1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "classfile/classFileStream.hpp"
  27 #include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"
  29 #include "classfile/classLoaderExt.hpp"
  30 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  31 #include "classfile/jimage.hpp"
  32 #include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
  33 #include "classfile/modules.hpp"
  34 #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp"
  35 #include "classfile/klassFactory.hpp"
  36 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  37 #include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
  38 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  39 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
  40 #include "gc/shared/generation.hpp"
  41 #include "interpreter/bytecodeStream.hpp"
  42 #include "interpreter/oopMapCache.hpp"
  43 #include "logging/logTag.hpp"
  44 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
  45 #include "memory/filemap.hpp"
  46 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  47 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  48 #include "memory/universe.inline.hpp"
  49 #include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
  50 #include "oops/instanceRefKlass.hpp"
  51 #include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  52 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  53 #include "oops/symbol.hpp"
  54 #include "prims/jvm.h"
  55 #include "prims/jvm_misc.hpp"
  56 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
  57 #include "runtime/compilationPolicy.hpp"
  58 #include "runtime/handles.hpp"
  59 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  60 #include "runtime/init.hpp"
  61 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
  62 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  63 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  64 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  65 #include "runtime/threadCritical.hpp"
  66 #include "runtime/timer.hpp"
  67 #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  68 #include "services/management.hpp"
  69 #include "services/threadService.hpp"
  70 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  71 #include "utilities/hashtable.inline.hpp"
  72 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  73 #if INCLUDE_CDS
  74 #include "classfile/sharedClassUtil.hpp"
  75 #include "classfile/sharedPathsMiscInfo.hpp"
  76 #endif
  78 // Entry points in zip.dll for loading zip/jar file entries
  80 typedef void * * (JNICALL *ZipOpen_t)(const char *name, char **pmsg);
  81 typedef void (JNICALL *ZipClose_t)(jzfile *zip);
  82 typedef jzentry* (JNICALL *FindEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, const char *name, jint *sizeP, jint *nameLen);
  83 typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ReadEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jzentry *entry, unsigned char *buf, char *namebuf);
  84 typedef jzentry* (JNICALL *GetNextEntry_t)(jzfile *zip, jint n);
  85 typedef jboolean (JNICALL *ZipInflateFully_t)(void *inBuf, jlong inLen, void *outBuf, jlong outLen, char **pmsg);
  86 typedef jint     (JNICALL *Crc32_t)(jint crc, const jbyte *buf, jint len);
  88 static ZipOpen_t         ZipOpen            = NULL;
  89 static ZipClose_t        ZipClose           = NULL;
  90 static FindEntry_t       FindEntry          = NULL;
  91 static ReadEntry_t       ReadEntry          = NULL;
  92 static GetNextEntry_t    GetNextEntry       = NULL;
  93 static canonicalize_fn_t CanonicalizeEntry  = NULL;
  94 static ZipInflateFully_t ZipInflateFully    = NULL;
  95 static Crc32_t           Crc32              = NULL;
  97 // Entry points for jimage.dll for loading jimage file entries
  99 static JImageOpen_t                    JImageOpen             = NULL;
 100 static JImageClose_t                   JImageClose            = NULL;
 101 static JImagePackageToModule_t         JImagePackageToModule  = NULL;
 102 static JImageFindResource_t            JImageFindResource     = NULL;
 103 static JImageGetResource_t             JImageGetResource      = NULL;
 104 static JImageResourceIterator_t        JImageResourceIterator = NULL;
 105 static JImage_ResourcePath_t           JImageResourcePath     = NULL;
 107 // Globals
 109 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_accumulated_time = NULL;
 110 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_inited = NULL;
 111 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_init_time = NULL;
 112 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_init_selftime = NULL;
 113 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_verified = NULL;
 114 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_verify_time = NULL;
 115 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_verify_selftime = NULL;
 116 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_classes_linked = NULL;
 117 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_link_time = NULL;
 118 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_link_selftime = NULL;
 119 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_parse_time = NULL;
 120 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_class_parse_selftime = NULL;
 121 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_class_lookup_time = NULL;
 122 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_shared_classload_time = NULL;
 123 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_classload_time = NULL;
 124 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_app_classload_time = NULL;
 125 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_app_classload_selftime = NULL;
 126 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_app_classload_count = NULL;
 127 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclasses = NULL;
 128 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclass_time = NULL;
 129 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_define_appclass_selftime = NULL;
 130 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_app_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 131 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read = NULL;
 132 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_systemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 133 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate = NULL;
 134 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 135 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 136 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_sync_JNIDefineClassLockFreeCounter = NULL;
 137 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_unsafe_defineClassCallCounter = NULL;
 138 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_isUnsyncloadClass = NULL;
 139 PerfCounter*    ClassLoader::_load_instance_class_failCounter = NULL;
 141 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_patch_mod_entries = NULL;
 142 GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* ClassLoader::_exploded_entries = NULL;
 143 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_jrt_entry = NULL;
 144 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_first_append_entry = NULL;
 145 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::_last_append_entry  = NULL;
 146 int             ClassLoader::_num_entries        = 0;
 147 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 148 GrowableArray<char*>* ClassLoader::_boot_modules_array = NULL;
 149 GrowableArray<char*>* ClassLoader::_platform_modules_array = NULL;
 150 SharedPathsMiscInfo* ClassLoader::_shared_paths_misc_info = NULL;
 151 #endif
 153 // helper routines
 154 bool string_starts_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find) {
 155   size_t str_len = strlen(str);
 156   size_t str_to_find_len = strlen(str_to_find);
 157   if (str_to_find_len > str_len) {
 158     return false;
 159   }
 160   return (strncmp(str, str_to_find, str_to_find_len) == 0);
 161 }
 163 static const char* get_jimage_version_string() {
 164   static char version_string[10] = "";
 165   if (version_string[0] == '\0') {
 166     jio_snprintf(version_string, sizeof(version_string), "%d.%d",
 167                  Abstract_VM_Version::vm_major_version(), Abstract_VM_Version::vm_minor_version());
 168   }
 169   return (const char*)version_string;
 170 }
 172 bool ClassLoader::string_ends_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find) {
 173   size_t str_len = strlen(str);
 174   size_t str_to_find_len = strlen(str_to_find);
 175   if (str_to_find_len > str_len) {
 176     return false;
 177   }
 178   return (strncmp(str + (str_len - str_to_find_len), str_to_find, str_to_find_len) == 0);
 179 }
 181 // Used to obtain the package name from a fully qualified class name.
 182 // It is the responsibility of the caller to establish a ResourceMark.
 183 const char* ClassLoader::package_from_name(const char* const class_name, bool* bad_class_name) {
 184   if (class_name == NULL) {
 185     if (bad_class_name != NULL) {
 186       *bad_class_name = true;
 187     }
 188     return NULL;
 189   }
 191   if (bad_class_name != NULL) {
 192     *bad_class_name = false;
 193   }
 195   const char* const last_slash = strrchr(class_name, '/');
 196   if (last_slash == NULL) {
 197     // No package name
 198     return NULL;
 199   }
 201   char* class_name_ptr = (char*) class_name;
 202   // Skip over '['s
 203   if (*class_name_ptr == '[') {
 204     do {
 205       class_name_ptr++;
 206     } while (*class_name_ptr == '[');
 208     // Fully qualified class names should not contain a 'L'.
 209     // Set bad_class_name to true to indicate that the package name
 210     // could not be obtained due to an error condition.
 211     // In this situation, is_same_class_package returns false.
 212     if (*class_name_ptr == 'L') {
 213       if (bad_class_name != NULL) {
 214         *bad_class_name = true;
 215       }
 216       return NULL;
 217     }
 218   }
 220   int length = last_slash - class_name_ptr;
 222   // A class name could have just the slash character in the name.
 223   if (length <= 0) {
 224     // No package name
 225     if (bad_class_name != NULL) {
 226       *bad_class_name = true;
 227     }
 228     return NULL;
 229   }
 231   // drop name after last slash (including slash)
 232   // Ex., "java/lang/String.class" => "java/lang"
 233   char* pkg_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, length + 1);
 234   strncpy(pkg_name, class_name_ptr, length);
 235   *(pkg_name+length) = '\0';
 237   return (const char *)pkg_name;
 238 }
 240 // Given a fully qualified class name, find its defining package in the class loader's
 241 // package entry table.
 242 static PackageEntry* get_package_entry(const char* class_name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data, TRAPS) {
 243   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 244   const char *pkg_name = ClassLoader::package_from_name(class_name);
 245   if (pkg_name == NULL) {
 246     return NULL;
 247   }
 248   PackageEntryTable* pkgEntryTable = loader_data->packages();
 249   TempNewSymbol pkg_symbol = SymbolTable::new_symbol(pkg_name, CHECK_NULL);
 250   return pkgEntryTable->lookup_only(pkg_symbol);
 251 }
 253 ClassPathDirEntry::ClassPathDirEntry(const char* dir) : ClassPathEntry() {
 254   char* copy = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, strlen(dir)+1, mtClass);
 255   strcpy(copy, dir);
 256   _dir = copy;
 257 }
 260 ClassFileStream* ClassPathDirEntry::open_stream(const char* name, TRAPS) {
 261   // construct full path name
 263   if (jio_snprintf(path, JVM_MAXPATHLEN, "%s%s%s", _dir, os::file_separator(), name) == -1) {
 265     return NULL;
 266   }
 267   // check if file exists
 268   struct stat st;
 269   if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 270 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 271     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
 272       // We have already check in ClassLoader::check_shared_classpath() that the directory is empty, so
 273       // we should never find a file underneath it -- unless user has added a new file while we are running
 274       // the dump, in which case let's quit!
 275       ShouldNotReachHere();
 276     }
 277 #endif
 278     // found file, open it
 279     int file_handle = os::open(path, 0, 0);
 280     if (file_handle != -1) {
 281       // read contents into resource array
 282       u1* buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(u1, st.st_size);
 283       size_t num_read = os::read(file_handle, (char*) buffer, st.st_size);
 284       // close file
 285       os::close(file_handle);
 286       // construct ClassFileStream
 287       if (num_read == (size_t)st.st_size) {
 288         if (UsePerfData) {
 289           ClassLoader::perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read()->inc(num_read);
 290         }
 291         FREE_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, path, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
 292         // Resource allocated
 293         return new ClassFileStream(buffer,
 294                                    st.st_size,
 295                                    _dir,
 296                                    ClassFileStream::verify);
 297       }
 298     }
 299   }
 301   return NULL;
 302 }
 304 ClassPathZipEntry::ClassPathZipEntry(jzfile* zip, const char* zip_name, bool is_boot_append) : ClassPathEntry() {
 305   _zip = zip;
 306   char *copy = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, strlen(zip_name)+1, mtClass);
 307   strcpy(copy, zip_name);
 308   _zip_name = copy;
 309   _is_boot_append = is_boot_append;
 310   _multi_versioned = _unknown;
 311 }
 313 ClassPathZipEntry::~ClassPathZipEntry() {
 314   if (ZipClose != NULL) {
 315     (*ZipClose)(_zip);
 316   }
 317   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, _zip_name);
 318 }
 320 u1* ClassPathZipEntry::open_entry(const char* name, jint* filesize, bool nul_terminate, TRAPS) {
 321     // enable call to C land
 322   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 323   ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 324   // check whether zip archive contains name
 325   jint name_len;
 326   jzentry* entry = (*FindEntry)(_zip, name, filesize, &name_len);
 327   if (entry == NULL) return NULL;
 328   u1* buffer;
 329   char name_buf[128];
 330   char* filename;
 331   if (name_len < 128) {
 332     filename = name_buf;
 333   } else {
 334     filename = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, name_len + 1);
 335   }
 337   // read contents into resource array
 338   int size = (*filesize) + ((nul_terminate) ? 1 : 0);
 339   buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(u1, size);
 340   if (!(*ReadEntry)(_zip, entry, buffer, filename)) return NULL;
 342   // return result
 343   if (nul_terminate) {
 344     buffer[*filesize] = 0;
 345   }
 346   return buffer;
 347 }
 349 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 350 u1* ClassPathZipEntry::open_versioned_entry(const char* name, jint* filesize, TRAPS) {
 351   u1* buffer = NULL;
 352   if (DumpSharedSpaces && !_is_boot_append) {
 353     // We presume default is multi-release enabled
 354     const char* multi_ver = Arguments::get_property("jdk.util.jar.enableMultiRelease");
 355     const char* verstr = Arguments::get_property("jdk.util.jar.version");
 356     bool is_multi_ver = (multi_ver == NULL ||
 357                          strcmp(multi_ver, "true") == 0 ||
 358                          strcmp(multi_ver, "force")  == 0) &&
 359                          is_multiple_versioned(THREAD);
 360     // command line version setting
 361     int version = 0;
 362     const int base_version = 8; // JDK8
 363     int cur_ver = JDK_Version::current().major_version();
 364     if (verstr != NULL) {
 365       version = atoi(verstr);
 366       if (version < base_version || version > cur_ver) {
 367         // If the specified version is lower than the base version, the base
 368         // entry will be used; if the version is higher than the current
 369         // jdk version, the highest versioned entry will be used.
 370         if (version < base_version) {
 371           is_multi_ver = false;
 372         }
 373         // print out warning, do not use assertion here since it will continue to look
 374         // for proper version.
 375         warning("JDK%d is not supported in multiple version jars", version);
 376       }
 377     }
 379     if (is_multi_ver) {
 380       int n;
 381       char* entry_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD(THREAD, char, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
 382       if (version > 0) {
 383         n = jio_snprintf(entry_name, JVM_MAXPATHLEN, "META-INF/versions/%d/%s", version, name);
 384         entry_name[n] = '\0';
 385         buffer = open_entry((const char*)entry_name, filesize, false, CHECK_NULL);
 386         if (buffer == NULL) {
 387           warning("Could not find %s in %s, try to find highest version instead", entry_name, _zip_name);
 388         }
 389       }
 390       if (buffer == NULL) {
 391         for (int i = cur_ver; i >= base_version; i--) {
 392           n = jio_snprintf(entry_name, JVM_MAXPATHLEN, "META-INF/versions/%d/%s", i, name);
 393           entry_name[n] = '\0';
 394           buffer = open_entry((const char*)entry_name, filesize, false, CHECK_NULL);
 395           if (buffer != NULL) {
 396             break;
 397           }
 398         }
 399       }
 400       FREE_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, entry_name, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
 401     }
 402   }
 403   return buffer;
 404 }
 406 bool ClassPathZipEntry::is_multiple_versioned(TRAPS) {
 407   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "called only at dump time");
 408   if (_multi_versioned != _unknown) {
 409     return (_multi_versioned == _yes) ? true : false;
 410   }
 411   jint size;
 412   char* buffer = (char*)open_entry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", &size, true, CHECK_false);
 413   if (buffer != NULL) {
 414     char* p = buffer;
 415     for ( ; *p; ++p) *p = tolower(*p);
 416     if (strstr(buffer, "multi-release: true") != NULL) {
 417       _multi_versioned = _yes;
 418       return true;
 419     }
 420   }
 421   _multi_versioned = _no;
 422   return false;
 423 }
 424 #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
 426 ClassFileStream* ClassPathZipEntry::open_stream(const char* name, TRAPS) {
 427   jint filesize;
 428   u1* buffer = open_versioned_entry(name, &filesize, CHECK_NULL);
 429   if (buffer == NULL) {
 430     buffer = open_entry(name, &filesize, false, CHECK_NULL);
 431     if (buffer == NULL) {
 432       return NULL;
 433     }
 434   }
 435   if (UsePerfData) {
 436     ClassLoader::perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read()->inc(filesize);
 437   }
 438   // Resource allocated
 439   return new ClassFileStream(buffer,
 440                              filesize,
 441                              _zip_name,
 442                              ClassFileStream::verify);
 443 }
 445 // invoke function for each entry in the zip file
 446 void ClassPathZipEntry::contents_do(void f(const char* name, void* context), void* context) {
 447   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 448   HandleMark  handle_mark(thread);
 449   ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 450   for (int n = 0; ; n++) {
 451     jzentry * ze = ((*GetNextEntry)(_zip, n));
 452     if (ze == NULL) break;
 453     (*f)(ze->name, context);
 454   }
 455 }
 457 ClassPathImageEntry::ClassPathImageEntry(JImageFile* jimage, const char* name) :
 458   ClassPathEntry(),
 459   _jimage(jimage) {
 460   guarantee(jimage != NULL, "jimage file is null");
 461   guarantee(name != NULL, "jimage file name is null");
 462   size_t len = strlen(name) + 1;
 463   _name = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(const char, len, mtClass);
 464   strncpy((char *)_name, name, len);
 465 }
 467 ClassPathImageEntry::~ClassPathImageEntry() {
 468   if (_name != NULL) {
 469     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(const char, _name);
 470     _name = NULL;
 471   }
 472   if (_jimage != NULL) {
 473     (*JImageClose)(_jimage);
 474     _jimage = NULL;
 475   }
 476 }
 478 // For a class in a named module, look it up in the jimage file using this syntax:
 479 //    /<module-name>/<package-name>/<base-class>
 480 //
 481 // Assumptions:
 482 //     1. There are no unnamed modules in the jimage file.
 483 //     2. A package is in at most one module in the jimage file.
 484 //
 485 ClassFileStream* ClassPathImageEntry::open_stream(const char* name, TRAPS) {
 486   jlong size;
 487   JImageLocationRef location = (*JImageFindResource)(_jimage, "", get_jimage_version_string(), name, &size);
 489   if (location == 0) {
 490     ResourceMark rm;
 491     const char* pkg_name = ClassLoader::package_from_name(name);
 493     if (pkg_name != NULL) {
 494       if (!Universe::is_module_initialized()) {
 495         location = (*JImageFindResource)(_jimage, JAVA_BASE_NAME, get_jimage_version_string(), name, &size);
 496 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 497         // CDS uses the boot class loader to load classes whose packages are in
 498         // modules defined for other class loaders.  So, for now, get their module
 499         // names from the "modules" jimage file.
 500         if (DumpSharedSpaces && location == 0) {
 501           const char* module_name = (*JImagePackageToModule)(_jimage, pkg_name);
 502           if (module_name != NULL) {
 503             location = (*JImageFindResource)(_jimage, module_name, get_jimage_version_string(), name, &size);
 504           }
 505         }
 506 #endif
 508       } else {
 509         PackageEntry* package_entry = get_package_entry(name, ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data(), CHECK_NULL);
 510         if (package_entry != NULL) {
 511           ResourceMark rm;
 512           // Get the module name
 513           ModuleEntry* module = package_entry->module();
 514           assert(module != NULL, "Boot classLoader package missing module");
 515           assert(module->is_named(), "Boot classLoader package is in unnamed module");
 516           const char* module_name = module->name()->as_C_string();
 517           if (module_name != NULL) {
 518             location = (*JImageFindResource)(_jimage, module_name, get_jimage_version_string(), name, &size);
 519           }
 520         }
 521       }
 522     }
 523   }
 524   if (location != 0) {
 525     if (UsePerfData) {
 526       ClassLoader::perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read()->inc(size);
 527     }
 528     char* data = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, size);
 529     (*JImageGetResource)(_jimage, location, data, size);
 530     // Resource allocated
 531     return new ClassFileStream((u1*)data,
 532                                (int)size,
 533                                _name,
 534                                ClassFileStream::verify);
 535   }
 537   return NULL;
 538 }
 540 #ifndef PRODUCT
 541 bool ctw_visitor(JImageFile* jimage,
 542         const char* module_name, const char* version, const char* package,
 543         const char* name, const char* extension, void* arg) {
 544   if (strcmp(extension, "class") == 0) {
 545     Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 546     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 548     jio_snprintf(path, JIMAGE_MAX_PATH - 1, "%s/%s.class", package, name);
 549     ClassLoader::compile_the_world_in(path, *(Handle*)arg, THREAD);
 550     return !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION;
 551   }
 552   return true;
 553 }
 555 void ClassPathImageEntry::compile_the_world(Handle loader, TRAPS) {
 556   tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld : Compiling all classes in %s", name());
 557   tty->cr();
 558   (*JImageResourceIterator)(_jimage, (JImageResourceVisitor_t)ctw_visitor, (void *)&loader);
 560     if (PENDING_EXCEPTION->is_a(SystemDictionary::OutOfMemoryError_klass())) {
 562       tty->print_cr("\nCompileTheWorld : Ran out of memory\n");
 563       tty->print_cr("Increase class metadata storage if a limit was set");
 564     } else {
 565       tty->print_cr("\nCompileTheWorld : Unexpected exception occurred\n");
 566     }
 567   }
 568 }
 569 #endif
 571 bool ClassPathImageEntry::is_jrt() {
 572   return ClassLoader::is_jrt(name());
 573 }
 575 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 576 void ClassLoader::exit_with_path_failure(const char* error, const char* message) {
 577   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "only called at dump time");
 578   tty->print_cr("Hint: enable -Xlog:class+path=info to diagnose the failure");
 579   vm_exit_during_initialization(error, message);
 580 }
 581 #endif
 583 ModuleClassPathList::ModuleClassPathList(Symbol* module_name) {
 584   _module_name = module_name;
 585   _module_first_entry = NULL;
 586   _module_last_entry = NULL;
 587 }
 589 ModuleClassPathList::~ModuleClassPathList() {
 590   // Clean out each ClassPathEntry on list
 591   ClassPathEntry* e = _module_first_entry;
 592   while (e != NULL) {
 593     ClassPathEntry* next_entry = e->next();
 594     delete e;
 595     e = next_entry;
 596   }
 597 }
 599 void ModuleClassPathList::add_to_list(ClassPathEntry* new_entry) {
 600   if (new_entry != NULL) {
 601     if (_module_last_entry == NULL) {
 602       _module_first_entry = _module_last_entry = new_entry;
 603     } else {
 604       _module_last_entry->set_next(new_entry);
 605       _module_last_entry = new_entry;
 606     }
 607   }
 608 }
 610 void ClassLoader::trace_class_path(const char* msg, const char* name) {
 611   if (log_is_enabled(Info, class, path)) {
 612     ResourceMark rm;
 613     outputStream* out = Log(class, path)::info_stream();
 614     if (msg) {
 615       out->print("%s", msg);
 616     }
 617     if (name) {
 618       if (strlen(name) < 256) {
 619         out->print("%s", name);
 620       } else {
 621         // For very long paths, we need to print each character separately,
 622         // as print_cr() has a length limit
 623         while (name[0] != '\0') {
 624           out->print("%c", name[0]);
 625           name++;
 626         }
 627       }
 628     }
 629     out->cr();
 630   }
 631 }
 633 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 634 void ClassLoader::check_shared_classpath(const char *path) {
 635   if (strcmp(path, "") == 0) {
 636     exit_with_path_failure("Cannot have empty path in archived classpaths", NULL);
 637   }
 639   struct stat st;
 640   if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 641     if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) { // is not a regular file
 642       if (!os::dir_is_empty(path)) {
 643         tty->print_cr("Error: non-empty directory '%s'", path);
 644         exit_with_path_failure("CDS allows only empty directories in archived classpaths", NULL);
 645       }
 646     }
 647   }
 648 }
 649 #endif
 651 void ClassLoader::setup_bootstrap_search_path() {
 652   const char* sys_class_path = Arguments::get_sysclasspath();
 653   const char* java_class_path = Arguments::get_appclasspath();
 654   if (PrintSharedArchiveAndExit) {
 655     // Don't print sys_class_path - this is the bootcp of this current VM process, not necessarily
 656     // the same as the bootcp of the shared archive.
 657   } else {
 658     trace_class_path("bootstrap loader class path=", sys_class_path);
 659     trace_class_path("classpath: ", java_class_path);
 660   }
 661 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 662   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
 663     _shared_paths_misc_info->add_boot_classpath(sys_class_path);
 664   }
 665 #endif
 666   setup_search_path(sys_class_path, true);
 667 }
 669 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 670 int ClassLoader::get_shared_paths_misc_info_size() {
 671   return _shared_paths_misc_info->get_used_bytes();
 672 }
 674 void* ClassLoader::get_shared_paths_misc_info() {
 675   return _shared_paths_misc_info->buffer();
 676 }
 678 bool ClassLoader::check_shared_paths_misc_info(void *buf, int size) {
 679   SharedPathsMiscInfo* checker = SharedClassUtil::allocate_shared_paths_misc_info((char*)buf, size);
 680   bool result = checker->check();
 681   delete checker;
 682   return result;
 683 }
 684 #endif
 686 // Construct the array of module/path pairs as specified to --patch-module
 687 // for the boot loader to search ahead of the jimage, if the class being
 688 // loaded is defined to a module that has been specified to --patch-module.
 689 void ClassLoader::setup_patch_mod_entries() {
 690   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 691   GrowableArray<ModulePatchPath*>* patch_mod_args = Arguments::get_patch_mod_prefix();
 692   int num_of_entries = patch_mod_args->length();
 695   // Set up the boot loader's _patch_mod_entries list
 696   _patch_mod_entries = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule) GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>(num_of_entries, true);
 698   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
 699     const char* module_name = (patch_mod_args->at(i))->module_name();
 700     Symbol* const module_sym = SymbolTable::lookup(module_name, (int)strlen(module_name), CHECK);
 701     assert(module_sym != NULL, "Failed to obtain Symbol for module name");
 702     ModuleClassPathList* module_cpl = new ModuleClassPathList(module_sym);
 704     char* class_path = (patch_mod_args->at(i))->path_string();
 705     int len = (int)strlen(class_path);
 706     int end = 0;
 707     // Iterate over the module's class path entries
 708     for (int start = 0; start < len; start = end) {
 709       while (class_path[end] && class_path[end] != os::path_separator()[0]) {
 710         end++;
 711       }
 712       EXCEPTION_MARK;
 713       ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 714       char* path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, end - start + 1);
 715       strncpy(path, &class_path[start], end - start);
 716       path[end - start] = '\0';
 718       struct stat st;
 719       if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 720         // File or directory found
 721         Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 722         ClassPathEntry* new_entry = create_class_path_entry(path, &st, false, false, CHECK);
 723         // If the path specification is valid, enter it into this module's list
 724         if (new_entry != NULL) {
 725           module_cpl->add_to_list(new_entry);
 726         }
 727       }
 729       while (class_path[end] == os::path_separator()[0]) {
 730         end++;
 731       }
 732     }
 734     // Record the module into the list of --patch-module entries only if
 735     // valid ClassPathEntrys have been created
 736     if (module_cpl->module_first_entry() != NULL) {
 737       _patch_mod_entries->push(module_cpl);
 738     }
 739   }
 740 }
 742 // Determine whether the module has been patched via the command-line
 743 // option --patch-module
 744 bool ClassLoader::is_in_patch_mod_entries(Symbol* module_name) {
 745   if (_patch_mod_entries != NULL && _patch_mod_entries->is_nonempty()) {
 746     int table_len = _patch_mod_entries->length();
 747     for (int i = 0; i < table_len; i++) {
 748       ModuleClassPathList* patch_mod = _patch_mod_entries->at(i);
 749       if (module_name->fast_compare(patch_mod->module_name()) == 0) {
 750         return true;
 751       }
 752     }
 753   }
 754   return false;
 755 }
 757 void ClassLoader::setup_search_path(const char *class_path, bool bootstrap_search) {
 758   int len = (int)strlen(class_path);
 759   int end = 0;
 760   bool set_base_piece = bootstrap_search;
 762   // Iterate over class path entries
 763   for (int start = 0; start < len; start = end) {
 764     while (class_path[end] && class_path[end] != os::path_separator()[0]) {
 765       end++;
 766     }
 768     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 769     char* path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, end - start + 1);
 770     strncpy(path, &class_path[start], end - start);
 771     path[end - start] = '\0';
 773     // The first time through the bootstrap_search setup, it must be determined
 774     // what the base or core piece of the boot loader search is.  Either a java runtime
 775     // image is present or this is an exploded module build situation.
 776     if (set_base_piece) {
 777       assert(string_ends_with(path, MODULES_IMAGE_NAME) || string_ends_with(path, JAVA_BASE_NAME),
 778              "Incorrect boot loader search path, no java runtime image or " JAVA_BASE_NAME " exploded build");
 779       struct stat st;
 780       if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 781         // Directory found
 782         Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 783         ClassPathEntry* new_entry = create_class_path_entry(path, &st, false, false, CHECK);
 785         // Check for a jimage
 786         if (Arguments::has_jimage()) {
 787           assert(_jrt_entry == NULL, "should not setup bootstrap class search path twice");
 788           assert(new_entry != NULL && new_entry->is_jrt(), "No java runtime image present");
 789           _jrt_entry = new_entry;
 790           ++_num_entries;
 791 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 792           if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
 793             JImageFile *jimage = _jrt_entry->jimage();
 794             assert(jimage != NULL, "No java runtime image file present");
 795             ClassLoader::initialize_module_loader_map(jimage);
 796           }
 797 #endif
 798         }
 799       } else {
 800         // If path does not exist, exit
 801         vm_exit_during_initialization("Unable to establish the boot loader search path", path);
 802       }
 803       set_base_piece = false;
 804     } else {
 805       // Every entry on the system boot class path after the initial base piece,
 806       // which is set by os::set_boot_path(), is considered an appended entry.
 807       update_class_path_entry_list(path, false, bootstrap_search);
 808     }
 810 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 811     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
 812       check_shared_classpath(path);
 813     }
 814 #endif
 815     while (class_path[end] == os::path_separator()[0]) {
 816       end++;
 817     }
 818   }
 819 }
 821 // During an exploded modules build, each module defined to the boot loader
 822 // will be added to the ClassLoader::_exploded_entries array.
 823 void ClassLoader::add_to_exploded_build_list(Symbol* module_sym, TRAPS) {
 824   assert(!ClassLoader::has_jrt_entry(), "Exploded build not applicable");
 825   assert(_exploded_entries != NULL, "_exploded_entries was not initialized");
 827   // Find the module's symbol
 828   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 829   const char *module_name = module_sym->as_C_string();
 830   const char *home = Arguments::get_java_home();
 831   const char file_sep = os::file_separator()[0];
 832   // 10 represents the length of "modules" + 2 file separators + \0
 833   size_t len = strlen(home) + strlen(module_name) + 10;
 834   char *path = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, len, mtModule);
 835   jio_snprintf(path, len, "%s%cmodules%c%s", home, file_sep, file_sep, module_name);
 837   struct stat st;
 838   if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 839     // Directory found
 840     ClassPathEntry* new_entry = create_class_path_entry(path, &st, false, false, CHECK);
 842     // If the path specification is valid, enter it into this module's list.
 843     // There is no need to check for duplicate modules in the exploded entry list,
 844     // since no two modules with the same name can be defined to the boot loader.
 845     // This is checked at module definition time in Modules::define_module.
 846     if (new_entry != NULL) {
 847       ModuleClassPathList* module_cpl = new ModuleClassPathList(module_sym);
 848       module_cpl->add_to_list(new_entry);
 849       {
 850         MutexLocker ml(Module_lock, THREAD);
 851         _exploded_entries->push(module_cpl);
 852       }
 853       log_info(class, load)("path: %s", path);
 854     }
 855   }
 856   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, path);
 857 }
 859 ClassPathEntry* ClassLoader::create_class_path_entry(const char *path, const struct stat* st,
 860                                                      bool throw_exception,
 861                                                      bool is_boot_append, TRAPS) {
 862   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 863   ClassPathEntry* new_entry = NULL;
 864   if ((st->st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) {
 865     ResourceMark rm(thread);
 866     // Regular file, should be a zip or jimage file
 867     // Canonicalized filename
 868     char* canonical_path = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD(thread, char, JVM_MAXPATHLEN);
 869     if (!get_canonical_path(path, canonical_path, JVM_MAXPATHLEN)) {
 870       // This matches the classic VM
 871       if (throw_exception) {
 872         THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_io_IOException(), "Bad pathname", NULL);
 873       } else {
 874         return NULL;
 875       }
 876     }
 877     jint error;
 878     JImageFile* jimage =(*JImageOpen)(canonical_path, &error);
 879     if (jimage != NULL) {
 880       new_entry = new ClassPathImageEntry(jimage, canonical_path);
 881     } else {
 882       char* error_msg = NULL;
 883       jzfile* zip;
 884       {
 885         // enable call to C land
 886         ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 887         HandleMark hm(thread);
 888         zip = (*ZipOpen)(canonical_path, &error_msg);
 889       }
 890       if (zip != NULL && error_msg == NULL) {
 891         new_entry = new ClassPathZipEntry(zip, path, is_boot_append);
 892       } else {
 893         char *msg;
 894         if (error_msg == NULL) {
 895           msg = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD(thread, char, strlen(path) + 128); ;
 896           jio_snprintf(msg, strlen(path) + 127, "error in opening JAR file %s", path);
 897         } else {
 898           int len = (int)(strlen(path) + strlen(error_msg) + 128);
 899           msg = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD(thread, char, len); ;
 900           jio_snprintf(msg, len - 1, "error in opening JAR file <%s> %s", error_msg, path);
 901         }
 902         // Don't complain about bad jar files added via -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 903         if (throw_exception && is_init_completed()) {
 904           THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassNotFoundException(), msg, NULL);
 905         } else {
 906           return NULL;
 907         }
 908       }
 909     }
 910     log_info(class, path)("opened: %s", path);
 911     log_info(class, load)("opened: %s", path);
 912   } else {
 913     // Directory
 914     new_entry = new ClassPathDirEntry(path);
 915     log_info(class, load)("path: %s", path);
 916   }
 917   return new_entry;
 918 }
 921 // Create a class path zip entry for a given path (return NULL if not found
 922 // or zip/JAR file cannot be opened)
 923 ClassPathZipEntry* ClassLoader::create_class_path_zip_entry(const char *path, bool is_boot_append) {
 924   // check for a regular file
 925   struct stat st;
 926   if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 927     if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) {
 928       char canonical_path[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
 929       if (get_canonical_path(path, canonical_path, JVM_MAXPATHLEN)) {
 930         char* error_msg = NULL;
 931         jzfile* zip;
 932         {
 933           // enable call to C land
 934           JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
 935           ThreadToNativeFromVM ttn(thread);
 936           HandleMark hm(thread);
 937           zip = (*ZipOpen)(canonical_path, &error_msg);
 938         }
 939         if (zip != NULL && error_msg == NULL) {
 940           // create using canonical path
 941           return new ClassPathZipEntry(zip, canonical_path, is_boot_append);
 942         }
 943       }
 944     }
 945   }
 946   return NULL;
 947 }
 949 // returns true if entry already on class path
 950 bool ClassLoader::contains_append_entry(const char* name) {
 951   ClassPathEntry* e = _first_append_entry;
 952   while (e != NULL) {
 953     // assume zip entries have been canonicalized
 954     if (strcmp(name, e->name()) == 0) {
 955       return true;
 956     }
 957     e = e->next();
 958   }
 959   return false;
 960 }
 962 void ClassLoader::add_to_list(ClassPathEntry *new_entry) {
 963   if (new_entry != NULL) {
 964     if (_last_append_entry == NULL) {
 965       assert(_first_append_entry == NULL, "boot loader's append class path entry list not empty");
 966       _first_append_entry = _last_append_entry = new_entry;
 967     } else {
 968       _last_append_entry->set_next(new_entry);
 969       _last_append_entry = new_entry;
 970     }
 971   }
 972   _num_entries++;
 973 }
 975 void ClassLoader::add_to_list(const char *apath) {
 976   update_class_path_entry_list((char*)apath, false, false);
 977 }
 979 // Returns true IFF the file/dir exists and the entry was successfully created.
 980 bool ClassLoader::update_class_path_entry_list(const char *path,
 981                                                bool check_for_duplicates,
 982                                                bool is_boot_append,
 983                                                bool throw_exception) {
 984   struct stat st;
 985   if (os::stat(path, &st) == 0) {
 986     // File or directory found
 987     ClassPathEntry* new_entry = NULL;
 988     Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
 989     new_entry = create_class_path_entry(path, &st, throw_exception, is_boot_append, CHECK_(false));
 990     if (new_entry == NULL) {
 991       return false;
 992     }
 994     // Do not reorder the bootclasspath which would break get_system_package().
 995     // Add new entry to linked list
 996     if (!check_for_duplicates || !contains_append_entry(new_entry->name())) {
 997       ClassLoaderExt::add_class_path_entry(path, check_for_duplicates, new_entry);
 998     }
 999     return true;
1000   } else {
1001 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1002     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1003       _shared_paths_misc_info->add_nonexist_path(path);
1004     }
1005 #endif
1006     return false;
1007   }
1008 }
1010 static void print_module_entry_table(const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list) {
1011   ResourceMark rm;
1012   int num_of_entries = module_list->length();
1013   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1014     ClassPathEntry* e;
1015     ModuleClassPathList* mpl = module_list->at(i);
1016     tty->print("%s=", mpl->module_name()->as_C_string());
1017     e = mpl->module_first_entry();
1018     while (e != NULL) {
1019       tty->print("%s", e->name());
1020       e = e->next();
1021       if (e != NULL) {
1022         tty->print("%s", os::path_separator());
1023       }
1024     }
1025     tty->print(" ;");
1026   }
1027 }
1029 void ClassLoader::print_bootclasspath() {
1030   ClassPathEntry* e;
1031   tty->print("[bootclasspath= ");
1033   // Print --patch-module module/path specifications first
1034   if (_patch_mod_entries != NULL) {
1035     print_module_entry_table(_patch_mod_entries);
1036   }
1038   // [jimage | exploded modules build]
1039   if (has_jrt_entry()) {
1040     // Print the location of the java runtime image
1041     tty->print("%s ;", _jrt_entry->name());
1042   } else {
1043     // Print exploded module build path specifications
1044     if (_exploded_entries != NULL) {
1045       print_module_entry_table(_exploded_entries);
1046     }
1047   }
1049   // appended entries
1050   e = _first_append_entry;
1051   while (e != NULL) {
1052     tty->print("%s ;", e->name());
1053     e = e->next();
1054   }
1055   tty->print_cr("]");
1056 }
1058 void ClassLoader::load_zip_library() {
1059   assert(ZipOpen == NULL, "should not load zip library twice");
1060   // First make sure native library is loaded
1061   os::native_java_library();
1062   // Load zip library
1063   char path[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
1064   char ebuf[1024];
1065   void* handle = NULL;
1066   if (os::dll_build_name(path, sizeof(path), Arguments::get_dll_dir(), "zip")) {
1067     handle = os::dll_load(path, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
1068   }
1069   if (handle == NULL) {
1070     vm_exit_during_initialization("Unable to load ZIP library", path);
1071   }
1072   // Lookup zip entry points
1073   ZipOpen      = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipOpen_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_Open"));
1074   ZipClose     = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipClose_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_Close"));
1075   FindEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(FindEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_FindEntry"));
1076   ReadEntry    = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ReadEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_ReadEntry"));
1077   GetNextEntry = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(GetNextEntry_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_GetNextEntry"));
1078   ZipInflateFully = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(ZipInflateFully_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_InflateFully"));
1079   Crc32        = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(Crc32_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "ZIP_CRC32"));
1081   // ZIP_Close is not exported on Windows in JDK5.0 so don't abort if ZIP_Close is NULL
1082   if (ZipOpen == NULL || FindEntry == NULL || ReadEntry == NULL ||
1083       GetNextEntry == NULL || Crc32 == NULL) {
1084     vm_exit_during_initialization("Corrupted ZIP library", path);
1085   }
1087   if (ZipInflateFully == NULL) {
1088     vm_exit_during_initialization("Corrupted ZIP library ZIP_InflateFully missing", path);
1089   }
1091   // Lookup canonicalize entry in libjava.dll
1092   void *javalib_handle = os::native_java_library();
1093   CanonicalizeEntry = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(canonicalize_fn_t, os::dll_lookup(javalib_handle, "Canonicalize"));
1094   // This lookup only works on 1.3. Do not check for non-null here
1095 }
1097 void ClassLoader::load_jimage_library() {
1098   // First make sure native library is loaded
1099   os::native_java_library();
1100   // Load jimage library
1101   char path[JVM_MAXPATHLEN];
1102   char ebuf[1024];
1103   void* handle = NULL;
1104   if (os::dll_build_name(path, sizeof(path), Arguments::get_dll_dir(), "jimage")) {
1105     handle = os::dll_load(path, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
1106   }
1107   if (handle == NULL) {
1108     vm_exit_during_initialization("Unable to load jimage library", path);
1109   }
1111   // Lookup jimage entry points
1112   JImageOpen = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImageOpen_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_Open"));
1113   guarantee(JImageOpen != NULL, "function JIMAGE_Open not found");
1114   JImageClose = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImageClose_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_Close"));
1115   guarantee(JImageClose != NULL, "function JIMAGE_Close not found");
1116   JImagePackageToModule = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImagePackageToModule_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_PackageToModule"));
1117   guarantee(JImagePackageToModule != NULL, "function JIMAGE_PackageToModule not found");
1118   JImageFindResource = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImageFindResource_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_FindResource"));
1119   guarantee(JImageFindResource != NULL, "function JIMAGE_FindResource not found");
1120   JImageGetResource = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImageGetResource_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_GetResource"));
1121   guarantee(JImageGetResource != NULL, "function JIMAGE_GetResource not found");
1122   JImageResourceIterator = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImageResourceIterator_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_ResourceIterator"));
1123   guarantee(JImageResourceIterator != NULL, "function JIMAGE_ResourceIterator not found");
1124   JImageResourcePath = CAST_TO_FN_PTR(JImage_ResourcePath_t, os::dll_lookup(handle, "JIMAGE_ResourcePath"));
1125   guarantee(JImageResourcePath != NULL, "function JIMAGE_ResourcePath not found");
1126 }
1128 jboolean ClassLoader::decompress(void *in, u8 inSize, void *out, u8 outSize, char **pmsg) {
1129   return (*ZipInflateFully)(in, inSize, out, outSize, pmsg);
1130 }
1132 int ClassLoader::crc32(int crc, const char* buf, int len) {
1133   assert(Crc32 != NULL, "ZIP_CRC32 is not found");
1134   return (*Crc32)(crc, (const jbyte*)buf, len);
1135 }
1137 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1138 void ClassLoader::initialize_module_loader_map(JImageFile* jimage) {
1139   if (!DumpSharedSpaces) {
1140     return; // only needed for CDS dump time
1141   }
1143   ResourceMark rm;
1144   jlong size;
1145   JImageLocationRef location = (*JImageFindResource)(jimage, JAVA_BASE_NAME, get_jimage_version_string(), MODULE_LOADER_MAP, &size);
1146   if (location == 0) {
1147     vm_exit_during_initialization(
1148       "Cannot find ModuleLoaderMap location from modules jimage.", NULL);
1149   }
1150   char* buffer = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, size + 1);
1151   buffer[size] = '\0';
1152   jlong read = (*JImageGetResource)(jimage, location, buffer, size);
1153   if (read != size) {
1154     vm_exit_during_initialization(
1155       "Cannot find ModuleLoaderMap resource from modules jimage.", NULL);
1156   }
1157   char* char_buf = (char*)buffer;
1158   int buflen = (int)strlen(char_buf);
1159   char* begin_ptr = char_buf;
1160   char* end_ptr = strchr(begin_ptr, '\n');
1161   bool process_boot_modules = false;
1162   _boot_modules_array = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule)
1163     GrowableArray<char*>(INITIAL_BOOT_MODULES_ARRAY_SIZE, true);
1164   _platform_modules_array = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule)
1165     GrowableArray<char*>(INITIAL_PLATFORM_MODULES_ARRAY_SIZE, true);
1166   while (end_ptr != NULL && (end_ptr - char_buf) < buflen) {
1167     // Allocate a buffer from the C heap to be appended to the _boot_modules_array
1168     // or the _platform_modules_array.
1169     char* temp_name = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, (size_t)(end_ptr - begin_ptr + 1), mtInternal);
1170     strncpy(temp_name, begin_ptr, end_ptr - begin_ptr);
1171     temp_name[end_ptr - begin_ptr] = '\0';
1172     if (strncmp(temp_name, "BOOT", 4) == 0) {
1173       process_boot_modules = true;
1174       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, temp_name);
1175     } else if (strncmp(temp_name, "PLATFORM", 8) == 0) {
1176       process_boot_modules = false;
1177       FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, temp_name);
1178     } else {
1179       // module name
1180       if (process_boot_modules) {
1181         _boot_modules_array->append(temp_name);
1182       } else {
1183         _platform_modules_array->append(temp_name);
1184       }
1185     }
1186     begin_ptr = ++end_ptr;
1187     end_ptr = strchr(begin_ptr, '\n');
1188   }
1189 }
1190 #endif
1192 // Function add_package extracts the package from the fully qualified class name
1193 // and checks if the package is in the boot loader's package entry table.  If so,
1194 // then it sets the classpath_index in the package entry record.
1195 //
1196 // The classpath_index field is used to find the entry on the boot loader class
1197 // path for packages with classes loaded by the boot loader from -Xbootclasspath/a
1198 // in an unnamed module.  It is also used to indicate (for all packages whose
1199 // classes are loaded by the boot loader) that at least one of the package's
1200 // classes has been loaded.
1201 bool ClassLoader::add_package(const char *fullq_class_name, s2 classpath_index, TRAPS) {
1202   assert(fullq_class_name != NULL, "just checking");
1204   // Get package name from fully qualified class name.
1205   ResourceMark rm;
1206   const char *cp = package_from_name(fullq_class_name);
1207   if (cp != NULL) {
1208     PackageEntryTable* pkg_entry_tbl = ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->packages();
1209     TempNewSymbol pkg_symbol = SymbolTable::new_symbol(cp, CHECK_false);
1210     PackageEntry* pkg_entry = pkg_entry_tbl->lookup_only(pkg_symbol);
1211     if (pkg_entry != NULL) {
1212       assert(classpath_index != -1, "Unexpected classpath_index");
1213       pkg_entry->set_classpath_index(classpath_index);
1214     } else {
1215       return false;
1216     }
1217   }
1218   return true;
1219 }
1221 oop ClassLoader::get_system_package(const char* name, TRAPS) {
1222   // Look up the name in the boot loader's package entry table.
1223   if (name != NULL) {
1224     TempNewSymbol package_sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, (int)strlen(name), CHECK_NULL);
1225     // Look for the package entry in the boot loader's package entry table.
1226     PackageEntry* package =
1227       ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->packages()->lookup_only(package_sym);
1229     // Return NULL if package does not exist or if no classes in that package
1230     // have been loaded.
1231     if (package != NULL && package->has_loaded_class()) {
1232       ModuleEntry* module = package->module();
1233       if (module->location() != NULL) {
1234         ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1235         Handle ml = java_lang_String::create_from_str(
1236           module->location()->as_C_string(), THREAD);
1237         return ml();
1238       }
1239       // Return entry on boot loader class path.
1240       Handle cph = java_lang_String::create_from_str(
1241         ClassLoader::classpath_entry(package->classpath_index())->name(), THREAD);
1242       return cph();
1243     }
1244   }
1245   return NULL;
1246 }
1248 objArrayOop ClassLoader::get_system_packages(TRAPS) {
1249   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1250   // List of pointers to PackageEntrys that have loaded classes.
1251   GrowableArray<PackageEntry*>* loaded_class_pkgs = new GrowableArray<PackageEntry*>(50);
1252   {
1253     MutexLocker ml(Module_lock, THREAD);
1255     PackageEntryTable* pe_table =
1256       ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->packages();
1258     // Collect the packages that have at least one loaded class.
1259     for (int x = 0; x < pe_table->table_size(); x++) {
1260       for (PackageEntry* package_entry = pe_table->bucket(x);
1261            package_entry != NULL;
1262            package_entry = package_entry->next()) {
1263         if (package_entry->has_loaded_class()) {
1264           loaded_class_pkgs->append(package_entry);
1265         }
1266       }
1267     }
1268   }
1271   // Allocate objArray and fill with java.lang.String
1272   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(),
1273                                            loaded_class_pkgs->length(), CHECK_NULL);
1274   objArrayHandle result(THREAD, r);
1275   for (int x = 0; x < loaded_class_pkgs->length(); x++) {
1276     PackageEntry* package_entry = loaded_class_pkgs->at(x);
1277     Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(package_entry->name(), CHECK_NULL);
1278     result->obj_at_put(x, str());
1279   }
1280   return result();
1281 }
1283 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1284 s2 ClassLoader::module_to_classloader(const char* module_name) {
1286   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "dump time only");
1287   assert(_boot_modules_array != NULL, "_boot_modules_array is NULL");
1288   assert(_platform_modules_array != NULL, "_platform_modules_array is NULL");
1290   int array_size = _boot_modules_array->length();
1291   for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
1292     if (strcmp(module_name, _boot_modules_array->at(i)) == 0) {
1293       return BOOT_LOADER;
1294     }
1295   }
1297   array_size = _platform_modules_array->length();
1298   for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
1299     if (strcmp(module_name, _platform_modules_array->at(i)) == 0) {
1300       return PLATFORM_LOADER;
1301     }
1302   }
1304   return APP_LOADER;
1305 }
1307 s2 ClassLoader::classloader_type(Symbol* class_name, ClassPathEntry* e, int classpath_index, TRAPS) {
1308   assert(DumpSharedSpaces, "Only used for CDS dump time");
1310   // obtain the classloader type based on the class name.
1311   // First obtain the package name based on the class name. Then obtain
1312   // the classloader type based on the package name from the jimage using
1313   // a jimage API. If the classloader type cannot be found from the
1314   // jimage, it is determined by the class path entry.
1315   jshort loader_type = ClassLoader::APP_LOADER;
1316   if (e->is_jrt()) {
1317     ResourceMark rm;
1318     TempNewSymbol pkg_name = InstanceKlass::package_from_name(class_name, CHECK_0);
1319     if (pkg_name != NULL) {
1320       const char* pkg_name_C_string = (const char*)(pkg_name->as_C_string());
1321       ClassPathImageEntry* cpie = (ClassPathImageEntry*)e;
1322       JImageFile* jimage = cpie->jimage();
1323       char* module_name = (char*)(*JImagePackageToModule)(jimage, pkg_name_C_string);
1324       if (module_name != NULL) {
1325         loader_type = ClassLoader::module_to_classloader(module_name);
1326       }
1327     }
1328   } else if (ClassLoaderExt::is_boot_classpath(classpath_index)) {
1329     loader_type = ClassLoader::BOOT_LOADER;
1330   }
1331   return loader_type;
1332 }
1333 #endif
1335 // caller needs ResourceMark
1336 const char* ClassLoader::file_name_for_class_name(const char* class_name,
1337                                                   int class_name_len) {
1338   assert(class_name != NULL, "invariant");
1339   assert((int)strlen(class_name) == class_name_len, "invariant");
1341   static const char class_suffix[] = ".class";
1343   char* const file_name = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char,
1344                                              class_name_len +
1345                                              sizeof(class_suffix)); // includes term NULL
1347   strncpy(file_name, class_name, class_name_len);
1348   strncpy(&file_name[class_name_len], class_suffix, sizeof(class_suffix));
1350   return file_name;
1351 }
1353 ClassPathEntry* find_first_module_cpe(ModuleEntry* mod_entry,
1354                                       const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list) {
1355   int num_of_entries = module_list->length();
1356   const Symbol* class_module_name = mod_entry->name();
1358   // Loop through all the modules in either the patch-module or exploded entries looking for module
1359   for (int i = 0; i < num_of_entries; i++) {
1360     ModuleClassPathList* module_cpl = module_list->at(i);
1361     Symbol* module_cpl_name = module_cpl->module_name();
1363     if (module_cpl_name->fast_compare(class_module_name) == 0) {
1364       // Class' module has been located.
1365       return module_cpl->module_first_entry();
1366     }
1367   }
1368   return NULL;
1369 }
1372 // Search either the patch-module or exploded build entries for class.
1373 ClassFileStream* ClassLoader::search_module_entries(const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list,
1374                                                     const char* const class_name,
1375                                                     const char* const file_name,
1376                                                     TRAPS) {
1377   ClassFileStream* stream = NULL;
1379   // Find the class' defining module in the boot loader's module entry table
1380   PackageEntry* pkg_entry = get_package_entry(class_name, ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data(), CHECK_NULL);
1381   ModuleEntry* mod_entry = (pkg_entry != NULL) ? pkg_entry->module() : NULL;
1383   // If the module system has not defined java.base yet, then
1384   // classes loaded are assumed to be defined to java.base.
1385   // When java.base is eventually defined by the module system,
1386   // all packages of classes that have been previously loaded
1387   // are verified in ModuleEntryTable::verify_javabase_packages().
1388   if (!Universe::is_module_initialized() &&
1389       !ModuleEntryTable::javabase_defined() &&
1390       mod_entry == NULL) {
1391     mod_entry = ModuleEntryTable::javabase_moduleEntry();
1392   }
1394   // The module must be a named module
1395   ClassPathEntry* e = NULL;
1396   if (mod_entry != NULL && mod_entry->is_named()) {
1397     if (module_list == _exploded_entries) {
1398       // The exploded build entries can be added to at any time so a lock is
1399       // needed when searching them.
1400       assert(!ClassLoader::has_jrt_entry(), "Must be exploded build");
1401       MutexLocker ml(Module_lock, THREAD);
1402       e = find_first_module_cpe(mod_entry, module_list);
1403     } else {
1404       e = find_first_module_cpe(mod_entry, module_list);
1405     }
1406   }
1408   // Try to load the class from the module's ClassPathEntry list.
1409   while (e != NULL) {
1410     stream = e->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1411     // No context.check is required since CDS is not supported
1412     // for an exploded modules build or if --patch-module is specified.
1413     if (NULL != stream) {
1414       return stream;
1415     }
1416     e = e->next();
1417   }
1418   // If the module was located, break out even if the class was not
1419   // located successfully from that module's ClassPathEntry list.
1420   // There will not be another valid entry for that module.
1421   return NULL;
1422 }
1424 InstanceKlass* ClassLoader::load_class(Symbol* name, bool search_append_only, TRAPS) {
1425   assert(name != NULL, "invariant");
1426   assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "must be a JavaThread");
1428   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1429   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1431   const char* const class_name = name->as_C_string();
1433   EventMark m("loading class %s", class_name);
1435   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1436                                                          name->utf8_length());
1437   assert(file_name != NULL, "invariant");
1439   ClassLoaderExt::Context context(class_name, file_name, THREAD);
1441   // Lookup stream for parsing .class file
1442   ClassFileStream* stream = NULL;
1443   s2 classpath_index = 0;
1444   ClassPathEntry* e = NULL;
1446   // If DumpSharedSpaces is true boot loader visibility boundaries are set to:
1447   //   - [jimage] + [_first_append_entry to _last_append_entry] (all path entries).
1448   //
1449   // If search_append_only is true, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1450   // set to be _first_append_entry to the end. This includes:
1451   //   [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1452   //
1453   // If both DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are false, boot loader
1454   // visibility boundaries are set to be the --patch-module entries plus the base piece.
1455   // This would include:
1456   //   [--patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*]; [jimage | exploded module build]
1457   //
1458   // DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are mutually exclusive and cannot
1459   // be true at the same time.
1460   assert(!(DumpSharedSpaces && search_append_only), "DumpSharedSpaces and search_append_only are both true");
1462   // Load Attempt #1: --patch-module
1463   // Determine the class' defining module.  If it appears in the _patch_mod_entries,
1464   // attempt to load the class from those locations specific to the module.
1465   // Specifications to --patch-module can contain a partial number of classes
1466   // that are part of the overall module definition.  So if a particular class is not
1467   // found within its module specification, the search should continue to Load Attempt #2.
1468   // Note: The --patch-module entries are never searched if the boot loader's
1469   //       visibility boundary is limited to only searching the append entries.
1470   if (_patch_mod_entries != NULL && !search_append_only) {
1471     // At CDS dump time, the --patch-module entries are ignored. That means a
1472     // class is still loaded from the runtime image even if it might
1473     // appear in the _patch_mod_entries. The runtime shared class visibility
1474     // check will determine if a shared class is visible based on the runtime
1475     // environemnt, including the runtime --patch-module setting.
1476     if (!DumpSharedSpaces) {
1477       stream = search_module_entries(_patch_mod_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1478     }
1479   }
1481   // Load Attempt #2: [jimage | exploded build]
1482   if (!search_append_only && (NULL == stream)) {
1483     if (has_jrt_entry()) {
1484       e = _jrt_entry;
1485       stream = _jrt_entry->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1486       if (!context.check(stream, classpath_index)) {
1487         return NULL;
1488       }
1489     } else {
1490       // Exploded build - attempt to locate class in its defining module's location.
1491       assert(_exploded_entries != NULL, "No exploded build entries present");
1492       stream = search_module_entries(_exploded_entries, class_name, file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1493     }
1494   }
1496   // Load Attempt #3: [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1497   if ((search_append_only || DumpSharedSpaces) && (NULL == stream)) {
1498     // For the boot loader append path search, the starting classpath_index
1499     // for the appended piece is always 1 to account for either the
1500     // _jrt_entry or the _exploded_entries.
1501     assert(classpath_index == 0, "The classpath_index has been incremented incorrectly");
1502     classpath_index = 1;
1504     e = _first_append_entry;
1505     while (e != NULL) {
1506       stream = e->open_stream(file_name, CHECK_NULL);
1507       if (!context.check(stream, classpath_index)) {
1508         return NULL;
1509       }
1510       if (NULL != stream) {
1511         break;
1512       }
1513       e = e->next();
1514       ++classpath_index;
1515     }
1516   }
1518   if (NULL == stream) {
1519     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1520       tty->print_cr("Preload Warning: Cannot find %s", class_name);
1521     }
1522     return NULL;
1523   }
1525   stream->set_verify(context.should_verify(classpath_index));
1527   ClassLoaderData* loader_data = ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data();
1528   Handle protection_domain;
1530   InstanceKlass* result = KlassFactory::create_from_stream(stream,
1531                                                            name,
1532                                                            loader_data,
1533                                                            protection_domain,
1534                                                            NULL, // host_klass
1535                                                            NULL, // cp_patches
1536                                                            THREAD);
1538     if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1539       tty->print_cr("Preload Error: Failed to load %s", class_name);
1540     }
1541     return NULL;
1542   }
1544   return context.record_result(name, e, classpath_index, result, THREAD);
1545 }
1547 // Initialize the class loader's access to methods in libzip.  Parse and
1548 // process the boot classpath into a list ClassPathEntry objects.  Once
1549 // this list has been created, it must not change order (see class PackageInfo)
1550 // it can be appended to and is by jvmti and the kernel vm.
1552 void ClassLoader::initialize() {
1555   if (UsePerfData) {
1556     // jvmstat performance counters
1557     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_accumulated_time, SUN_CLS, "time");
1558     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_init_time, SUN_CLS, "classInitTime");
1559     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_init_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classInitTime.self");
1560     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_verify_time, SUN_CLS, "classVerifyTime");
1561     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_verify_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classVerifyTime.self");
1562     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_link_time, SUN_CLS, "classLinkedTime");
1563     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_link_selftime, SUN_CLS, "classLinkedTime.self");
1564     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_classes_inited, SUN_CLS, "initializedClasses");
1565     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_classes_linked, SUN_CLS, "linkedClasses");
1566     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_classes_verified, SUN_CLS, "verifiedClasses");
1568     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_parse_time, SUN_CLS, "parseClassTime");
1569     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_class_parse_selftime, SUN_CLS, "parseClassTime.self");
1570     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_sys_class_lookup_time, SUN_CLS, "lookupSysClassTime");
1571     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_shared_classload_time, SUN_CLS, "sharedClassLoadTime");
1572     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_sys_classload_time, SUN_CLS, "sysClassLoadTime");
1573     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_app_classload_time, SUN_CLS, "appClassLoadTime");
1574     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_app_classload_selftime, SUN_CLS, "appClassLoadTime.self");
1575     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_perf_app_classload_count, SUN_CLS, "appClassLoadCount");
1576     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_define_appclasses, SUN_CLS, "defineAppClasses");
1577     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_define_appclass_time, SUN_CLS, "defineAppClassTime");
1578     NEWPERFTICKCOUNTER(_perf_define_appclass_selftime, SUN_CLS, "defineAppClassTime.self");
1579     NEWPERFBYTECOUNTER(_perf_app_classfile_bytes_read, SUN_CLS, "appClassBytes");
1580     NEWPERFBYTECOUNTER(_perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read, SUN_CLS, "sysClassBytes");
1583     // The following performance counters are added for measuring the impact
1584     // of the bug fix of 6365597. They are mainly focused on finding out
1585     // the behavior of system & user-defined classloader lock, whether
1586     // ClassLoader.loadClass/findClass is being called synchronized or not.
1587     // Also two additional counters are created to see whether 'UnsyncloadClass'
1588     // flag is being set or not and how many times load_instance_class call
1589     // fails with linkageError etc.
1590     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_sync_systemLoaderLockContentionRate, SUN_CLS,
1591                         "systemLoaderLockContentionRate");
1592     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_sync_nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate, SUN_CLS,
1593                         "nonSystemLoaderLockContentionRate");
1594     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter, SUN_CLS,
1595                         "jvmFindLoadedClassNoLockCalls");
1596     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter, SUN_CLS,
1597                         "jvmDefineClassNoLockCalls");
1599     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_sync_JNIDefineClassLockFreeCounter, SUN_CLS,
1600                         "jniDefineClassNoLockCalls");
1602     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_unsafe_defineClassCallCounter, SUN_CLS,
1603                         "unsafeDefineClassCalls");
1605     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_isUnsyncloadClass, SUN_CLS, "isUnsyncloadClassSet");
1606     NEWPERFEVENTCOUNTER(_load_instance_class_failCounter, SUN_CLS,
1607                         "loadInstanceClassFailRate");
1609     // increment the isUnsyncloadClass counter if UnsyncloadClass is set.
1610     if (UnsyncloadClass) {
1611       _isUnsyncloadClass->inc();
1612     }
1613   }
1615   // lookup zip library entry points
1616   load_zip_library();
1617   // lookup jimage library entry points
1618   load_jimage_library();
1619 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1620   // initialize search path
1621   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1622     _shared_paths_misc_info = SharedClassUtil::allocate_shared_paths_misc_info();
1623   }
1624 #endif
1625   setup_bootstrap_search_path();
1626 }
1628 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1629 void ClassLoader::initialize_shared_path() {
1630   if (DumpSharedSpaces) {
1631     ClassLoaderExt::setup_search_paths();
1632     _shared_paths_misc_info->write_jint(0); // see comments in SharedPathsMiscInfo::check()
1633   }
1634 }
1635 #endif
1637 jlong ClassLoader::classloader_time_ms() {
1638   return UsePerfData ?
1639     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_accumulated_time->get_value()) : -1;
1640 }
1642 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_count() {
1643   return UsePerfData ? _perf_classes_inited->get_value() : -1;
1644 }
1646 jlong ClassLoader::class_init_time_ms() {
1647   return UsePerfData ?
1648     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_init_time->get_value()) : -1;
1649 }
1651 jlong ClassLoader::class_verify_time_ms() {
1652   return UsePerfData ?
1653     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_verify_time->get_value()) : -1;
1654 }
1656 jlong ClassLoader::class_link_count() {
1657   return UsePerfData ? _perf_classes_linked->get_value() : -1;
1658 }
1660 jlong ClassLoader::class_link_time_ms() {
1661   return UsePerfData ?
1662     Management::ticks_to_ms(_perf_class_link_time->get_value()) : -1;
1663 }
1665 int ClassLoader::compute_Object_vtable() {
1666   // hardwired for JDK1.2 -- would need to duplicate class file parsing
1667   // code to determine actual value from file
1668   // Would be value '11' if finals were in vtable
1669   int JDK_1_2_Object_vtable_size = 5;
1670   return JDK_1_2_Object_vtable_size * vtableEntry::size();
1671 }
1674 void classLoader_init1() {
1675   ClassLoader::initialize();
1676 }
1678 // Complete the ClassPathEntry setup for the boot loader
1679 void ClassLoader::classLoader_init2(TRAPS) {
1680   // Setup the list of module/path pairs for --patch-module processing
1681   // This must be done after the SymbolTable is created in order
1682   // to use fast_compare on module names instead of a string compare.
1683   if (Arguments::get_patch_mod_prefix() != NULL) {
1684     setup_patch_mod_entries();
1685   }
1687   // Create the ModuleEntry for java.base (must occur after setup_patch_mod_entries
1688   // to successfully determine if java.base has been patched)
1689   create_javabase();
1691   // Setup the initial java.base/path pair for the exploded build entries.
1692   // As more modules are defined during module system initialization, more
1693   // entries will be added to the exploded build array.
1694   if (!has_jrt_entry()) {
1695     assert(!DumpSharedSpaces, "DumpSharedSpaces not supported with exploded module builds");
1696     assert(!UseSharedSpaces, "UsedSharedSpaces not supported with exploded module builds");
1697     // Set up the boot loader's _exploded_entries list.  Note that this gets
1698     // done before loading any classes, by the same thread that will
1699     // subsequently do the first class load. So, no lock is needed for this.
1700     assert(_exploded_entries == NULL, "Should only get initialized once");
1701     _exploded_entries = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtModule)
1702       GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>(EXPLODED_ENTRY_SIZE, true);
1703     add_to_exploded_build_list(vmSymbols::java_base(), CHECK);
1704   }
1705 }
1708 bool ClassLoader::get_canonical_path(const char* orig, char* out, int len) {
1709   assert(orig != NULL && out != NULL && len > 0, "bad arguments");
1710   if (CanonicalizeEntry != NULL) {
1711     JavaThread* THREAD = JavaThread::current();
1712     JNIEnv* env = THREAD->jni_environment();
1713     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1715     // os::native_path writes into orig_copy
1716     char* orig_copy = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY_IN_THREAD(THREAD, char, strlen(orig)+1);
1717     strcpy(orig_copy, orig);
1718     if ((CanonicalizeEntry)(env, os::native_path(orig_copy), out, len) < 0) {
1719       return false;
1720     }
1721   } else {
1722     // On JDK 1.2.2 the Canonicalize does not exist, so just do nothing
1723     strncpy(out, orig, len);
1724     out[len - 1] = '\0';
1725   }
1726   return true;
1727 }
1729 void ClassLoader::create_javabase() {
1730   Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
1732   // Create java.base's module entry for the boot
1733   // class loader prior to loading j.l.Ojbect.
1734   ClassLoaderData* null_cld = ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data();
1736   // Get module entry table
1737   ModuleEntryTable* null_cld_modules = null_cld->modules();
1738   if (null_cld_modules == NULL) {
1739     vm_exit_during_initialization("No ModuleEntryTable for the boot class loader");
1740   }
1742   {
1743     MutexLocker ml(Module_lock, THREAD);
1744     ModuleEntry* jb_module = null_cld_modules->locked_create_entry_or_null(Handle(),
1745                                false, vmSymbols::java_base(), NULL, NULL, null_cld);
1746     if (jb_module == NULL) {
1747       vm_exit_during_initialization("Unable to create ModuleEntry for " JAVA_BASE_NAME);
1748     }
1749     ModuleEntryTable::set_javabase_moduleEntry(jb_module);
1750   }
1751 }
1753 #ifndef PRODUCT
1755 // CompileTheWorld
1756 //
1757 // Iterates over all class path entries and forces compilation of all methods
1758 // in all classes found. Currently, only zip/jar archives are searched.
1759 //
1760 // The classes are loaded by the Java level bootstrap class loader, and the
1761 // initializer is called. If DelayCompilationDuringStartup is true (default),
1762 // the interpreter will run the initialization code. Note that forcing
1763 // initialization in this way could potentially lead to initialization order
1764 // problems, in which case we could just force the initialization bit to be set.
1767 // We need to iterate over the contents of a zip/jar file, so we replicate the
1768 // jzcell and jzfile definitions from zip_util.h but rename jzfile to real_jzfile,
1769 // since jzfile already has a void* definition.
1770 //
1771 // Note that this is only used in debug mode.
1772 //
1773 // HotSpot integration note:
1774 // Matches zip_util.h 1.14 99/06/01 from jdk1.3 beta H build
1777 // JDK 1.3 version
1778 typedef struct real_jzentry {         /* Zip file entry */
1779     char *name;                 /* entry name */
1780     jint time;                  /* modification time */
1781     jint size;                  /* size of uncompressed data */
1782     jint csize;                 /* size of compressed data (zero if uncompressed) */
1783     jint crc;                   /* crc of uncompressed data */
1784     char *comment;              /* optional zip file comment */
1785     jbyte *extra;               /* optional extra data */
1786     jint pos;                   /* position of LOC header (if negative) or data */
1787 } real_jzentry;
1789 typedef struct real_jzfile {  /* Zip file */
1790     char *name;                 /* zip file name */
1791     jint refs;                  /* number of active references */
1792     jint fd;                    /* open file descriptor */
1793     void *lock;                 /* read lock */
1794     char *comment;              /* zip file comment */
1795     char *msg;                  /* zip error message */
1796     void *entries;              /* array of hash cells */
1797     jint total;                 /* total number of entries */
1798     unsigned short *table;      /* Hash chain heads: indexes into entries */
1799     jint tablelen;              /* number of hash eads */
1800     real_jzfile *next;        /* next zip file in search list */
1801     jzentry *cache;             /* we cache the most recently freed jzentry */
1802     /* Information on metadata names in META-INF directory */
1803     char **metanames;           /* array of meta names (may have null names) */
1804     jint metacount;             /* number of slots in metanames array */
1805     /* If there are any per-entry comments, they are in the comments array */
1806     char **comments;
1807 } real_jzfile;
1809 void ClassPathDirEntry::compile_the_world(Handle loader, TRAPS) {
1810   // For now we only compile all methods in all classes in zip/jar files
1811   tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld : Skipped classes in %s", _dir);
1812   tty->cr();
1813 }
1815 void ClassPathZipEntry::compile_the_world(Handle loader, TRAPS) {
1816   real_jzfile* zip = (real_jzfile*) _zip;
1817   tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld : Compiling all classes in %s", zip->name);
1818   tty->cr();
1819   // Iterate over all entries in zip file
1820   for (int n = 0; ; n++) {
1821     real_jzentry * ze = (real_jzentry *)((*GetNextEntry)(_zip, n));
1822     if (ze == NULL) break;
1823     ClassLoader::compile_the_world_in(ze->name, loader, CHECK);
1824   }
1826     if (PENDING_EXCEPTION->is_a(SystemDictionary::OutOfMemoryError_klass())) {
1828       tty->print_cr("\nCompileTheWorld : Ran out of memory\n");
1829       tty->print_cr("Increase class metadata storage if a limit was set");
1830     } else {
1831       tty->print_cr("\nCompileTheWorld : Unexpected exception occurred\n");
1832     }
1833   }
1834 }
1836 void ClassLoader::compile_the_world() {
1838   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1839   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1841   assert(has_jrt_entry(), "Compile The World not supported with exploded module build");
1843   // Find bootstrap loader
1844   Handle system_class_loader (THREAD, SystemDictionary::java_system_loader());
1845   jlong start = os::javaTimeMillis();
1847   // Compile the world for the modular java runtime image
1848   _jrt_entry->compile_the_world(system_class_loader, CATCH);
1850   // Iterate over all bootstrap class path appended entries
1851   ClassPathEntry* e = _first_append_entry;
1852   while (e != NULL) {
1853     assert(!e->is_jrt(), "A modular java runtime image is present on the list of appended entries");
1854     e->compile_the_world(system_class_loader, CATCH);
1855     e = e->next();
1856   }
1857   jlong end = os::javaTimeMillis();
1858   tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld : Done (%d classes, %d methods, " JLONG_FORMAT " ms)",
1859                 _compile_the_world_class_counter, _compile_the_world_method_counter, (end - start));
1860   {
1861     // Print statistics as if before normal exit:
1862     extern void print_statistics();
1863     print_statistics();
1864   }
1865   vm_exit(0);
1866 }
1868 int ClassLoader::_compile_the_world_class_counter = 0;
1869 int ClassLoader::_compile_the_world_method_counter = 0;
1870 static int _codecache_sweep_counter = 0;
1872 // Filter out all exceptions except OOMs
1873 static void clear_pending_exception_if_not_oom(TRAPS) {
1875       !PENDING_EXCEPTION->is_a(SystemDictionary::OutOfMemoryError_klass())) {
1877   }
1878   // The CHECK at the caller will propagate the exception out
1879 }
1881 /**
1882  * Returns if the given method should be compiled when doing compile-the-world.
1883  *
1884  * TODO:  This should be a private method in a CompileTheWorld class.
1885  */
1886 static bool can_be_compiled(methodHandle m, int comp_level) {
1887   assert(CompileTheWorld, "must be");
1889   // It's not valid to compile a native wrapper for MethodHandle methods
1890   // that take a MemberName appendix since the bytecode signature is not
1891   // correct.
1892   vmIntrinsics::ID iid = m->intrinsic_id();
1893   if (MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic(iid) && MethodHandles::has_member_arg(iid)) {
1894     return false;
1895   }
1897   return CompilationPolicy::can_be_compiled(m, comp_level);
1898 }
1900 void ClassLoader::compile_the_world_in(char* name, Handle loader, TRAPS) {
1901   if (string_ends_with(name, ".class")) {
1902     // We have a .class file
1903     int len = (int)strlen(name);
1904     char buffer[2048];
1905     strncpy(buffer, name, len - 6);
1906     buffer[len-6] = 0;
1907     // If the file has a period after removing .class, it's not really a
1908     // valid class file.  The class loader will check everything else.
1909     if (strchr(buffer, '.') == NULL) {
1910       _compile_the_world_class_counter++;
1911       if (_compile_the_world_class_counter > CompileTheWorldStopAt) return;
1913       // Construct name without extension
1914       TempNewSymbol sym = SymbolTable::new_symbol(buffer, CHECK);
1915       // Use loader to load and initialize class
1916       Klass* k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null(sym, loader, Handle(), THREAD);
1917       if (k != NULL && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
1918         k->initialize(THREAD);
1919       }
1920       bool exception_occurred = HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION;
1921       clear_pending_exception_if_not_oom(CHECK);
1922       if (CompileTheWorldPreloadClasses && k != NULL) {
1923         InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
1924         ConstantPool::preload_and_initialize_all_classes(ik->constants(), THREAD);
1925         if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
1926           // If something went wrong in preloading we just ignore it
1927           clear_pending_exception_if_not_oom(CHECK);
1928           tty->print_cr("Preloading failed for (%d) %s", _compile_the_world_class_counter, buffer);
1929         }
1930       }
1932       if (_compile_the_world_class_counter >= CompileTheWorldStartAt) {
1933         if (k == NULL || exception_occurred) {
1934           // If something went wrong (e.g. ExceptionInInitializerError) we skip this class
1935           tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld (%d) : Skipping %s", _compile_the_world_class_counter, buffer);
1936         } else {
1937           tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld (%d) : %s", _compile_the_world_class_counter, buffer);
1938           // Preload all classes to get around uncommon traps
1939           // Iterate over all methods in class
1940           int comp_level = CompilationPolicy::policy()->initial_compile_level();
1941           InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
1942           for (int n = 0; n < ik->methods()->length(); n++) {
1943             methodHandle m (THREAD, ik->methods()->at(n));
1944             if (can_be_compiled(m, comp_level)) {
1945               if (++_codecache_sweep_counter == CompileTheWorldSafepointInterval) {
1946                 // Give sweeper a chance to keep up with CTW
1947                 VM_CTWThreshold op;
1948                 VMThread::execute(&op);
1949                 _codecache_sweep_counter = 0;
1950               }
1951               // Force compilation
1952               CompileBroker::compile_method(m, InvocationEntryBci, comp_level,
1953                                             methodHandle(), 0, CompileTask::Reason_CTW, THREAD);
1954               if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
1955                 clear_pending_exception_if_not_oom(CHECK);
1956                 tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld (%d) : Skipping method: %s", _compile_the_world_class_counter, m->name_and_sig_as_C_string());
1957               } else {
1958                 _compile_the_world_method_counter++;
1959               }
1960               if (TieredCompilation && TieredStopAtLevel >= CompLevel_full_optimization) {
1961                 // Clobber the first compile and force second tier compilation
1962                 CompiledMethod* nm = m->code();
1963                 if (nm != NULL && !m->is_method_handle_intrinsic()) {
1964                   // Throw out the code so that the code cache doesn't fill up
1965                   nm->make_not_entrant();
1966                 }
1967                 CompileBroker::compile_method(m, InvocationEntryBci, CompLevel_full_optimization,
1968                                               methodHandle(), 0, CompileTask::Reason_CTW, THREAD);
1969                 if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
1970                   clear_pending_exception_if_not_oom(CHECK);
1971                   tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld (%d) : Skipping method: %s", _compile_the_world_class_counter, m->name_and_sig_as_C_string());
1972                 } else {
1973                   _compile_the_world_method_counter++;
1974                 }
1975               }
1976             } else {
1977               tty->print_cr("CompileTheWorld (%d) : Skipping method: %s", _compile_the_world_class_counter, m->name_and_sig_as_C_string());
1978             }
1980             CompiledMethod* nm = m->code();
1981             if (nm != NULL && !m->is_method_handle_intrinsic()) {
1982               // Throw out the code so that the code cache doesn't fill up
1983               nm->make_not_entrant();
1984             }
1985           }
1986         }
1987       }
1988     }
1989   }
1990 }
1992 #endif //PRODUCT
1994 // Please keep following two functions at end of this file. With them placed at top or in middle of the file,
1995 // they could get inlined by agressive compiler, an unknown trick, see bug 6966589.
1996 void PerfClassTraceTime::initialize() {
1997   if (!UsePerfData) return;
1999   if (_eventp != NULL) {
2000     // increment the event counter
2001     _eventp->inc();
2002   }
2004   // stop the current active thread-local timer to measure inclusive time
2005   _prev_active_event = -1;
2006   for (int i=0; i < EVENT_TYPE_COUNT; i++) {
2007      if (_timers[i].is_active()) {
2008        assert(_prev_active_event == -1, "should have only one active timer");
2009        _prev_active_event = i;
2010        _timers[i].stop();
2011      }
2012   }
2014   if (_recursion_counters == NULL || (_recursion_counters[_event_type])++ == 0) {
2015     // start the inclusive timer if not recursively called
2016     _t.start();
2017   }
2019   // start thread-local timer of the given event type
2020    if (!_timers[_event_type].is_active()) {
2021     _timers[_event_type].start();
2022   }
2023 }
2025 PerfClassTraceTime::~PerfClassTraceTime() {
2026   if (!UsePerfData) return;
2028   // stop the thread-local timer as the event completes
2029   // and resume the thread-local timer of the event next on the stack
2030   _timers[_event_type].stop();
2031   jlong selftime = _timers[_event_type].ticks();
2033   if (_prev_active_event >= 0) {
2034     _timers[_prev_active_event].start();
2035   }
2037   if (_recursion_counters != NULL && --(_recursion_counters[_event_type]) > 0) return;
2039   // increment the counters only on the leaf call
2040   _t.stop();
2041   _timep->inc(_t.ticks());
2042   if (_selftimep != NULL) {
2043     _selftimep->inc(selftime);
2044   }
2045   // add all class loading related event selftime to the accumulated time counter
2046   ClassLoader::perf_accumulated_time()->inc(selftime);
2048   // reset the timer
2049   _timers[_event_type].reset();
2050 }