_ATTACH_ON_DEMAND;
1522       break;
1523     default:
1524       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_OTHER;
1525   }
1527   return true;
1528 }
1530 // Fill globals array of count length with jmmVMGlobal entries
1531 // specified by names. If names == NULL, fill globals array
1532 // with all Flags. Return value is number of entries
1533 // created in globals.
1534 // If a Flag with a given name in an array element does not
1535 // exist, globals[i].name will be set to NULL.
1536 JVM_ENTRY(jint, jmm_GetVMGlobals(JNIEnv *env,
1537                                  jobjectArray names,
1538                                  jmmVMGlobal *globals,
1539                                  jint count))
1542   if (globals == NULL) {
1543     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), 0);
1544   }
1546   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1548   if (names != NULL) {
1549     // return the requested globals
1550     objArrayOop ta = objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(names));
1551     objArrayHandle names_ah(THREAD, ta);
1552     // Make sure we have a String array
1553     Klass* element_klass = ObjArrayKlass::cast(names_ah->klass())->element_klass();
1554     if (element_klass != SystemDictionary::String_klass()) {
1555       THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
1556                  "Array element type is not String class", 0);
1557     }
1559     int names_length = names_ah->length();
1560     int num_entries = 0;
1561     for (int i = 0; i < names_length && i < count; i++) {
1562       oop s = names_ah->obj_at(i);
1563       if (s == NULL) {
1564         THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), 0);
1565       }
1567       Handle sh(THREAD, s);
1568       char* str = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(s);
1569       Flag* flag = Flag::find_flag(str, strlen(str));
1570       if (flag != NULL &&
1571           add_global_entry(env, sh, &globals[i], flag, THREAD)) {
1572         num_entries++;
1573       } else {
1574         globals[i].name = NULL;
1575       }
1576     }
1577     return num_entries;
1578   } else {
1579     // return all globals if names == NULL
1581     // last flag entry is always NULL, so subtract 1
1582     int nFlags = (int) Flag::numFlags - 1;
1583     Handle null_h;
1584     int num_entries = 0;
1585     for (int i = 0; i < nFlags && num_entries < count;  i++) {
1586       Flag* flag = &Flag::flags[i];
1587       // Exclude notproduct and develop flags in product builds.
1588       if (flag->is_constant_in_binary()) {
1589         continue;
1590       }
1591       // Exclude the locked (diagnostic, experimental) flags
1592       if ((flag->is_unlocked() || flag->is_unlocker()) &&
1593           add_global_entry(env, null_h, &globals[num_entries], flag, THREAD)) {
1594         num_entries++;
1595       }
1596     }
1597     return num_entries;
1598   }
1599 JVM_END
1601 JVM_ENTRY(void, jmm_SetVMGlobal(JNIEnv *env, jstring flag_name, jvalue new_value))
1602   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1604   oop fn = JNIHandles::resolve_external_guard(flag_name);
1605   if (fn == NULL) {
1606     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(),
1607               "The flag name cannot be null.");
1608   }
1609   char* name = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(fn);
1611   FormatBuffer<80> error_msg("%s", "");
1612   int succeed = WriteableFlags::set_flag(name, new_value, Flag::MANAGEMENT, error_msg);
1614   if (succeed != Flag::SUCCESS) {
1615     if (succeed == Flag::MISSING_VALUE) {
1616       // missing value causes NPE to be thrown
1617       THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException());
1618     } else {
1619       // all the other errors are reported as IAE with the appropriate error message
1620       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
1621                 error_msg.buffer());
1622     }
1623   }
1624   assert(succeed == Flag::SUCCESS, "Setting flag should succeed");
1625 JVM_END
1627 class ThreadTimesClosure: public ThreadClosure {
1628  private:
1629   objArrayHandle _names_strings;
1630   char **_names_chars;
1631   typeArrayHandle _times;
1632   int _names_len;
1633   int _times_len;
1634   int _count;
1636  public:
1637   ThreadTimesClosure(objArrayHandle names, typeArrayHandle times);
1638   ~ThreadTimesClosure();
1639   virtual void do_thread(Thread* thread);
1640   void do_unlocked();
1641   int count() { return _count; }
1642 };
1644 ThreadTimesClosure::ThreadTimesClosure(objArrayHandle names,

 849   // exclude externally visible JavaThreads
 850   if (thread->is_Java_thread() && !thread->is_hidden_from_external_view()) {
 851     return;
 852   }
 854   _count++;
 855 }
 857 static jint get_vm_thread_count() {
 858   VmThreadCountClosure vmtcc;
 859   {
 860     MutexLockerEx ml(Threads_lock);
 861     Threads::threads_do(&vmtcc);
 862   }
 864   return vmtcc.count();
 865 }
 867 static jint get_num_flags() {
 868   // last flag entry is always NULL, so subtract 1
 869   int nFlags = (int) JVMFlag::numFlags - 1;
 870   int count = 0;
 871   for (int i = 0; i < nFlags; i++) {
 872     JVMFlag* flag = &JVMFlag::flags[i];
 873     // Exclude the locked (diagnostic, experimental) flags
 874     if (flag->is_unlocked() || flag->is_unlocker()) {
 875       count++;
 876     }
 877   }
 878   return count;
 879 }
 881 static jlong get_long_attribute(jmmLongAttribute att) {
 882   switch (att) {
 884     return ClassLoadingService::loaded_class_count();
 887     return ClassLoadingService::unloaded_class_count();
 890     return ThreadService::get_total_thread_count();

1402                "Invalid thread ID", -1);
1403   }
1405   JavaThread* java_thread = NULL;
1406   if (thread_id == 0) {
1407     // current thread
1408     return os::current_thread_cpu_time();
1409   } else {
1410     ThreadsListHandle tlh;
1411     java_thread = tlh.list()->find_JavaThread_from_java_tid(thread_id);
1412     if (java_thread != NULL) {
1413       return os::thread_cpu_time((Thread*) java_thread);
1414     }
1415   }
1416   return -1;
1417 JVM_END
1419 // Returns a String array of all VM global flag names
1420 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, jmm_GetVMGlobalNames(JNIEnv *env))
1421   // last flag entry is always NULL, so subtract 1
1422   int nFlags = (int) JVMFlag::numFlags - 1;
1423   // allocate a temp array
1424   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(),
1425                                            nFlags, CHECK_0);
1426   objArrayHandle flags_ah(THREAD, r);
1427   int num_entries = 0;
1428   for (int i = 0; i < nFlags; i++) {
1429     JVMFlag* flag = &JVMFlag::flags[i];
1430     // Exclude notproduct and develop flags in product builds.
1431     if (flag->is_constant_in_binary()) {
1432       continue;
1433     }
1434     // Exclude the locked (experimental, diagnostic) flags
1435     if (flag->is_unlocked() || flag->is_unlocker()) {
1436       Handle s = java_lang_String::create_from_str(flag->_name, CHECK_0);
1437       flags_ah->obj_at_put(num_entries, s());
1438       num_entries++;
1439     }
1440   }
1442   if (num_entries < nFlags) {
1443     // Return array of right length
1444     objArrayOop res = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(), num_entries, CHECK_0);
1445     for(int i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
1446       res->obj_at_put(i, flags_ah->obj_at(i));
1447     }
1448     return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, res);
1449   }
1451   return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, flags_ah());
1452 JVM_END
1454 // Utility function used by jmm_GetVMGlobals.  Returns false if flag type
1455 // can't be determined, true otherwise.  If false is returned, then *global
1456 // will be incomplete and invalid.
1457 bool add_global_entry(JNIEnv* env, Handle name, jmmVMGlobal *global, JVMFlag *flag, TRAPS) {
1458   Handle flag_name;
1459   if (name() == NULL) {
1460     flag_name = java_lang_String::create_from_str(flag->_name, CHECK_false);
1461   } else {
1462     flag_name = name;
1463   }
1464   global->name = (jstring)JNIHandles::make_local(env, flag_name());
1466   if (flag->is_bool()) {
1467     global->value.z = flag->get_bool() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
1468     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JBOOLEAN;
1469   } else if (flag->is_int()) {
1470     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_int();
1471     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1472   } else if (flag->is_uint()) {
1473     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_uint();
1474     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1475   } else if (flag->is_intx()) {
1476     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_intx();
1477     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;

1482     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_uint64_t();
1483     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1484   } else if (flag->is_double()) {
1485     global->value.d = (jdouble)flag->get_double();
1486     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JDOUBLE;
1487   } else if (flag->is_size_t()) {
1488     global->value.j = (jlong)flag->get_size_t();
1489     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JLONG;
1490   } else if (flag->is_ccstr()) {
1491     Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_str(flag->get_ccstr(), CHECK_false);
1492     global->value.l = (jobject)JNIHandles::make_local(env, str());
1493     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_JSTRING;
1494   } else {
1495     global->type = JMM_VMGLOBAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
1496     return false;
1497   }
1499   global->writeable = flag->is_writeable();
1500   global->external = flag->is_external();
1501   switch (flag->get_origin()) {
1502     case JVMFlag::DEFAULT:
1503       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_DEFAULT;
1504       break;
1505     case JVMFlag::COMMAND_LINE:
1506       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_COMMAND_LINE;
1507       break;
1508     case JVMFlag::ENVIRON_VAR:
1509       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_ENVIRON_VAR;
1510       break;
1511     case JVMFlag::CONFIG_FILE:
1512       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_CONFIG_FILE;
1513       break;
1514     case JVMFlag::MANAGEMENT:
1515       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_MANAGEMENT;
1516       break;
1517     case JVMFlag::ERGONOMIC:
1518       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_ERGONOMIC;
1519       break;
1520     case JVMFlag::ATTACH_ON_DEMAND:
1521       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_ATTACH_ON_DEMAND;
1522       break;
1523     default:
1524       global->origin = JMM_VMGLOBAL_ORIGIN_OTHER;
1525   }
1527   return true;
1528 }
1530 // Fill globals array of count length with jmmVMGlobal entries
1531 // specified by names. If names == NULL, fill globals array
1532 // with all Flags. Return value is number of entries
1533 // created in globals.
1534 // If a JVMFlag with a given name in an array element does not
1535 // exist, globals[i].name will be set to NULL.
1536 JVM_ENTRY(jint, jmm_GetVMGlobals(JNIEnv *env,
1537                                  jobjectArray names,
1538                                  jmmVMGlobal *globals,
1539                                  jint count))
1542   if (globals == NULL) {
1543     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), 0);
1544   }
1546   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1548   if (names != NULL) {
1549     // return the requested globals
1550     objArrayOop ta = objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(names));
1551     objArrayHandle names_ah(THREAD, ta);
1552     // Make sure we have a String array
1553     Klass* element_klass = ObjArrayKlass::cast(names_ah->klass())->element_klass();
1554     if (element_klass != SystemDictionary::String_klass()) {
1555       THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
1556                  "Array element type is not String class", 0);
1557     }
1559     int names_length = names_ah->length();
1560     int num_entries = 0;
1561     for (int i = 0; i < names_length && i < count; i++) {
1562       oop s = names_ah->obj_at(i);
1563       if (s == NULL) {
1564         THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), 0);
1565       }
1567       Handle sh(THREAD, s);
1568       char* str = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(s);
1569       JVMFlag* flag = JVMFlag::find_flag(str, strlen(str));
1570       if (flag != NULL &&
1571           add_global_entry(env, sh, &globals[i], flag, THREAD)) {
1572         num_entries++;
1573       } else {
1574         globals[i].name = NULL;
1575       }
1576     }
1577     return num_entries;
1578   } else {
1579     // return all globals if names == NULL
1581     // last flag entry is always NULL, so subtract 1
1582     int nFlags = (int) JVMFlag::numFlags - 1;
1583     Handle null_h;
1584     int num_entries = 0;
1585     for (int i = 0; i < nFlags && num_entries < count;  i++) {
1586       JVMFlag* flag = &JVMFlag::flags[i];
1587       // Exclude notproduct and develop flags in product builds.
1588       if (flag->is_constant_in_binary()) {
1589         continue;
1590       }
1591       // Exclude the locked (diagnostic, experimental) flags
1592       if ((flag->is_unlocked() || flag->is_unlocker()) &&
1593           add_global_entry(env, null_h, &globals[num_entries], flag, THREAD)) {
1594         num_entries++;
1595       }
1596     }
1597     return num_entries;
1598   }
1599 JVM_END
1601 JVM_ENTRY(void, jmm_SetVMGlobal(JNIEnv *env, jstring flag_name, jvalue new_value))
1602   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1604   oop fn = JNIHandles::resolve_external_guard(flag_name);
1605   if (fn == NULL) {
1606     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(),
1607               "The flag name cannot be null.");
1608   }
1609   char* name = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(fn);
1611   FormatBuffer<80> error_msg("%s", "");
1612   int succeed = WriteableFlags::set_flag(name, new_value, JVMFlag::MANAGEMENT, error_msg);
1614   if (succeed != JVMFlag::SUCCESS) {
1615     if (succeed == JVMFlag::MISSING_VALUE) {
1616       // missing value causes NPE to be thrown
1617       THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException());
1618     } else {
1619       // all the other errors are reported as IAE with the appropriate error message
1620       THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
1621                 error_msg.buffer());
1622     }
1623   }
1624   assert(succeed == JVMFlag::SUCCESS, "Setting flag should succeed");
1625 JVM_END
1627 class ThreadTimesClosure: public ThreadClosure {
1628  private:
1629   objArrayHandle _names_strings;
1630   char **_names_chars;
1631   typeArrayHandle _times;
1632   int _names_len;
1633   int _times_len;
1634   int _count;
1636  public:
1637   ThreadTimesClosure(objArrayHandle names, typeArrayHandle times);
1638   ~ThreadTimesClosure();
1639   virtual void do_thread(Thread* thread);
1640   void do_unlocked();
1641   int count() { return _count; }
1642 };
1644 ThreadTimesClosure::ThreadTimesClosure(objArrayHandle names,

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